HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1996-10-24 . /0 .j 30 T)'"0 following proj~ct as submi1t1;Ja'1)o'S'1h~ following 7 :',mg, and dOG:l not require specific Ie.nd una r.i:_pro....~l. ~ 22.5 PI: J.J:1 ~ L-~ EUC!R.ICAL PI!3HI! !l'PUC.\rIO/l ., S4'RINGF!ZUl. OREGON 97477 Zoning q / ~ I'() 0/ n1S4'::cn:ON REQUES!': 726;,-1769 W 11..'-1 I ~v Ci t"f Job /lu:zber I() I, tb OFfiCZ: . 726-3771 ~.~ *' . ,'1077 vA . orlzed Signaturo :r ~ ' ,.,.""m, - o(;'VI J_ ....vn~ J,.."",,:;....c.. =r..::. s'"'~u....... BELOq -, I.kl~3tON OF rNS'!ALLI.:!O/l ' ~0#v/,€'~~~~A. Nev Residential-Sin,,!e O~ ~ulti-Family per d'Jellio" uni:. ~ UGA!. OESClUl"!ION Ser'/ic:e Included: 1'0'2,17 J D()21r?(}( J@ OESournON 1'Mi'r pUIO./ Pe!.":l1i ts are non-transfe:-aOle and e.'t'pire if vade is not started vithi:: laO days of issuance or if vork is suspended far 180 days. 2. COtmAcrOR rNS'!AllA1'!O/l 01lL! B. , Electdcal Contractor. P'h,\;n~ '~ctnc.. . . , Address -::; i 70 n-,.o ",,..l.,,, L.,-:J Ci ty 4'1 1 r:Q.....o'-'2- Phone Cc~-'~ 12...! o Super7isor License Number Q'I~ S Expira tion Da te lCJ!'1!p Constr Contr. Number '~- \1GG lohG Expira tian Da te . Signature of ~" er.risi~g Zlec:rician l""u~ ~O=er-s Name tVtiPr7_ kl.5;TD '7-Addr:ess/4f<4 ~K- ')(I;i tj: "5flft-, f\Y..,r.;,t ~",_Phone 74 j-32-3r" O~ :rnS'!AllATION The ins :a!.!.a cion is bein, :ade on proper-:y I o'Jn 'Jhich is no: incended Ear sale, lease or: rene. Ovners Si~-ature: 10- Li/j'!(A "22:c;~7 ~C DATE: RECEI?I:' ~: RECEI'lZD aT: Ie~ , 1000 sq. ft. or less Each addi :ional 500 sq. ft or por:tian thereof . Each Manuf'd !lame a~- Modular evelling Ser'/ice or Feeder- Services or: Fe~er-s Ins talla tion, Aleen:ians or Relocation: ZOO amps o~ less 201 amps co 400 aces - 401 amps to 600 ames - 601 ames to 1000 ames- Over 1000 amps/'IDles - Rec:onnec t Only Cose Sum s a5.00 S 15 .00 S 40.00 s :0.00 s 60.00 5100.00 S;.30.00 5300.00 5 40.00 c. '1'emporar; Ser-vices or'Feeders Installation, Aleeraeion a~ a.IDeaeian ZOO amps ZOI amps Over 401 Over 600 / J()~ or less I 5 40.00 '-1' to 400 ames - S 55.00 to 600 ames - S 80.00 amps or lOOOYOICs s.e "B" above O. Branch Circuits Ne'J, Altet"aeion or E.,<cension ?er Panel One Ciccuic Each Addi eional Ci=c~i t Ot" ~i ch SI:!~/ic~ or Feede~ Pecmic S 35.00 S 2.00 ~iscellaneous (Se,ticelfeeder noc included) -Each inst:allation E'um? ot" i"rdgaeion _ S ig~/Ou tline !.ighcin,_ !.irni cad Enecg"j/Res Li:ni ~ed Enec6'.I/Com: E. 5. SUBTOTAl. OF AllOVE' 54 S;:a te Sut"chaqe ::5u;,? TOTAL ' . 3 "'70 !"'tV "" ".N ~ S 40.00 S 40.00 S 20.00 S 36.00 4000 .;241,; '-I~'"'" /;)-<) -<12,;;'>