HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-6-9 ~ .. RESI~T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 , . .1ob Location: c2(5() ~a-. /'1 0 3~ 7/0 f::i: CJ ~ Taz Lot # () L/ C/t)() ASGesOOZO$ Map /I SUbdivision: ;j~A'L r!- Address: IJ '1255 ~ . Rcce;pt ~ A./;'; /" ,<':"3 9' ,'J1,/J~UP/ :::r~ J'l~tLe-v~j?9 10(6 -NfS /- /1 (/ Zip: Q.m(!zo: CitlJ: n n n n If.~.) Addi ticn RemodeL ,'fobi le ,~oma &-f- rl pata of Applicaticn :.:om:rac=oI'S General %JAJA1-" uJ.l!:ui'..l~ Ii Z!cotrica! f7h.i..R~.L Plumbing f.fe::har.ic~l CO"Btr~cti~n L~ndezo 0W r'/koJde ~ Se:t - 0/ Value I J'f(}l) Acici.."'es3 Si(lr:cd: Data: ~ ;;, - q-F0 Lise. .~ i::X':)ir::s ti:on..: ,;} (",,/c-ltFlJ ;:) -7- R? !: is th€ responsibility of the permit hoLder to see that att i~pections are ~ad~ at the'proper tim~, that ::=ch =ddres8 is re~~~~:~ from tho street, and that the permit card is l.ocated at the front of the property. '*3u~!.di:"'-G rr:tri.=io:,: Gpprot:ed plan shc.z.z. l'emain or. th,; Bu.:.Zding Si:.; at aU tim~s. ?T?C="~!:,~':=!E FOR n.1S?~C7'I0l1 ?E{;'I[.'EST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state uour Citu desiar-2ted job r.ur.:ber, job acc......-.css, t~.;;c of ir.:;pec=icr. :'~q"",,~s:ca a~d :J.~en liOU. wii.1. be reaay for ir.sp::ction, Cor-trQatcrs 0'-:- O..me:'s~ r..c:.~e ~r.i' Fhor.e nw:Wer. Reques:s recei:.;ed cetera '1:90..... :,,'iZ.Z. be made the sar::e dey, requests mc;ac eft~ 'l:()O a:n w'iZZ b;; made t.;e next :.JOrkir..g 6::.::'. ~t>mn: ,,"-po'; T..~...~...",:~:r.".<: o ,C] S:~E I~ST!~~:j~: To be made after excau~ti~n, but prier to set up of forms. U:lDERSLAP P!,L'.'..'3I.....C. ELE:':'P.IC,iL & ,,':ECH);.'IC:.I..: ~o be made before any work is oou~red. ':=1 FOOT,me ~ FOU.'!D,1TIO!J: To be rrace afte~ trencnes are excavated and forma are erected, but prior to pou~r~ ccncret~. U!.'D!Re.9QU.'.!!J ?!.Uf.f7JINC, s::rfE.~. El7.1TER~ DRAIllAGE: To be ma.:ie prior to jil- lir.g trenches. :::J :::J UllDE.'?FLOOR PLUf.$ING & MECHANICAL: To be maae prior to installation of f200~ insuZction 01' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installaticn of floor ins~Zation or decki"!; . :::J :::J , I 1- ROUClI PLW!BI:.'{;. EJ.EC'J'P!CA!. ,0: MECH- ANICAL: Vo ~rk is to be covered w:til these inspectior.s have beer. made and approve'::. FIREPLACE: Prior to pZccir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior:. FRA"~ING: MJ.Gt be requeGted"after approval of rough plWThing~ electri- caZ & mechanical. AU roofing bracing & chimneys, et:J. rrr~st be ,completed. !lo work is to be CDn- " ceaZed unti l thi:J inspection has '.'been made and approved. ::J '::J I Your City Dosigr.atcd Job /lwr.D€r IG: o I;,.rS~'L,J.'!"IO::;VI1P{}S P.4HHIER IHS?EC'!'IC,"':: To be r.~de after all insuZ~tian ~~ reauired vaoor carriers arc in tl iace Cut cefero any'l.ath, gypsum ooa:rd 01' wall cove~inais QDDlied~ and De10ro any insulation is concealed. flRfJ~9S I :JE::X.ITIO;'! C'"~ .~::n.;; E:.-'IZ-D:::;'S ==:J Sanitar~ s~~er =ap?ed =t p:oper~. lir.o ~ Septio tank p~~~d ~~ f~Z~~d tr;th gr~~J: ::J Pinal - T{her: abcve i:e~s are c~lQ~ci aroci when d~Zition is c~~ete or 8:~~~- tu."e ~oved and premi3es cleaned up_ !!ooi 1.e Hemo:; . cj Blocking and S~t-:.lp ~ Plumbing connections sewer ar~ ua:ol' ~EZcctrical Connection - Blockir~, set-u~ ~~nd plumbing connections rrr~st co ap?r~~c= before reque8t~ng eZectrical in8pectio~ :=J Accesool"'.,. Building '7T FiTUlL - !.fter porcr.es, ~etc. are completed. skirting, decks, o DRYWALL IUSPECT!'ON: To be made afur aU drywaU is in place, but prior to any taping. ~MSONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grouting or verticals in accordance LJi th U. B. C. Sectian 2415. o AlL project conditions, Due,l: a8 ths -i,nstallation of street trBes, co::rplotion of the required landscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the Bl.'ILDIl,'C FINAL can be r:!qutJst~d_ :=J FIliAL FLU/.fBIIIG =:J FIliAL MF:~HAIIICAL :=J FINAL .U:CTRIC~L :=J o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building In.spection must be 'l'equeDted alter the Pinal Plur.:bing Electrical, and. Mechar.iaal InspectiontJ havo been made and approvad. o o WOODSTm'F.: After installation is ccmpZeud. 'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS UUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fE,'lT TO BE NlIDE't.T r.'o C~ST TO CI'!'Y I P~Fe ! of 2 o CURB & APPROACH AP.WN: Afte~ forms are erected but prior to pouring XJncrete. SIDEWALK & DRIr~AY: For alZ con- crete paving uithin street right- of-IX:.YJ to be made after all exca- vating complete & form work & cub- base materia! in p~e. o O .t'ENCE: When complete -- FTovide gates or movable sections through F.U... . o JOB NO, 5iJO Jq~:a~:RG:WS . Zor:(!: :Lot Sq. Ftg. : :Jf Z:;t CJt)erag~ .J! of Stories :otal Height . Topography LOT TYPE Interior Cornel' Panhandle Cu l-de-sac :':'E,'.J , SQ.FTG X' Value .~1ain Cerace I Cal'""t'ct't I Acccssol'u I I TOTAL VALUE /vct.uc) S.D.C. 1.5 = Bui7.ding Permit State Surcharge Total C:ha.:oges I':'E;'.: .r:'i=::ures .:resiCo:tiaZ (l bath) I Sar:itar-:-' Sewer' :.,'ct{:1" Pz.u."7;?r~.r.;J Pe!'i.:""~t State S:.a'cr.a.."'qe Tata! C'r"::'1"Gcs ...,;., 1,:0. i .=!cs. S-::. ftc. ~~~/==:end Cil'~di=s !e:::;<pcrc:r.u S::rvicc "I " Elc~tl'ical PCTmit St::te Su:rcr.a.rae Total Cr.a:rces :?z:.~ I 'Co I ;.". ! I I I ::urr..2CC ETU'S :.:.:haust Hood .'ant Fan /;)odsto:.;e Perr.rit Issuanc2 Me~har:ic::l Permit State Surchc1"GC T"tal C'h.arap.:J -- Ej.'CROACH!.!E.~'T -. .cC!"'.crit~ D~P03it . tora(Jo '-:in=CMr...::r. ::rmit Total Charaes U1'.?cut i..deLJ.2 Zk i!n:::e Zcctrical Label :Jbila Home :lTAL AJ.!OUNT DUE:" 1.'0: I I '. ." FE~ CEARG~ I. "'l. p>. ~1J /5". fe'{) I. ;"::."0.-::.:.::. r F~:: /5"' . 0,0 . (001 (5.(/1)1. C:';Ji,": j I I I I I I I I j. I j I I I ,. I I I I I ...2/:; . ()'O I I 5t :IV : f REQ.- l-COC"l.' i . J '- . 'I';'peICor.st: Bedroor.:s: I Lot Faces - I I P.L. North lEast ISouth IWent Enernu Scr.i.l'ces h'cat T":,,p Setbacks l House l Caraae I I I I I I I Access . : I I I I II I II Water .4f'!at,,!" Ranr;e Fircviace Wooa~tol,:e -- Fees , ' I I'" I This permit iG granted on the express condition that the sflid. construction shall, in all respccts, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of '1 Springfield, incZuding the Zoning (Jrtdinance, regulating the ccnt;tr-.lcticn I and,ut;e of buildings, and m~y be sUGpended or revoked at cr.y time upon vic- lation,of any provisions of said Ordir~nces. ::" '\: . ~ . ' . .. , I. 1 i. I ) I I; Building Value & Perm i t -.. ' :;. . " " , , ., IPlan Check Fee: IVate Paid, /Recdpt #, ISig"ed, , \ - " Plumbing Permit No percon c~ll construct, instalZ, aZter 01' change any neu Cl' c=isting plu71bir.g '01' drainage syste;n in :.Jhole 01' in part, unless such pcr:Jon ia the.. legal possessor of a valid plumber's licenseJ except tr~t a pe~son may do plumbing ~ork to property which is ow~ed, leased 01' operated by the appli- cant. . -.'., Electrical Perm it fYhere State La1.J 1'equires that the elect1'icaZ work be done E:Jy an SZc::t1'ic:;Z Cont1'actorJ the eZect~~caZ ;o1'tior. of this pe~it shaZZ r.ot =e valid u,:tiZ the ZabeZ has b~en ~igned by tne Elect't'icaZ ~on:r~c:or. Mechanical Permit PLan Exc:n/'z..ner l1a'Ce I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA..-1INED the completed application for permit~ and do hereby certify that aLl i~fo~ation he1'eon is t1'UB and Cor1'CC:J end I fU1'ther certify that any ar..d aZ1. wo1'k pe1'for:ned shaZ1. be do::.; i.:r: ac:~o1'- dance with the 01'dinanCBs of the City of Sp1'inaficZd~ and th: Ur~s of the State of Oreg~n pertaining to the wo1'k cesc1'ibcd hcreinJ c:r~ =i~t NO OCCU- PANCY wilL be made of any st1'uctura without pa~is3ion of the 3uilding Lr~- vision. I furthc1' ce1'tify t~t only cont1'acto1'S ~;d e71pl~yees who are i~ c~pLiance with CRS 701.055 ~iZl be used on this p1'oj$ct I . ., I ~I / ,J -1/ . I \" H1t.A:.//,! J'J ~ .--f(PJ/JU.~ I /Sign'd if'./ f' ( ~ /9 ~t: ~e " y , , .;,...... , , J -I ,: J .0 " ., I , , . , ,. / ~ ... - . ...()C ~ . . , . , . . . ~, . . , : . . . . . ..... . II . /. , . . , . ~~ 1/ .'.- -r<; ... \>> ~ ho me.. i:h:tt Carre off- ,/1 -tn,''b Itft wa.~ fc' &~. b$u..rsL~1 ,..- / IS%. I I , .. I 'r'- \1 h) 7' " /lIxbZ. . . . . . .' , . .' , tJ.' . , U I . \ ::"',\ - . .' . II' l' , 1 -::r- 1"-' " . ~.' I, . . . . . " m . .' t. - . '. . ( . .... . . . . , .' tAlaA\L.. . , . " M onto LDrra.... ~ :tt 91 E, Jo..L!\., f -rrv.dbLee :t: 1~VY\\hCJ ....-, .