HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-5-24 .. RESIDENTIAL" A PPLICATIOW'ERMIT 225 North 5th Street ... Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 l I-?IO t!; i31-0 Job Location: AaoeBDor= Map K Subdi.vision: SPRINGFIELD ~ ~ LiW.,vc" srr~ .. I LtLl4zLt4 ) T= Lot H ll.mer,' Davl> ?(D711 LiY\l 01. PI;on": &B4-4s7tf Zip: q 710 Z- lkv fl/L qfiTtt;. t;A iiI ) ~ ::.." a"" n Additicn n Remodel n .'.fob~le !lome Deocribc II'ork: .....;--:: t-tn ~ It ill ehe reoponaibitity of tho permit holder to BOO that aU i.nopectiona ars mado at thB proper tim&~ tJ:at (u::ah -=ddru8 is raadab:O? front thll, otreet, and that the permit: aard i8 l.:>cat6d at the [pont of tho property. 4Yui!di'!1!J tr:ui::io.': apj-'l'ol-'cd FlaIl :JJu;U l'emain on tha lJu-:.ld-ill[l 5:it:; at all time8. p!WC.r;;DURe FOl? INSPEC'fION R~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (l'ccol'dcr) atatu your City deoignated job numbor, job addrc88, typo of iU:Jpac:icll raql.H:lJtcd ar:d W,l:t!'l you wi II be ready for inspection, Contractora 01' Q.mers ncmo and phone nwnbcr. Requests l'flceilNld bllforB 7: 00 C'1 .....ill be ~dc the Bama dey, requests mado after 7:00 am r.ri.ll b.z mado tho n~:rt :.JOrking, 7) , Your City Deoigr.ated Job Numbcl' Io: t5C; DL/q 4 _R(>(71Iir:P"rf: Tn~;n('('tJr.rJ.q O SITE INSr:.'C."ION: To /Ja made aj'tel' e:rcavation~ !wt pr'ic}' t:: 3e~ up of forms. 10 UNDERSLAB PW',fBINC. nECTRICAL & , . NECHANICAL: To be made beJoNJ any work is ~ovcred. 5' 1--4 - B1 Date of Appticaticll Conrractors General Plumbing I-lechanical [;l.ec trica 1 SUDervij;in~ ~.Lectr.il.'i;ln ;0 I I I 10 FOOTING ~ FOU.vDA'flCII: To be mace after' tr.mches ar'e excavated and forma arc erected~ but priol' to pouring ccncret.;. UNDSRC,WU.'1D P:'Wf3JNC. SSf./r.R, '....iTER, DHAINAGE: 1'0 be ma:fe prior to fil- lir.g trenchee. o UNDERFl.OOR Pr.Uf..'TJI....C ,~ NECYANICAL: To ba made prioI' to in:Jtallation of floor inauLation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installaticn of floOl' in.n:lation or deckinq. ROUCH PT.U,'!BJ:!C. FJ.f.'r.mrC!I!.. ,~ NF.ClI- ANICAl~: No :.>01']: i:.r CO ue COl,.'Cl'cd ur.til theBe irwpec:tio':9 h.lve beer: made a,zd approtJe?. F'I.'?F.PLACE: Prior to plc.cir.g facing matel'iaLs and beroI'!! Imming inspec..- ticr:. FRA}~JNr.: Nu::t be l'eqlleoted after approtJ..1l of rough plwr.billl], electl'i- cat & mechani.::aL. AL! roofiTlfJ bracing t chimncYB~ et~. ~~st be ; compLeted. Vo work ia to be ccn- : ceaLed until t1lin in3pcction has . be~n made ane! apP''Ol,.'cd. ,0 o o !O Value oCJ 3t6 J '-315' I . \ \ l \ 00d' ~ ^cldre~s Lise. 1/ '!lld rs Board Si(lr:ed: Dato: /I j JJu~ I ~ i; ''2-4 - 5'1 O INsur.A1'TON/V/IlJOR IMRRn:R INSPECTION: To be made after all in8uL.:lti:m a.'1d requil'ed vapor carriora are in plaoB but cofore any La th, gypsum board or waLL covcring is appLied, and before any inDulation i8 conceaLed. o DRYlIAI,{, INSPEC1'WN: To be made aftel' all c!}'ywaLL ia in place, but prior to any taping. MASONny: Steel location, bo~d beaJl/a ~ 1]'t'01I ting 01' tlet.tica Is in accordance lJ"itll U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: After installation io c..'CmpllJted. Re:.!. Exp'ires Phfl.n{' o o o ,CURB & APPROACH AP.WN: Aftero formB are created bl~t prior to pouring .:!on.:Jl'cte. Dt11OLITION OR !,IOVED BUILOIIIGS , ' ~ Scini~a:r'y BmJer ::rapped :it p:oPCl'ty lir.o =:J Saptia tank pwnpad, and [i!Iad uith iJra",! J Final.. rlhen abotle items are ccmpleted . and when dsmoli.tior. is oompIsto or atl"u':- turo mo~ea and premisBs oloaned up. NabiLs "cmos =:J BlookinG and Sat-up =:J Plwnbing connoct~ons -- scwal' and wa:or ---, Electrioal Conneotion - Blooking, Bot-U? ~ and plumbing conneotions nr~8t to approved boloro requesting oloo:rical inspec:io~ :=J ACaOBSOl'U Buil~ing , , :J Final .. Aft~l' p;rcho8, 8kil'tina~ decks, etc. arB complotcd. D 'All. proJe(~t eo,:dition3, Ducl: a8 the ~'.1I8tallat-:.on of S':l'oct trees, cO::Tplotion of tile' 'l'equi'red land:Jccpir.g, etc., 'm18~ be satisfied before tho BUILDING FINAl. c:an .be l'squoDt:!d. D FIliAL PLUI,!8I11C iD FItI~lL f.fE~!fANICAf, D FIN1L EUCTRIC/.L o o FINAL nUl!.DTNC: '}'he }"inal Building IrltJpaction MIst be rcqucatod altoI' tho Final Plumbing ELccCr'-icaL, anc Mcchar:ical Inspectio':D have been made and appr'ol1tJd. o SJm:II/if.K ,( DRIt!J..'IIAY: For all con- CI'ete paving l.Jithin aCr'oot ri!Jht- of-l.It~y~ to be made after all exoa- vating ccmplete &' fOl'm wrk &' cub- base mater-Lal ill pla::te. ~Ar.r.. f.MNffOLES AND CU'MIOU'I':: ffUS7' Dr. ACCESSIDLF.~ ADJUST!fENT TO BE J.L1DE liT NO COST TO CITY I Paflc of ~ ~N[:f:: k'JICr. compl~tc -- Protlido ~ gatea or motlabLe 8octiono tl,rough P,U.E.. o <6\ I JO{J NO. IZmu!.' SOLAR.CCESS OccuPancu ~n: Lot Sq. Ftg. S J[ lot C~erag' ,f of Storiss Total Height Topography I ITTF.M I "kIi" I CrJ'ar.e I Cnrnot't I ACCC8:Jorll , SQ.FTG I I I Is.D.c. TOTAL YAWE tvc.l..uc) 1.5 " Building P6rmit .StattJ Surcharge Total Charges I ITf,M I NO. I Fixtures IReeidRntial (1 bath) I I San': t,1ry SmJer I I Wet," I I I Plumbing Perrr.i.t State SurC1-.t11"g6 Total eM;."ee 'IT/:N I NO. I Rf?:J. Sa. rto. I Now/Extend Circuito I 1 Temporary Seroico I I I El6~triaat Permit State Surchn.rae Total ~CtJ8 IIT!':/O( I F'urn:::Icn Il:xhauet I NO. I ETU'S 1/00.:1 Vent Fan W:JodEl to:J6 PSrm1.t Issuanas Hschanical P9rrrri"t Stato Sul"OhtiMC! Total Ch1raRn I I So'!'c:n'itl, DCl?!?:Jit . I ,..... . ~'"''''lii''''''' . Stora(1t1 I Ua1:ntm1On"e I Parmi t -- ENCROACHIfl:NT -- ':1.. . ~""'.l"", '''l't r '~'. , ,I/"",l#," -'1'"1'" Total eMMae ~! Curbo"t ~_lk I fml.::n I Electrical I Mobi ll! HomtJ Lobel " I",."," ~ WT TYP/: Interior .: Corner Panhandle cut-de-D~'~ I I x F/:/: F/:f,' FEE I I I I I I I Valuc '.- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CIIARGS I, CI/ARGI: I I I I I I I I, CIIAIIG/: I I I I C:). 0 'D I I I I L.. rV', REQ,- L-COCt 't:,neICor." t. Bl1d},ool~::; : Lot Facen - P.L. Hart/l IEallt ISou th 1I;"t Sa tbacktl II/OUDe : t;'m'Wlf? I I I I I 1- I t.cce:l!J. I I I E:l1p.rnIJ So,O'(~en !feat "at..m' .'I(!rltrl' Rallr;f? Fircfll(](:,~ Wood:;tot.:11 Tilrc F:uUl I I I I I I I , . I I I I, Building Value & Permit Thill pt';I'mit in (J1'ant..(:d all OM t?J.l'raDn COnditl:0fl UlaL thn 1I,lid COII::tl'UC'UCH! ohalL, ill all 1"f!tll'ccL::, COllrOrm to the O,,(h:llm;r:r: :lrJo(:.t;,d I;!! tJlr? Ci:.y of Springfia td, 1:Jl(~!l((lilla the ~Olli'la CI'di1lmwr:, rr:~1111.,~ t. ill~J iil.: CCJl:: L 1":I.:t LeI! and twe of bllildill(l.., alld m:~!/ bo olHlf)(mded 01" I'CIJokcG! rlt t;l:!i til.'Jf! UFOI; uie latioll of all!} pr:Jvi"l~m;n of said 'Ordi'UlIICC:':. IPlall C}zfJck F~r':: j Catr. Paid: /Rr.c::ipt II: ISi(J,':ed: Plumbing Permit No percolt ohnll cOlwil"tlct, inotal!, attar 01' C}U1I1(]C (;.1l!J new Cl' e::i:;t.iIlO plumbing or dl'ainaae flynf;o.71 1:11 iJhoLc or ill pal'~J w:Le:;:; :;uch Fl:l':;OII to the legal pOflDcsnol' ofa valid pLumber'o licCI1:;c, c::r:Cl?pt t1:Gt a 1'11:"$011 ma~1 do plumbing work to jH'OlU?I'/,y IJhich io ow'flod, lca:Jr.d or Oi)Cl'c:tl1d by the appli- carlt. ~ Electrical Permit W11e1'e 5tatf1 (,aIJ J'CqUil'fZ!1 tJu~t tho alnctl'Leal I.loJ"k h..~ do.'le by all nr-:::tl'ica7. Contractor, thf! eLcctl'icaL portiol! of thi3 rCI"mit tj}lLllL r.ot. be vaLid IInt.il i the label ilno been Digll~d by the ElectricaL ;,Ol1tJ'actor. Mechanical Permit .. J , Plall t;XWIlLlICl' ual-': I HAVE CAREFUUS EXAMINED tho comploted application for parmit, and do lltll'eby cartif!! that all i~forma.tion Jlel'OOll ia truR and correct, and. I jUrthQ)" cel'tify that any ar.d all, work porfor:nad ahaL!. be d0:111 in acaor- dancG with the OJ"dillancGo of tho City of Springfield, and th* La-.J6 of tho Stata of Orc!1"tt l'~rtailli'l!1 to tha IJOrK del1cribcd kGrO~'l, Clld ~lll1t NO OCCU- PANCY win be nude of allY ntructUJ'a lJitho:.4t pi1rmio3io:t of tho Euildinr7 Oi- Vi01.0I1. I flJrtJwr certify that o:1ly contl'actol'a a::d c:npby(u;:s wl:o aro in ccr.rpl:.ance Witil OUS 701. 05~ will be used on thio proJ:;ct I. I I I'P) I Sinn""'; o..1tr.