HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-6-5 ~ ...... I 7"253 ,~..--- I .,. Rccs!pt !I :.;~... 1'\ . .:.~_ '.'( .'\. .. RESIDIt'IAl" , APPLICAT I ,/PERMIT .. , 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ' F' Job '. .: ,I \....:1; ',' . ....' II ,'~ . ."1'\ '. Location: "'2c?~O (AO,K'./7- ?;/'-, F}--o-:S-27-/6 Tc:t: Lot H 6 l/2.~. .__1".:. \\3~ I Ii ....:.i I Fc'. /~//~~r '. rAdarm: 20.2 >2..~)?~ F,~ .Phone: 6Bb ~~ tCitlJ' ~-:~-r/k>.&/ L/~ 'Zip: ~7'7~e:__._. 1- I~, 'n .1dditicrI ,,'n Remodel tr71.>t .'!ob-!.ie ROr.tc . . ~C?- nato of AppHcaticnh- .5'~ ;:70 . 'ontractors ~ Addrpss ~enernl ~5,c277- /.{jj-"5:n~;;;'-/V ~lumbing #/i'PS/c)L;.?q' ' '1,lechanicnl 1"El,eccri.!'al /A>?~ ~~ =7' _. {\:' Suoe,J;".ifi;;r.1g"'E1ectr;ician ."'-;< 0 rcl\-k<:u -hJ'\')l-..:..-- /-b:?<> /~?i..uy:' ~7'?-~,?):?4-Ll/ ...,J. I' } /YP' /7- ~~:T/~5/ :: /7 ~ :,:,;n~rd""::-~?, ,~- 1~/7~_ ....>~~\V\,,'!i'!me ../,?',;.:.c..- ,-~/- , t7f;i>/4c / qee:z:;>. -p. Data: ,-;4'--s"- <?P , Value 'J#~ l~ _-- ~ -=-?o ,Lii;c. 11 . Hldrs lloard'R"2. [t in 'tho r(uJponoibility of tho poromit holder to 000 that an irllJpectiottB are, r:rada at the proper tim~# from the fJtroet, and 'that the pemt card is 'Locatod at the fI'(mt of the propeI'ty. " ..... .. ~ -4Eui!ding IXvi:::io~ appI'oL'cd plan shell remain on tha Building Sit::: at all times. .\,.\ . t . ....,. . I" FROCSDURE FOR INSPECTION RE;OUEST.:CALL 726-3769 (I'ccordcitJ state your City designated job number, requested a:",:d when you wil.l be I"cady for inspection, Contractors or Q.mers ncme and phone monbcr. :.."ilZ. bcmadc thi: came dcy, requests mcic after 7:00 cxn will bc.made the rlat :.JOI'king day. . ASGesCOrC Map H Subdivision: ctmer: i>'\W qpml'iYO"A T'.:l!1,,~(!Hc'1.q SITE INSPECTION: To bo made after c.:ccavati.:m, but prior to set up of forms. . UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL 11 : MECHANICAL: To be made bofore any work.is covcI'ed. '-;).. ~ FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To bo "",de after trenches are excavated and forma arc erected, but prior to pouring ecncret<. ?-,-\"1.1,. I ,\/ U.'ID~NG!IOU!!D PLUM8INC,~q~ ~, /'- DRAINAGE: To be rrr:zde prior to fiZ- .lir.g trenchec. . UNDE,qPWOR PLUl-aJING 11 MECHANICAL: . To bo made prior to inatal.lation of 1100r innu~tion or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made proioI' to instaZ~ticn of floor insulation or decking. ROlJGll PLlP.!RIllG. E~ECTRICAr. ,Il MECR- . ANICAL: No :JOrk is to bc cOI.:ered .ur.tiZ .these. inspectior:s have beer: made antI' approve::. . FIREPLACE: Prior to plc.cirJ] facing materiaZ~ and before framing inspec- tior.. FRAJaNC: Must be requeated aftor approval. of rough plwrbing, alcctr>i.- ,cal ~ mcchanU!al. Alt. roofing .'. bracirl{J t chimneys, eta. 17r.lst .be ;'complotad. . !lo)LX)rk 'in to be con- ..., cealed until thic incpcction has '.- bcc.~ madi: and approved.. ,FIliAL PWI/,/JI/IG FIliAL 1.fE!:RAlIICAL , o FINAL FlLECTRICI.L i Ic:;D , '. i;;;)"/"?t7 .. L:J,f.1fq[2 ~.7 '. I, ___.1 ... .. I "I '.' , ' ..' . . " . -. - - ~ . ...,--. Deccribc rl'o1'1(: ? Exo'ires Pronp ',. that each ~BSfJ is roadab!e Your CittJ DeGigr.ated Job Number Is: job 'address, type of in3poc~icn . Requests receivsd befora 7:00 c:t I. ~aa.:fJ.tr.~..) " .. D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION, DE/.fOLITIO/l OR gOVED BUILDIilGS To be made after all. insuZatian a~.d . I . ,.' " requ-:.rod vapor barriers arc in place .:- ~'S~i~aroy se'..)l~r' ~appe~ at 'p:.opert':/ lir.o ; .: . but beforo .any .lath, ![Ypswnboard or._ _ ......1 I " .' '.~, 'l'~ . I uxztt .co:VeM.~g 1.~ apphed, and before. ---, Septia "tank p"..ciiPcd cind filled i.1ith gm'Jel . any 1.nsuZat1.On 1.S concealed. !" _....:.....J ,.. . . . ':r '.11 ..N . "., .., ........ -~..,;......l::....l .>. ac~;:", ..... ....... '..:.. t D DRYWALL'IIISPECTION: Te bo "",do : =, Finai'~ f>'h"" obo";'. it"",. are ecmpioted after aU Crywll. is in placo, ~ ~ and ",hart demolition is complote or BtMl':~ but .prior to any taping.' . ture molJed.and p1'emisoo cleaned up. ::' .- t . - or- ...+-~ j , '. :.1 ... .... O MASONRY: Steel location, boiui beama, grouting or verticals in accordanco with U.B.C. Section '2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation io ccmploted. '. ..... . . . I Mobi lo Hemec D s (. :zJ Bi;cking and Set-up _ . L s? ZI PiUmbing conneetian8 I CURB & APPROACH APRON: After> forms \71 Elcc.trical Connecti.cn .. Blocking,' sot-up are erected but pr>i.o.r to pouroing ~').. LJ and pZumbing c011r.ection8 m".lst be approved caMaroto. before requesting elec~M.cal ins?oc~io~ sewor and L1Gtor t SIDErIALK & DRIver/At! For all con- : ' crete paving ",ithin street right- :=J Acaesco~':i... Building . .~.~. .i of-way, to' be made after' all e:cca-' '., ~" ':'.". . va~~g c~~e:~ ~ for: wrk .. cub- _ ~ ;'i~l ... .Aft;;,.... po't'Che;, s1d.rt~ng~ dec'ks, ba"e matenal l.n pZa~e.... S): dJ etc. tn'o carrpZtlt~d..'. o D PENCE: Whet: compl~te ...... Provide. gates or movable sections th1'OUgh' 'P.U.E. ' ' D 0,', , " I ;''''-1' 'I .,' _._J' . .... .. . ." ~. '. ... ~;"'''r ,.... ....~ 1 .'.,,~ ......., 'I' ;. . .... ..... l".. '."1 . . "!'.: ,," ,._ ..... ".' .-._..... I ,_ .._'.~~~..;-. .-'-.....-'-.. ..___ __.._.;.~;i All proj.ec't c(]t1ditions, cue!: as the i'.nstalZatu,n of street trees, co.-:rplotion of the ~ roequiroed Zandscc:pir.g, etc., must be satisfied bcfore.'the. BUILDINC. FINAL can.be l'tlquestad.: I ! . .' I . " r..c ] \"' I'" ~ ;. I ,.......-..~..__................_........_..,~...~_.,'...;. ~_... -~~.. I FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must bo .1'equeDtDd after .tho Final 'Plunib'ina ': E! t. ! -~ M ha' i It' h b' d'''~ d ....... ...'" , DC r1.ca, arK.;. ec r.1.ca >>spec ~onD ~a. eon:.ma erana.approve. "~"':"'l~"-""''''-''''-I,~..j..': , .J. 'r ,\',1':_'! .... ..t't.1 . . ' : '.1" , '. '. '. ' . . ,. ,:.; . ~ 1 ..j ....... -::i't;:"~.::'--:-'-'r'-":'''~ .!....-...:-.......-..... ....'..,..,..-:-,.. ::....... ,I. ,.'''., :;". ]'"" i : ~.:: t"1 1'.: r.'" fl .,.,,[.(, MMUlcr.F.S AND CLF.ANOUT[: //fI.'lT nF: ,."r:CF.S!;JD~F:, A!J.Tl/Rr!1E,'/r TO RF: /.fADE AT NO CDST TO CT"!'Y '/parr. 1 01 2 ;"1 ~'i "1 ~';~ . I (! ~~, 'I , I JOB NO. eiDOla::>-. L.. 0 t... Lot Sq. Ftg. s ~f lot C.:1IJ"""g' # of Stol'iee TotaZ Height Topography Oc::~"RG:_:'~l :..~;Q;- .,..'; (m'TY!'E.,~ fi',IU',;, -,":_' I Lot Faces - " '. ' ,II., , ,," ,I' Setbaaks , '.Interwr"H I . _f. .s:.;.'I!l~,'...\.' . 'P.L.' House Icarage :_:,qor~~e~,:h"';';;~, '," North T . PanhandZe East'" " ' , I ~. South I . Cul-de-saa' IWeat Zona: I;'?'.: ", :;;, , ,I lITEM > I : I.<irllr SQ.F'7'G IJ-I M I Cmtaae ;\"' CarOO'f't ': Acc8880rIJ ;::&::>T/~ TOTAL VAWE I '~~UCJ S.D.C. 1,5 x /'/..,~ I " Building permit Stat6 surahr.irge Total Cha.......g68 . I' i I.', ^'~ I.~~~ .. lITEM Fu~es I Resid~tU;Z (1 bath) I Sanita1'Y S~we1' I Wat~r l 1-- 1':7" 'I 2.. 'J ~ I ///f/ j/~~? Plumbing perrr.i, t '" State Surcr.a.Pgs ... .', i::,., ~ Total. Charges lITEM I Ra8.~";~.'"; '~ta. I Naw/Extend Circuits 14%_"..~~ ....,,,f SS1'1Jics NO. , ' ...~ ~'li. i: lITEM Pu1'~CS ETU' s' I &haust Hood , Vent Fan I WOodStOtJ6 I I- I" ,", psrmi,t Issuanca "'I~,.I\"'l" t., Ms(;hanical. Permit .'. ' . ,. ~ .., I:, i, Stato lp.a'charae Total. Charaeo :. I -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SeC"~ritll' D~1X)3it ; .",:t:- Sto1'age Maintenance pormit .... Totat C'haJ"t10S //,l:: Uc:'" .:>:,F' , ,. ..._...I..M" ;a...'2C;;~/?z~~ " " I sid""",Zk Fenoe " "'\.': Elect1'ical Lab6l MobUe Hane ~EroP'" -'S7'}d-~ f":;8t:...&/Y'C'cP , ~;ic.#-A'~C r::r I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' -- FeGs Value I ~.5CO'1 i--. I I 1 -500. c-l f I I~ I); 5'0 1-. '). "l .~. . .: . . x !.' .,.. - -.'" I \ I,] J: " , .,' L-COC" .-. ~-. . BedJ'oooms: ..~ Ens'f'q.u'So:-l'f'ces . I I Heat' v, Access. I I Wate~ .'JlU1t1T' I I Range I I FireD lace I I wood; tave , .11 I' '~. Type/Cor.at: '1:' ,'.. TUD8 " .1 ",. r I \ Buildin:g Value, & Permit This permit i:; granted on the expre:;3 condition that the Dciid.connt't'Uction , shaH, in all. 1'eDpcato, confprm to the Ol'dinance adopted by the City of I $pPingfield, inc!.uding the: Zoning erdinanae" regulating the aCl1stl"Kcticn and use of buildings, and'm~y be suspended or 'f'Gvokea at'cny ~ime upon vie.' ~tion of any p:oVioions'of said OTdinanacs. ,,' j- '7. l>- /Pj,).., " '):::1<:;-::>., /.-<>~ "vL /-f):'~ d. '.?S- l~ /5-: . I Plan Check Fnn: Ivate Paid: IReadpt II: ISigr.ad: CHARGE . It:' ~~ j - f --:;?,CP,- I -/.5-. ,e> Plumbing Permit . No perDOn DhalL construat, inot.al1., alter or change any r.eW 01' e::isting plUmbing or drainage system in whole 01' in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plwnber's l.icenas.. except tr.at a pS:'fJon may do plumbing work to propsrty which is owned, Zea:uzd 01' opc1'ated by the appl.i- cant. , /5-''''''' -:::;6'>_ pZ!9 - ?;> I /.9Z?I. .. "1"3~sol."': ,.. \ . , "~2c,.-l-IDS- ~/'- ~ . ~ /5-:' /) L' .5:':?~~ 7/ 05/.3'c>1. ,'r!'j FEE CHARGE ' I / ' ("?_:.-,. IeI' CC7 ,-;/,,;.:....l(Jp :~: , :~/.~~ b~ . . .' E~~riaaZ ~e""i;;:.:.:;.c.;. .: l,?,i::L~. -?-'~' , State Sura~;'e" ..' 'L/.J ')c?: :." ," I T~tall c~~~s\.r;-~"l y\\{~' j~;J?~\ 1.*1 I.' I NO. I FEE GHARGE , ,-. \ " I', '~H, '\;1 I ~ ,,:. .u,,' 'I ,'11;1, ~1: :., j,. 'r.~" .\" " ,';";1 .' : r'"' ~'l ." '" ..1 .-....i , ~~t t1_'....._.j 'I ~ -'.J - \, ..i ;-:7' ~, ~i -2r;C/:~ ,':)...' ,.' ," . , .;1 ~ :', " ' Electrical ,'. .'." Permi t . ;, I ~. ') ;".'Where State La1J 1'equires that the cleatl'ical work be done by an Elc(;trical Contraaror/'the electrical portion of thia permit oha'Ll, 1;:.ot be v~Ud until the tabel has been signed by the Electrical ~ontl'aator. " . f' Mechanical , , Permit. " " . .' I I . I 1', ' "I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for pel'l11it~ and do , he1'eby certify that all., info:omation hereon is true and cor'f'cct~ and I further certify that any ar.d a'Ll, work porformed aha'Ll, bo don,o 'in aaCO'f'- dano. ~th th. ONinanaGO of thG City of Spl'"in(Jf1.o1.d. and th.o Lcr..J8 of thQ . Stat. of Or.g~n p~~tatn~ng to thd work cdBa~bad ho~.~n.'cnd that'NO occu- PANCY win bo nr:zae of any 8t1'UC~Ul'a withoiJ.t p3rmi33ion of the Building Di- I vision. I furthe" a6!'Hfy that onZy aontroato"a ar.d ErnP~ye.s ,,1:0 are in I" ccrnpz.-::ance with ORS 701.055 wiU be used on this p1'oject . 4~k~~~ r IT;;: 1xcm'l.ne'7 ---""";. - ?5-9o J'Jai;e " , Si!)n:zd 7.~ / [A;t.: ~ -5~o;O ..- ~.~.-.....--. ......,.. .,.......". . ,. .. RESIDEIIAl" APPLICATIO f:RMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726:"3753 . ,b Location: --::? ?'.i:?c, ({'7 vA' "q. ,ceccoro Nap H 17<:::):5-2"/-/6 lbdivision: I,", .< C:;7" . . , , ' Ta:.: Lot /I 6 l/2.~- :!,er: F L - /15//0#./ :d:recc: 202':> 2- ~ ii'~ ~ ~ .Phone: 6"9&-9..--:s:-:<"" ~tt): *~~//4?~ c-/TY . zip: "?'7",/ij'g', :J..-NM" ~ .1dditicn "I Remodel 2?l .'-fobi.le nor.t:J . ". "'-~'"7" Describe rl'ortk: /-~75 &c1-"rr ~;:;17Q7'47~~, ji:.:sh ~ 5 5c=: ':""= tYt9///c / ""l~. ~"'" Value 'J#""'~ /'9tj-,."'-=-' ~ , ,Lise. II llldrs Ilonrd . ,.--: C?- Data of Applicationh- .s.,. 7~' . ~tractors Addre~~ ~ner"l ~5,c:d7' .U#"'lY,,-<O/'f-,-v ~umbing #jRp's ;OL~~ .' , cchanicnl f" ~eccr:i.!;al /~~ :::::rr c7 'I Q -l.J.h c:.... ~pe1;"~i;r,'~"""Eiectr~cinn if10.l~At) ,j/P",-) t is ~he responsibility of tho permit hoLder to DOO that al! inopoctionD are.made at ths propsr timc# t~at Qcch,address is rtc41ab!e I'"Otl1 the atrect, and that the pcl'l'7Jit card io locatod at the fl'Ont of the propel'ty. fJui!ding cr;vi=ior: appl'oL'ed plan ohcll l~emain on the Bu':.lding Site at all timas. 'J..OCSDu.r~E FOn INSPECTION R~QUF.'ST;CALL 726-3769 (.1'ccordel'") state your City ae~ianated job 71tDT'.bel'" job 'address, typtJ of i"3ptJc~ic" ?qucsted a!':d when you wiLl. be ready fol' i71SPCCt-:.07I" Contractol'S 01' Q.mers name and phone number. Requests received btlfcl'e 7: 00 C':I ~ll be made thc came dcy, l'equosts txdc aftCl' 7:00 a'IJ Lril.l ba . made the 71CZt :JOrkin.j day. ?mli~rn T~nQ~ptir.n~ ] SITE INSPEC'"nION: To be made aftoY' c.rcavation, but prior to De~ up of forms. P . UNDERS[.AB PLU/.mING. ELECTRICAL & , : 'MECHANICAL: To be made before any LJOrk iG aovc1'cd. p FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To bo "",do after tl'enches are crcavated and forma arc erected, but p1'iol' to pouring ecncret~. i(I UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING. S'Sf{F:R. r{'1TE~ ~ ORAl NAGS: To be lOOd.e prior to fi l- .1.iY'.g trenchec. J: UND/?9FLOOR PW/.!EING & U/?C!1ANICAL: To bo made. prior to inota~Latio" of 11001" insulation or decking. ] POST AND BEAM: To be made priOI' to inata~Laticn of floor in3utation or dccki"(j . ] ROUCH PLtP.!RIflC. E~ECTnICA[' A MEClI- ;'NICAL: No work is to be covered ',ur.ti~ .these. inspectiono have beer. made and'appl'Oved. J FIREPLACE: PM.oI' to plccir.(J facing ma:teria~s. and before framing inspec- tior.. ] FRAMINC: Must be requested aftel' approval of rough plwrbing, clectri- .cal & mcchan~al. At.:t roofing braci"!1 t'ch~cys, eta. rrr.lst be ; completed. !lo~ work is to be can- ,'~ cealed tmtil t1tic in3pecti07l has . '.. bc~~ made and approved.. kJ FIlIAL PLU/mIlIG ] FIliAL m:!:lIMIICAL , ] FINAL ELECT,UCI.L ~ o ~,...~ >> " tfcs-!Pt N . .i .... I 7'253 ,'. .,,',' .',:;.., '1:':: ~"'." '. ~5"I::,"?t/ ' ". .,... ':7 ,.1. ;::$llc?<2:7. .,. .{ .... _........~::.: .-. ...- .,' '.' , ,. .. ......., .".,:+ I... . ,I, ':..,"'1: . ~ . ::""'7' .....,.....",..... ,... .";;J?';);;,' ...: ,." sifir:od: ~ 1!-'....~"..... ~ -? Data: ..: '2;"-")- <?P H.e::!~ Exp':!:ces PJ;,nnp i]. 1> 4t-"J.. :>, Rcrol _ 't- ~ 3"?I~l '( '" ". Your CUI) DecifP'.ated Job Numb.,. Ic: ~~.:::?672. ..__. _n_______ D INSULATION/VAPOR BAUHiJ::U lNtiJ:'l:..'(;'1'J.vN: To be made after all. insulation Qro.d '. I'cqui.red vapor barl'iers are in p lacs . but before any lath, gypsum board 01' LXltl covering is applied, and befoJ"o . . any inoulation i3 concealed. D DnyrfALL INSPECTION: Tc be "",do aftcl' all. drY1"Gtl iD in place" : but ,pl"ior to any tapi.rl(J. :, 0, IIJ1S0Nny: Stool location, bond beamo, groUting or V01'ti.cals in accordance with U.B.C. Section '2415. O r/OODSTOVE: Aftel' installation is ccnrplctcd. . D cunE & APPROAClI AP,'ION, Afte,. fo,,",. arc created but priOI" to pouring conarete. SIDlIT{ALK "DRIVF.flI.Y.. Fol' alt con- crete paving within stJ"cet 1'"ight- of-t.x:y, to' be made aftiJ1' all Il%ca- vating complete , fo~ work , cub- . bass.trritsroiril"in plaae. _. . D D !"ENCE: Whet: compl~tc -- Provide. gates 01' movable soctions th1'OUgh' 'P.U./? ' D ,I.. . " , ,.- '!" '.....:....'..,~ . . -. ..-....-.;...~.-~.-..-._...- ...... ........ -.... All. pl'ojech conditions, such as the 1:nstallation of ';~N18t tr'sca. co::Tpletion of tit" . ~ J"Cquired landsccpir.!J, ctc.# must be satisfitld bcfo1"iJ"~ths~BUILD~~C.FINAL can.bB rsqtloBtad.:.! : ,.... . ~. __'. ....~_: l-...:i. ~:.:. ~i;:.'", ~ .,...... . ..~';,t~.i';;J.. :', h".j "~:~r..,.;" ' FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspeotion must '50 J"oquootDd aftDI' ,tho Final Plumbirz3 ; Elcctl'ical, and Mechar:ical Inspections..ha1?o ,bsen;mads.and .appl'oved. .'~:: ~i.. ;:...~~,_....~~:,;:~._::~t."Ji:..; '. ," ~ ~ .:: \;.~;;J r~~i.;; L.', .' : ~ ::.'1 ..ii;,~~ ~.~~ ::':; . >~ '~~,~I~::~~:.:..~..';.~~.":/' , ' ,I , 'J/ ..' . .\""\'.J. fAr.!. ,'.M:mGT.F..': ANn CT.F:I1N()U'rt: I/fL'7T nF. ACCF.D!;lnu:. _~~!.r~::!...~F.'flT TO_ .rJF.' 1.f,4DF. AT 110 C~ST TO cT:,,~I.r.:lr$'j\~;" .-. DF:MOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS . :=J'Sm1i~ smJw' capped at ''':.opc~to~ lir:e =:I Sep~ tank'p...,;pi:d.~ fH,~~d in.th gro-Jei . :.: . ~ .. .:~ ; .:, . : . . .. . '.,: ~..:. .... . '. ... :: ". ,:.: :~'. '. : , ] Final. - When a00V6ito::ns are completcd , and ",hOl1 dematitior. is complete 01' stJ"U.:'- '. turs moved.and p1't:mis6s cleaned up. .::. I: ' ,'.': ,'..0,', """1.", ... ......-l-: "lobile Hcmes ~ Bl.~c~ng ~s.t-~p. ' ~ ~l~ing :071~octions.-~ s~a1" and 1JQtor , \7l Electrical Connection - Btocking,' BDt-up CJ and plumbing cannactions m'.lst bs appl'ovtld bsf01'c raqussting elBc~roical. i"spoo~io~ . ::J AC';..COl"J. Buiza::rl(J ::: '" "', .....,.... . .... .,,-. \/1 Fin.:Jt. - Aftol' pOJ"CheB, ~kil't~no, d~dks; 6J etc.'are conrplstcd.,'.. ,'. .' , ..' D .......... . .... .... ~' ; ..."....,..., ...... "...j.',...,. ", .' ., ..,-~"... .... ::. ~~:J " """'.. , ..".".,. , .. .. '.' ~,..., ~.M' ....-......., ;:". \,.'. t... , .. :. I JOB NO. izona: Lot Sq. FC{;. S ,f tot C,.,erag. # of Stonee Totat Height; Topography Oc::~:: C:W,~":. .:.~;Q:-, Type/Cor.3t: I,: ;LOT'TJPE;'~lmf'~,;:. ILotFac6S- ~'l. ,".:' . ....,._I.r~l..~~,. . ,"':' " .,. ",'11,";"'. Setbacks ~-~ '- ;:"~;:'~r:-!i'\'i::>~';: k~;;~.~~':- !I~:~~~J.2E~~,~ ACCOS3. l'~.e , I~~~~~' :'.. cut-de-eao' Weot I _ .. I Bedro"",o: ~ I EnRl"f1IJ; 50;,(1"0113 I I iieat I I Watcr" Ynat11" I I Range II Fircmlacc : Woodotove 1 1 .) ~: ,','.. I'.,' ., I lITEM SQ. FTC .' Main CrJ'non '.:.' CarOOl"t I Accosool'U : 1f'~T/~S . , I ':. TOTAL VALUE I r~~ucJ . S.D.C. 1.5:t: /ey .;-c.--' , , , . Bui1.ding Permit State SUro/ui:roge Tota. Cha.-gs. . I ITEM NO. I FW;~6D . IRsoi.de~ti.at (1 bath) FEE I,' ; :~ Sanitary Sewer Watp.l" I ffJ.;PP.'Ua:Y'./ ;.? , ,1V , . PZ:JJnbing psrn;i t - StatB SurCl-.a1'gB ..': h . '.~ 'i" ... . , Total Cha't't'108 ;\,,..f . ~ !';: '\, . I " !" I:. NO. FEE lITEM I Ran. So: f'ta. I NlitJ/E%tBnd Circuito 14"~"<l"H -,-'Y SsrviC6 I le<L"'C"T .~,; .~:< r:1.eotrical Pol'mit"-'!.... 'r" . Stats Surchar(1S '..\. ',. "11' .;,rZ'\I'1 Total Charqss "{, ~ ; " '\ .- IITSM I ~~C6 ETU'S . I Exhaust Hood. I I Vont Fan I WOodstovs NO. FEE '. .\ ~ I~ i J : x Value r ..... -500. <>- I~ I); 5"0 / '5'>;,,> ).?S" , /5-" 75 . CHARCE I "1' , :,....p ,;2.C>, '/5, ..."" /5'--" -:::;6' ~ pz:9 /. "/'t? "3'/:-.<=;,0 .' I" I CHARCE .',:, .,:' .' \., ,'~ , /"'):-,. :: /'7-:: 6t> "??l.~1 'J/.! <)t? I. i~/ "'/1/ I" ." CHAnCE I I I ,;", "I" '"" ~".\,,, :1' l'~' ..~, -: .. !. ":1,';" > ~ ''; ,'. ' ;\. i Hschanical Permit ,',' '''. . Psrrrn.t I3suanca ",,~:,t':;., ,! rl;:., ,i"': ". ;"'i', ''', .! .' ..,', ..:.....;',..;..'.;"::\1 Stato Surcharcrc I I, I, I Total Charoeo ,-- ENCROACHMENT -- I saC"~~tll D~'OO3it .. I Storage I Maintena~s Iparmit I Totat ChaJ"f1oS I /I)::.;;./.c!'.....:>:~. , ._-~.". ;a.'7c,~/?7"c-H7 I Sid_tk " I Fencs / Eleotrical Label iMObUs Homs 'C:;;:::rbP':' ~.'. I ?7'p~.- !";;??&N~t:E ~JfC#-.4'~C r:r 'F::4 , '..'1,':. .: \:,' ~ .'.. ,,,.,. l '1. .." , ....j I' ? 'N. ~I I I ""~2si /5-: 7)'1 . 5:' 2, ')~ t:.:;~ /. ,,??e> I . . .(. ",> ...... L-COC'': . I" ' .c::c....- T;ma' -- Fees . ,,' '-~" -' Building Value, & Permit This pGrm1.t i~ arantcd on the expra~D condition that tho adid,conatruction shall, in all recpectG" con[,of'17l to the Ordinar.cG a.dopted by thl1 City of Sprin(Jfield~ inc!ud'i.ng tIle; Zonin!J Crdinanca" re!Jula.tiltrJ the CCttGtI"'J..::ticn and uoe of buiLdings" alia may be m"{;pendcd or reuoked at a.ny time upon uic- ~tion of any praviGiono'of caid OrdinanceD. ..' . Plall Chack rfW: Date Paid: Recdpt II: ISignad: "7. 7-S: J I Plumbing Permit . No percon {;llall conatruct" inotaU" alter or change a.ny neW or e:isting plwnbing or drainage DYBt~~ in ~hole or in ~tt" unleaD s"ch person io the legal possessor of a uaUd plWTIber' G Ucenso" except that a pO:ODon rr.ay do plwnbing work to propoltty which ia owned" leaGed or operated by the appli- cant. :'.. " Electrical Permi t . Where. State Law requires tr.at tho eloctrical work be done by an Electrical ContractOr,,' the eLectrical portion of thiG permit shaU not ba ualiC until I the labeL has been cigned by the ELectricaL ~ontractor. :' .:1:' " Mechanical Permit I I. I " . 4/?~q/~,--;J P'(,--: 1xam1.neJ( ~,. h-.5-90 '/Jate 'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for pennit" and do hereby certify that aU ir.fo:omation hereon is true and correct" an:1 I further certify that any ar.d aU !Jork pOl'for:ned shaU be done in accol'- danc_ r.ri.th the O~in.21lCQD of t'JQ City of SprinClfi,tJtd. and tll{; La'..J8 of tho . Stat. of Oregon p~~taining to tho 1J01'k cOBoribod ho~.~n. end that NO OCCU- PANCY will. be mdo of any struatu.r2 withoOl.t p3rmisaion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contractors ar.d s,ilpl"YGC5 who are in ca~ptiancs with ORS 701.055 witt bs used on this proj.ot 7~. 7.~y lji!/ll:!J / j .{,- 5~ '1 Co' [J..;.t~