HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-8-20 " .. RESID.T1AL'. APPLICATION/PERf1IT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ...Iob "Location: II,;} I /Ji~ /70 3 3 c.j (/ Ta Lot # CJI.5oo ~fd \,j~ / I :2/ ~a...-./ 4Cnc: /7--$ - 1';?'~ 9' ASDcsoorz Map /I Subdivision: Q.mer: Address: Citlj: n n !71 II 1l'T-' Additicn Rer.rodel .'!o::,-:..Zp. ,1'O,":UJ . Dat:1. of Application ~-z.or<(Co ;..:or.:;:r.:::C':;o~'.$ Gencl'cl OUJ I'\..QA ) PLu'1Ibing :::lc~triaaZ f.!ecr.ar.ic::::. L Const~~ction L~nder Zip: Va!utf c24cb r /3 AciC.."'(w.:; _Rece"t .. r< Co <.pq 3R Siar.ed: J~LJ ~ Date: (lC.. s< -20~f?0 Lise. .'1 E~iI'CS r....or:o:: T: is tn,., resr:;ondbiZity of the permit holder" to see tha: aH immections are r.:adt; at the proper tim;;~ that ~::ch .:dtb-es3 is rCa::aD:., ' ....rom ~he' Btre~t, an:J. that the permit cCU'd is located at the frent' of the property. .au::::di~:G Di..vi::io~ appl'oL'ed plan siu:l.Z .l~er.:ain O~ t}oc: BuiZdinp ~it:: a:: aZZ times. ?:.'C:.-::IY~;PS FDR n.'SP:;~IOll RE'OUE'ST:CALL 726-3769 (rcc:ordcrJ state your City desigr..::r:ed ,job nur.:ber, ~~ou~s:ca a~d ~~en you ~i~~ be reaay jar ir.spcction. Contractors or vw~c~s ncme cr.d ~r~r.e r.~cr. ~i~Z be made the same dcy, requests mcae citeI' 7:00 am ~ll be ~~de the next ~rkir~ ~~. ~pmr~...p"~_' !"'_<:n(>(!":~:r:,...~ ] S:?E'L7S?E'':-:I:J.'.': To be made after excCl:v~tiDr., but prior tc set up of form3. ] UllDESSL!.3 PU':.f3IllG. ELE:7'RIC,1L & :.:ECH);.'IC;..Z,: 70 be made Defore cny work is .:!ov:;:red. ., ,. I ~. ~ .... , J . GOT.rUG !1 FOUND,j T lOll: Td'De m:J.ce . afte~ trencnes are excavated and form;) are erected, but prior to pou~r~ ccncret~. ] U!.'D!RGROU.?D ?~Ug2IllC. SEweR. r\~1TER. DRAI/JAGE: To De rra.:i.e pripr ~o fi"i- lir.g trenches. ] ] UllDERFLOCR PLU.'.~Iio'G t. NECHANICAL: To bo made prier to in3talLation of j1oo~ insuLation or decking. POST Al.'D BEAM: To be rr~de prior to instalLat~on of f~r ins~Latior. 01' ckckiTlfj . ROfJGll ?U.F.!3I:.'C. ELECT?!"CA!. ',p' l-fECH- AllICAL: iio :JOt'k is to be covered ur.til these inspectior.s have beer. made and ~pproved. Fr.r?EPLACE: P'rior to p1.acir.1J facing materiaLs ar~ before framing inspec- tior.. FPA'!I!Jr.: f.tu=t be rcquc3ted after approv~l of rough pl~hing, eLectri- caL & meenani.:!aL. AU roOfing bracing & chimneys. ct~. nr~st be . completed. !lo LXJrk in to be CDn- ~ ccc.Z'ed until this inspection has 'b€~nmadc and approved. ] ] ] Your (;ity Deaigr.ated Job NumbGr In: < O ItlSi.'LATION/VAPC.:? PARRIER I.'.'SP~CTIe!: To be ",~.ie after aU insul..::tum a:".d' required vapor carriers are in place Cut 1:efore any Lath, gypsu,':7 board Ot' wZZ eoverina is a:)':/Lied. and belore any iTl3u,at-LOn is "ccJ7:ccal.ed. --' -r.~.... "- ._ -. O DRYfllLL n,fSP~CTIO!l: Te be made aftcr aZZ drywa"il ifJ in place, but priot' to any taping. job a=crcss, tV?e of ir.3pac~icr. 2cqucsts recei~ed ~e:cra 7:Q~ ~ ~W58S 1 :JE::;JLI'l'IG..':' CR .~:JVE'; a!J;Ln:::::,S ; , i ~ Sept:':! tank p:,.:,?,cd cr.".d f:.l.~.:d tJith Ff':z.:;.;!Z j ~ c' . rn ". !' I .1..no," - lner. CDcve 't..e:::s a:re c~ Gte..:: ar.d cner. :iezc~:.'tior. .is c~~e::c. ot' s::-":~-l tU~e r.:oved ,,".c pr=scs "<<oneo up. I =:J Sani:ar;j se-..Jcr capped :::t p::op.ct'q.' lir.e o lo:!ation, bo;'.d or vcrticcls in V.B.C. Section MASONRY: Steel oear.:3, gNU ting accordance loJith 241~. WOODSTO~'E: After installation is ccmpLeu:d. J.!:JbiLe /ic~es =:J Blocking and S.:t-up =:J Plumbir~ connections sewer ar~ ~a:er ---, ELcc~ical Conr.ection - Blockir~. Bet-up ~ and plumbing canr.ections ~~st ce C??r~v~~ beforc requesting e!ectri:!al. ir.spec:io~ ~ Ac.::oes=ol"d Building '1 Fin:zl - I:ftcr F:Jrcr.es, ~ etc. are compZe;cd. skirt-:.ng# decks, o o CURB & APPROACH AP.l!ON: Af~e:' forms are cre~ted but prior to pouri.ng .::"ortCt'ete. SIDEWALK & DRIl'EfIAY: For all con- crete paving within stt'eet right- of-wc.y, to 'be made after all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & &ub- base mcterial in pla::e. D FIIIA,!- PLUf.1BIIIG ALL project conditions, 3uch as the instaLlation of street trees. c~~lation of the required landsccpir:.g, etc. # must be satisfied bcjot'e the BUILDIl:C FI!lAL can be raqucstsd.. ] ] ] ~ FIliAL 1.fE~HA.'IICAL & FINAL BUILDING: The' Final Building Inspection must be requeatad efter the Pinal Plumbi"iJ Electrical, and Meahar:ical Inspaction:J have been made and app"ro:,'~d.. FINAL ELECTRICAL J o o !"EllCE: Wher. compL.:>te -- Provide gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. -ALe. MANHOLES AND.C!.EANOrnS 1ftlST BE ACcrs=IBe.E# ADJUS7'!!E."I'!' TO BE gliDE I.T /.'0 r~ST TO CI'!'Y I P:Z;?6 ! of 2 o JOB NP'flo '0 sss- SOLAR AC'S REQ,- ~ L-COC";" ?cma: f}r;f!T:I.f!'2'1CU Grcu T.:.,'peICor.st: 8eeroor.:s: Lot Sq. Ft.g. LOT TYPE I Lot Faces - J I C1'lern:J SO:H'ces T,,~(' : :;f lot C.:JVerag~ Interior I Sethack!) I I Heat. I P.L. I House I Caraae I t.cccs:;. I I Water> Hr.atrY> , of Storie s Corner INorth I I I Hanr:c :otal Height Panhandle lEast I I I I FircDLace - ISouth I I I I Wooa:;t;ove Topography Cul-dc-sac IWest I I I I :7':::.[ S~. FTC , X .'.!ain ':;c:rnce I 2ar=crt I .J.ccesso1"v I I S.D.C. TOTAL VALUE l vc.l.uc) 1.5 ::: 8u.ilding Permit State 5:.aocnarge Total Cha.......gea NO. :i.=:--...:res ~esiier.tial (1 bath) ::x.itar-:..f Sel..'C'r .-'::tc!" Plu.-;.::r:'::.; Perr::": t State S:aocr..a:ropl! T:::tc! Cr:::::>ccs ~',-;-- i:::". i O~3. ~:::. ft::. '-~/E=t;er.d Cir~.J.i::8 '~Cl'ary Sc~.;ice EZe~::rical Pe~it St::te S1.a'ar.arae Tot:::.l Cr..::.....ces -:-., I ;,'C"o.1 "y~ Q,_.' I I I .. :u-r..:;:ce ETU' 5 =r.aust Hoo.:. cr.t Fan JOCS to:Je Pe1"r.';"~t Iasu::mc2 Me:::r.ar.ic:::.l Per*rrr'~ t State SurchcT'ac Totel Cr.aT'ae'~ D.'CROACHt.!E:.'T ;::""..l~ tu D='Oc:;i t ;orcaa '{r.tenar.~c 'dt Total Charqc_!!.. ....-:,C"'J.t .de..ulk '~'::e .ectrical Labd bile Home : ::-.,U: Al.!OU.'lT DUE:" I I FEE v'alue " I I I I I, I 10 <YCl ) .YoI I 0 If'D I ' CHARGE ......;,c.-._.. I. -'-I- I I I I I I I , . l . \ 0 .L{-o F2cs Building Value & Permit This pe~t is granted on the express condition that the s~id.con:;truction shall, in all respccts, conform to the Ordinance ~dopted by the City of' I Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the ccnst~J.:::ticn and use of buildings, and m~y be su:;pended or revokec at cr.y time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. IPlan Check Fee: IVate Paid, IReedpt #, ISig"ed, Plumbing Permit No percon sr.:::.ll construct, install, aZter or change any new cr c=istir.g plu~bir~ or drainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pc~sor. ma~ ce pl~bing work to property which is ow~ed, 12ased or operated by the aFpZi- cant. Electrical Perm it n'nere State LaLJ reauires t;r.at t;he electrical war-=< be done ~v cr: EZc~t!'ic:;: Con~racto!', tne eiec~ricaZ por=ior. of tnis pe~it sr~il r.o~ =e ~a~~ u,::i~ the ~el r~s been signee by ~ne EZccrricaZ ~on~r~c~o~. , " .- -=- r\'\echa niCa I Permit Vi-an Examt.ner L'atc I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA..~JINED the completed application for permi:, ar.d de hereby certify that all i~f'o':"r:'.ation hereon is t:r>uc and corrcc:, and I further cer:ify that any ar.d al.Z. fJOrk perfomlr.d shall be dO:1p. .,:~ nt:::or- dance ~th the Ordin~nces of the City of Springfield, and th= L~~s of the State of oreg~n pcrt~ininr to the work described hcrein, and =i~: ~O ccc~- Pl.llCY r.Jil.Z. be m:tde of any structura witho~t p:!rmiss1.o:'1 of the 5uiZd~':f1 D:.- vision. I further certifd that ~ly contractors a~d ~pl~yecs who are in c~pliance with ORS 701.05t will be used on this proj$ct M-ftt4{j " '{'- 20 - <(b D.2te