HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-10-15 -~"iI.~~~lSll'>'QII'~ I~ ~........~__"~l:~"'_____'. ..... .'-"1'~_."" . Rcce,pt,~ ~ V, '7 'Z- ") , ~ ~ ,o,n[tliq ........-::-:: " 97477 Job Location: ~ \ -;:J, I ~ f:I..-) ABCeBGOrS Map # I C) 033 i IJ ,I/. 4~ (\/1// !/i /[U1AU ' -.)-A'-^,~ 35~O, f5~U.~ amle: fftJ5-35~S- ., I ~/fJ!jJ/ 6~ Zip: Cf'i( f/;::2J n qMJ2d~~ tu~~ 1(}-6~gLD V~lue ,f:J!Jf) SubdilJision: CUneI': Address: City: ,. n n n n Nm,J Addi ticn Remodel .'.1obile Homo Data of Application c.:ontractorB General. Plumbing I Electrical. I f.Jechar.ica l 10\..0\'\0 JLJ I COnstl"UCti071 Lender Ta:r Lot # 0 CC:; 00 Describe frork: Address .c..O/C * Sigr.ed: Date: CC- 1(")_1 c:.-Xlri Lise. # Phone Exoircs It is ths rssponoibility of ths pemrit holder to Bes that azz. inspections are made at ths proper tim~, that 2cch ~9ss is raadabZo from ths strest, and that ths permit card is located at the front of the property. -Building Diviaior: approL'ed plan shal1. rerna}n on the Building Sits at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City designated job number, job a.di:rcss, type of in3pecticn nzq;.oestad ar.d lJ.':~ll you ;,Jill be l'eady fOi'inspo(.!j..i.on, Contractors 01' Ol.Jnel's ,u::mtl and phone nwnbc~. Requests receivad befcre 7:00 a::'l :.."ill be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 am IVill be rrade the nczt :JOrking day. . , Your City' DeGigr.ated Job Number IG: 800 73. q O. MASONRY: Steel location, boiuI D- . UNDERGROUND PLUMBING, SEWER. W.1TER. beam3, grouting 01' verticals in DRAINAGE: To be r=ie prior to fil- _0__' h . I ' he acCOn_l,U,rl.Ce !.n. t U. B. C. Sectwn . 1.,r.g trenc s. 2415. 0: UNDERFLOOR PLU/,$ING & MECHANICAL: ~WOODSTOVE: After i7l8taUation is . : To be made prior to instal.lation of complet~d. . . floor insulation or decking. ,., . . O POST AND BEAM: To be made pl'ior to D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte~ forms installation of floor i7l8~lation 01' are created but prior to pouring decking. ooncrete. o Re(J'fJit:p..rl r'1fl'Q1~*ir.,:,.<l 0, SITE INSPECTION: To be "",de after excalJation, but pPior to set up of . fo,:rms. O . UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & : MECHANICAL: To be made befors any work is ~ovcred. o FOOTING!1 FOUNDATION: To be m:zc.e after trenches are excavated and forms are el'ected, but pl'icr to pouring ccncret~. O ROUCH PLUMBD/C, ET.ECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No :Jerk is to be cOL'ered ~ur.til these inspections have beer. made and approve.::!. O FIREPLACE: f'roior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. O FRAJ.!ING: Must be requested after approval of rough plwr.bing, alectPi- .cal & mechanical. All roOfing bracing & chimneys, eta. rTT'.lst be ;' completed~ No lJOrk is to be con- ,.,,,: cealed until thiD inspection has ~ b6~n made and approved. O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made aftel' all insulation w.d . . _ required lJapor barriers are in p'Laoe . '. but before any lath, gypsum board or r.nU covering is appUed, and before . any irwuZation is ooncealed. ,', O DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made. after all drywall is in place, . but prior to any taping. . SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- .of-wc.y, to be made after all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & sub- rose material in place. O FENCE: When compl~te -- Provide. gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. ~8{\L~' ~ DEUOLITION OR gOVED BUILDIilGS =:J Sani tary SB"..JB1' ~apped at p~opert':i lir:e ~ Septic tank 1T~~ed and fil.Za~ with GTa~6Z :J Final - ffhen above ite."ns are completed ar.d when demcl.ition is complete 01' st~~- ture moved and premises al~aned up. I Mobi le Hemes =:J Blocking and Set-up =:J Plumbing connections saJer and IJat61' ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up ---1 and plumbing connections rrr...st ce approved . before request~ng elec:rical inspec:io~ .=J Ac.::essol"d Building :J Final - Aft~l' p:Jrcr.es, sk"~rting, decks, etc. are completed. o '\0-\\0 A JJ\ . All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, oo~Zation of t~e l'equil'ed 'Landscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requestad. o FINAL PLUMBIIIG ~ FINAL MECRANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeoted alter the Final Plwnbina Electrical, and Mechar.ioal Inspections hava been made arui approvad. 'ALL MANROLES AND CLEANOUTS llUST BE ACCESSIBLE. ADJUST!fEIiT TO BE IL1DE AT NO COST TO CITY PaFe 1 of.:J I ,.. ". JOB NO. (i;(oO 73.. q Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. S of lot Coverag. 1# of Stories Total Height Topography I lITEM SQ.FTG I Main IGc:roaae I Carport I Accessoru TOTA& VAWE I (vaLue) IS.D.C. 1.5", Bui lding 'PeI"!!Ji t State Surcharge Total Cha.~ge. lITEM Futures I Residential (1 bath) .1 Sanitmry Sewer NO. I, FEE r I I I I Watel" Plumbing Permi t State Surcr.a:rge Total Charaes ITEM , NO.' FEE Res. Sa. fto. New/Extend Circuits T .....t-...- ..... ~r Seroice Eleatrical Permit State Surcharqe Total Charqes lITEM I NO. I Furnace ETU' S I I &=hau.t Hood I I Vent Fan I I WOodsto:;e I I?^~ ~I Permit Issuance Mechanical Permi t State Surcharcc 'T'nta l r:ha'rrUlfJ I -- ENCROACHMENT -- I Sec-.lM. tv Da'DOsi t I Storage I Maint~e Ipermit I Total Cha:1'qes 1000bcut I Sidewa lk I Penae I Elect1'ical Label j Mobile Home I I I TOTA& AMOUNT DUE:' SOLAR A.ESS O<:cutlancl/ Grou..,: ['oT TYPE Inte1'ior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Value CHARGE I I I I I I I . I CHARGE I I I I I I . FEE CHARGE I I I I \'5.00 I I I IS.DOI I ,1.n1J II c::; (,,'0 . I. I I ,. I I I I I I I I ~O,loD I. Page 2 REQ.- L-COG~' "I '''-' ""peICor..t: Lot Faces - .", Setbacks House. Caraqe I Access. Bedrooms: I I 1 P.&. INorth lEast ISou th IWe.t I Enerqy Sou1'ces 1 Heat 1 I I I TUDe J Water Hp.atp.7' Range Fi1'eplace Wood.:; tove /" , Fees I I I I I I I ,.. Building Value & Permit This pennit io granted on the 6Xp1'ess condition that the said. constpuction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinar.c.e adopted by the City of . Springfield, including the Zoning Ord::..nan.ce, regulating the constructicn and use of buildings~'~and may be suspended 01' revoked at cr.y time upon vic- -t. "Lation of any provisio~s of said Ordinances. . , '-, , i "i . \ I Plan Check Fee: Ivate Paid: IRecdpt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person ehall constPUat, install, alter or change any new or e:::isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's licenseJ except that a person may do plwnbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated py the appli- cant. ' Electrical Permit Where StatiJ Law l'equil.~S /;r.at ch~ tJll3cJt1:'iual 1..101'k l;,.a ck,nt3 ;;y ';;l EZ.t3~tI'icaZ Contracto1', the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit , y PLan Examtnel' lJaI:e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permi,t, and do hereby certify that all infonmation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.r1 all work perfomed shall be done in acoor- dance :.lith the OPdinances of. the City of Springfield, and the La-..JS of tho State of Oregon p$rtaining to the work d.esc1'ibad hel'ein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY UJill. be nr1.de of any structure without parmission of the Building Di- vision. I fu1'ther ae1'tify that only contracto1'S ardi e~loyees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project , -- e~d~ bk---~~.n5 Sign2~ 6 IO:,f) - g h Date