HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-3-22 . .. RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spri~4fieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Jab Loc=tion: J 5'~ S" t..A~nA Aeaeeaor. Map ,I / 7~ .3 . ~ 7. '{ / \ , ,. , Subdi:r.:sicn: i~ Y /I/~ II- Add.-eso: / S-/n s:. j oa ji\q ~ ~I "f~ {l,:. u {P" t / ~'nel': City: n n IVl n S7~~Fr Ta:r Lot # tt>S' jOl!J t't? n? C' V ( Pr.one: 74"7 - L/ 3 -c. (J' 97(/ 7? . Rcae~;,~ .'" [J}U{c;07 Zi:J: ~ D68CT"'~be rl'ork: !?qIS-e. ("~r5t~7 Ph~ /fGO!, /(j //-/d<.Cqj/e 'leo.! Addi ticn Remodet .'!abi!a ,:Jom3 Date of Applicaticn :.:on:::rac:O:>8 <5~'JC;". Genera Z Plwnbing i Slectncal. I Nechar.ic= I I. Const'/"",Jc'tion l.~"aer VaLue hello ... Siqr.ed: Data: t\~'n'J Addres3 Lisc.H E~ircs Phon*, It is ths responoibiti.:y of thll permit hoUsr ta see that alZ irwpectians are .~.ade at the ;;roplll' tim~, t,r...at ~ch ~e8s is l'oaiab:", from the streot. and that the permit c.::uod is 1..:x:ated at the f1"Ont of the property. ..3ui!.di.....g ;r:vi::io:-: ap;:rot:ed pLan. sr..:::LZ remain on the 5'~itdi11fl $~tc at aU times. P.'?OCSDURg fOn INSPECTIOfl RE'QUE'ST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state' yOUI' City desigr..:J.ted job nw::bel'~ job adi.ress~ type of in3pec:icn raquestcd a~..d when you /Jill De ..eady for inspcction~ Contractors or.OI.;7:e:-s r.cme cr.d pr.ane numbcr. R€qu.s:s rflceit:sd cetcr. 7:00 .:=:i :.'i.zz. 08 made the same dcy~ requests mcde aft;;..... 7:00 cr.r r.n:Z.Z ba r.nde the' na:t :,x)l'JeLnq day. l?pnu':rfr r'1~~'!.i""t~r.,..",<l O c""'r:o ..'ISp..,.........,./. T' . ..~.!._ 1.. :.~._'JI.. 008 mc:as ezcavati,,"~ ';14: p'l"'icr ;c set forms. o after up of . UNDERSL.:.a ?!1l.'-f3I.'IG. E[EC':'.~IC',t!. .{ ,~tECE~,'IIC':'[,: To be tr'.ade b.e,{o"!'tl work is .:ovcroed. o FCOTI;'IG ~ FO!.H1DAT:C.'I: To be .o:xu!.e .attar trencnes are e:c~~ated a~.d forms are al'ected~ .;ut prior to 'pourir.g ccnc:-et.o:. W/DZRG:~CU"!D P:'UM3IZ,'i;. S~;JFR. ;;.1TE'H~ DRAINAGE:: To oe tr.a..::.e prio:, :0 fi~- Zir.g r;renches. [] o UNDE:RFLOOR !'!.iJgST:IG -1 XEC'H.4..VIC,U-: To be mcC.e prier to -::n.ncLi..2t-:.on of ~oor insuLa:ion 01' decking. ?!JST AND 3EMI: To ~e r..cCc p:-~r ~ ir.stal.~ti.en of floor il".3t.:Zatior. or decki"!;. o o ROt/G.'f.:' ?!.Jr.~l!!:!C. ?!.EC':'.f?TC.J,!" ;; .'.fF.'C,q- AUreA!: SO ~Ol'~ ~a :0 be co~ered ur.t~l ;r.cse ~r~~ec:ior.s h--v~ beer. made c:T'.d ,=??r?:J~'::. 'Fr~~?LACE: Prior:o pl.c~il".g fc.aing mccariaLs ar4 before fr~r4 inspec- tior:. o . ' LRJ FR.4....~I.'It;: Must be reque:3t.:ed after <1;'prov..:.l. of :'ough. ;)l.wr.hing~ eZectri- caL of mec;..an~a.Z. At! "!"':)of~r.g bracing ~ chimncys~ Jt;~. ,'::"'~sr: be . corrmletcd. .'10 -.;.:lr< is to ~~ con.- ... csc"Llld ur.til thio ir.sl'}ec~cn r.as . been madJ end c?prot:ed. Your City. Dssigr.atcd Job Numb61' Io: any O INSULATION/VAPO.1? S.4.RRIER IHSF::C'!'IClI: To be ,mds atter aLl insuk:.ti::m a:".d . raa-.J.ired Vlmor carriers are in oZace but cefore any l.a.th~ gypsum ceara or wU covering is cppZ.:.ed~ c:r.d before ~y i~ul.a.twn isconcoold. e~/~"'1 Dc,'./OLITION OR ;~:OVE'; 3CIILDIi;"CS =:J Sani'taI"':/ se'.Jer ~apped ::t ~~pcrt-i Zir.e ~ Se?ti~ tank p~~~d c.r~ f~lZ..d ~t;h gr~~B~ :J Final - r!hen abeve ite,,,:,:s arB ce::mlolt:6d ar.d when i~cl~tior. is campl.te or st~~~- ~"e ~oved ar~ ?r~Jes cleaned U? .Vobi l.oe Ec:-::es :::J Blockir..g :rr.d SC!:-:4p :::J ?l~hing cor.nec:ijr.s .- s.wsr cr~ water :::J Electricc!. Ccnr.ec:::on ~ BZ.ockin;~ set-!.l,? and p~umbing conneations r.r..:St 1;e C:P?:'~t;8i be;orc requesting ~!8ctricaL inspBa;io~ ~ Ac.=es:>c4~ Buiz.::il".g :J Fi~Z. - A~t~r ~~rar.es~ etc. are ~~ple;~d. skirt~ng~ dec;'.3~ o DFiYWALL INSP~CT!ON: Te be rr.ade alter a l. ~ drywa II is in p lace ~ but prior to t::71.y taping. o AlZ project c~di;ions~ ~uc~ as ~r~ {nstaLlaeien of strese :rGss~ :~~Za:~~n of the roequired landscC?ir.g~ etc. ~ must be sar:isfice bo:fore the 311I:'VI:::; FI:::"r. .:ocn :;e raqt.t3st.Jd. D. FIUAL PLUXBI:IG 0" FII'IA! ;'.fE~P.A.'IICAL o FINAL E!.E~.f:{ICri:' ~\=:J (i) FINAL BUILDING: The FinaL Building Inspection ,~st 00 reouested ~fter er.c Final PL~~bing ELecr:rical~ and Necr.a......iccl Inspection!) heLlO beST! ;r.ade ar.d apprc1J2d. -AU, NANHCU;S AND CLEANOUTS .'rUST BE "J.C~ESZI3['E, AD.tl.'S7;'!;.':r '1'0 3E ".~.1l:iE ..!T ;','0 -:::S':' "I''J cr:'Y o ,'ofASOHRY: Steel Zocation~ bond b.u:ms~ grouting or uerticcls iT! acco~-ance ~~th U.B.C. Section 2415. iIOODSTO"IE: Aft~r installation is cc::rpl2e~d. o o CURS & APP.r?CACH .4.P.~N: A[te:' forms are OJ.recte:1 but pl"""':or to? pcuring ~n...:'rete. SIDEJ/ALi< & DRn'F;t/AY: For all. ccn- creta paving ~i~h-::n street right- of-r.J;c:~h to be made attar at! e:::cc- vating comple~e & fo~ ~rk & ~uh- base' m::tel"ial in pla.::e. o o :'ENIT: Wher. comol...ta -- ?rovida ga~es or mOVable' aecticns through P.U.E. o ". 10--, of 2 JOB NO, I i Zcr.a: ILot Sq. Ft;. I~ of l.t Coverag< .'! of Stol"i.es ! Total Height I I Topography I IITE:.f I.,,,,;" . SOLAR ACCESS Ccau:;anc:J G:rou:;: I S~. FTC I 1~~C2 I I Car:'ol' e I. f .-icaeSSOl':J l'H'o:!ll>F ;?EJlI,e)~ I I TOTAL VALUE IS.D.c. I (VC~u(:) 1.5 r Zuildin.g PeT'rr:"';-e State Surcharge Total r;}-.a..-gea 1r:!N I FL~es I Res-o.:dentiat (1 bath) I SC7I:i. t.::T"J SeLJer Irlr::::.e..yo I 1110. I I I P!;.unrr;ng Perd. t State Surcr~e Total Charaes I ITEM I'VO. I RflS. Sa. (to. IN~/EXtend Circuits I Temporary Service I Eleatl"'ica t Perm t St.=te Surcharoe Total C"rt.a:t'ces '"'-V :..2CIl ?TU'S I E=haust Hood. I Vent Pan I woodsto:;e I iIC., I I PeI'l7'fi.t Issuance .'1e:::r.anic::.! Permit 5tatQ SlJJ'chc:rae 'T'"tr.1. Ch:rr,,~!t -- E.'lC:~CAC~:X:::r: -- I- . D . I~e~~~tu e~3~t I Stor~8 1"~-::ntertC1'~e I Pernrit I Tat~~ C'nal''!cs Curbcut Sidewa lk. t :e7U!e I El.ectrica l i .\fobila Hame !.ah e Z. I TOTAL A.NOU,'/T DUe:" LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac I I I I I I~-I I I, I I x Value ~.- . 'it) /(J.~ ' FEE CIiARCE I I I I :':"1;' GiA?GE F"- CHARGE I I /3.4U P::.ge 2 . \-COG~ ,/1 I REQ,- T:'1'oe/Cor.st: 3edr~omB: I Enerc::' Sour'!:es :Ieat Water :[~Q~:n' Range Fireolace WOoG:z:o:;e Tute I &at Faces - I I P.!.. INorth lEast Sou.th ]West Setbacks I Rouse I Caraae I I Access. ,;., Fees Building Value & Perm i t This pernrit i:z gronted on the e=press -::ondition that the sdid. construc:ion shall, in all respects, confo~ to the Ordinance ::.dopted by the City of Spnr.af'ieZd, ~;na~uding the 2onir.a Crdinance, l'eauZ.atil~a tali! ccnst:r:tcticr: arrd ~;~ of buildings. anp m=y bc~ ~uzpenciei Or' r~vokec ;t cr.y time u;or. vio- lation of zny pl':;)vtsions of said Ordir.c.nces. . Iptan Check Fee: :J.. O. Cate Pa;d: ~- ~ -lit:3 IRea<;pt N: Is,;g,:ed, Plumbing Permit No person ch~ll construct. ins~lZ~ a!ter Or' cr~e GnY r~w or e=is:ing plumbing or drainage sy8te~ in ~hole or in part~ unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license~ e=cept tr~t a pe~son ~~~ do pl~bing ~ork to proper~~'which is ~~d~ leassd or operated by ths appli- cant. I I, Electrical Permit I I I I I, Where State Lc:w requires tr.at the eleat1-~cal worok be done by an Elll:.!tl"ical Controactor, tM electl'ical porotion of this pemit shall roOt bs valid until the label has be671 signed by the Electrical Contractor. I I I I I I I I I I, , Mechanical Permit -;;l~~-~~ 3'-~':;.-8~ j,.'Qt;e I I I, j I J I HAVE CAREFULLY SXA-"1INF:D t;.'ul con:pl.atad ~plication for permit, c:nd do hereby certify that all i~fo~~tion hereon is true ard corr~c:, ar~ I f.;.rther cer-f;ij":; :hat any ar.d all. t.:ork ;erfo~ed shall oe done i;o: ac:.!or~ danae ~th the Ordin.:mces of tha City of Sprir:gficld~ and th~ [q";3 of th3 State of Orec;;n D~rt.;:il'lina to the /,)()rk. described herein, cr,c the.:; :"10 OCC!1- Ft.!lCY >iizz b~ rrcd.e of r;;.ny" atzouctura without ?~rm-:.33io;o: of the JuiZdir.g 0--:'- vision. I fUI'ther -;ertif';: troat onZy contractors ar.d e;:rpl.;yess r..;;..o GTB in co:::pZiance r.nth ORS 701.05t witz be used an this proj2ct ~ --./::( -?.3 Data J