HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2003-1-21 ~ .m\; ~225FIF.TH'STREET ,;~ .A ;':\"ii!~ ~~~1") ~,,{ f;;'....'. EL&CALPERlvfiT APPLICATION. '.... ,~\t~, SfN~9~l:I?', ORf90~..97H'7 &.1)[,,:;) i[1J ~;~'.~ ~ ~i'{;~ ~,():;'<;:i2,:':i;;..;;,\f~i~'J~'~'~ft~: (~':f"7- 1I:'i,S,P,gS::;J;I<?N Jl.E;q!iJ.E~1:' 72~~3li?9,,\;;; \;11 ~~~ 1.1l ~jCit)~ ,Joh NUE'her"''-'(.$-ZOC:5'o<:~SD,~i/:~' 'itY/.,p~ ~OF:FICE:':..726'37.59''il~ ii tW41"~1'lJ l~ ~~'1.9 ~~ e.) :\\' '.;>,., .;:-',.... ':' "', ';':f,.';,\;;\':,. j, ,i':'~. i~~.f~~~i.; I' t~, ~:ff~1 t~~1 t~. \,~~ ~~ '. .,;~~~ ~:J f~~ ~!_I:~ 3:~-~9MPLETE FEE S~HEQULE BELO\V" <r~;~"i'" ::"'~' .t.:_~~ _ . u~Ifl:'-4;rW ~ ,,....< "'1, /&J .(.~ ']'J :l,;;:.~", t.,$t' ~ t \I' ,',. ,'r.j,o','" '. ',' -l. ~.t,.;:,~~, /:. ~ "0"'1,:. ~l'l. LOCATIONQIj'INSTALIJATmN l"X' ~\I..,..l\:^...\I'" l'{:~,'<.r.l'~"".\:'h""",,,,,,'?.',,:; ,<<~1/ li, J S5"'i<;" ':vz>' LIW:.'{t.i4- 'SF.... ~~\i&sident;[li:Singl~.~r:..'-.., ," ""i".:":',' . "; 061'''~\C ,,,<' M ti-Family per dwelling unit. LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0 '!ji'~ ~<l0C\ e..,,' c Included: /70s 7.71...1/ OLfs;o.,,~~~^~\,0 'J.iP::\:"i~~ ~...6\0"'flO\ \~ ~ "" "~~ih,\; JOB DESCRIPTION ~",o",,<,~ 600~ ~ ,_ a ~.\ 1 sq.fi. or less ~~f~ .5Ef'~ <:;;{;Jl..'y".€(! , " ~ ..r. Each additional 500 ~ltt,"~I::O", ~"~ :-.1'0-' \\''0 !~~~~ 1.0 <1,0 1,.0<' sq. fi or ponion ~:'\h'':'i Permits arc Jon-t"'nsferable";~nd expire ,~,0 thereof \:~W;/ if work is n9! 'staned within 180d;,u's 6 C;,,,,<," Each Mantlfd Home ()( 'I:~it:hil: of issuance cii,ifwork is suspendetl fO&~\1.0 lvlodular Dwclling !l. :.:~i~!~::,:~: :i.)'~ . v~\ l {~,~""!l)~si 180 days. f'iJ'i i"' Service Of Feeder ;" ..t.,. : i. ~~::.~~~:.~; .,~-,...:.~;-. 1.;........;- .','.. ~J'r'''':' 1 , , . r' :~ ". fl1\ 2. CON~i!OR~~FALLATlONONLY B. scn'i~~:~:;I~~i::,~"llterati'o~srii; :;~:;'::.J.;, ...:. ?,ik:': Eleetrical~s~bi?;,ctol~u i lde~ Elec..-tn't. Relocation: .,:~!~;';>,::, ".;~..,:'.,;:>:';"_::,.i.:.' 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City of Springfield Electrical Permit Attachment ..0- ~ Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line PERMIT NO.: ISSUED: APPLIED: EXPIRES: ELE2003-00013 1/15/2003 1/15/2003 7/15/2003 SITE ADDRESS: 15581/2 LAURA ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1703274104500 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: New TYPE OF USE: Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Seperate service OWNER/APPliCANT: LA ROE R EUGENE & TYMMIE 1558 LAURA ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: BUILDERS ELECTRIC INC 541-485-0922 195 MADISON ST EUGENE OR 97402 CCB # 4296 Expiration Date: 12/1012003 Descrintion Amount Paid Date Paid Receiot Num her + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Penalty Fee - BWOP Electrical Penn ServlFdr 200 amps or less 12.60 4.41 63.00 63.00 01/15/2003 01/15/2003 01/15/2003 01/15/2003 1200200000000000554 1200200000000000554 1200200000000000554 1200200000000000554 To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 am. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m, will be made the following working day. NOr" TN'!, Cf- I/{j ~ r-I:R ' Reuuired Insnections: Co THO/1/1, I'vt/T sit, , 1 Electric Service: Approval required prior to utility company ~~41..~rt&;{f{l,IJIv.'D'/jll €XI' I f1~ . r:l!~i '1:/1 i: r'//1€ By Signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the com[qei'l'/t'l il~1iH!! f;'J\SIJ!jl Ire"", certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all ~1V~);ib1.,"},LlAIi~I~,~J~~ ccordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon peYtaining 161 - r/, ibcd herein. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 wi~la.rdo this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, and that the approved set of plans, if applicable, will remain on the site at all times during construction. O~ner or Contractors Signature -.u..,,.,.e Vnn to Ai iE.\'I\lON:Ore9~~a~~5"r~gon Utility tollow rules adopte,hJse rules are set tort: titlcation Center. h Of>.R 952-00 . NOO ^R 952-001.0010 thrO~gs of the rules by In ,.., btain cople 0090. you may 0 ote' the telepho~e calling the center. (N Utility Notification number tor the.o1ree9000n.332_2344). CenterlS - 1 of 1 Wit~ ~-..; . i:~ r -""'-"'-'" ~ 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Line Items: Job/Journal Number ELE2003-000 13 ELE2003-000 13 ELE2003-000 13 ELE2003-000 13 Payments: Type of Payment Check Paid By Receipt #: 1200200000000000554 Date: 01/15/2003 Description Penn ServIFdr 200 amps or less Penalty Fee - BWOP Electrical + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Received By Check Number Confinn No BUILDERS ELECTRIC djb Page 1 of 1 . 1/1512003 ; 9:58;13AM.., City of Springfield Development Services Department Public Works Department Official Receipt . Amount Paid 63.00 63,00 12.60 4.41 Line Item Total: $143.01 How Received Amount Paid In Person . Pavment Total: 143.oI $143.01 cReceipt.rpt