HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication PLANNER 2/14/2008
Date Distributed:
~ ,-/4--08
/ Dave Puent - Building
/' Gilbert GordonIMelissa Fechtel- Fire
v . Gary McKenney - Traffic
v/ Matt Stouder - Public Works/Engineering
~ Les Benoy - Public Works/Engineering
Dennis Ernst/Jon Driscoll, Surveying
Planner, xI-i /.LA! / H
FEB 1 4 2008
City of Springfield
. Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
541-725-3753 Phone
541-726-3689 Fax
Pre-Submittal Meeting
Case Number Assigned: PRE2008-00012
Date Submitted:
FEB 1 4 2008
280 S 2ND
Project Description: Pre-Submittal for Site Plan Major Modification for relocation of methanol
unloading and addition of one pipe and pump
Application Type: Site Plan Modification Mjr
Job Address: 280 S 2ND ST
Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1703353207800
DISCLAIMER: ApplIcatIOns will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur
between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meetmg and Submittal of the Application for Development Review Please contact our
office at 541-726-3753 with any questIOns or concerns
A Planner will be assigned the following business day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and time.
PlanJobPnnt rpt
3 35'57PM
Pre-Submittal ~eeting
Development Services Dep3J.l1uent
Room 615/616
PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Friday, February 22, 2008
Assessor's Map: 17-03-35-32 TL 7800
Assessor's Map: 17-03-35-33 TL 300, 500, 2300, 2400, 5400, 5500
Assessor's Map: 18-03-02-21 TL 1500
Address: 280 & 610 So 2nd Street
Existing Use: Hexion Specialty Chemical plant
Applicant submitted plans to relocate methanol unloading location and add one pipe and
Meeting Date/Time: Friday, February 22, 2008 DSD 616 10:00 -11:00 a.m.
Planner: Steve Hopkins
Assessor's Map: 17-02-32-33 TL 2100, 2101
Address: 232 S 42nd Street
Existing Use: Residential
Applicant submitted plans to plat a 6-lot subdivision, SkychiefPark
Meeting Date/Time: Friday, February 22, 2008 DSD 616 11:00 - noon
Planner: Andy Limbird
City of Spnngfield
Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Spnngfield, OR 97477
Site Plan Review
FEB 1 4 2008
Applicant Name: Jon Berger
Company: Hexion Specialty Chemical, Inc
Phone: 541-741-6688
470 South Second Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477
Applicant's Rep.: Michael Howard, AICP
Company: Satre Associates, PC
Phone: 541-465-4721
Fax: 541-465-4722
Address: 101 East Broadway, Suite 480, Eugene, Oregon 97401
Property Owner: Hexion Specialty Chemical, Inc
Company: Hexion Specialty Chemical, Inc
Phone: 541-741-6688
Address: 470 South Second Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477
ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17033532/1703353trAX LOT NO(S): 7800/300,500,2300,2400,
18030221 ~4uU,~~UU/~~UU
Property Address: 280 and 610 South Second Street
&f~ ...e-~
Size of Property: 14. 8
Acres [Xl Sauare Feet D
Proposed Name of Project: Hexion Specialty Chemical, Inc.
Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application
Proposal: Relocate methanol unloadino. use of trucks. add one DiDe and DumD
Existing Use: Chemical manufacturing
INew Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): sf
Si natures: Please si nand rint your name and date in the ao rooriate box on the next
Associated Applications: VR.L7.f;Oq, ~ CCb\ (p (Go....--) Signs:
Pre-Sub Case No.: P'(',e t,{}f16 - ~IZ. Date: 2//'-110'0 Reviewed by: ~7Y_
. I
Case No.:
Reviewed by:
Application Fee: $
Technical Fee: $
Postaqe Fee: $
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Owner Signatures
This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent
complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application
process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted.
The undersigned acknowledges, that the information In this application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the
Pre- Submittal Meeting
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~ature C/
Juri G &~~ ~
Date: fe6 - 1\1 - 200B
I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check
performed on thiS application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the City as
necessary for processing the application IS provided herein or the information Will not be provided If not otherwise
contained within the submittal. and the City may begin processing the application With the information as submitted.
ThiS statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete
FEB 1 4 2008
Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian
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Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist
· ALL of the following items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre-Submittgl and Submittal.
. If you feel an item on the list below does not apply to your specific application, please
state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form.
FEB 1 4 2008
[R] Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee
calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services
Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the
pre-submittal and submittal stages.
rn Site Plan Review Application Form
IK]" Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the
property, and any additional information that may have a bearing In determining the
action to be taken. The narrative should also include the proposed number of employees
and future expansion plans, if known.
IK] Copy of the Deed
[R] Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting
ownership and listing all encumbrances.
00 Copy of the Site Plan Reduced to 8Vz"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the
required neighboring property notification packet.
@]3. Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application provided wh~re the property has frontage
on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility.
IKl Three (3) Copies of the Stormwater Management System Study with Completed
Storm water Seoping Sheet Attached - T_he plan, supporting calculations and
documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures
[illl. Three (3) Copies of the Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in
accordance with SDC 4.2-105 A.4. Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze
and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's
transportation system. In general, a TIS must explain how the traffiC from a given
development affects the transportation system In terms of safety, traffic operations,
access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIS must also
address, if needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation policies and
[R] Seven (7) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre-Submittal OR
Eighteen (18) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal
IX] All of the following plans must include the scale appropriate to the area involved and
suffiCient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of
[X] All plan sets must be folded to 8V2" by 11" and bound by rubber bands.
a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions
~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer
[K] Vicinity Map
Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian
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[X] The name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including bUildings, curb
cuts, trees and Impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what
IS being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use, size,
setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings.
[X] The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses
and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse
Map on file in the Development Services Department
[XJ The 100-year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest
adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment
or Letter of Map Revision
IRJ The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead
Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department
IX] Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when
measured 4 112 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian
areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings
gg Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of
Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted
concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable
soils and/or a high water table
b. Site Plan
[Xl Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, or Engineer
[Xl Proposed buildings: location, dimenSions, size (gross floor area applicable to the
parking requirement for the proposed use(s)), setbacks from property lines, and
distance between buildings
IKI Location and height of existing or proposed fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage,
trash receptacles, and signs
IX] Location, dimensions, and number of typical, compact and disabled parking spaces;
including aisles, wheel bumpers, directional signs, and striping
IX] Dimensions of the development area, as well as area and percentage of the site
proposed for buildings, structures, parking and vehicular areas, sidewalks, patios, and
other impervious surfaces
IKJ Observance of solar access requirements as specified In the applicable zoning distnct
[X] On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation
[XJ Access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the location and
dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts proposed to be closed
[XJ Location, type, and number of bicycle parking spaces
!Xl Location of existing and proposed transit facilities
[Xl Area and dimenSions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for
common open spaces, recreational areas, and other similar public and semi-public uses
[Xl Phased Development Plan - where applicable, the Site Plan application must Include a
phasing plan indicating any proposed phases for development, including the boundaries
and sequencing of each phase. Phasing must progress in a sequence promoting street
connectivity between the various phases of the development and accommodating other
required public improvements, including but not limited to, sanrtary sewer, stormwater
FEB 1 4 2008
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managementr water, and electricity. The applicant must indicate which phases apply
to the Site Plan application being submitted.
na c. Improvement and Public Utilities Plan na
\llii Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer
~ Location and width of all eXisting and proposed easements
~ Location, widths (of paving and right-of-waY)r and names of all eXisting and proposed
streets, alleys, dedications or other rlght-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed
development, including ownership and maintenance status, if applicable.
@. Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting
~ Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles,
transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, and similar public facilities
QLocatlon, width, and construction material of all existing and proposed sidewalks,
sidewalk rampsr pedestrian access ways, and trails
@. Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including
sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas,
telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points
FEB 1 4 Z008
na d. Grading, Paving, & Storm water Management Plan na
@. Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer
Ill1 Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are
proposed as part of the stormwater management system
jilli Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations
!ill>. Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns
ID1 The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but
not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; storm water
quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained
flJ Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for
land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals)
!ill>.Amount of proposed cut and fill
na e. Landscape Plan
Q Drawn by a Landscape Architect
[!!]3.Location and dimensions of landscaping and open space areas to include calculation of
landscape coverage
Iill Screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110
rill Written descriptionr including speCifications, of the permanent irrigation system
QLocation and type of street trees
1M. List in chart form the proposed types of landscape materials (trees, shrubs, ground
cover). Include In the chart genusr species, common name, quantity, size, spacing, -
and method of planting --
na f. Architectural Plans
!ill>. Exterior elevations of all bUildings and structures proposed for the development site,
including height
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[illiConceptual floor plans
g. On-Site Lighting Plan
[iihLocation, orientation, and maximum height of exterior light fixtures, both free standing
and attached
1m. Type and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles, and type of illumination,
wattage, and luminous area
llil Photometric test report for each light source
~ Additional Materials That May be Required
[illi Where a multi-family development is proposed, any additional materials to
demonstrate compliance with SDC 3.2-240
Q Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located withm 150 feet of the top of
bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the
top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW
1m. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if
there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present
g Where the development area is within an overlay dlstnct, address the additional
standards of the overlay district
~ If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as speCified
in SDC 5.19-100
g A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be .
submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property
g Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence
the permit application has been submitted for review
g Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land
and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted pnor to development
W Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100
and 5.21-100
fill An Annexation application, as speCified in SDC 5.7-100, where a development is
proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can
be served by sanitary sewer
FEB 1 4 2008
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FEB 1 4 2008
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PROJECT 07-11'
280 & 610 S 2nd Street
: Map 17-03-35-32
Tax Lot 7800,
17-03-35-33 TL
300, 500, 2300,
- 18-03-02-21TL
. 1500
Planners, Landscape Architects and Environmental Specialists
101 East Broadway, SUIte 480, Eugene, Oregon 97401
(541) 465-4721 . Fax (541) 465-4722 . 1-800-662-7094
www satrepc com
February 14,2008
FEB 1 4 2008
Project: Hexion Specialty Chemicals
155 West A Street, Bldg A
Springfield, OR 97477
Maps and Tax Lots. Subject site: Map 17-03-35-33, Lots 00300, 00500, 05400
Development site. Map 17-03-35-32, Lot 07800;
Map 17-03-35-33, Lots 02300, 02400, 05500;
Map 18-03-02-21, Lot 01500
Owner and Annlicant
Hexion Specialty Chemicals
155 West A Street, Bldg A
Springfield, OR 97477
(541) 741-6688
Contact: Jon Berger
CiVIl Emdneer
Branch Engineering, Inc.
310 Fifth Street
Springfield, Oregon 97477
(541) 746-0637 · Fax (541) 746-0389
Contact: Damien Gilbert, P .E.
Planner '
Satre Associates, P.c.
101 East Broadway, Suite 480
Eugene, Oregon 97401
(541) 465-4721 · Fax (541) 465-4722
Contact: Michael Howard, AICP
HeXIOn SpecIalty ChemIcals
SIte Plan RevIew Major ModIficatIOn, Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg - Wntten Statement
Februarv 14.2008
FEB I 4 2008
Pa!!e 2
II. Land Use Reouest
The applicant, Hexion Specialty Chemicals, proposes to make improvements to their
Springfield campus. The proposed modification includes changing the method for unloading
methanol and adding methanol unloading to an existing unloading area WIthin the lots zoned
HI, Heavy Industrial (south of the Union Pacific Railroad Tracks). In addition, a pump will
be added to the unloading area to transfer the methanol from the unloading area via a new
pipe to be placed in the existing pipe bridge that will be connected to the existing non-
conforming storage tank north of the tracks.
Two development issues meetings have been held with City staff regarding the process for
this application; the first meeting was April 26, 2007 (ZON2007-00015), the second meeting
was held July 19, 2007 (ZON2007 -00031). At the second meeting the tOpIC of discussion
focused on unloading methanol at an existing unloading area within the HI zoned portions of
the site (south of the railroad tracks). City staff indicated that five applications may be
necessary for approval: (1) Site Plan Equivalency Map (SPE Map), (2) Discretionary Use, (3)
Modification of a Non-Conforming Use, '(4) Willamette River Greenway, (5) Site Plan
Modification - Major. At the second meeting we were informed that if both a Discretionary
Use and a Modification of a Non-Conforming Use application were required that only one
fee would be assessed for those two applications; at the time of the DIM staff was uncertain
if both applications are required. City staff indicated that we would be able to submit the SPE
Map and the Pre-submittal application concurrently and the remaining applications could be
submItted for completeness review prior to the approval of the SPE Map, however, a waiver
to the 120-day rule may need to be submItted for this to occur.
The applicant requests approval of this Site Pan Review - Major Modification application in
regard to modifications to the Final Site Plan Equivalent Map which is submitted
concurrently with this pre-submittal application. Additionally, the applicant addresses the
Willamette Greenway Overlay District (3.3-300) and Non-conforming use modification
(SDC 5.8-100) criteria at the end of this written statement. Specifically, the modifications are
as follows:
Addinl! alternate methanol unloadinl!. In response to changing global manufacturing of
methanol Hexion intends to alter the method for unloading methanol; current transportation
of methanol is via railcar, however, methanol is now manufactured in Asia and South
America and transported via ship to ports and then carried by trucks To respond to the shift
in production of methanol Hexion proposes to add truck unloading of methanol at an existing
unloading facility within the established plant south of the railroad tracks (see SIte Plan). The
unloading area south of the tracks is permitted by the City of Springfield and includes
secondary containment and all other necessary building, fire and environmental protections.
A new pump will be placed at this location to connect to a new pipe that will transport the
methanol from this location across the existing pipe bridge to the existing non-conforming
tank north of the raIlroad tracks. A new connection will be made to this tank to allow the
Satre ASSOCiates, P.C, . 101 E Broadway, SUite 480, Eugene, OR 97401 . (541) 465-4721 . www satrepc com
HeXIon Specialty ChemIcals
SIte Plan Review Major ModificatIOn, Pre-Submittal Meetmg - Wntten Statement
Februarv 14.2008
Page l
methanol pipe to connect via the pipe bridge. No
necessary .
other ~~sU~OOrfAl-r€C~Dd or
FEB 1 4 2008
III. The Site and Existine: Conditions
A. Subiect Site
The proposed modification affects Tax Lots 300, 500 and 5400 of Lane County Assessor's
Map 17-03-35-33 (subject site); in addition to the affected lots the development site includes
Tax Lot 7800 of Lane County Assessor's Map 17-03-35-32, Tax Lots 2300, 2400and 5500 of
Lane County Assessor's Map 17-03-35-33 and Tax Lot 1500 of Lane County Assessor's
Map 18-03-02-21 (development site). All tax lots are owned by Hexion Specialty Chemicals.
Tax Lot 500 is approximately 9.05 acres in size and is the site of the main plant facilities.
Tax Lots 300 and 5400 are approximately 2.82 acres in size, includes the pipe bridge (Tax
Lot 300) and the methanol storage tank (Tax Lot 5400). The remainder of the development
site is used for non-chemical storage, parking and a laboratory. Tax Lot 1500 is outside the
Springfield City Limits.
B. Location and Site Context
The development site is located adjacent to the Willamette River south of A Street (Main
Street) and west of South Second Street. Tax Lots 300, 5400, 5500 and 7800 are zoned
(Springfield) and designated (Metro Plan) Light Medium Industrial (LMI). Tax Lot 500 is
located south of the railroad tracks and west of South Second Street; this parcel is zoned
(Springfield) and designated (Metro Plan) Heavy Industrial (HI). Tax Lot 1500 is outside the
City limits but inside the Metro UGB and is zoned (Springfield) and designated (Metro Plan)
as Low-Density Residential (LDR).
Across South Second Street are Tax -Lots 2300 and 2400; these two lots are zoned
(Springfield) and deSignated (Metro Plan) as Low Density Residential and are used for
parking. Further east of the development site, and south of South C Street, are residential
properties zoned and designated Low Density Residential. North of South C Street, and east
of South Second Street, the development site abuts LMI zoned and designated land. To the
north of the development site is the Millrace and land zoned and designated Booth Kelly
Mixed Use and Public Land & Open Space.
To the south of the subject property is land outside the City Limits that is zoned and
designated Low DenSity Residential and is vacant.
C. Site Descrintion. Current Use. and EXlstin!! Conditions
As stated above, the south parcel is occupied by the main Hexion Chemical campus. The
parcel is fully developed, and the current land use application proposes relatively minor
modification In this area to improve the function of the site.
The north parcel contains a non-conforming storage tank (permitted) and storage of materials
that are not chemically related The parcel is otherwise vacant and is grass covered.
Satre Associates, p,c. . 101 E Broadway, SUite 480, Eugene, OR 97401 . (541) 465-4721 . www satrepc com
HeXlOn SpecIalty ChemIcals
SIte Plan ReVIew Major ModIfication, Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg - Wntten Statement
Februarv 14.2008
FEB 1 4 2008
Pa2:e 4
The Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) identifies the site as being in Zone AE, Area of 100-
year flood, based flood elevations determined, Zone FW, Floodway areas inside the 100-year
flood, base flood elevations determined and Zone X outside the 500-year floodplain (Map
Number 41039C1l42 F). Soil types on the site are predominately (near 100%) classified in
the Lane County Soil Survey as Urban Lane -Hazelau-Dixonville Complex, 3 to 12 percent
slopes (127C).
No wetlands are identified on the National Wetland Inventory map or the Springfield Local
Wetland Inventory.
This section is organized by the applicable approval criteria. Applicable approval criteria
are outlined in bold italics below, followed by proposed findings of fact in normal text.
Approval Criteria - Site Plan Review Modification - Major
In accordance with SDC 5.17-145, the Planning Director shall review a Type II Major Site
Plan Review Modification application based on particular criteria as specified in
SDC 5.17-145. SDC 5.17-125 states, the Planning Director shall approve or approve with
conditions an application upon determining that criteria (A) through (E) of this Section
have been satisfied:
(1) The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable
Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan.
The development site is located within the LMI, Light Medium Industrial; HI, Heavy
Industrial zoning districts. Portions of the site to the north are within the Springfield
Booth-Kelly Mixed-Use (BKMU) District and the Willamette Greenway (WG)
Overlay District ,boundaries. However, the portion of the development site that is
involved with this applicatIOn (Tax Lots 300, 500 and 5400) is not within the Booth-
Kelly Mixed-Use District boundary (see Site Plan). The LMI and HI zones regulate
the uses and associated development standards and the WG zone provides additional
review procedures and criteria. There are no applicable refinement plans, plan district
maps or co:nceptual development plans for the portion of the development site
affected by tills proposal. Therefore, because the underlying zoning, rather than the
Willamette Greenway Overlay District, regulates uses and associated development
standards, and because the zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan Diagram,
criterion SDC 5.17-125(A) is met.
(2) Capacity requirements of public improvements, including but not limited to, water
and electricity; sanitary sewer and storm water management facilities; and streets
and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and that the public improvements
shall be available to ser.ve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise
Satre Associates, P.C, . 101 E Broadway, SUite 480, Eugene, OR 97401 . (541) 465-4721 . www satrepc com
HeXIOn Specialty Chemicals
Site Plan Review Major ModificatIOn, Pre-Submittal Meetmg - Wntten Statement
Februarv 14.2008
FEB 14 2008
Pap:e 5
provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works
Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues.
Applicable public improvement standards can be found in Sections 4.1-100, 4.2-100
and 4.3-100 of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) and the City's Engineering
Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM).
The subject site is in an area that is currently fully served by public and private
utilities and public streets. The impact of the proposed modifications on the capacity
of public improvements will be minor. Modifications on the north side of the railroad
tracks will add one pipe and connection to the existing methanol storage tank built to
meet the latest building and fire codes, the change will not be significant. The
proposed modifications on the south parcel include the addition of one pump, and a
pipe to cross over the railroad tracks within an existing pipe bndge (see Site Plan) this
will not increase current electric or water. The proposed modifications covered by
this application do not include any changes that Will increase or decrease the demands
of the sanitary sewers.
The area of impervious surface will not be increased on either the north or south
parcels. As such no increase in the storm flows is anticipated. Stormwater runoff from
the existing impervious surfaces will be treated structurally and/or vegetatively prior
to leaving the site as is the current practice.
The proposed modifications will be not substantially increase the truck traffic to the
site's existing unloading facility. Currently the plant operates with approximately 140
trucks per week delivering chemicals to and from the unloading area; the proposed
changes will add approximately thirty (30) truck trips per week (the Hexion facIlity
has historically operated with approx~mately 175 to 210 truck deliveries per week).
Since the proposed modificatiOns do not include any substantial increases in new
services, changes of use or operatiOns there wIll be insignificant changes in trips to
and from the Hexion facility and, therefore, no new capacity issues with streets or
traffic safety controls.
The above findings, together with the site plans and supplemental information
submitted herewith, demonstrate that the applicant has met the reqUirements of this
criterion. '
(3) The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private
design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable
Applicable public and private design and construction standards can be found in
Chapter 4, Development Standards of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) and
Satre Associates, P.c. . 101 E Broadway, SUite 480, Eugene, OR 97401 . (541) 465-4721 . www satrepc com
HeXIOn SpecIalty ChemIcals
SIte Plan RevIew Major ModIficatIOn, Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg - Wntten Statement
Februarv 14.2008
FER 1 4 2008
Pal!e 6
the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM). Other
applicable standards are contained elsewhere in the code. The majority of the
development standards cited in the Springfield Code are not applicable to this
modification request. A review of the development standards follows with findings
presented herein.
SDC Section 3.2-400 - LMI. HI. and SHI Industrial Zonim! Districts
Many of the improvement standards cited in ,Section 3 2-400 are not applicable to this
modification request. Of those which do apply to this modification request, the
following findings are submitted.
Schedule of Use Categories (SDC 3.2-410)
The use category "Chemical and chemical products" is not allowed within the LMI
zone, however, it is allowed within the HI zone. The proposed modifications will add
unloading of methanol to the HI zone where it is a permitted use. The methanol will
be piped along an existing pipe bridge crossing the railroad into the LMI zone and
will connect to an existing permitted non-conforming methanol storage tank. From
conversations with City staff during previous Development Issues Meetings the
applicant is aware that they may need to submit a ModificatIOn to a Non-Conforming
Use application and a Discretionary Use application to comply with this standard.
With the submittal of these applications this standard is met.
LotlParcel Size Standards (SDC 3.2-420)
The minimum lot size in the LMI and HI districts is 10,000 square feet. The three lots
within the subject side are Tax Lots 300, 500 and 5400. With areas of 24,394 square
feet for Tax Lot 300, 394,218 square feet for Tax Lot 500 and 98,446 square feet for
Tax Lot 5400 this standard is met.
These findings together with site plans and supplemental information submitted
herewith demonstrate that this standard is met.
Lot Coverage Standards (SDC 3.2-420)
Lot coverage is limited only by conditions of other standards within the code. The
proposed modifications will not change the m:ea of lot coverage on the site. As such
this standard IS not applicable.
Setback Standards (SDC 32-420)
Standard setbacks are 10 feet for front yard building setback, 5 feet for parking,
driveway and outdoor storage, 10 feet for mterior side and rear yard bUIlding setbacks
from residential districts and the CI district', and 5 feet for interiorr and rear yard
building setbacks for parkmg, driveway and outdoor storage. There are no
improvements proposed with 10 feet of any property line on any tax lot. No other
setback standards within thIS section are applicable.
Satre Associates, p,c. . 101 E Broadway, SUIte 480, Eugene, OR 97401 . (541) 465-4721 . www satrepc com
HeXIOn Specialty ChemIcals
Site Plan RevIew Major ModIficatIOn, Pre-SubmIttal Meeting - Wntten Statement
Februarv 14.2008
FEB 1 4 2008
Pal!e 7
These findings together with site plans submitted herewith demonstrate that this
standard is met.
Height Standards (SDC 3.2-420)
The subject property abuts Low Density Residential (LDR) property to the east. The
standard for maximum height within the LDR district is 30 feet for a distance of 50
feet from the residential district. The applicant's proposed modification does not
change the height of any structure on the subject site. The proposed modification will
add a pipe to an existing pipe bridge that is approximately 20 feet in height. Since no
increase in height is proposed this standard is not applicable.
SDC Section 3.3-200 - Drinkinf! Water Protection Overlav District
This site is outside the zone of concentration as such this overlay does not apply to
the subject property.
SDC Section 3.3-300 - Willamette Greenwav Overlav District
The Willamette Greenway Overlay District applies to the subject site since Tax Lots
500 and 5400 are within 150 feet of the ordinary low water line on the channel of the
Willamette River. Many of the improvement standards cited in Section 3.3-300 are
not applicable to -this modification request. Of those which do apply to this
modification request, the following findings are submitted. The applzcant is prepared
to submit a separate Wlllamette Greenway Development permit which may be
required as indicated in prevIOus DIM meetings between the City and the applicant
Greenway Setback (SDC 3.3-325)
A Greenway Setback line has not been established. The submitted Site Plan shows the
approximate location of the Greenway Boundary as surveyed by the applicant. The
ordinary low water line is shown on the submitted site plan. A review of the site plan
shows that the Greenway Setback (150 feet) appears to be encroached upon by the
existing methanol storage tank (the secondary containment area is within 80 feet of
the Greenway Setback). However, the connection to the tank is on the east side
approximately 35 feet from the Greenway Setback. With the submittal of the
Willamette Greenway Overlay District permit application the Greenway Setback will
be established and thIS standard shall be met consistent with standards (a) through (h)
of thIS section.
Development Standards (SDC 3.3-330)
In addition to standards (a) through (h) of SDC SectIOn 3.3-325 the applicant intends
to submit a discretionary use permit per the requirements of this section. Per SDC
5.9-100, Discretionary Uses may be reviewed concurrently with a Site Plan
application (or Site Plan Modification application) as a Type III process. The
Discretionary Use application may be approved if it complies with the Site Plan
criteria and the following discretionary use approval criteria of SDC 5.9-120(A)--{D).
Satre Associates, P.C, . 101 E Broadway, SUIte 480, Eugene, OR 97401 . (541) 465-4721 . www satrepc com
HeXIOn Specialty Chemicals
Site Plan Review Major ModificatIOn, Pre-Submittal Meetmg - Wntten Statement
Februarv 14.2008
FEB 1 4 2008
Pa2e 8
SDC Section 3.4-300 - Booth-Kellv Mixed-use District
The improvement standards cited in Section 3.4-300 are not applicable to this
modification request since the proposed development is outside of the district
Chaoter 4 - Develooment Standards
The majority of the improvement standards cited in Chapter 4 are not applicable to
this modIfication request. Of those which do apply to this modification request, the
following findings are submitted.
Streets -Public (SDC 4.2-105)
No public streets are proposed or required as part of this request. The north parcel is
partially developed and has access from South 2nd Street and via South B Street. The
south parcel has multiple access points to the fully developed South 2nd Street along
its east boundary.
Based on the findings presented above and the site plans submitted herewith, this
standard is met.
'Street Standards - Private (SDC 4.2-110)
No private streets are proposed or required as part of this request. Therefore, this
section does not apply.
Site Access and Driveways (SDC 4.2-120)
The existing development has approved access provide by direct access to South 2nd
Street and South B Street. The applicant is not proposing to alter and of the driveways
that provide access South 2nd Street or South B Street.
The primary ingress and egress for truck unloading facility is from South 2nd Street
south of the railroad tracks, near the south end of the development site. The trucks
currently travel along a paved internal driveway to the unloading area; the proposed
new truck trips will travel the same path and will not increase the impact to the site or
surroundmg land uses.
These findings, together with the site plans submitted herewith, demonstrate that thIS
standard is met.
Intersections (SDC 4.2-125)
No new intersections or modifications to eXIsting intersections are proposed,
therefore, these standards do not apply.
Vision Clearance (SDC 4.2-130)
As shown on the site plans, the applicant has met the vision clearance requirements of
SDC 4.2-130. Where the driveways connect onto South 2nd Street the apphcant is
providing a 10 foot deep phYSIcally unobstructed vision clearance zone where the
Satre ASSOCiates, P,C, . 101 E. Broadway, SUite 480, Eugene, OR 97401 . (541) 465-4721 . www satrepc com
HeXIOn Specialty Chemicals
Site Plan Review Major ModificatIOn, Pre-Submittal Meetmg - Written Statement
Februarv 14.2008
FEB 1 4 2008
Page ~
driveways intersect the street. The intent is to ensure the safety of motorists and to
provide clear visual access to the building. .
These findings, together with the site plans submitted herewith, demonstrate that this
standard is met.
Sidewalks (SDC 4.2-135)
No new sidewalks or modifications to existing sidewalks are proposed, therefore,
these standards do not apply.-
Street Trees (SDC 4.2-140)
No new street trees, impacts or modifications to existing street trees are proposed or
anticipated, therefore, these standards do not apply.
Street Lighting (SDC 4.2-145)
As stated above all public streets abutting the development site are existing and
improved. These improvements include existing street lights. Therefore, no new
streetlights are proposed and the standards in this section are not applicable.
Bikeways, Pedestrian Trails andAccessways (SDC 4.2-150,4.2-155,4.2-160)
There are currently striped on-street bike lanes on South 2nd Street along the western
edge of the site.
The Eugene-Springfield Regional Transportation Plan (Trans Plan) shows existing
on-street bIcycle paths on South 2nd Street. There are no existing or proposed
bikeways or pedestrian trails shown through the subject site.
The Springfield Bicycle Plan also shows on-street bicycle paths on South 2nd Street.
The proposed development does not impact any of these existing or planned
bIkeways. Based on these findings this standard is met.
Sanitary Sewers (SDC 4.~-105)
No improvements are proposed that require or impact the samtary sewers, therefore
these standards do not apply.
Storm water Management! Water Quality Protection (SDC 4.3-11 0/ 115)
No Improvements, or increased impervious areas, are proposed that require or impact
the sanitary sewers, therefore the standards of HDC 4.3-110 (a) - (g) are also
Two (2) Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQL W) are located adjacent to the
development site: the Willamette River (> 1,000 c.f.s.) and the Mill Race (< 1,000
c.f.s.). Associated with the two WQL W are riparian areas that are located within and
adjacent to the development site. The riparian setbacks for these two water bodies are
Satre Associates, P.c. . 101 E Broadway, SUIte 480, Eugene, OR 97401 . (541) 465-4721 . www satrepc com
HeXlOn SpecIalty ChemIcals
SIte Plan ReVIew Major ModIficatlOn, Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg - Wntten Statement
Februarv 14.2008
FEB 1 4 2008
Pal!e 10
shown on the Site Plan, the setback for the MIll Race (< 1,000 c.f.s.) is 50 feet, and
the setback for the Willamette River (> 1,000 c.f.s.) is 75 feet. The existmg methanol
storage tank is outside the 75-foot riparian setback of the Willamette River, however,
the secondary containment and unloading area is within the setback; there is no
existing or proposed impact to the Mill Race riparian corridor. The proposed
modifications include a 'new pIpe connectIOn to the methanol storage tank outSIde of
the 75-foot Willamette River riparian corridor setback.
Since there is no impact to WQL W riparian corridors and no new impervious
surfaces, or development added to the site that would affect stormwater, this standard
is met.
Utilities (SDC 4.3-120-140)
T4e proposed improvements will not require any new off-site utility facilities, and no,
new utility easements should be required by any utility provider. Extension and
modification of the existing on-site utilities will accommodate the proposed
These findings together with site plans and supplemental information submitted
herewith demonstrate that this standard is met.
Wireless Telecommunications Systems Facilities (SDC 4.3-145)
The applicant does not propose to site or otherwise construct wireless
telecommunication systems or facilities as part of this request Therefore, this
standard does not apply.
Planting Standards (SDC 4.4-105)
The applicant's Site Plan shows the existing landscaping provided along 'South 2nd
Street and adjacent to the Willamette River. The proposed modifications, do not
change impervious surface areas, change parking areas or affect the site design in any
manner (except to add one pump, one pipe to an existing pipe bridge and one
connection to an existing storage tank); as such the modifications are not substantial
enough to require additional plantings and these standards are not applicable.
Screening (SDC 4.4-110)
Regarding subsection (l)(a) screening is required where commercial and industrial
districts abut residentIal districts and no approved screening exists. The existing
development screens the adjacent residential property to the east with landscaping
along South 2nd Street as approved for the existing unloading of trucks.
The findmgs presented above together with the site plans and supplemental
information submitted herewith, demonstrate that the applicant has met this standard.
Satre Associates, p,c. . 101 E Broadway, SUIte 480, Eugene, OR 97401 . (541) 465-4721 . wwwsatrepc com
HeXlOn SpecIalty ChemIcals
SIte Plan RevIew Major ModIfication, Pre-Submittal Meetmg - Wntten Statement
Februarv 14.2008
FEB 1 4 2008
Pa!!e 11
Fences (SDC 4.4-115)
No improvements are proposed that reqUIre or impact fences, therefore these
standards do not apply.
On-Site Lighting Standards (SDC 4.5-100)
No improvements are proposed that require or impact on-site lighting, therefore these
standards do not apply.
Off-Street Parking Standards (SDC 4.6-100)
These standards specify the amount of parking required for particular uses The
proposed modifications do not include any change in use or an increase to building
area that would require a change to the minimum parking requirement, therefore, this
standard does not apply.
Vehicle Parking (SDC 4.6-110)
No improvements are proposed that require or impact on-site parking, therefore these
standards do not apply.
Vehicle Parking - Parking Lot Design (SDC 4.6-115)
No improvements are proposed that require or impact parking lot design, therefore
,these standards do not apply.
Vehicle Parking - Parking Lot Improvements (SDC 4.6-120)
No improvements are proposed that require or impact parking lot improvements,
therefore these standards do not apply.
Vehicle Parking - Parking Space Requirements (SDC 4,6-125)
No improvements are proposed that require or impact parking space requirements,
therefore these standards do not apply.
Loading Standards (SDC 4.6-130/135)
No new off-street loading facilities are proposed, however, limited modifications to
existing loading facilities are proposed. The applicant proposes to add one pump and
pipe, remove a section of asphaltic berm and replace it with a new section of asphaltic
berm (see detail In Site Plan).
1 All necessary loading areas for commercial and industrial development shall
be located off-street and provlded zn addltlOn to the required parkzng spaces
As shown in the Site Plan the existing unloading facility is outside of the
public right-of-way, an existing chain link: fence separates the unloading area
from the public right-of-way.
2 Vehlcles in the loading area shall not protrude znto a publzc right-ofway or
Satre Associates, p,c. . 101 E Broadway, SUite 480, Eugene, OR 97401 . (541) 465-4721 . www satrepc com
HeXlOn SpecIalty ChemIcals
SIte Plan RevIew Major ModIficatIon, Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg - Wntten Statement
Februarv 14.2008 '
FEB 1 4 2008
Pa2:e 12
An existing chain link fence, separates the unloading area from the public
right-of-way, thus preventing the protrusion of vehicles.
3 The mmimum SIzes required for commerczal and industrial loading areas are
as follows
The existing unloading area is greater than 750 square feet, the proposed
modifications do not affect the size of the unloading area.
4 The required loading area shall not be less than 10 feet wide by 25 feet long
and have an unobstructed height of 14 feet.
The unloading area is greater than 10 feet wide and longer than 25 feet and
has an unobstructed height greater than 14 feet. See Site plan for more details.
5 A school havmg a capacity greater than 25 students shall have a dnveway
deSIgned for the contmuous forward flow of passenger vehicles for loadmg
and unloadmg children
This standard does not apply.
The findings presented above together with the site plans and supplemental
information submitted herewith, demonstrate that the applicant has met this standard.
Bicycle Parking Standards (SDC 4.6-140/150)
No modifications are proposed to existing bicycle parking and no changes in use are
proposed that would require an increase in bicycle parking. Therefore this section
does not apply.
The above findings, together with the SIte plans and supplemental mformation
submitted herewith, demonstrate that the applicant has met the requirements of this
(4) Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular
traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity
within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops,
neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas;
minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or
other applicable regulations and comply with ODOT access management standards
for state highways.
F indinlZs
No modifications are proposed to existing parking areas or mgressl egress points, and
no changes in use are proposed that would require changes Therefore this section
does not apply.
Satre Associates, P.C. . 101 E Broadway, SUIte 480, Eugene, OR 97401 . (541) 465-4721 . www satrepc com
HexlOn SpecIalty ChemIcals
SIte Plan RevIew Major ModIficatIOn, Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg - Wntten Statement
Februarv 14.2008
FEB 1 4: Z008
Pal!:e 13
(5) Physical Features, including but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or
geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of
trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated
riparian areas; wetlands; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic
and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS
97.740-760. 358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in the
Code or in State or Federal law.
The proposed modifications in the application do not affect the physical features
listed in this criterion; as such this standard is not applicable. The development site
has no significant clusters of trees or shrubs, no wetlands, no rock outcroppings, no
other significant physical features or identified historic features to evaluate or protect.
The two WQL W watercourses and associated riparian areas are outside of the impact
area of development and are not affected by this proposal; as such they do not need
further protection as a result of this proposed modification. Since no impact occurs
this criterion is met.
III. Conclusion
Based on the information and findings contained in this written statement and enclosed
plans, the proposed Site Plan Review Modification - Major meets the criteria of approval
contained in the Springfield Development Code. Therefore, the applIcant requests that the
Planning Director approve the proposal as presented. Both the applicant and the applicant's
representative are available for questions as necessary.
Satre ASSOcIate~, P.c. . 101 E Broadway, SUIte 480, Eugene, OR 97401 . (541) 465-4721 . www satrepc com
Satre Associates, P,C.
101 East Broadway
SUIte 480
Eugene, Oregon 97401
phone 5414654721
fax 541 4654722
1 800 662 7094
www satrepc com
February 14, 2008
Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, Oregon 97477
FEB 1 4 2008
To Whom It May Concern:
Attached are materials for a Site Plan Modification Major, Pre-Submittal Meeting
Application for proposed modifications of the unloading facility at Hexion Specialty
Chemicals. This application is a pre-requisite to the submittal of the Site Plan
Modification - Major application as required per the Springfield Development Code.
A separate application for Site Plan Equivalent Map is submitted concuuc..utly with
this application as requested at two DIM meetings help in April and July 2007,
We have included the required information as follows:
Application Form.............................. ,...,.....,.........................,.................10
1 Copy of the Deeds................,.................................... .........18
1 Preliminary Title Report ............................................ ...........5
1 Narrative Written Statement ......,.,..,.,.....,.....,............. ..........13
7 Copies ofthe Site Assessment of Existing Conditions Map .............1 each
7 Copies ofthe Site Plan.............,.............................. ..............1 each
1 Copy ofthe Site Plan (8.5 x 11) ................................. ..............,1
We have not included the following documents that are required to be submitted
as part of the application packet:
. Rzght-of-way approach Permzt Applzcatzon, it is our understanding that this is
not necessary since the Hexion Specialty Chemicals site does not have frontage
on an ODOT facility.
. Stormwater Management System Scope of Work sheet, it is our understandmg
that this is not necessary since no improvements are made to the site that
increase impervious surfaces, or that alter drainage on the development site.
. Traffic Impact Study, it is our understanding that this is not necessary since no
improvements or made that increase the number of trips to the site, and the
total trips to the site is below a number that would require a TIS.
Planners, Landscape Archztects, and Environmental Specialists
Hexion Sp,-,,-,zalty Chemicals. Site Plan Modification - .....ajor, Pre-Submittal Meeting
. Improvement and Public Utllities Plan, it is our understanding that this is not
necessary since no improvements are made to the site that affect public
. Grading, Paving, & Stormwater Management Plan, it is our understanding that
this is not necessary since no improvements are made to the site that adds to or
decreases paving or other impervious surfaces or alters grading on the site.
. Landscape Plan, it IS our understanding that this is not necessary since no
improvements are made to the site that affect existing landscaping or that will
require the addition of landscaping to the development site to meet code
. Architectural Plans, it is our understanding that this is not necessary since no
improvements are made to the site that change the elevations, alters existing
buildings or affect the architecture of any building or structure on the
development site.
. On-Szte Llghting Plan, it is our understanding that this is not necessary since no
Improvements are made to the site that affect existing lighting or will require
modifications to lighting on the development site.
. Riparian Area Protection Report, it is our understanding that this is not necessary
since no improvements are made to the site that impact a WQLW.
. Geotechnical Report, it is our understanding that this is not necessary since no
improvements are made to the site that affect the sites soils.
. Overlay District, it is our understanding that this is not necessary since no
improvements are made to the portions of the site that are 'Yithin an overlay
dIStrict that is not already addressed,
. Tree fellzng Permit, no trees are proposed to be removed; therefore this is not
. Wetland DelineatlOn, there are no wetlands on the property and no wetland is
affected by the proposed modification; as such it is our understanding that this is
not necessary.
. Land and Drainage Alteration Permit, it is our understanding that thIs is not
necessary since no improvements are made to the site that that affect grading,
filling or excavating,
. Discretionary Use or Variance, it is our understanding that staff will provide
more detail regarding necessary additional applications that will need to be
submitted; pn;,vious DIM indicate that additional applications may be necessary,
. Annexation Applzcation, although a portion of the development site is outside the
Springfield City Limits it is our understanding that annexation is not required.
Per previous conversation with Development Services Department staff it is our
belief that the provided information is adequate for this Pre-Submittal application,
FEB 1 4 2008
Michael Howard, AICP
Planner N
Planners, Landscape Architects, and Environmental Specialists