HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-2-27 . I (-, ~~225,FIFTH?~ET Fi ,';'-, r T - { '\ EL 'TRlCALPERMITAPPLlCATJON ' .' ::t't.J1SpR})'iGI;~t[), OREG9)'197~7? .,;-J . '" " ~ " .' , , .. , .'" ,INSp'?CTlq~ REQtJ.E~T:, 726:3' 6?"'l ,', ';a;~.'~Oh Numh~r (j'?, ~ 0 q 2 ?> /:-0 I', ~ \ '( OFFICE: 726-3759 ,I 1 \'j ,: I .' I ' l ';! .. , '..., .,' .' . '" r;:'j) r ! n'JI ir~:\ ,",) ,j:, ,-,'3".COMPLkiEFEE'SCHEDULEBELOW,' . ,~"':l \~")_JI.L9CATIRNiOF~NSJ:~~t-TI?N'J' ,'ll;M,;) ,I','." ,'.., ..,. . "--. (In 9S'-t;:;(}{Jf!.f! 6,1, "5TJJ: C. "fPI~ij;[f'Nc\r Resldentllll-Smgle or -..~ . - , . J. Multi-Family per dwelling unit. ~'" ., LEGAL DESCRIPTION Sen'iee Included: ;'; " 176~ 27/0 OZl{7 Items Cost St;;n " 190 :(!jIHs~3 ' ' . !;G'r'$:.39Nl;IH3 00' gg$,'J:rUD3~ lWll' . "00" ,-,' "::I~'31Ll/>' , ;;., (." lJU a~...) VU' ~9180UO~la:#8N~1 1':','.' . 'Ii," , I'.,. )'..',. , J..QB DESCRIPTION The !,~wing p~oj,.c' as submlttad has the fOllglYiJ1Uq,ft. or less L,;~..j. / j7 Lp~(CJ/nrrV 1\)( iOrI,;r",ny.(l)~nol raqUlre s~eclflc landE'rrClt additional 500 r' ~, .l approval ,-j"f.1 I sq. ft or portion r-:;,< > - i Permits are ~on-transfcrable ancfoRpire "1.- ult:reOi t ,c~ .; if work is n?' lstaned wi9.\i\l180 days :J. - ;l. ..., .-0 ::..:1. I.lonufd Home or Ie . ,. <, i of issuance oi-ifwork is suspended for <::P')~ Modllla;Dwelling " " 180 da)'s, ',." AuthOrlZeo Slgnaluro S' F d '\, $ 50,00 t,:',..~.:":;~.,""\ ! . 1 erVlceor ee er /-;:.' _ ~ /,' ~ l.. ~ ,":: 2, CONTRACTOR INST ALLA TION ONLY B, Sel",ices or Feeders / \ [: , ~,' f .\ i)() /'> Installation, Alterations or \,:' i ::~;:(<:, EleclricallC~ittr.~eto{t-! i'hSC1i-O~l ~1\Y7 Relocation:;/ ' ' " "', . .,~' , I ,',,~ r ,: ,\ Address !;1'trf( Sf :y Au (24 S'J>. t~. C 200 amps or le~s ' . ,,':, . , .: ': ~~'3:0~'\,' ': ~,,:,,\,: Ci')'sfe'I0r,ht>~tOne e42h-/<(6~,,~~:~~:~~';~~~::~~ " ":l~~',~~" .; ,,' "I I \ \ ,( ~2;",o 6QI";,m~T6~OO amps $163,00 r""'. . i Supervisor License'NllIUber, <f;,..):....L) K f[) Over ~~~vOllS $375,00 .... ! I' ,V',,,' v, ' ,"Re~n~~,', --.:$ 50,00' '; ExpirationDate 'Iff/liD L :;., .........~ {t'j;:J . . ',i C' , /, U ct'Te'R!~""~!{? ~icesor Fe~ders ' , i":, j Constr Contr. NU1!!ber..l!3@.t:; 7 / }ni,fll~~o.Iterationor ~elocation>'J', ~ " A r ,......" ~ / /./-.:;:> .~$t'?ff'9J' . " .'''';'\.;\\l' ". I'" :',.., "Expiration Date /'()../~2,h 00 ' t$f',,fJ ~amps or less ,r, ,,::I' '-'. $5P,OO _, ~"~ ~~,', :~, '-~-......;.I.t',.. '" ,~. AOi-o.'psto 400 amps ,', ~.<i;-_~'$69,OO' , I ' "1 ......... ......~~~C .~.. ~1I ''I.~ ~ -:.-- 't'1 - C.<\;,,: " . Sign\ltllre ~r,Sllpenising Electrician ~ ($ ~~~~_401 t? 600 amps ,Jt.M (P /f)v~$I~.O,Q.O.:..........:..; \ ' ',' ',' 'J' 1" ~~.' ~ ,g. 8' ~<<) ~ver 600 amps O1:l~O,\oltS:seei ~',1i>:# /;:;~ , ,:","".,' ',?\, ': '"", :>i~~ if ~~"above :;,'-~P...;f~?ji!$f,~~,', , ' ,"" ,~';) ", ,-": ~ ~ f\ ~.f '<:;~ ~'l.' ~i., 1'~i'1f "', .i . . ~ " '- no' \~ ' ,'. 1:; 0 0 '.Iii ~ j;J",'li'> " 'r' " , , , (3..;' k ~l'1)SDranCh Circuits r'~' ~Qj ,-<::, .& " .... <:"" ~ ' , . " . 1-/? ;:::...- ~ I I ' ~w '" ~ ~J 0' ..~ i..:'"J""- I ,'. Own'ersName' ') L..L.; 'c;o"'- /J<l.. ~ Ne\VAlteration.or~'ExtensiO~p~,p.aitel'''' c." , Z \r' ~'<Jo:'"".."'~'" v{'" . ,',.: ' 96' ,- ',", \ I" ,,} 'lill."~ <iJ'~ ~ ",~ ' . . (1!r.' '7 '. ' :::.--. I"~Jil ... ,Qj,.q'~' ..$;~~,J t '. , Address,0 VJ::, (J}0e. r+ <::: I, ,~\c[, 't-'-, Orieprcui!.),,@}} # ~o !J ~"".f" $43.00 " '. '1. ,-, If; 't!'- ~'JY,'n' !lr 0'.;)~, . .1';: CitJ.Cf9 ~'?Rr$loite ': . ; ~~'Clt Ad1l1~!92?!,c,f~jJJf~'\<b\!>"l~ice " , .' " ; ~'.: ': ' ' ., r, or.Feeder Penl1lt~", .~O);::: <f! \, $ 3,00 ,. , ~'" .' "~l:~~t~~i~~~~~~~~~~e on, ( E, Mis~~(I;n~ous (g~~~~~~o~ncl~ed) .',:-:; ,,':: x:": p~opert)' Ioirn wl;ich is not intended ' I; !-Eaclti~si~Ilati~h ";'. \:...,. . ';".- ..' for sale, leas~ or rent.~ '",":: '.~ " h funip'o~:;~~igatibh "', J' ili ~~$50,OO . . ., '. ' ' I! Sign/()u1}inc Ligllting '; _'$50,00 , ,. Oivl1e~s'Sign"i~ri:: "', ;. . ,,-', ~.. \' L,imited Energ)'lR~s ,;, $25,.00 " 0 ',' " ' , \ ["S!init;d El1erg)'/C~mn:.. ' ~ $45,OO~ , . ", .. \ r ; ( j 1- - '. ; ~ . I\linimum Electric Permit Insp'cction Fce is $45.00 + Surcharges , j r. " .' \ '~. .;",- ~ ~ )\! ' 4, SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE . , .! . " 7% State Surch!trge ,,' 80/0 Administrative Fcc.... ..- ), / ..."" $106,00 i ~. '. $ 19,00 ~ ;. .J.~ ' ," '\ '. , ~...:~"~ .. . - _.-.....:--'_....;...~, TOTAL ,-' , )' "){ -'7_ l' .1,' '"' ~. .~, - ----'----- ,..;.-_.~