HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1996-9-6 . . e, 0 lowing pr eel as oubmiltad has lh ~. zomng, and does nat require specifIc land ~ approval. . ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATIQN City Jeb Number ?6! /1>f Autt10rized Signature3, ~LlITR 17'''' <:rmmULE BELQY ~ A. Nev Residential-Single er ',W-p,.l1, p" d,.m" "n. - ..' . Service Included: 225 ,FIFTH STREET Zonina '-1\11 \ SPRINGFIELD, QREGQN 97477, ~ INSPECTIQN REQUEST: 726_37690ote '10' C1.111 .oFFICE: 726-3759 1. LOCATIQN ,OF INSTALLATIQN .~_~. h."'IA('''- ~+ \~~J. DESCRIPTION' , , " ilj) -:z., ;;0 (Q 0:1(;;.11(1 JQB DESCRIPTIQN T~<.hll, ':',U'^"'+Y Permits are non-transferable and expire if verk is net star,ted vithin 18.0 days 'ef issuance er if verk is suspended fer 18.0 days; 2. CQNTRACTQR INSTALLATIQN ,ONLY Electrical Centracter Son i trQI Secur i ty Address P.O. Box 21.009 City 'Eugene Phene 461-56:l8 , Sup'erviser License Number Expiratien Date Censtr Centr~ Number 65149 Expiratien Date 06-28-96 Signature ef Supervising Eiectrician I'fI /rJ.. h1 e./vh/l-J- r ,Ovners Na,me frI 0 ,p ~r 1\\ (d_f'f)'-+ . . '[" Address I q~ Lau Vo, S+- Ci ty 'Sr(C1J~, Phene' Q\/NER INSTALLATIQN The installation is. being made on, preperty I ewn ,vhich is not intended for sale, 'lease et rent. ,Ovn,ers Signature: ----'-r;r----r-'--- DATE: -/ ~i(~ '1lP - RECEIPT, 11: ' Zrs07'1. ,,', ' RECEIVED BY: I~ ' Items Cost Sum sq.ft_ er less Each addit iena1 5.00 sq. ft or pertion thereof, , Each Manuf' d Heme or Modular Dvelling Service er Feeder $ 85..0.0 $ 15..0.0 $ 4.0..0.0 B. Services er Feeders Installatien, Alterations er Relocatien: 2.00 amps o.rless 2.01 amps to. 4.0.0 amps 4.01 amps to. 6.0.0 amps 6.01 amps to. amps .over amps/volts Reconnect Only $ 50..0.0 $ 60.0.0 $1.0.0..0.0 $130..0.0 $3.0.0..00 $ 4.0..0.0 C. Temporary Services er'Feeders Installation, Alteratien or Relocation 2.0.0 amps er less 2.01 amps to 4.0.0 amps aver 4.01 to. 6.0.0 amps .over 6.0.0 amp~,er 1.oaa,velts $ 4.0..0.0 $ 55..0.0 $ 8.0..0.0 see "BIl above D.' Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration erExtension Per Panel .one Circui t ,Each Additional Circuit or vi'th Service or Feeder Permit $ 35..00 $ 2..0.0 E, Miscellaneous (Service/feeder -Each installation Puinp or, irrigatieh Sign/au tlineLightlng Limi ted EnE,i:gy/Res Liini ted EnergylComm not included) 5" $ 4.0..0.0 $ 4.0..0.0 $ 2.0..0.0 ~ $ 36.60 ~ f!Io pD .f.liU T,OTAL .' ~'g,..-. 1..<.0g .' 58'. ~C6' ' ~,.\,.\ 'I 2."1n ~'\lVI:",; <.h-....+;\I~.r.....,... - <;?OJIl1-oki SUBTQTAL QFABDVE 5tStateSurcharge *"