HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-4-13 .. RES,tlNTlAL': APPLICATION /PEFMIT 225 North 5th Street Spri~~field, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 . r;J-J/) J (b}ojlP{l) J 7-03- '2. "?-/ij .lob Lcc::tion: AsaesGor: .\!ap il SlAbdiV'"';sicn: T= Lot .~ O/9e:>o ~_"er' lJ) 0 Q'rJ~f7 Jw.)1-),.,,~ A~d.-es"rO\C\I~ l~~ \~1 " Phone: C<ty:, ~ Ii \ l 1UQ ') Zi?, q f}411 rr n fXl n n 'JCOJ Desap-~be fl'Ol'k: Addition ~.~on RemodeZ .'10bi t2 .qoma Date of AppLicaticn ~::::~'O~_\l PP 1.\ Plumbina r Electri~a~ v Nechar.ic.:l Con8t~~ction L~nder C\)~P\h f\~ UNDrRsr,;.B ?[,U.'.f3D1G_ =DEt:?9IC,IL NECH).,~,1jC:"L: To be lr.ade befoI't1 work is ..zovcrea. 00 FOOT ING ~ FOUt/VA T :0:1: To be ::-ace after trenches are excGrJated ar~ forms ~e ar6c:ed~ but; prier to pouring ccnc~et;. xl U.~lDZRG.o/)r;.'!!) ?:'UM~D'G, SE:.rr:.9, W,lTER. DRAINAG2: I'o oe ma.::.e pr~ol' !:o fi i.- Ur.g r;rer.ches. o [tJ UNDERFLOOR !,!.ij,'.$I:lG :'I MECHANICAL: 1'0 be maC.6 prier :0 inatcL.Lation of 11001' insuLa~ion or decking. ?'JST AND BEAU: To be made prior to instaLlation of' floor instolation or deakino;, RO'/GH ?':,r.r.~B!,'!GA!.EC';'.l?!C,.l,!:,'~ .'.fFC.q- AHIeA!..: ....0 ''':ol'k---r.. ..v Of; cOI.:ereG ur.til ;r.esa ~r~~ectior.s have ~~er. ~~e ar~.~?r,ve~. Ft"~::PLACE: mol' to pLaeir.g f'ccing~ mc:al'iaL.s ar.d betol's frar.rir.g inspee- tior.. PR..4..'~I:'1t;: ,'.1u3t,;0 r'sc;ueoted af'"';sI' appl'ov~l of r~gh ;LUff~ingJ ~Lectri- eaL j mecr.an~az.. At! rooj:.r.g bracing 5 ahi:Trl1CYSJ at.::. :~'..lsr; be . cOmDLe:cd. :!o -..;ark is to blJ cen- .. cec:led until this ir:soec:ian r.as 'been ,T.ada end approved. [EJ' o ~ VJ ()()O . 00 - ,,~cce-::'::Jr.; ;1 . (0 1'J'7/9 Value Addr!<S3 \ '..1-\.Q \. q. o * Sigr.ed: Date: f A.dM-f ) L/ - r-3-tfY.::v ,A\ - ~i~ ~ 1 a~r;i \ \) Phone ')'q f\ ~ Sy 'Y) " DFNOLITIOH OR i.JOVE'; 3UILDI;"CS ~ Sani~d se~er capped =t ~op;r~i Liroe ~ Septi.:: tank p~~~d ~~ f~LL.d ~~th ;ra~8~ :J FinaL - [fher: aXve i-te:;:s are cc."::::,l.iJtec and when ie~L~tior. is c~z.e=e or st~~~. ~e moved ar~ ?r~;ses .::Leaned up. Mooi le HC.';'ies :::J Blocking and Set-~p :::J Plumbing cor:nec:i~n8 8&W9I' ar~ ~a~sr :::J Elcct'l"';caZ Ccnr.ec'tion . BLocking, BB't-!~P and pl.umbing connections ~~8t !;Q C??r':JV41C be;ore request~ng ~!ec~rical ins?ectio~ .=J Acces3o.';,. 3uiZ.:i:.r"J :J finaL - Aft~r ;~rcr.BsJ etc. are e~pl2=~d. sk.~I'ting, aee;:s, I;. is tho I'!lBpO?1oibiZity of thM permit hcZdsr to see that aU inapectiona are ,';'iade at the pl'oper tim", that iU:;ch ddress is l'eaiab:41 from the street, and thac the permit c:uod is L.xated at the [1'Cnt of the ;;roper'ty. ~Eui!di~~ ~vi~io~ approved pLzn sh=Lt remain on the Building Sit$ at aLL timES. ?'?OC!DU.r~E fOR INSP~CTION RE'OueST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state yOUl" City Jesigr.:zted job m.o;;ber, job aCCrcss, type of ir.:1pec:icn raquested a~~ when you ~iZL be ~eady for ir~pcction, Contractors or ~~e~s r~~e ~r.d pr~r.e number. Requests receivad befcro 7:00 ~ ....>iZL be "..ade the sarns dc.y, requests mcde aft;;.... 7:()O a:n r.n:z.z be nruie the nat :.;orkin.; dab. . . . 4 Your City Deciqr.atcd Job Nwnbu Io: ~~\S \ qptnli"'D~ ~~~~D~t~r.~~ O SITE ;,'l~PE~!ON: ~o be nr:de ajter ercavat~on, :Jut p~ar tc set up at fOmls. o ~ any I Xl IliSULATION/VAPO.9. S.4RRI2R I."!SFEC':'IOtl: To oe made after all ir.S"..ll,::t~1t tr.d . racr.l-:.red vapor bCIl'T'ier8 are in oZaae . Cut cefore any lath, gypsum DaCre 01' t..l:1ll. covering is cpplied. c::r.d before any insu lation is ceneea Led. o All projecr; conditions, 3UC~ cs tr~ insr;aLZacion ot street :l'dOS, :~~Za:~~n of :~ required !..andsccpir.g, etc. J must be sar;is........ed oo:fore the BU;LrJI::C FI;':AL ::c.n be T'a(jU3St,zc. 0" FINAL PLU:'(!JI:IG CJ. FINAL !1E~l!A:1ICAL LKJ. FINAL ELEC':RIC;'; l:=J o PINAL BUILDLVG: T"r.e Fincl Building !nspo1ction ."'mJ.st os reaueotec cfter r;r.a ,,:;'ir.al Pb::-:bing Slectr>icaZ, ou: Necr.ar:icc.l InspectionD have been mace and apprcllec". fYl DR~"'ALl. INS.E:C!'ICN: Tc be ,':".aCe ~ af;sI' aLL cr1uclLis in place, but prior <=0 any :aping. o MASO.'lRY: Stee Z beams, grcu tir..g ~corda:nc8 tJi:h 2415. WOODSTOVE: AfteI' installation i.s Location~ bond 01' llBrticcZs in U.B.C. Section .ALt, MANHOLES AND CLEANOUT5 NUST BE .J.CCESSIB[,E, ADJUST,'!S::T TO 32 .~:''''DE ,:1' NO ::JS'i' TQ CI':'! J :1.......01 of.:! o ccmpL..et~d. o CURB & A.t."PROACH _4P.~ON: After fOrr:1s ae erected but p'l"';or to pouring OOn:::rete. SIDEWALL<. d DRn'Efo/AY: FoI' a!Z. ccn- creca paving ~ithin street right- Of-I;;CY, to be made atter alZ exec.. vat~r.a cr;r.t!)~ete & f"01"i.l '.JOrk & ~uh- base .~.c:terial' in pl.a~e. o o :~NC!: ;,mer. comvloite -- ?rOtJiCB gam cr .71otJahle- sec:icns thrcugr. P.ll.E. o SOLAR.CESS REQ.~"qe 2 CCC".4~anc:J Crou::: ,R-- ~ I i JOB No.zs3/..f"/l./ I :~e: .l?-(. I [,ot Sq. Ft;. ! ~ :;1 toe C.jl)B'l"ag. "~ of Stories I. . 1 u . . \..o..a.. ..e1.G'nt: I " I Topography I I'!E.'.f SQ. FTC ,'.k:in ~~CB Car=.?rt ...c.?esso!"'J !A;P/J/tPN I ' '!'OTA& ;'ALUE Is. D.C. I ( 1.1c:.'-,,"C) J,5= Euildin.g Permi t State Surch~qe To-:aZ Cr.a.....ge3 I I~,N 110'1 I :i--::ures . !ResidentiaZ (1 bath) 'j Sar.-:.t.:I.T"j SewSI' I ;Va~e!' Plumbing Perr.:i t Btata Surcr~e Tetal Chcraes II:'Df LCT T'fPE Ir:terior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-saa x -- F2es "I,,:.l I I I I ~-1 ~.~I" I'- I ~tJ.-1 I.~I o//.60 I,: Value FEE CHARGE .'?es. Sa. fta. N3W/Ertend Cirocui ts 1 .vo. I . _~ CHfi.RGE I I I:z.,,!~ IS.... Temporary Service Ele::trical Permit St:::.te Sur::harce Total C'flllI'ces I iT,M I ?:.a>r'::CI2 ETU'S I E:::haus t Hood. I Vent Fan I iJoods:;:o;;e I i !IC'I I Permi 1; 13suc:nce Med".anic::.t Permi t Stat~ Surchi:::r!Je To tr. 1.. C'hcr?t?!J I ISec-.A.p';tu -- C::ICRCACHN:;;'!T -- D2~osit Stora.ge ,'.fa"':nt~e I Pcrrrrit Total C'rtal"'j(JS CurbC"..I:; Sidewl'k I ?en~e ! ~Z~c~rical label , ! ."'obi la Heme I TOTAr. A.~!OUNT DUE:'- I IS:- I . ~t!) I IS.'() I, ~~~ CHARGE I ." 57. ~c I Lot Faces ~ I I P. [,'1 House llIor~h lEast ISou th IWest . 'Ti:t'peICor..st: ,,~I\I 1 I Enerau Sour~es I I Hear; I A.ccess. I ! II II II II T;;r:e L-COG~. 3~dr?oms: A'bD 2. Setbacks I CaI'aqe I ;.(ater'~~Q~':?r' Ranqe Fireoiaae Wooa:;;t;o:.:e .,' Building Value '& Perrhi t This pe1"l'l1it i:; granted on the e:press -::onditi.on that the sdid. constl'uc::ion shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance ~dopted by the :it~ of Sprir.gf~eZd, "':nc!uding the Zonin.g Crd-:.n.ance, l'egtilc.tiltg the ccr.sc:~,ct;"':cr. ~~ U$8 of buildings, and m~y be aU$penfed or revokec.at cr.y time ~;or. vio- lation of zny pl'::IVi3ior:s of said Ordir..ances. .' IPlan Check Fee: /2.00 I Date Paid: 3 -..!)4-E-J?' IRecsipt #: CoCJ(04j ISigned:"1y' ".,j Plumbing Permit No, pereon shall construct, instal!, aUer 01' change any new czt e:::isdng plumbing 01' dra~nage 8Y8te~ in ~hole or in part, unless such person is tr~ legal possessozt of a valid plumber's license, e=cept tr~t a pel'son ma~ do plur.:bing :Jork to proper'C-i which is atmed, 'leased or opercted by the appli- cant. ./ I I. Electrical Permi t Whezte State Law requires tr.at the electl"";cal. tJoztk be done by an Electrical Contractor, ths electrical portion of this permit shall not ba valid until. the label has been signed by the Elec1:rical ~ontractor. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I ,~ Mechanical Permit , ~~w.~ '1-/3-83 L..'Cz!:c3 I HAVE CAREFULLY ~XA.'-fINED t.'-te corr:pleted c:pplication jor permit, and do hereby certify that all infol'mation hereon is t:ru:a and correct, ar~ I r.J.I'-=h.ezo cer"':ify that any ar.::1 all t.:ork perfo'!"med shall. be dO:1e i..: ac=or- dance with the Ordinances of the City of SpringjicUi, and th~ r~~s of th~ State of Oreg:J1t pzrt.::ining to the work desCl'"'':'bcd herein, c::r.d ::ha; NO OCCU- PI.HeY wilZ be made of c:rny st:ru:ctu.r03 without p:3r'f'niS3io~ of the Eu.ilding Ir':'- vision. I further =ertify th4t o~ly contractors ar.d ~l~ye€s Wr~ are i.n c~pliance with ORS 701.05E will be used en this projzct fi ~J/ v- '1~ 3 K3