HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 4/17/2008
I z,fo- "3' 5 '3
:City of Springfield
Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Land Division Plat
Partition, Subdivision
DG!te Received:
APR 1 7 2008
Original Submittal
Subdivision Plat Pre-Submittal:
Subdivision Plat Submittal:
. ..-
Phone: 721a-b 72l
Address: 4' ~6b M~~^- <O~ ) Sf'r'^';\~JJ..., ;" o(L '1741 B
Applicant's Rep,: M ().Ar-\J ( ~ \LV' ~ Phone: b '6b -q].../(
Company: ~~fvL~ O=ID>~_ ~c....~~~ Fax: t.ftt,Lf-Oj6"3/
!Address: {,.,of ~'1 ~~ I\l...~ .. 6.~ :, ()~ ql~Od-..
Property Owner: \-\Jo~.r ~r ~~~ Phone: 7-'fI-no?
I Company: \ Fax: 7 LJ J - (-/6 R7
,Address: f. t). Bo'l' 4 ~& / 5 fr~NI..:f-.-J.LL/ alL.. Off/.{ II
ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: '1- D1- - ~2- 41 I;AX LOT NOeS): :,oc.. ~oJ. ~D?' ';o'-{ seS-
I ' , I ~
Property Address: y.~l-. l"\(U~ ~
Size of Property: I. S S Acres ']gJ' Square Feet D
Proposed Name of Subdivision: M b1 LIr- {;;.-\:o...~\
I Description of If you are filling In this form by han}JPlease attach your proposal description to th'IS application
Proposal: +b ~\U~...: ~l/O-'_ ~~-J~ \.ot"' ~ Q... l~cl l:ct, o..nl- c.c.rwl""~"'- ~.
Existing Use: ~-r~"o.-\: Tentative Case #:~I1\@.200~-~Ob~
# of Lots/Parcels: '" IAvg. Lot/Parcel Size: 6..;EO' sf IDensity: G.5l( dujacre
Si natures: Please si nand rint our name and date (n the a ro riate box on the next
Applicant Name:
. ..-
Associated Applications: S'u 61fJC6 - ()()Orc6 ~u...b ~
Pre-Sub Case No.:\P~2&o6"'~ Date: '- Reviewed by:
Case No.: ~Mh~- 6501-0 Date: 4-/7-08 .Reviewedby:J~
Application Fee: $ 1...Il.oG,:o} ITechnical ~ee: $ 108.32- Ipostage Fee: $0
TOTAL FEES: $ '2-2-1tf-. ~~ PROJECT NUMBER: <f~~ 2cIDb- BSfu'(,
Revised 1/l/08 Molly Markarian
Owner Signatures
This application form IS used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent
complete application submittal Owner signatures are required at both stages In the application
process An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted.
fhe undersigned acknowledges that the IIlforrndtlon 1111111'; 'lppIiLi'ltlon IS correct and accurate for srherliJllllq of the
Pre- Submittal Meeting
I represent thiS application to be complete for submittal to thE' City Consistent with the completeness check
performed on thiS application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the City as
necessary for processing the application IS provided herein or the Information will not be provided If not otherwise
contained within the submrttal, and the City may begin processing the application with the Information as submitted
ThiS statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a complete
"L o:L Q,:~
Signature I
'kJe / L _-0Qf<CVl~
Date Received:
APR 1 7 2008
Original Submittnl
ReVised 1/l/0H Molly Markarian
2 of (,
Owner Signatures
This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent
complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application
process. An application witho~t the Owner's original sig-nature will not be accepted.
The undersigned acknowledges that the mformatlon m thiS application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the
Pre- Submittal Meeting
I represent thiS application to be complete for submittal to the CIty Consistent with the completeness check
performed on thiS application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the mformatlon Identified by the CIty as
necessary for processmg the application IS provided herem or the Information will not be provided If not otherwise
contamed wlthm the submittal, and the CIty may begm processmg the application with the Information as submitted.
ThiS statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227 178 pertamlng to a complete
~ Q,~J~
Signature ~ 0
DcV\ c,r'~ ~~,'V\ 2/te.,C. b:"r
Date: 4. s . 0 ~
f;/ E )+FI-I
, . -
Date Received:
APR 1 7 2008
Original Submlttai
ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarran
2 of 6
L~nd Division Plat Pre-Submittal Requirements chelist
NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the
~xplanation to this form.
Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee
calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services
Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees,/are collected at
the pr,~-submittal and submittal stages. /
Land Diyision Plat Application Form /
Letter A~dreSSing Conditions of Approval - lists and addresies each condition of
approval, d'etailing the actions taken and current status of each item.
\ I
Nine (9) pa~~r Copies of the Plat stamped and signed ~y' the surveyor. )
Two (2) COPi~\Of Closure Sheets for the boundary aJ1~ each lot or parcel and all
common areas, de9icated areas, and easement areas ~hat are not simple parallel offsets.
\ /
Two (2) Copies of Title Report or Subdivision ~u'arantee for the parcel being
divided. The title repd~ must be dated within 30 gays of submittal at the time of the final
submittal. An older rep~\ is OK at the pre-sub~ittal stage.
Two (2) Copies of Each O( the Reference ~ocuments and Plats listed on the plat.
Two (2) Copies of Each of the Supporting Documents - the vesting deed (must vest
title to the owner listed on the 'p~t), existing easement deeds, and documents listed as
exceptions in the title report, etc.\
Two (2) Draft Copies of any stre~t dedications.
Two (2) Draft Copies of Any New Easements or Restrictions being created by
separate document, improvemenf agre~ments, maintenance agreements, joint use
ingress/egress and utility eaSel'T,lEmts, se~~r hook up in lieu of assessment, and any other
documents that will be recorde8 together with the plat or that are required by the
Conditions of Approval. II \\
Two (2) Copies of a Co~ent Statement (G~ncurrence) on the plat (to be signed by -
the lender prior to final a"pproval) OR Two (2) Copies of an Affidavit of Consent by
separate document is ~~qUired from all Trust De~d, mortgage, or other secured loan
interest holders against the property to be record~d simultaneously with the plat IF any
public dedications o'ieasements are being made anM/or any other interests are being
transferred to the p,ublic per ORS 92.075 (2-4).
Copies of Wetland Documents as required.
Copies of ODOT Access Permits as required.
Draft Copy of Barg~in and Sale Deed for Reserve StriPs\- City Survey Section has a
Verification that Street Tree Agreement is in Progress as required. I
Draft Copy of the Conditions, Covenants &. Restrictions (CC8iRs) as
required. \
Post Monumentation Deposit as required for subdivisions only. City Survey Section
has current fee schedule and templates.
Date Received:
ReVIsed 1/1/08 Molly Markarran
5 of 6
APR 1 7 2008
Original Submittal
---- ,
toD L~ion of Any Floodways in accordance..wttllSoc 3.3-400.
Existtng Easements Clearly Identi~ith Their Recorded Reference.
o New E~ments and Resen;;;t~iPs Referenced in Owner Certificates of
Dedication ~ii1d~_PurpoSes of Easements Identified on Plat.
~OTE: When, as pact~'approval'process, the application has been conditioned so that the
tecordation of ~c:l6Cument is req~s,~e applicant shall be responsible for paying the Lane
County reco/Ehng fee for any such required-.9ocument. Documents which may require
recordaUen include, but are not limited to: De.velopment Agreements; Improvement
Agr~ents; Deed Restrictions; Future Developrne~ Plans; Easements; Joint Use Access/
~ntenance Agreements; and Dedications of Right-okWay.
Land Division Plat Submittal Requirements Checklist
NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the
explanation to this form.
Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee
calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services
Department. The application, technology, and postage fees, where applicable, are
collected at the time of complete application submittal.
land Division Plat Application Form
Two (2) Copies of the Deed
Two (2) Copies of a Title Report issued within 30 days of the date Lane County will
record the plat.
Original Plat on Mylar with notarized owner(s) signature(s) and signed surveyor stamp.
Copy of the Mylar on Bond Paper
Original and Copy of all Required Documents with signatures where appropriate.
Date Received:
APR 1 7 2008
Original SubmittclL
ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian
6 of 6
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, Oregon 97477
541-726-3759 Phone
Job/Journal Number
Type of Payment
Job/Journal Number
S UB2008-00020
Type of Payment
City of Springfield Official Receipt
evelopment Services Department
Public Works Department
Date: 04/17/2008
CTY Subd >NonLDR Base +616 Ac
+ 5% Technology Fee
Paid By
Item Total:
Check Number AuthorizatIOn
Received By Batch Number Number How Received
In Person
In Person
Payment Total:
CTY Subd >NonLDR Base +616 Ac
+ 5% Technology Fee
Paid By
Item Total:
Check Number AuthorizatIOn
Received By Batch Number Number How Received
In Person
In Person
Payment Total:
Date Received:
APR 1 7 2008
Original Subrnitt&!
Page 1 of 1
Amount Due
2,166 31
Amount Paid
Amount Due
2,166 31
Amount Paid
$2,274 62
After recording return to:
Dean S. Kaufman
Cox & AsSoCiates, LLC
142 West 8th Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 97401
- and -
an Oregon non-profit corporation [Habitat]
1. Habitat is the owner of Lots 1-10, Meyer Estates Cluster Subdivision, as platted
and recorded on (~_~ ';, , 2007, Official Records of Ldne County, Oreqon, and Jokinen
is the owner of Lots 1.1 and 12, Meyer Estates Cluster Subdivision, as platted and
recorded on _, 2002, Official Records of Lane County, Oreqon.
2. The parties desire by this agref'rnent to provide an operation~ mainlenc1nce plan
for a bio-infiltratlon and storm water system which shall serve both Hahltat and
Jokinen's properties and allocate the cost and re~ponsibllily for the rnalntenanu" thereof
as provided herein.
3. The bio-infiltratlon dnd storm wdter system [tlereafter the sWdle], as ~.hown on
the plat of the Meyer Estates C1u~ler Suhdivlslon, is located approximately 7/8 on
property owned by Jokinen, and 1/8 on property owned hy H<Jbitat. Eventually It will be
owned by the Meyer Estates Homeowners Association, an Oregon non-profit
corporation, to be created, and Jokinen. Each party desires to grant the other an
easement for the use and utilization of the swale all the terms and conditions proVided
herein. Attached hereto as Exhibit "^," i3nd by tl1l~> referente Incorporated hprpln IS a
legal description of tile swale.
1. The foregOing Recitals are h0.reby 1m or pm aied by reference as if fully ''let forth
herein and are true.
2. For ar'd In consideration of tht~ Illutual promisE'S and covenants contaulpd hel eln,
Habitat hereby ~Jrants and conveys to Jokinen, and Jokinen hereby qrant1S and conveys
to Habitat, a perpetual non-exclUSive easement to utiliZE' that por11on of the swale on
the grantor's property in conjunction with the grantee's use, i.'lS more particularly
described upon the Meyer Estates plat, for the purpOsej of providing storm water
disposal and bio-.lnflltlation under the stancJal ds and glJld(~nnes of the Oty of
Springfield, and as further provided hpreln.
3. l11e cost of maintJinlng cmd rep~ming the <',wale :,hdll be paid as follows'
(a) Thp. r""/~yer l:statf~s I t()meown(-~r5 AS50( 1<ltloVl I Habitat's suo C(l~'or In
interest]: FIFTY pen ent (!lOo/a).
(b) Jokinen and hm successors If) inter e!.t a'~ ()Wl1l'r~.) of Lot 11: 'J WI NTY-
FIVE percent (25%). Date Received.
p.'lge 1 of 3 _. C.ROSS'f.:^Sf:I\1ENTS AND MAIN rl:NANCI: AbHllMEN I
t"oswal~ 'Jt1kl(lf'1l r ,,<,plltent III Millnlpll,JlJu' Aqlremeflt q 2.7,01 <lur
APR 1 7 2008
Original SubmittaL
(c) Jokinen and her successors in Interest as OWJlE~rs of Lot 12: lWENTY-
FNE percent (25%).
4. Attached hereto as Exhibit "B," and by this reference incorporated herein, are
suggested operations and maintenance plans for the swale from the Storm Water
Management Manual and issued by the City of Springfield. Insofar as relevant and
applicable, Habitat and Jokinen shall follow the guidelines set forth in Exhibit "B" In
maintaining and repairing the swale.
5. In addition to the swale, this agreement shall also apply to relevant storm pipes,
sewer lines and all other infrastructure utihzed by the parties for the disposition of
storm water and bio-Infiltration. Anything to the contrary notwithstanding In ~3,
Habitat shall have the maintenance responsibility only for those pipes and hnes which
benefit Lots 1-10 owned by Habitat. Jokinen shall havt~ the sole maintenance
responsibility for those lines servicing Lots 11 and 12. ProVltted fUrther, that Jokinen
shall have no financial responsibility to maintain the swale, until and unless Lots 11 or
12 have some development activity thereon.
6. This easement and agreement shall be perpetual and shall be binding upon the
heirs, successors and assigns of each of the parties.
7. Each party shall Indemnify and hold the other f)arty ;harmtess from any loss,
liability or expense of any kind the other party may inCUr as a result of a party's
negligence or intentional wrongful act Involving or relating to tile swale and related
Infrastructure. ' ,
8. Each party may enter upon tile swale at slIch thTlE~5 as may be reasonably
necessary to repair, replace or maIntain the swale or any of .its related infrastructure.
The parties shall agree among themselves as to the allocatjQo\:of such responsibility and
whether or not some or all of such responsibility shall be c()r,ltracted to a qualified third
party .
9. Jokinen may, at Jokinen's sole discretion, elect to relocate the outflow pipe from
the 5wale which bifurcates Lot 12. Such relocation shall be, at Joklnen'~ solp cost and
expense. Any relocated outflow pipe shall be built in such a, faJshlon as to meet all City
of Springfield applicable codes and permitting requirements.' ' In the event of (Jny such
relocation, this easement shall be modified so that all o~ the terms and conditions
herein, lndudlng Habitat's right to access the relocated pipe ',fur maintenance, shall be
applicable'tQ the relocat~ pipe and easement. ,: I
10. The parties shall meet on an as needed basis tq ~' decide abOut necessary
maintenance and related responsibilities for the swale. In 'ttlte event ;of a disaqreement
between the parties [voting power shall be proportionate to" the proportibn of the cost
of maintat!\lng ,and repairing the swale borne by a party], ~!f:, part;IElS agree to submit
such disagreement to mediation and in the event such m~~)~tlon IS 'lIl1$uccessful, to
final binding arbitration, '1:'ith the arbitratO~ being a m~tU~U~t~ftt:eJ>table person familiar
with the maintenance ,and engineering requirements of 'aIW~ suCh as that subject to
this agreement. The parties understand and agree that in 8rly c;uch arbitration, there
will not be "a prevailing party/, and that each party shaU be \l1lqulred to bear their own
attorney's: fees and cos1s, : :';,. , ! " :
, "
11. This easement Is appurtenant to the re(.~1 propertY owned by..'each grantor
respectively and described ab~e. It shalt be perpetual' a:t1~~ '5 yranted)ubjett to all
prior easernent$ and encymbrances of record. Howev~r, If I~ jg abandpr't~tJ for () period
of THREE (3) \years or more (the easement shall not" b~ ~n~lder<<l' :ab:~ndont'd until
Jokinen's property is developed and the swale is utilized', anlf thereafter tilabandoned"),
Each grantor, their heirs, successors and assigns, will execute such documents as the
other party qeems appropriate to terminate the (~nsemp.nL : Date Received
APR 1 7 2008
t1l~&ll'l JOktflt"ll t~Mt 1\ Malntl:l1<1I1("(' A1fel:>fhent 9 tJ. 01 do<
, ''I<,
Oripinal SubmittaL
\>1 ... ; ~
.- '
I ,
~ ~ Ji~
12. No permanent building or structure shall be erected or placed by either party In
the easement area. Subject to the foregoing limitation, this easement may be used by
either party for any other purpose not inconsistent with this easement, and acceptable
to the City of Springfield.
13. This easement is intended to be a covenant and restriction running wIth the land,
and shall be recorded in the Official Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon, and such
recording information shall be referenced upon the plat for Meyer Estates Cluster
DATED this ~ (jay of October, 2007.
Oregon non-profit corporation
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County of Lane )
Personally appeared \"111/,' ('(!.If t. ~.~,-,_,_, ______-1 who being duly sworn (or
affirmed) did say that he/she is the ,I', I- _~;,~~_~ _\~~_~ _ of Habi~ for Humanity/Spnngfield-
Eugene, an Oregon non-profit corporation, and that the ~! afflxed to the foregoing
instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that said instrument was signed
and sealed In behalf of said corporation by' authority of Its board of directors; and he/she
acknowledged said instrument to be its voluntary act and deed this :: J i. day of October,
Before me:
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Notary PubliC (ot Oregon
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My Commission Expires: _ _ . _'. .
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County of Lane
PetSOnally appeared the above~named TERI L ,)Ol<INUN, and acknowledqed the
foregoing instrument to be her voluntary act and deed, t.his /....ti~,day of October, 2007.
Before me: C
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Notary Publlc10r Or~gon
My Commission fxplres~_____S_j~ ".' j _.L ~7
Date Received
, I
" APR 1 7 2008
, ,J
, bl0SW8le -Jokinen ~laserheflt &. Maintenance Agreement 9 27-0/.<10(:
Orig~/1al Submittal
. t ~'l
;, 11 II
Z ~k;'l<t 1
Bl0-swulc Easement
Beginning at a point on the North line of the A W. Hammitt Oonation Land Claim No
38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West or the Willamette Meridian. 693.66 feet Fa,>t of
the Northwest corner of said claim: thence South parallel to the West line of Said c1alln
1216.76 feet, more or less to the North line of the righH)f-way of the McKenzie
Highway; thence along said North 11Ile of the McKenzIe Highway. South 890 44' 00"
East 173.06 feet; thence leaving said North line. North 00 or 2 J" East 100 00 teet.
thence North 89044' 00" West 5.00 feet to the True Point of Reginning. thence North
890 44' 00" W cst 26.70 feet; thence North 00 18" 21" Enst 165, 17 I~ct; thenGC SOllt h 89()
44' 00" East 26.70 fCl)l; thence South 00 18' 2 I" West 1(15.17 feel to the TI'lH.' I)uint of
BeRinning in I,anc COIU11y. Oregon
, ,
Pate Received
" '
,i~ APR 1 7 2008
Original SubmlttaL_,
, -,
Vegetated. Grassy, and street SWf
Operations & Maintenance Plan
swales are planted or grassed open channels that trap pollutants by filterIng and sloWIng flows, allowing particles to settle
i out. The awale should drain withIn 48 houJ"iI of a storm event. All facUlty components, vegetation, and source controls shall
: be Inspected for proper operations and structural stability, at a minimum, quarterly for the first 2 years from the date of
i instaDation, 2 times per year thereafter, and wIthin 48 hours after each n:aJor storm event The facility owner must keep a
i log, recording all Inspection dates. observations, and maintenance actIVIties. The facility owner must keep a log, recording
. all Inspection dates, observations, and maintenance activities The following Items shall be Inspected and maintained as
i stated:
j __._,..."..... ....__.,.,.........a... .----~-~ ...' .,,---- .----.-.--^' ..---.--.-----"....-
"s'waielnieHsuch as curb cuts or pipes) shell maintain a calm flow of water entering the swale. .
. Source of erosion shall be Identlfled and controlled when native soli Is exposed or erosion channels are forming
.. Sediment accumulation shall be hand-removed wlth minimum damage to vegetation using proper erosion control
measures. Sediment shan be removed If It Is more then 4' thick or so thick as to damage or kill vegetatIon
. Inlet shall be cleared when conveyance capacity Is plugged Sources of sediment and debris shall be
Identlfled and corrected.
. Rock splash pads shall be replenished to prevent erosion '
j Side Slopes shall be maintained to prevent erosion that Introduces sediment Into the swals
, . Slopes shall be stablllzed and planted using appropriate erosion control measures when native soil IS exposed or
, erosion channels are fanning.
: Swal. Media ,shaD allow stormwaterto percolate uniformly through the landscape awele. If the awale does not drain within
, 48 hours, It shall be tilled and replanted according to design specifications
: . Annual or semi-annual tilling shaD be Implemented If compaction or clogging continues
, . Debris In guantlties that Inhibit o:>eratlon shaD be removed routinely (e'~'J no less than quarterly), or upon discovery
, Swale Outlet shan maintain sheet flow of water exiting swale unless a coDectlon drain Is used. Source of erosion damage
: shall be \denUfied and controlled when native soU Is exposed or erosion channels are foITmhg,
; . OutletS such as drains and ov~r1and flow paths shaD be cleared when 50% of the conveyance capacity Is plugged
: . Sources 01 sed\ment and ,debris shall be identified and corrected.
: Vegetation shaU be healthy and dense enough to provide filtering whDe protecting underlYing soils from erosion
Mulch shaD be replenished as needed to ensure survival of vegetation.
i . Veg~tatIonJ large shrubs or trees that Interfere with landscape swale operation shall be pruned.
I . Fallen leaves and debris from daclduous plant foliage shall be removed.
. Grassy swales shall be mowed to }(sep grass 4' to g" In height.
; . Nuisance and prohibited vegetation from the Portland Plant LIst (such as blackberries and English Ivy) shall be I
, removed when discovered. Invasive vegetation contributing up to 25% of vegetation of all species shall be removed
and replaced. :
. Dead vegetation and woodY'material shall be removed to maintain less than 10% of area coverage or when swale I
, function Is Impaired. VegebitJon shall be replaced wlthln 3 months, or immed\a\ely If ~tjuired tu maintain cover density
1 end control erpsion yvhere solis are exposed,
, SpUl Prevontion measures shaU be exercised when handling substances that conllfmlnate lltol'TtlWater. ~eleases of :
I ~Butan\s sha~ be O@r:rected a ~s identified. ,...1 . ' .' ,
Traltllng andJ6r wl1Uen gulden infonnatlon for operating end malntalnlng ewal~8 shall be provided to all property
.J!jInerB and tehanl$.,A copy of!l:!Q O&M Plan shall be provIded to aD property ownef.8l3nd tenants.
Access to the swale ahall be safe Bnd efficlent Egress and Ingress routes shall be maintained to design standards
I Roadways shall be maIntained to eocommodate size and weight of vehldes, If applicable
: . Obstacles preventing maintenance personnel and/or equipment access to the swale shall be removed
: 0 Gravel or ground cover sl)aB be added If erosion occurs, e.g., due to vehioular, or pedestrian trafflc.
I Insects & Rodents shall not be harbored in the swale. Pest control measures shall be taken when insects/rodents are
~ found to be present
i . If sprays are considered, then a mosquito larvicide, !luch as Bacillus thurendensls or Altoside formulations can be
I applied only If absolutely necessary, and only by a licensed Individual or contractor
n . Holes In the qround located in and around the swal& shall be fllled.
"used atthl. sihj, the fO/loWfnpwiiibe BpPJlc8bie: ..-- .-----
! Check Dame shall control and distribute flow.
, . causes for altered water flow shall be Identified, and obstructions cleared upon discovery.
,~~auses.for c~nn~i~~8.!1_ ~~II ~~ i~~ntlflad ~~d ~~palr~~;,- _ <_'::." ,,;.:_. ,'>1_
Stormwllter Management Manual
Adopted July 1, 1999; revised September 1, 2004
Page 3-14
"B I,
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Date Received
APR 1 7 2008
Onglnal 8ubmlttaL
After recording return 1:0:
Dean S. Kaufman
142 West 8th Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 9740J
THIS DECLARATfON i~; made this I _ day of ~~__:!..~.~~~_~.'j___, 2008, by
Habitat for Humanity/Springfield-Eugene, an Oregon Non-Profit Corpor~tlon, hereinafter
referred to as "Declarant," whose huslness dddre~>s IS P.O. Box 488, Spnngfield, Oreyon
1. Declarant is the owner of certain real propel ly in the City of Springtleld, County
of lane, State of Oreqon, more particular Iy de~cnbed as Lots 1 - 10, inclusive and 1 ract
A, Meyer E:.states, a~) pia t1.eel <' nd reeo rdf!rJ __ _ _ _.... . __._.. .. ,_ _" __. ... ..._'
2. Declmant desires to provide for tile pte',ervdtion aDd tmhancement of the
property values, rJesir.lbility, amE'rutle~ and attractiveness of the ProPC!lIPS and
improvements thereon ()nd to provide for then rndinten,lflce. To t.hat end, Declarant
desires to $ubject th(~ Properties to the covenant.;, condition!;, rf~5t(lctiun5, e(l\,f~lllf~nts,
and liens hereinafter set forth, each and ull or which i'~ and iue for the beru fil of thf~
Properties and each Owner thereof.
3. Dech~rant hereby declares thdt Jll of tllC' PI operties d~~~)u 11>1~d above, logelher
with the improvements now eXi5lln~J or to be canstl uctf3d thenJon, 511i311 be Iwld, sold,
conveyed, hypothecated; enr.umberpfl, usp.(I, occupied, and ~rnfJroved 5ubj~~cl 10 the
following covenantf>, conctiti0ns, re'ltllctlons, pasem0r'lts ~flO lifln~, whj(h ate for the
purpose of enhancinq and protectin9 the value, dec;iratJllIty (]I Id iJtlractlvmler)t) of the
Properties. These covenants, conditions, I p'~,tricUon", Cti5erncntn u/1d lien:.. -;11illl run
with the Properties and he binding on all parties h;JVIIlU or acqIJirin9 any li~jhl, title or
interest in the Properties or any part thereof, lhplr Ilf11rs, ~uC(.essor-.c,r d€'vist,.lC5, yt antees
and assigns and shall inure to the tJenef1t of, IJe Ifnposl?d upon and pa~I{' to the
success()r in interest of e<lch and all of said Lots a." r.1 ~er"'illlde in f(Jvor of and
enforceable: by Declarant1 Its ~ucre~~()rs and (js~iqns, t]nd thn Owncr' or Ownf't', of any
4. DetllBrant seeks to create low cost hOmf!~ fur qu~lified homebuYPlt, in rill
environment of hope, dignity, and tlU1y Iluman l:'XI~)t'pnc t~ lbr illl, )(~l <:ions rf.l'lidll1q witl)ln
the PropertIes subJect to this I)eclal alum,
The ,qualificationS for ownersh!p of these homr:~; indudn economic ne~J(1 and
particlptlting in a minimum number of hour~ of ~wrvlce on' nedarant's projects as
speCified by the rules of th8 D~~c1arunt.
5. ~rhis Declaration 'is a conditio/l precedent to thp. aWJI11 of cert8ln grallt. funds
and/or governmental app'mvul~ of Declarant's progrnll1$ and stJ,,1I be exec,'ted and
recorded In the official land deed records of the jurl!)dictlnns ill which the pruperty is
located in order to credt6 certitin (,ovunant$ rUl1nln<;j with t.h~ lrind ror the pl)tpmJe of
enforcertlent of tile r,~ff()rdQt)illly requirmnent:> of j)pplil.<1hlf~ 9mnt: proqrams.
6.. Declarant tntend~, to cCH1strw:J !'tEN" (10) af1'QnJabl,.:l l~:!~ldentldl structwpt:; with a
totiJlof fEN (10) liVing Ur,l1s Ilpan ttw proper tv SUbJf!ct W thl;. D{l.{.18fUtlOlb t R . d'
. a e ecelve.
Page 1 of 13.- OEC'LARA nON Of t OV~NAN 1 ':, cONDInuNS ^'W lu':~T'R,ln i()NS
CC!W,s Dr!Urll(\'I()p Ol ()~ lIf,1',lltlly.d^{
APR 1 7 2008
\.!rWiln:: ~"LJ::Y {.nte'
7. It is contemplated that individual Units within a single structure may be sold to
and held by different qualified owner';> dS defined In Declarant's rules.
8. Declarant desires to provide for the preservation of the values and amenities In
the described development and for the maintenancE' of common facilities and elements
shard by Unit Owners"
1. Definitions. When used herein, thp following terms ~lhall have the following
1.1 "ASSoCIation" shall mean (Jill! I efer to Meyer E~tates Hompowner<,
Association, an Oregon non- profit corporation organized under thf~ laws of the State of
Oregon, its successors and assigns.
1.2 "Owner" shall medn the record holder of fee sImple title or the holder of
equitable title under a Land Sale Contract of any Unit, including the Declarant with
respect to any unsold Unit. Every Owner shall be treated for all purposes as a single
person for each Unit held, irrespective of whether such ownership is Joint, In common,
or ciS tenancy by the entirety.
1.3 "Propertie::," stldll mean and rf~fer to thdt certain rf'dl propP.rty
hereinbefore de~crlbed Jfl J~edtal 1 hE-Teaf, illld such iKkhtions ttlPrt!to a~, may t IPreaftr.r
he brollght within the jllri~.,d'(tlon of the AS!;o(j,11 ion
1.4 "Common Area" shall mean all I pal p/{Jpt~rly and appurlenanu") Iller elo,
now or hereafter owned by tile ^~socia1ion for lhe (()rnmon Win <.1nd elljoyrnpnl of the
Owners and all Common Area~) subsequently dnnext'clllwreto. Thp Common AI C<1 to be
deeded and owned by i-he ASSOCIation IS de5i~~ni)te<i 'Ill ornmQn Ar<:~a" on the ~,\JI ,division
plat of said Properties and any ~)upp'('rnental Declaration, a'; plr)HC-1(j and recorrlr'r1 (11
__ ____._..___.., Offl(Jul RnClJrd~. of Lane County, Oreqoll.
LS "Lot" shall file. Hl dnd I pfer to any ~,t~pal.~l ply d(.:~)jgnat{ld plot nf land
shown upon any recorded ~ill[)dIVISlorl map of ',aid Propprtie:; 'wltl} 1I1i~ €;<(ppl '011 (If the
Common Area{s).
1.6 "Improved Lot" !;l1all rnr.)Il wltli Lornplntpd Livln\.l \JIll!. therf.'f)1l
1.7 "Uvlng Unit." shall mean JOY pOI lion o( allY ~tl uclul (~ intendr~d tur use,
occupancy or ownershiJl a~ rC51dence by ono rarrltly toqeUH~1 wit" .:lt1dched or ddached
garage as the C<lSC rlldY be f ~md patios, d('l-k, entry pOrl.hP~) and ~)teps dpplJI , enant
1.8 "Declarant" shall mean i.md letel to ttalJitat tvr HUfndnitv/bpflnyflf'kJ
Eu!~ene, an Ore~]On non -profit corporation, it~ !.u(.c{-!ssor!; and assigns, if sufi I
sua:essors or as~lgn$ .,hould acquim unimprovEJd ll.lt~, frQm th,~ Declarant for tIle
pUl'pose of development
1..9 "Streel" ~li1clH mC;'U1 ~nd "ere!" to U'If:: implT.lvetJ PII"t)t~ UC(;~s !;tre('t~; and
roods !:;.\'lOWll Up!)/} dfl)' n~c;ord~d sulidlViSio(1 piiJl. of st.ilci Propt.lrUHh.
1.10 "t.Jlernber" Shdll mea" dlKt tdpr to {'Wiry w\r:;.~n II. nnhty who b()ld~;
membersl1ip In the As~)oc:lati{Jn.
1~11 "Institutional Huj(1er of t1 First MortQaqp" qh:ll1 mr'(il11 a holder of i1 flf <)t
mortgagej trust deed or eqUIvalent security interest ill a 1..01' or lIV1p1tNHments thereto, If
such holder is a bank or 5dVlf1nS and loan assoCldtlon or (~$tablist'ed Jllortqaqe
company, or allY otller fJntlty ::l;art(~llJ(J under an\, f{:~dl~tdi Of' ~~t."tfJ agency. Date Received:
Page 2 of 103 ~ DECLAHA nON or (OVLNANJ Sf CONDJrlON!; ANI! HfS-fHWTlUN<::; APR 1 7 2008
O:&R~ nft(~~tdlh 111 ('I 0'\ {l8 ;)'10\1 .1<....
,-. ri"n~' I:, .n ,C
1.12 "Unit" shall medn the residential dwellln~J Unit and t he parcel on which
that Unit is located, together with all other ImprovemenL'5 now or hereafter located on
that: parcel.
2. P-Nperty RiCJI~.
2.1 OWr}s:J~__Eg~eJ:n~ot~__QL~niQY(IJCJlt. Every Owner shall have a fight and
easemE~nt of enjoyment in and to the Common Areas which stk)1l be appurtenant to and
shall pass with the title to every Lot, subject to the following provisions:
(a) The nght of the Assouation in accordance with its Artlcle~ dnd 13y-
Laws, to borrow money for the purpose of maintaining and Improving the Common
Areas, to mortgage said Common Areas for such purposes, ilnd the nghts of any
mortgagee In said Properties shall bp ~ubordinate to the rights of the Homeowners
(b) TIm righl of the AsSOtiation to prolTlulgate reasonable I ules and
regulations governln9 such rights of use, from time to time, In the interest of secunng
maximum safe usage of Common Areas by the Members of the Association without
unduly infringing upon lhe privacy or enjoyment of tile Owner or occupant of any part
of said property, Includln~l, without belllg limited therelo, rulf's restricting P(lr';Clll') under
or over deslgnat.ed age'S from l1sinq certain pOI tlons of SIJch property durinq u~rlatn
times, and reasonable rf;:~qul()tl()n~, tHld If~!ilrlrll()n'. I C~l!)(\(tinlJ, l!ut not beinq IlJllIted 10,
parkill9, 5peed and pet~)t alld
(c) TI1(~ /'l911t of tlw A';<,fJCiation to dc(licdt€' ur tr,JIl!)fer ;)11 Of ,)IIY pcJrt of
the Common Area to any public ayency, autllorlty or utility for such purpo')es and
subject to SUet1 conditions as may be dqreed to by the MemtJel S. No SU( 11l1E'cllc(ltion or
transfer shall bl? eff{~ctive unle~..s (i) an in~ltrulllE~nt aqte(~lny 1.0 sud1 opdl( dtlon or
transfer signed by TW()-THIHDS U/1) of Mernb(,I~) of the A~,'io(.ialion lid', been
recorded, and (ii) exu~pt a!'1 to the grunt Of e.)t;erTlf~nh fo! utiIiU~~"') and similar (II related
purposes, all holder~, of first- rnmLgaye IiPrlr, 011 (lilY or HIP Lolr, 01 irnrrovemPlltr, tlH~reto
have approved such dedl(;.lUOIl 01 tr t1n'.,tpr.
3. MembmWP aD'l\dJ'-\UimlJ!mJj~.
3.1 CieOt~r~1 PI~n .Qf D~~ejpprnGItl. ftlf' neeldl dnt Ild~, fljp(j a ~llJbdIVI',lnn plat
covenng the Properties which IS and shall bt' ~ul))e(t 1.0 tlw; UecldfilUorl (On~ll~;t Iflg of
Lots 1 through 10 and Tract A of fv'Jt:Ner f:~)t ates Clu,.ter ~ubdlvi5jon, as pldl t ed and
recorded in Slide. ._, File _ ." HCLeption No. _ _ . , Official Rpc ,ords of
Ldne County, Oregon, together wltl1 dreas dc~)jgnatcu rY~ (ommon An~as Or open space.
The Lots within the purview of lhls Dedaration al R Lol~ 1. till O\l~4h 1 (J und 'I, a( t A,
together with the Common Aro(js.
3.2 Res,.oLge~j Q'rw.er~b.i.p, E. vety ~rson or f'ntlty who IS a ,'ecord OWI1(;"!r of il
tee or undivided fee 1l1l~rest in any Lot which i5 ~ullJ~!ct bv (ov~nants of I e( arc! to
assessment by the Association, including contract ~lIer5.. sh;dl he,3 proprietary Member
of the A,socii1tioll. The foreQOln9 ire. not Intended lo Include p('r',ons or enl fURS who
hold an interest mer-ply a~ 'iecuritv for th(~ pcrform~ncc of an obligation. M('ml>ershlJ1
shall be apputt~ncJ/1t to Clnd l)\flY m)t btl ~"lC~W ~t:t!d f !'(xn ()lNrll'r),ht~ Of any Lot or
Improvl~ lot, which is subiect to a!>~\~~&nent by tl)(! A',sudatlon. Ownership uf such
Lot shall be the sole qllcllllflGltlon tor member<<;hip dnd shalf iJutomatically (ommf'nu~
upon () p~rson t1ecomlng ;.uch Owner and slwll flU! omatlullll hmnlnate wIlen GU( h
own~rship Shilll tf'mlincltf~ or tw.~ trans! ~~rred.
Date Received:
APR 1 7 2008
Original SubmlttaL____
Page 3 of 13 - bECLARA"j ION Or: COVENAN T5, CONDiTl()N~i .AND PCS Ild('rION&
(( nn.. 1),'1 I,ll ,~tllltl OJ {}1 O!l .1:1111 i 1:."
4. M.iiiDltenjLnce ~JjiB~<<imfJl]~,
4.1 CreC!tl~m__ J~[_ t f1(tJ.I~o__ ~Hl(;L p~rsof1i:lL_ Qb1l9p-tiQf1. _9J _As.~s.Sfllenls. Tile
Declarant, for each Lot owned within the Properties, hereby covenants, emo each
Owner of any L.ot or Improved Lot by acceptailce of a deed thE~refore, whether or not It
shall be so expressed in such deed or oU1E~r conveyance or agreement for conveyance,
is deemed to covencmt and agree to ptly to the Association: (I) annual or other regular
periodic assessments or charges as establl~,tled by the A~,~iociatlon from time to tlmp., (II)
special assessments for capital improvements, LInd (iii) any oth(~r special assessments or
ch<lrges as hereinafter provided. Such assessments shall be established and collected
as hereinafter provided.
The annuill, regular, and special llssessments, together with Interest,
costs and reasonable iJttorney'5 fees, shall be a c.harge on the land and shall be a
continuing lien upon the property against which each such assessment is made. Each
such assessment, together with interest, cosl~ and reasonable attorney's fees shall also
be the personal obligation of the person who was the Owner of such property at the
time when the assessrnent5 fell due. The obligation tOI delinquent assessments shall
remain d lien upon the 'propeli.:y until paid or foreclosed, and shall be a personal
obligation of successors in HIe title unless expressly waived by the Association.
At any time tllal any ptH L of thE3 Common J~re('ls or any ot her pelf t uf said
property or any residential Living Unit o~ bllildillY {}f nnp' (N'!l1lonl located thowf)r! i:-. not.
properly maintained nl1d kE~pt In ~Iood orner al1(llf~pair by tt\f~ f,,'iOci,ilion or Olll(~rwlse,
to the extent reasonably necessC:lIY lo prated dllll pre:")crve Uw Jppf;~dtdnc.e cH1d value
thereof and the appearance iinlj value of the remainder of :;aid properly, L1lcn any
institutional hold(1r of u tlr'lJl mortCJd(:J~~ upon any prJtt of said property or Uvlnq Unit or
building 'located thereon, upon ~Jlvln~1 writlen floUr e <1:', t1ml'inaftet provided, ',hall be
entitled to exercise tl1(~ lights. of ttlt~ rllortgo~or-(Iwner or sudl plOperty as d 1\1pillber of
the AssOCiation for ,I perl(x.I of ONE (1) year following the d()le of '>>uch notln'. Dunnq
said period of time, suc.h rnortgdgep:, shall be' qlven notil.t: of 1311 regular and ,;peual
meetings of the A~socjaJionr th(~ oWflcr-morlljiJqor shall rC;-;\((~lvr~ ~)lJdl notlCt' "Ir~o and
may attend such rm~el ings as an obsl.~rv,~r. '-"lid notice shiJlI qlJote this par aq: .Jph and
shall be sent Ccrt itied United ~)tater~ Mail, r et.Unl rer(;\lpl requ(~sted, to lIw llwner-
mortgagort a ,opy by I egular mail lu the A:)~oClatinn, dt the lost known address of
4.2 J?l,JrQ<~~., Q1 A;,~).~~nJ~~n~. "he dS~)f~~.6I11ents l(!vlf~d by the A':,uuatlon
through its Boan1 of Dw(!(tor:i shall b!~ lAsed exclusively to promote I.h~ tlpall h, safety
and welfare of 111e OwnerS In the Ptopnrlle~ Dnd HI p;llticulnr tOI the improvI.Jr1 Wills and
maintenance of 1.111.:1 ComrnoTl .An~as dfKI of the Living l'llltr; pur~,II(;lnt to thie) ~,('( lj(lf) and
Section 5 below.
4.3 ~mQ.uJlt. of Al1mmL A.sSOG;U1tmt, ,E'5~lb!IStlltle.llt of ,J~!;~JYf~ hHl\J Th('
Board of Directors of tho AS$OClalIOn shall fix the amount of triP annual as!:ll',>~rnents,
and may make adJustments thereto that It deems necc'iSary or appropriate, tll a levd
sufficient to enable It .to provide (or thE': IrnprO\/~merltf rnpilh, malr,lenanc(',
replacement, management cmd inslII rUlet! of Hie PropeI1t~~ and to ~)f'Ovldt~ tor (,PrvltPS
and facilities devotc~cl \0 <,)uch purpO:,E'S, and r;~lr1l1 IPC lude ,:ldequate reservf", for the
general operaUon I)f the ^'->>:.{)rJHtlon and for def"erwd rnalnt(~ndnCf' of the PmJ)f!rtips.
said maintenance, repan" f.'ind replau:ment is more sp~ciflc.:f)lly ~et forth in ~)(~ction '>,
and shall 00 for wh;Jtev€lr oth~r purpO~(;j the' BOf..lt(J of D/lf"oll):\ rn<JY from lime to
time deeM to be !fJ tile {oUel-Uve Inlei ::$t of tile fvkHnbl'f/j
4.4 Spe(.t~l AS~~:"JT,,~nts. f9r.. (:@ltaLJlllPf.oyelw~nl~. fn tlddiUon to iJllrlUcll
assessments authorized abov(~, the A!-isociation may lpvy, In \lllV J~ise.$!Urnt!n' year, a
special assessment appltcabh~ to that ynur only for Ule purpo~u of defl'aying, in wllole or
In part, the co!>'- of iJny (()n~tnJCtiol', rt~I.Cmstru(t1orl, n::pdi' (II f ('platem~1t (Jf 8.f-aPft nl .
j,mprovernent LIlJon the Common Area D)" (->r;")scllll.mts, induf1lhg f\xtlJr<~y~*tl !j1ffiqm~rd,
APR 1 7 2008
Page 4 of t3 - ()~Cl /\\O(A TH IN ()l COVFNAN J:i CONDl1 JON~ ANI) ~l~ :\ ) RJ('f l( If.l!l
CO:ltR'" J)l'( ia, l\'UIi W: 01 (jfl .,ttl1t' d:~, 0" S b tt
nglnsl u ml aL______>"
property related thereto, the maintenance or repaIr of pnvate streets, and/or repair of
the Living Units and other similar speual cosh, Said assessments shall have the assent
of lWO-THIRDS (2/3) of the votes of the Members who are voting in person or by
proxy at a meeting duly called for thiS purpose. This section shall not protllblt the
Board of Directors from authorizing capital expenditures for replacement., repairs or
improvements from funds generated by regular assessments.
4.5 N011.~_i;Lnd _Q.l,tQ!Urn fO.LAnY_A<.tLoJJl\!Jt11QrJ~~J:LUm1e.LS.~~Uon 4!1. Wntten
notice of any meeting called for the purpose of taking any action authorized under
Section 4.4 shall be sent to all Members not less than THIRTY (30) days nor more than
SIXlY (60) days in advance of the meeting. At the 1irst such meeting called, ltw
presence of Members or of proxies entitled to cast FIFfY.()NE percent (51 %) of all the
votes of the membership shall constitute d quorum. If the reqUIred quorum IS not
present, another meeting may be called subjec.t to the same notinl reqUIrement, and
the required quorum at the preceding meeting. No slIch subsequent meeting shall be
held more than SIXTY (60,) days followlIlg t.he precedinq meeting.
4.6 ReselV~:2. At the time of initial conveyance of each Lot, each Owner shall
pay to the Association, in addition to such other assesslTlenu~ and charges as shall then
be due and paYiJble, a reserve in the amount of TWO-"rwELFTHS (2/12) of the then
established annual assessment. 1 he reserve, or such palt thereof as required, may bf'
held and applied by the Af>sociatlon dS full or parlllll payment !.oward such Owner's
delinquent assessment; and chalges. Such apphr.ation of an ()wnr~r's leSelVf' account
shall not relieve thE' Owner or relea(.l'; thl' liHld of ,mV' obn~J(lllon tor I.hf' rJl'hnqucnl
assessments or charges.
4.7 UoJform l{a!f.L.o1 A':1~e.5~!m~nl. I he ilnnual m IAher re~lulal periodIC
assessments and special assessments must bc' tixpd at a umfurrn tdte called the "BaSIC
Rate;" provided, however, that Oecll.Jr.ml shall not tJ() obllQateclln !-lilY any dS~)('~.sments
for the Lots which Dedill'llnt own') until a nome has been constl ucted lhercoll and an
occupancy permit has been issued In respect HWI eto. rherE!lJfl(lr, Dedarant ',hall pay
the same assessment for any such Lot as any other L 01. Owner. As specified ill ~)('C1 ion
4:/, said assessments ~tlali be DloratE'cl dncJ pJk11)J1 rllllontllly btJ(~f~"
4.8 Qp..\.~..Q(J~QQ)m90!;;.enl,~l1t o( Annual A?,~_s:)mo..ol~~. QJ)C J)~t~~. fllI,tlrlnual
assessments provided for herein at, the \'BtI~ic Ratt!" ~~hall commm)(;() a~ II I illl lots
except as noted In Seclion 4.7 on th(l first day of the rnonth followinO tilE' f.()(lveYdnce
of the first Lot to all Owner. Tl1e first annual ilsc;eSSmerlt shall h0 ;;1{IjlJsted au or ding to
the numoor of months remaimnq HI thf-~ (alendilr yt1ar. Th(J ~ucceedillq imnual
assessment tor all Lots cihaU be lor i.t full yeul. The Board ot ulrettorS st1d1l ftx the
iJmount and send writt~~n notice of tile ilnnuill iJ5SC,;';ment.(s) io each Own{'f subJf:'ct
thereto. The assessmenl( s) f-illdll lie due on lhp first day of I~ach month, unless
otherwise provided as par Section 4.1 and shall be ON(;~....tWl:L~Tt+t (1/12) o( the total
yearly assessment. The Association ~;hall, upon demand, ~nd for a Mi:1sonahlp rhnrqe,
furnish a certIficate ~)lgnE'.d by dn officer of the A~l~lo(itlti()n ".pt! mq forth Whf" her the
assessments on a !-,pedflet't Lot tl2lVe been palcl.
4.9 ~fject _ g( .N~~n:p_qy!neflt . ot .~~S.?fllef)t?:. _ ~('lJ1!'!1d.i~f) Qt..ltJ~ _ f.l<,:,o<:.i~Uol).
Any assessment nol paid wlttlln TH1H fY (30) day:; after the dUI' ddll) shall bem Interest
from the due date at the I~te or TEN p~rcEmt (10%) pel ~nl1ltrYl. HIe A9'$(x:ldtlon fTlilY
bring an action t1t law, with (8SpcCI to liens upon l'eLll piclfwr'ty, ,lgairlst ttH: Owner
personally obltgatod to pay t.he 5anw, ur, fore(.\ose th,:! lien tlgdin~lt the i.ropelty. The
secretary of Sc)id Association ~hdll filt: in the oFfice of the Direttor (l Roconh, County
Clerk, 0" approprint(! recorder of <:onveY;!lnc()s (If Lcm'~ (,oullty, Sl.atH of 01 (.Y:Jon, a
statemem of the omount of ~r\y :;uch ct1al'~~!) or as~e~:;mt'nt~ 10yether with Il\lf~rest a~)
aforesaid which tkwe bEKome delinquent, and upon payment In f~ull th~r('()f, "hall
execute and file a pro pm rHlea!;C of the. lien ~~curin9 HIP r;nme. file aggrsgatf' amount
of such a5sessrnerH. together WIth intoro~i., costs iJnd fJ!>'.pcn'Se'j and a n~~<;onable
attorney's fee I~Jr the fllin<~ and enfoll ~:rn\?nt thert:~or, 5( 1811 t.on:;;tH ute a JlerDmtdii I Rebalwed '
Pa9@ lj of 1'3 . I)EC.l^I~\ nON m- cow. NAN i \ CONJJnION~ /I.NIJ ,~t ~ HHU f( I~{l
tt)icH~ (~J,\fr1\11\11 f1\ 11'1 Nj altny do.,
APR 1 7 2008
OrigInal SubmIttal.
residence location with respect to whICh 11' IS fixed and on any improvements thereon,
from the date the notice of delinquency thereof IS filed, until the same has been paid or
released as herein provIded. The Owner Jt the time such assessment is incurred shall
also be liable for any deficiency remaining unpaid after any foreclosure sale. No Owner
may waive or otherwise escape liability for the assessments provided for herein by non-
use of the Common Area or abandonment of his/her Lot.
4.10 SubQrdinqtLQlJ _jJLlb~ -LlC[LJ.Q_.Mortg,a.g!;.~. The hen of the assessments
provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien on any first mortgage. Sale or
transfer of any Lot shall not affect the assessment lien. However, the sale or transfer
of any Lot pursuant to mortgage foreclosure or any proceeding in lien thereof, shall
extinguish the lien of such assessments as to payments which bf~corne due prior to sur h
sale or transfer. Such unpaid assessment shall be a common expense of all the Lot
Owners, including such purchaser or mortgagees, hi~,/her successors or assigns. No
sale or transfer shall relieve such Lot from lIabrlity for any assessments thereafter
becoming due or from thf} lien thereoL
4.11 .f;xempt Protter.tY. T"he following propelty subjtKt to this Declaration shall
be exempt from the asse:;.sment created herein: (a) all ProPf~rties expressly dedicated
to and accepted by a Local public uuthority inlludlllg reserved utility easements; and
(b) the Common Area:, (.U\(J all other Prop(~rtie~ oWrlf'd by lht~ AS5()(Ia1Jon.
5. M.iinknifa_~..J!fJt&m!ngl,-j}e:!'Jgl.
fhe Asso(l<lllor I ~Ildll rCd'ioI1a!)ly r llrllllt(lill or provide r ()I the '(,d~,onclb"')
maintenance of the Common ArPJs, includinq, bill not hmit.wj to, trees, shr ulJ.-.;, grass,
landscaped areas, stred.s, driveway~), walks, pall1~, r(~tninlng wails, lights and signs.
Further{ the ASSOCiation s.hall provide mC:llntenanc.e und repair ot all buildln~r', drains
and building seINers which lip In, on or IJlld0r the Cornrnon Ar oas or I.lving Unit
IOCilti0l1S. f.:xcept to th~l extent such damage i~) covered IJY any type of Insurance with a
waiver of subrogation 10 ftlvor of such Owner, In \IIC pvont that tile need for <lny such
maintenance, repair or replacement IS G'lJ5f~d tl\rouyh tlJfJ Willful or Ilflgliy('nt act or
omission of the Owner, hIs/her familv, t~IlLmi, 9tJest~'l Or Irlv'le~"1 the Lo~,t of such
mamtenance or ff:lpairs may, in t11e olsc..retion of the Dire{..'torSt be added 1:0 dnd hecnme
a part of the assessment to which such lot is ~)ulJject a~i a lien, and enfOt(~edblp In the
Silme manner. E:ach Owner shall be responsilHc for ruou1winlnq, ,md ket:~piflq III qood
order and repair the I/lt{~rior of his/her Llvinq Umt and yard dnd any fencf~s wil hln lot
6. 'QI!'llJlll1onJ~!!Ahlt~jiJj}~~.QbJJfdIiltlon.~.
The followln~l common nhlllltl'nanCe ol)lIqutinrr; ~'lhiJlI henpfiL tlllt! lw 11IrldlrlQ
upon the Owner of a parcel iriS against the OWIl~r of Hlf! c'ldjl)lniflU parcE!1 of 1111' ';rlrne
Lot, his/her successors and l3SSlqns. It is the intent of the Dcdarc.nt that lIw (ornmon
maintenance obligation!; cJE~scnbed t1t~reafuJr lonstltlltt1 ~ hindin<j and ~llh:,15ting
covenant and agreement between till! Owner of ea,tl Unit withIn (I single hom(:/duplex.
However, such covenants and obligallons shall not lIe enforcc~bh3 by an Own~\r of a
Un~t against the Ownf:!r of another UllIl when those Owner'; do not own Units in the
same duplex. It I!, the purpo~,e of these common rn,lInLpnarKt' ohllgatlons to pnlorce
unIformity ()f appearanGe. quality o~ materials und maint<t"lMnr.e within an indlvidllal
duplex, but riot bftwet:-n (;epar\;;lf(' dUI)le~)(t?$ in ttl(~ devplopmellt.
'rne Owners of Ul1tt~ ~,"all have and per form Ow follow~nq t ornmon mi~,nf ~nan(e
obligations with tl:'specl t.o t-h~:! adJoiillny Units:
(a) TtlE: rooL (~)ltenor sIdin9 and extf~rjot trim of l,hf: I.lvlng Unit'i shtlll be,
Within such categ(mes, con~)trucl(3d or the S2111W nla1.f.lrldl ~n:i t)t" (If tile t)'n~ (~nr. Tiled
exterior wjndow~~ ~lhdlll>e of Uniform l!t-lbign, a e ecelv
APR 1 7 2008
Page 6 uf 13 h LJECLJ\RA TH..)f'i or COVlN/lN I ~t C(JNlll nort,:; AND !-If', IIW' I fO~riglnal Submittal ~
CC&.R3 L>e<lar,ih\lIl OHH OH 'i:Jt{ny d()L
(b) The extenor of the Living Unit') sh()1I be painted a umform color. An
accent paint may be used if the entire Living Unit is accented in d consistent manner.
No more than THREE: (3) exterior paint color~) shall be used on a single Living I Jrut.
(e) The roof, mterior paint, exterior Sldll1g, exterior trim, common fences of
the Living Unit shall be maintained in 900d condition and repair.
(d) The cost of malntaimng such common faCIlities shall be shared equdlly by
the Owners of the affected Living Units. If such authonzed repairs or maintenance are
paid for by one of the Living Unit Owners, the other Living Unit Owner shall pay hIs/her
ONE-HALF (1/2) shdre thereof within TEN (10) days from the date of written demand
for payment and presentation of a written accounting of such expenses. Construction,
repair or maintenance of cornman facilities 511all be authorized if the affected L1vll19 Urllt
Owners have mutually agreed as follows:
(D) The deCision to institute common facility maintenance and repair,
and the decision of who shall perform such work, shall be by mutual agreement of the
affected Uving Unit Own~~rs, subject to the requirement that all living Units, tncludtng
the common facilitif~s, be maintall1cd in good condition, repair dnd overall appearance.
(ii) Materidis, colors I.md d(!';lqilS to be useel in conslru<.tion, I cpall or
maintenanCe of 'Iny common facility shall be seledf~d by mutual agreement of th~
affected Living Unit Own(~I!).
(e) In the event tile af1l'ctl'd Living Unit OWller~ Cilnnot f1gree d~ to fme 01
more of such matters involver! in comnlon facility conslruct.ion, n~pl3ir or fTlilillll'fwl1ce,
such matters shall be d~<..ided by arbltraUon Utililin9 the services and rule', of the
Arbitration Service of Portland. ~;uch i.lrbltratlorl shall be commenced ()nd held In Lane
County, Oregon, illld iJny dl bilrator'<; dwcud m,lY be entered liS il judgnu~nt In flIP Lane
Counl" Circuit Courl '
(f) The storm water c:trdlniJ\je swale ~hdlll)f~ mrJinti.in(!d by tile A>~n( lell inn as
provided in the Etl5E!ment and M()inlell;mcp Aqn~E-!Il)Pnl
7. ~m~n~.
If any portion of a party wall or any olhf'r jldll or .) \ IVIIRl Unit or ',llwJure,
including, but not limltf1d to, fOof overhangs, t~nl tY POI( he,t;, d(!( k";, step5 and fll ('places,
now or hereaft.er constn..Ktcd by Declurant UpOfl ~aid propertv N1UOac.hes upon any
part of the Common ^recls other tllem those pelrts of till"=, r..omrnon Areas actuellly used
for public sanitwy and stclrm ':;ewer'~, or upon U If.~ Lot. or l..o1''S uSl~d or designated r ur use
by another Lot OWm.:'I, an eu;jemenl. for the encrodrhmpof I':> 9ranted and n~c,(>lw;\c1 and
shall eXl~,' and bf~ bjndlnt~ upon t11(~ Declarant dnd upon all pr~5p.nt and futun) ()wners
of any part of said property for Ulfl bellefit of the present (mel future Ownet '. I)f such
encroaching building or ~itrur.lure for the purpU5f~ of occupyiny S<lme; in the Cv(~lIt a
structure' c.onsistinq of more than OI\lE (1) Living l Inlt b.~('om~s partially or totally
destroyed or in nAed of repair or I eplacemenl, IIlUlllt31 and rt~tlp~'Oc~1' easement <:, are
granted and reserved upon ttm (ornmon Areas In and upon each Living Unit and Lot for
the benefit of the Associdfion drld !.he adjacent (JWnf:,'r 01 Owners to t1w (~xtent
reasonably neceS5dry or ddvlSGible La rriUke repairs and/<,r IOpldtX'.1nent; and (JHnor
encroachments resuHJn!J frorn any such repJir'i <<1I'lc1jor wp1a,ements and the
maintenance thert.\()f are 11~~r€:by t,Jrantl::.'d and re::mrv(~d (f'1 IIH~ 1)l,~l\efit (If thE' ptpsent
and future Owners tJ1f~re()f. T he edsem~nts .or em roacJl/ Ilcnl Iloreln granll?d alld
reserved shall run Wllh the kmd.
Date Received.
APR 1 7 2008
Original Submlti81 ,_____.___
Page 7 of 13.. DECl ^HA110N l)F ( l)VrN/\N 1''', COND1T'orJ~i ANI) !.'h I P j(" If )IJ\
ccJltn:. tlt'dlll.-lt]tlll')j \'4 Oil .,'llny ,jelc
8. Pa rw...wa lis.
8.1 General RYl~~_QLLg~Lt~E\t.mly.. Each wall which is built as a part of the
original construction of the Living Units upon the Properties and placed on or
Immediately adjacent to t'he dividing line between the Lots owned by different persons
shall constitute a party wall, and, to the extent not Inconsistent with the provIsions of
this Section, the general rules of law regaldlllg party walls and liability for property
damage due to the negligence or wIllful acts of omissions shall apply thereto.
8.2 ShariOiLQ.tB~p_QlL(md MaJD!enq.llf,;G. The C05t of reasonable repair and
maintenance of a party wall shall be shared equally by the Owners whose Lots abut
such wall.
8.3 Des1[UctioILb..y Fire QLQt.I}J~LQt~Qlty. If a party wall is destroyed or
damaged by fire or other casually, any Owner who has used the wall may restore It,
and if the other Owners thereafter make use of tile wall, thf!y shall contribute to the
cost of restoration thereof in proportion to such lise, without prejudice, however, to the
nght of any such Owners to call for larger contnbutions from the other under any rule
of law regarding liability for negligent or willful acts or omissions. The word "use" as
referred to herein means ownership of il living Unit or other structure which
incorporates such wall or c:my pdrt t tlereof.
8.4 ~s!tbgr.P100ft(l9. Notwllh5tandlng (my 01 her proviSions of thi5 ~)f)( 110n, an
Owner shall bear thf' whole cos1 of fumlshinq the necessary pro1ection i1{Jilln:)t the
elements, in addition 1.0 ,my liability for consequentIal damaqe';., a:-. a result {If his/her
family, tehant's, contrdct pllrchaser'~~ or otller il\vltee~.' negllgel It 01 willful dd whicl1
causes the party wall 1.0 be exposed to t he elellll--~lIts.
8.5 EjQ.b.t.JQ. J;;{mtriu!Jll.o/l _ guns, wl\h Lema. 1 he I 'gill of c1ny Owner to
contnbutton from tlny other Owner under this Sp(tion S~l()\I be appwtenant to I he land
and shall pass to ~tllch Owner's sur.ce~,sors in tlt!(l.
8.6 l.n~Y(<,lJJCJ~. To the cy.tent tl1at any 10::>::', d'3ma41~ or destruction III t1 party
wall and/or the (.oil~equenc.es thereof is cover('-(1 by Iw>urdn<.€ with Wdlver of
subrogation in fdvor of !il)(h Owncl. t ht!r~ ~h(lli he no illllm Or' (,U.I':.oe of attl()11 1m ,;uch
1055, damage or destrucll(m againr,1 sue II OWrlf\' .
9. lEasem.e.mli1.
All conveyance;) of land Sit lIdt eo in the p, opf.~llie;), made by the Def'\,1r illlt rmd by
all persons claiming fJY, throu9h, or under 1l1p Ocrlarant, shall be subjel' to the
foregoing restrictions, conditlon5 and covenant;,. whethf'r or not the same be I'xpressed
in the insb1Jment$ of conveyance, and each 1111(.1 lwery stich Instrument of conveyance
shall likewise be deem~~d to grant oncJ resetvl~, whethf~r or not. t11t'.! $("lme bf: lh~( lared
therein, mutual and reciprocal easements OVHr clnd C)rrO$S all ot the Common Areas of
said property for t.he purpo~es of traveling by foot or ,csung or otherwise'belng therein,
and over, tinder and 3t1:0$5 all portions of said property Ce),cept those portions thereof
ac.tually il1~ndOO to be occuPied as living space In any hutk:U~g now Qt hereafter loc.ated
upon said property) rmd specifically 1I1dudlng (without bf~jn~~ IlInitc~t1 tllereto) the Interior
of party walls, attic Cl awl Sp<lCt~S and 1 he area helow tfl(~ hv1nq SrJclce III any living Ul1It,
for the purpOse of uuildlng, constructing and mainltllning underground or concealed
electric and telephone Hno~i, ga!,t wat~f, sp.wer, sturin dl'tl.nalll! Hflt!s, radio and
television antelinl!e and cablt'$, illld olher ut.ilitle~ and ()f:~l,,'i.. (~'; now or. thereafter
commonly suppJied by public utilitie~) or r(n.lnitipdl l.:orporatiom: and upon all Cornman
Areas for t0f16tructin~~ and main1ailllrlCJ thereon str~(~llj, UI iveways, ornaments and
statues, lawns, landscaping cmd plant'e(l areas therwn. in the fNfJfll th\~re is a failure,
or a need to adjust, I chxale, or elite!' the ~Ic{ lrl<.. unc!lI"'9HJUlld SlY5tf)m, the
Developer/Owner or ()ny :,utJseqUt~nl Owner will he rr'~porI5ihlf' for i;JJlV and all lOlltS.
The property shall be pmmanenHv '111bjl~Lt to these H\~,tnctjoll:;'. ^H of said E!(.lsempnts
Date Received,
rc'A"~ r:lt>(.ldl/lilon 0\ tlt\.Ofl IltlllY /1,1("
APR 1 7 2008
Original SubmittaL
shall be for the benefit of all prescnt dnd futu! e Owners of property subject to the
jurisdiction of the Assoc:iatlon by recorded covenants and restrictIons, recorded as
hereinabove provided, and theIr tenants, c.ontract purchasers and guests. Salci
easements and rights of use, however, shull not be unrestricted but shall be subject to
reasonable rules and regulations governing '.)(lId right of use, as promulgated from time
to time by the Directors of the Association in the interest of securing maximum safe
usage of said easements without unduly infringing upon the privacy of the Owner or
occupant of any part of Silad property. An easement over, upon and across all parts of
the Properties is granted and reserved to the Association, its successors and assigns to
the extent reasonably required to perform exterior maintenance and to perform other
maintenance reasonably neces~alY or advl~,able to protect or preserve the value of the
Properties and the LIving UllIts thereon.
In addition, an easement over, upon and across all parts of the Common Area IS
reserved by the Declarant, Its successor') and assigns who acquire undeveloped Lots for
development, or who represent public or private utilities, for the purpose of
constructing the project, installing and mclllltallling utilIty services or Clny other
requirements needed in th(~ development of t.t Ie Dedaranes property.
10. YJe Restrictijrnj. All Lots shall be used for residential purposes and no
building shall be erected, altered, r1aced or permitted to remain on any Lot other than a
single family dwellln9. No manufalturoo hornf' 01 rnanufactul cd dwelllnq .,hall be
permitted on the Propmties, and no recreational vehitle may be used as a H;SI(!erH P-,
either temporary or permanent on any part of Ul0 Propertlpl;,
(a) Easements for ilCC('!;S. in51.allal ion ancl mtlmterwllre of uLllillPc) alld
drainage facilities arc reS4~,ved and/or dedlCntf~rJ iJ', \tlOwn on the HJcorded pl;)l.
(b) No structulp. of ;1 temporary char{lC1(,f I trtl/lPl, bd~l~nwnl, p,lrlly finistled
house, 9arage, barn or nther outbUlIc\ing <;11.111 1>11 wled 011 cln'f tot at dPY limp as
reSidence" either ternporarv or D~t rn"nent.
(c) Each yard sl-lail he l&ldt.caped not ml)n~ 1tlrVl ~)IX1Y (bO) ddYS afler
occupancy, extept when occupancy th.Hm:. after OrtolJer 1 dnd bt~t(JlE' fvlav I All Vurcls
shall be mamtamed in a nedt, clean I ondit.lon <.lIld qr ng~. :.hall UP watpred illld mowed
(d) No Owrll2/ shall allow tiny common l(lW mllsallU:! UpOll tlle]t Owner's
property nor engage In any use or pructice which is tilE' SOUl ce of annoyanu' to oHler
residents. or which interferes with lh~! peacpablf:' possession and proper ur..f' of other
Propertip.s by other resirlE~nt$. E:ach Unit. ,h<lll be rrldintained in ~l{)OU t(~pair (lilt! uver-all
(e) No !;Ign of any kind ~h()lI he displaYf'd to the public VI~W on any lot p.xcept
ONE (1) professional ~,igll of not rnol~~ than one 5quare foot, ami one Si90 of not more
than five square feet, advertising t he property for sale l)r rent, tJOttl c)f which siyns nUlst
be IOcAlted not less than TWENTY feel. (lO') from th(~ front pro~'ty /ln€'.
(f) No ,mnnals, livestock [II poultry of dny KInd )htlli be I ()ir,(~, bred or kept
on any t.ot except tl1flt a maxlrC1lHlI or THRf!E (3) do~,~ (')1 lliREE: (3) catc;, or a
combination of cat(~:;) find dog(s) whjdl lotdl~ THRt:E (J) ptlt~'1 Q! 8 total of THREF (3)
of any other household P(ltS c1G denl H:!d by tit'! Code I rlrJlY be k(~pt, provided they dre
not kept, bred or lT1alntairlf~d for .my comrm~rual pUlpo~e, alP kf!pt under ((mimi, ,'md
do not create offenm\le m objectionable noiSf! or odor I\lly outtlde animal rnlJst be
contained in a I<c'nntll or oth_~r enclo~.t1m. No acr.urnuldliQrl of w~)~,le will' be allowed 011
the yard/ rJilrklng meiW, Of Clny ComPl0n ARlo"
Date Received:
APR 1 7 2008
Page 9 of 13.' D(UM{Al rON OF covrNMIl~), COND) nUN!) ANI I HP;IHlt IIC~rl' IS b
cmR'.DfI(l,lt,'1lllinnll~lOf\ ;l'!llt"J,,( glna Lj IT1lttSI_ ________
(g) All valid laws, zomng ordinances and buildln9 restrictions of all
governmental bodies having jurisdiction of I he subject property shall be observed and
complied with.
(h) No fence, wall, hedge, shrub 01 other obstacle shall obstruct the line of
vision between THREE feet. (3') and FIVE feet (5') vertical, within FIFTEEN feet (15') of
the front lot line, except trees which shall be I rimmed of foliage not less than FIVE feet
(5') above the ground. Foliage on youn9 trees not suft1cipntly tall to trim shall bfc
exc.epted. All fences shall comply WII h City Code.
(i) Trash, garbage or ()ther wa51 e shall be kept In sanitary containers,
emptied at least bl-weekly. All InCinerators, garbage cans or other equipment for the
storage or disposal of such matenals shall be kept in c1p.an and sanitary location.
Storage of any goods, chattels, merchandlst.~, material, fuel supplies, or machinery shall
be wi~hin the walls of the structure or enclosed by tight fences that screen such
property from sight.
(j) Any home busH1ess conducted on the property shall be in accord(-1rlCe with
City regulations and COdE~.
(k) All environmental r egllliJtlons shall he complied with p~r11(ularly
concerning disposal of molor Oil, paints and other tlOwrdow, nlatenills.
(R) Each Owner of a 1I1l1t ',hall malOt(lill, I qJdir, dnd if' llef~derJ, r ('plrlLe tile
penmeter fence within thcit property line fOl so lOllY d~, thf." fem e i,-, requlI I'd tw the
(m) With the cxcepflon of 0 lender ill !Jo',(>t!ssion of (l tot followillY iJ ddaull In
a first mortgage, foreclosure procenllnq or <lilY deed or oHler rlt ran(Jcmenl If1 li('u of
foreclosure, no Owner shall oe perrmHed to H'llt ot-ICil!,r, hl'>/iwr lJilit,
(n) As'-,ex:iaUofl Dlre(tor~. Will have Juw,diltlon over activIties per mitt f'd In the
Common Areas. All dispute":), Gornplatnts 01 matters of change In existing or future use
restrictiom; will be submitted to the A':jSOCIQtIOIl Director s fOI ,)1 bil.Ultion or rf~~\Ilalion.
(0) No party wall shall be all(~red ~o (1', 10 dirninlGll HiP nre resi',lt)llrP, sound
transmission or 'ltruclUri:ll c.apabihllc:i of !:ti1id wall.
(p) Storclge of any kind, mdudlnq, hut not UnWed tu, gOQ{h, chattels,
merchandise, material, fuel, supplies or maclurll'ry sholl I)e within walls of the LIving
Unit, or enclosed by tIght fCllce~ that complelely ~)Clrell it from 'jlghl. There 'Jllilll be no
storage of' material of allY kind III the parkil\fj area'). Stomqe under Unlt~, shall be
screened': from view and kept In a nedt and tlCJy manner. The Uoard of Directors of the
Association or manager may mgulate HIe natUl e of items which may be placed in or on
wlndows_ decks, patios, and the out'1ide wall') that ,HP ViCtlblp from other l(ll~, of the
Common'Areas, or ()ut~;ICliP. the Properties.
11. !nsl.ll.m.O.(~.Jl~@1a.M~, _'-~J1~.nUllijQn.
li.1 H ':tIlt:!!! b~~ the duty ot the 80!ifd of Direl'lof::, .as rru~tcc:' for the
Assoclatiol'l, In it') sole dl~:itretiulI, to procul'e .)ud m()inf.~if\ ",I. tIll llrlle~ fire tlnd Iidbilily
insurance coverage and to pay the premiums for hald II1$uranr.e from the assessrnf'nls
previously referred to In Section 4. The pOlicy(lc:;) (hereirwf\'('r r~ferred \0 ac. the
"policy") is more sp".."'<-lfh:uIlV dl:scrrbed below:
(a) Th(~ BOdrd shall procun~ dl\d rnainlclltl a polity to inslIlP the
Declarant, the l30ard of Dlr{lct.ors, Oft!Cf1rti, thtl manCitJin(J clg('nl, (Jlht~1' (lrnpICJYPl:S of the
ASSOCiation and lhe Unit Owners WJdinst littlllh1y to thfl! publl!' or the A~Q~tf{~rg ~Wed
Units and of the commOn elements, imcJ then In\/It.ees or tf!rlilnts) InCld(trlrtb or ari~IflY .
APR 1 7 2008
PilgH 10 of J3 - DE Cl 4Rf.\ nON (Jr. (' UVLNAN rs, CDNDITIONS ANn IH':ClllUl T II iN~,
t(&({s rlPCI,llilllPI, 1)1 0406 ".'ll\/IY dVt Original SUbfTIlttal
out of the ownership and/or use of the property, or operation of contractors of
construction work under a comprehenslvp. general liability form" There shall be all
exclusion from the policy coverage for living Umt Owners (other than as Member of the
Association or Board of Directors) for liability ansiny out of acts or omissions of such
LIving Unit Owners and liability Incident to the ownership and/or use of the part of the
property as to which such Unit Owner has the exclusive use or occupancy. limits of
liability under such insurance shall not be less than FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND dollars
($500,000,00) for ONE (1) person, ONE MILLION dollars ($1,000,000,00) for any ONE
(1) accident, and TIiREE HUNDRED THOUSAND dollars ($300,000.00) for property
damage. Said policy shall be i~,5ued on a comprehensive liability basis and shall provide
cross liability endorsement wherein the rights of named insureds under the policy shall
not be prejudiced as respects hiS, her, It or their action agaInst another named Insured.
11.2 Tnsurdnce obtalllcd by tile ASSOCIation shall be 90vemed by the followlllg
(a) The Assocjatlon shall assess the cost of such insurance against
each Owner, on a pro..rata baSIS, and such dssessment shall be a lien and be collectible
and enforceable in the same manner as all aS~"lcssrnents provide for herein.
(b) Workels' (ompel1',ation irl~1H anu' to tile' pxtent ne((",',ilry to
comply witl1 any dJlplir able law~~.
((;) All poilck~s ;~Ikllll)r' wntten With till> ~Idlc (If OIPgon or ,) f ornpany
licensed to do bU~lnes(, in the Stal-c of Oreqon ilnd holdll19 d rc)llnq of "A" or 1J(~tter by
the Best's Insurance Reports ('1IF rent at the tnnc the IIl~lJmn(.(' 13 wrltlen ()I, pI lor to the
initial meeting of" th(~ Assoclcllion, one illd'pti1bIE' to Ot?rlarant and :,hall rontalll
appropriate. waivers of t,ubrogalloll_
(d) All IO~;~t:lr, under pl)lIC1c~ herFJfkr In force rf'~FJrdinQ tile pr olJerty
shall be settled eXclus!vely with the lJo,lrct of DJlT'dOI s or It~1 outtlorlzed r~pre~,f~"tatlve;
provided, however, thr~t where a f1r~,t mortqaqe(' hat., been (Je~;ignuted ao; a lo'-.,~~ payee
by a Unit Owner. such mortQBgee sbrill N~ ~ntitlf'(1 to s('tUc lOSSfJl;, f~S lo the rnortgaged
(e) Each LIving lJFlIt Owne-r slldli 1)(' respon~lblr (C)r obldltllng, at
his/her expense, insurance covering his/her property 1101- Iflsured under 5erttun 1 I J
above unless the ASSOCIation ugrees (It Ilerwltrt,
(I) The Oonrd shall review not 1m,s frequently than anrllldlly thp.
adequacy of its IflSurano:' pr~lr()m und 5t:Cllr~ additionnl Insurill If r~ ayalnst additional
risks as the Board may deem odvisal>lt~ for tile prolec:1lon of the residential L1vlf\t} Unil'
Owners. The Board's conclUSions ilnd ac:tlonc; ~)t1all bp ren()ltlt~d to the Member " of the
Association. Copies of every polley of Insurance procured by the Board (,hall be
available for Inspection by a residential Uving Unit Owner (or ((Intt(1tt purchaser) at the
office of the rnall<Jqing agent. The Board may also prOClfn~ 1l15,U1 unce against such
additional risks as t.he IJaal d may d(~I;~rn advlsabl~ for the prl)ler.:tlon of the re'"-Identwl
Unit Owners..
11.3 {:~I!I\J~!Tl[k)tt~o yfJ';Qrnrn_(I[l_A~Q' In thp o'/E;!OI Uwt dll Of any pOltlon of
the Common Area is tlpproprlatfxl dE. thE. r~sllllllf t.'O/lo(1"I'OrMttot) or th~(!()t thptl:or, the
following rules. and glJid~lIn~5 -;hall i~pply:
(a) gf.Qm~Jll~,U.91t by ..A1>.$Q~i9!IPIj. 1l1e BIld! d of Uirectorr, of 1 he
ASSOCiation shall have the ri~~ht and duty to repYesent twctJ of th(l OWnlers for the
purpose of negoliiJtlng und ~onte~ting, if It d€em~. ~ dlJlng to he ,net:e',:,sa,y Of
appropnate, any condemnation award offumd oy the tondE!mnln9 authot1ty In que.stlon
and may authorize cxplmdltlJn~$ arKl 1)5!ieSSrnents to I't!ttml ()(Jeqllflte r;o~~ ~~t~(.lr d
expert.s for such purposes. !Ve ,
APR 1 7 2008
Page t1 of iJ -" (;)l-CIAHAT10N Of CC)Vf.NMn ~~, CONDl nONS ANt) lil ';1 HI<. r lOW;
('(19Rr. rm\.-"lr,lt1('fl Il\ 01 ~ llt1/lY (~II- Original SubmittaL
(Ill) AlloC;gJIOIL.QLCQJldeml1flJ!QO AW~IcI.. The Board of Directors of the
AssoCiation shall allocate and distribute any condemnation award received by It with
respect to the Common Area to thp. Owners in proportion to the diminishment in fair
market value IIlcurred by them with respect to their respec11ve Lots and improvements
as d result of said condemnation.
(e) l\l..bitrilllo.D. In tile event of any conlroversy ansing under this
Section, each of the disputing parties shall choose ONE (1) arbitrator and such
arbitrators shall choose ONE (l) additional arbitrat.or. The -n-lREE (3) arbitrators shall
resolve the controversy by majority vote cJnd said decision shall be binding upon tht'
disputing parties; provided, any action or deci~~ion of the Board of Directors pursuant to
this Section shall carry a rebuttable presumption of correctness for purposes of said
arbitration proceedings. 1he disputing parties each shall pay all the fees and expenses
of the arbitrator designated each of them and shall pay equally all fees and expenses of
the third arbitrator. The disputmg partie~) each shall pay their own expenses In
connection with the Jr bitratlon.
(d) B~leIltion olJ~igbt~. No provisions of this Section 11.4 shall be
construed as negating the right of the indivldul~1 Owner:; to such in(idental relief as the
law may provide as (1 r f'~ult of thp CO! ldemlldlJoil of t he Common ^n~d.
(e) l'loj.icc_JQ.M,Qrj.gage~. Holders of first. !ll()Itljdge:, on dny 101 and/or
the Improvements thf-~Ieon ~~htlll reU~lve timely wnllf:'n nolic(' of ilny (nnOf'nllltltion or
ellllllent domalll proceeding affecttng thel Common Arcels or ("ll:Y pl)rt Ion thereof.
12. !ifIDfJDJ PrQmlQ.f1$.,
12.1 .!;.ofQcQ~DJ~nl. All rpstnctions, conditions, covenant" I C5ervdtIOJl~), liens
iJnd charges now or hereafter imposed by thf' proviSions c.ontall1cd In tl1ls Df'c1aratlon
shall bind and inure to the benefit or dnd be enforceable by any proceeding at law or In
equity, by Declarant, the Associatioll and the Owner or Owner s of any portion of c;,ald
property and their heirs and dsslgn~" ,Jnd each of theIr It!gal rq)n.~~,entallves, and faIlure
by Declarant or by th~~ Association or by dny of tile DroPPI1y Owners or thplr legal
representatives. tlei"~;, successor ~> or assigll',) to t'nforu' any of sllch I. onoitlons,
restrictions, of charqcs herein COIII,llned Shill! in no t-~venl be df~en1Pd a waiver of the
right to do so. Upon n~quest, I he Ilolclers 01 f" :,t rnort(wg(~:; shall be entitled to I rcelve
written notice from the AssoCii'tJ()1l of i:my dcf<=lult in tlu~ performance by the I at
Owner/mortgagee of any obligation under thi'.. Oeel,)r ation or IJY tllP Uy~Law.., of U,e
Association which rs not clUed withul -, HIRTY DO) dflY~.
In tile' event ~)111t., actloll, le~l(.ll p' uc eerllllfJ 01 c'Hl>ltratlon IS Inr,t11 uted to
interpret or enfOrce the terms of tlll~; Decl&c.ltlon, the prevalliny part.y shalllJ(I entitled
to recover hiS/her rea~ondble attol ney f~s inctJrmf.1 therein ut such <Jroltration, 1nal and
appeal, with such fees to be determllled by the ar()ltJa1or or t1H~ rour1. In the event of
m"bitration, the losinq party stlall alSO pay the:. I ('tlsona IJ 1(,' (ornppnsalion of any
arbitrators tllNelll.
12.2 ~f;vf:rat)lllty" lllVclhd,lfH'!l of any lHlf: uf tIIP:,(~ (f}\f('fldll!', or restlietlow, tJY
judgment or court orcler ~,"all in no way affect any other PWVI'lIOll'l whIch shall renll.lin
in full force and f'ffeet,
12.3 ~;i!?lY~Hnt;:!lt Any or till rights, power ';, fJrl(1 r('-:;prvations of r )t!.t!Jr ant
hetein contained rrVlY be as~ignetl to tho Association ur leJ ,lny othm C::Otp<)I'otlon or
association which 15 orYf.lllmx,1 01 which may hereafter bt! orqalllled and which will
assume the dutjmi of Declarant hereunder pNtaimng to tJlf; l)drtltular rights, pow(~rc;
and reservations a5sign~~d; ;,;nd upon any l:.Ucf) (,()rpofatloll t:~vlde"cing its IlItent in
wtlting to accept 5uch a::;slgnment ,.:Hld a!l;Sume sue::l\ dutl~1S. It. !;h~lI, f1) the oxtent. of
such assignment dnt1 asmmle SUcll rights and pOW(~r!; nlld lw (,ul)Jeaate~e~m~d.
Page 1~ of 13 '. DECLARA nON or. 0 )\if;NN,II::', CONlIII1UN~) IINP !Ji qPI{ !'lUW)
r.:()~R<; Pr(l.\I,ltlrm III I"H}f~ !lltrl~ 011{
APR 1 7 2008
Original Submittal.-
obligations and dutIes as are given to and assumed by Oeclarant herf'ln. All nqhts of
Declarant hereunder reserved or cre<lted shall be held and exerCIsed by Habitat for
Humanity/Springfield-Eugene, so lonq as it owns any Interest Hl any portion of the
12.4 ~Jll~I]i11nf::Dt<,;.
(a) tiQY!yroDosed,. Amendments to thiS Declaration shall be proposed
by either a majority of the Board of Dlrect.ors or by Owners holding THIRTY percent
(30%) or more of the voting nghts. A proposed amendment must be reduced to
writing and shall be included In the notice of any meeting at which action IS to be t.aken
thereon or attached to any request for consent to the amendment.
(b) ~RR.LOVal ReQJ.Hreq. Except as may otherwise be proVided In thiS
Declaration, any of the covenants and restr ictlons of this Declaration p.xcept for the
easements granted above may be amended if such amendment is approved by
SEVENTY -F1VE percent (7:;nj.)) of lilt.' tv1embers uf the ASSOCIation. Any amendment
which would limit or dlmllllsh any special Decl()rant nyhts established In thiS
Declaration, including the nght of the Declarant to annex additional phllses, shall
requIre the wntten con~.ent of the Declarant.
(c) l~s=~m~t<lll.Q11. All all1elldnlf~nt:; shall become effective wt H~1l reduced
to wntlllg, executed by the appropridtc' A~)~,orij)tioll offjc.er-~ uncI recorded III tll~\ OffiCIal
Records of Lane County, On?<Jon.
WHEREfORl:, tillS Declar allOf! \', cxecutpd dtectlVf! I he d<.ll.e flr~)t (11)0'1(; wrttten.
Di 0 ^RANT:
(JIl (), egon Non PlOf,t (or pOI dtlon
rll h~:
M' __; ~ i~ ~ _ __ _
: '
V 7 - ~ - I ~
{ ,) .. I A , l '
_~_~_~_ ._.. _..t._ -
) ~}~).
County of LanE'
Personally arpeclr('(J _,jo~\'~ ._' . J _:J _ \_ _.. ____ _ _ _ , who belny duly ',,y"Jl)rn (or
affirmed) did say that he/she is the ..~'~.j~.\,1~_ ~~nlJ. \ t t:J_.___ of Habitat fot f1urnalllty/
Springfield-Eugene, an Oregon non-profit rorpol<:ltion, alld Hldt the ~e(]1 affixed to the
foregolllg Instrument IS the corporat!.' -,pal of 5;)1(1 (or poriltlon i:lnd that ';ald Insl r ument
was Signed and sCilled in behalf of ~,i1lrJ corporation by ,)!Jth(lllty of It; t)IJdrd of dire,ctors;
and he/she acknowledged ;;<3id Insll UI1'lf'nt to be ll~, \folllnl dry r.l( t iJlld deed t his ~' 1_ .' day
of \: n.-\h.'-\q,\'--'....... 200ft
__..2-______ ------~::_ ~ .-,.-----,. ,. - ,
Before me:
~~~~~-_.. '~r~;':h.i;il :,; ::,- -' ,- ""I
M~f1lJ\1 ~'ij~.I.L If {;orn i
\~~~~/ Nf'l ,1;', f IIH'/( 'Jf'II,')~: l
'-I in /' ' U~d11 ;[,ION I'J() lIIll,'J,>!
My("l'~MI',hl' I~' I "'111/' II/ifIll r
---..__.'_~/It.r _...~ __.-... /\ 11' ' '11l1~1
t. '\' I'~ ",'" ~~.
,I, r ' . U i
N-ot,~ty 'PI~~Ii;- '~I, )t,~1 ~~IO'~-~ . w ../-
Date RecehJsd ~
APR 1 1 2008
Original Suomltt81.
Page 13 of 13.. \)r:CLARA nON OF COVE 1\1 A N 1 \ CONnJ fit )!'-r, I\M' 1<'-'" I fllU 1()1\J~,
C(1~R', Oed.!I,I(loll (j I (}II OS .at! (IV .I1,r
After Recordin2 Return To:
Teri Jokinen
4866 Main Street
Springfield, Oregon 97478
1. Teri L. Jokinen is the record owner of Lots 11 and 12, MEYER ESTATES, Reception
No. " Lane County Oregon Deeds and Records.
2. The City of Springfield, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, is responsible
for the ~pJ.'uval of the plat of MEYER ESTATES.
3. There are utility lines serving Lot 11, which cross Lot 12.
BLANKET EASEMENT: Teri L. Jokinen does hereby create a temporary blanket
easement across Lot 12, MEYER ESTATES. Any power, water, phone and cable service
that lies in, across or above Lot 12 to service Lot 11 may remain in place until either Lot
11 or 12 is further developed. At that time those utility lines will be placed in either the
public or private utility easements }'J.U .rided. Further deveL'l':,,",ent is defined as any
structure that requires a building permit. The easement shall sunset before either (a) a
building permit is final or (b) a certificate of occupancy is issued. The cost of the
relocation of the utilities will be the responsibility of the owner of Lot 12.
Teri L. Jokinenl
Date Received:
County of Lane)
APR 1 7 2008
Original Submittal
Personally appeared before me the above-named Teri L. Jokinen and acknowledged the
foreKo~~ instrument to be her voluntary act and deed this 3,...!J- day of
'1'''' \. ' · 2008.
~!YLJ 1- ~
Notary Public for Oregon c:7
My commission expires: ~+~~ 6, 7~ l \
After .",,"UA,Lng retul
Steve and Teri Jokinen )
4866 Main Street
Springfield, OR 97478
SERVICES, INC., is the beneficiary of that Deed of Trust dated March 29, 2006,
recorded March 30, 2006, Rec'l.'...'~:on No. 2006-021710,-Official Records of Lane
County, Oregon. '
BE IT FURTHER KNOWN that the property described, in said Deed of
Trust, is being subdivided by G. Stephan Jokinen and ,Ten L. Jokinen.
INC., Beneficiary, does hereby agree and consent to the platting of the above
referenced subdivision plat.
Dated this ~ 2. day of
, 2006.
I ~ ~~
AC~OWLEDGEMENT: State of Oregon )
County of Lane )
PenonaU! app~
B S t5-mv-sl { rre ~ ."
d.' ,.
on this ).~ ~ day of Ait'./itw.. kJoZy ,2006 and they acknowledged the
foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed.
the above named
. for Brandt Financial Services, Inc.,
J;~[:'-\..'(~IL . :.
Not~ Public for ~o~
My Commission Expires Fe b ~, .J..O/ Z>
Date Received:
APR 1 7 2008
Original Submittal
Apr 02 08 11:248
Teri Jokinen
After recording return to:
Teri Jokinen
4866 Main Street
Sprfngt1eld, OR. 97478
CORPORATION n, is the beneficiary of that Deed of Trust dated December '1,7,
2005, "' ......,'.,i1ed December 30,2005, ReeeptioD No. 2005-103458, Official Records of
Lane CODDtyt 0., ...~~D.
BE IT FURTHER KNOWN that the property described, in said Deed of
TMlst, is bemg subdivided by Teri L Jokinen. The subdivisiOIll Dame is Meyer
CORPORATION lit Beneficiary, does hereby.......,,: aDd CODsent to the platting of
the above ref... o.:lIiced subdivision plat.
'"2 ,-d
Dated this .-....
dayof ~\i\ \
~V'0-~.~.~'\ ~
, 2008.
If /
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: State of ~ (/l2;.f/J
j) if
County of i 7alli
Pe~onaDy appeared the above named ai/lilt/, bt'IAJ ,as
. /P,/J17{!J l11.tlAtlt/..P( for BODsebold FiDanee Corporation II OD this
\ '>!.!I day 0; tl vI/I , 2008 and they acknowledged the
foregoing instrament to be their voluntary act and de~.
1(;'./ C!0
Notary Public for OregoD
M C . I 1tf1~ If -tJ{
Y omnllssion Expires
.~--.--"-'-'-.----"---.... ,
"i~~9~~?~_~f!_RE.~~~ .2~~~~
Date Received:
APR f 7 2008
Original Submittal
After recording relli- .0:
Teri Jokinen
4866 Main Street
Spnngfield, OR 97478
" -
A Declarant: This Declaration of Joint Use Access and Utility Easement and -!\faintena.nce
Agreement is made by Springfield-Eugene Habitat for Humanity, the owners of the real
pJVp".i.j described as MEYER ESTATES, as platted and recorded in Lane County Official
records, and the Access and Utility Easement as described in Exhibit f'A". I
B. Purpose: This Declaration of Joint Use Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement is
made to specifically provide for: ,
(1) Acc6ss to Lots 1-10 of said MEYER ESTATES, and
(2) Maintenance requirements of the Access Easement, and ('.
(3) Responsibilities for all persons who are or who may become parties using said easement.
Now thererore in consideration of the 1iv:'''''5v:ng recitals, which are expressly made a part of this
Declaration of Private Joint Use Access Easement and Maintenance Ao.'....h~ the undersigned
hereby declares as follows:
(1) Declaration of Access Easement: There is hereby declared, granted, conveyed and "'JwU,.,d a
~perpetual and non-exclusive easement as a means of ingress and (,&~s to and from Lots 1-10 of
SaId MEYER ESTATES. It is expressly understood that no rights outside the Access Easement are
(2) Extent: The easement "J~ by this declaration are not personal or in gross but are
appurtenant to each said Lot.
(3) Duration of Covenants Binding or Successors and Assigns: The easement created by this
declaration shall be permanent and peqretual and shall constItute covenants running with the land
and shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of all heirs, successors and assigns of Lots 1-10 of
(4) Exclusive: The Private Access Easement provided herein shall be exclusive to owners, heirs,
successors and assigns (and their guests) of Lots 1-10 of said MEYER ESTATES or any portIon
thereof and each shall be entitled to use the Access Easement for the vehicular and pedestrian
access purposes for which it is provided. Date Received:
APR 1 7 2008
Original Submittal
(5) Maintenance: Any p' ...,p.erty owner of Lots 1-10 of said MEYER ESTATES may cause the
Access Easement right of way or any portion th~lc.vI to be maintained or repaired. The party
causmg said maintenance or repair to be done shall pay for such work, and other property owners
of Lots 1-10 of said MEYER ESTATES using the Access Easement shall be liable for
contribution based on that party's relative use proportional to the total roadway use. This payment
shall be made in a timely manner, not to exceed 30 days, from the date of receipt of proof of
(6) Taxes: Real p:.vp.erty taxes shall b(f paid by the owners of the p'Ul"'l~ upon which the
easement is located.
(7) Indemnification: Each party shall indemnify and save any other of the parties harmless fiUIU
any liability, loss or expenses resulting fiUlU that parties agents and employees, any independent
contractor hired by that party, and that partIes permitees, invitees, licensees and guests unless that
injury is caused in part by any of the other parties' failure to CvuL.:bute to the expenses of
tnahli..-.uance of the Access Easement.
(8) Further Documents: In the event that any further &~ or easements are required to document
and effectuate the easement created herein for Lots 1-10 of said MEYER ESTATES or portion
thereof, Grantors each represent that each will execute said grants of easements.
Springfield-Eugene Habitat for Humanity
[; '2.7 <01-
State of Oregon)
,( )ss
County of Lane)
T~habo v Don. as Director for Springfield-Eu~ene Habitat for Humanity,
ac edged egoing before me this tl'1 day of (\ j(j/U . 2007.
///- /)
otarY Public for Or~
My Commission Expires:
Date Received:
APR 1 7 2008
Original Submittal.
Exhibit "A"
Easement Descrintion:
Beginning J a point on the North line of the A.W. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No.
38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, 693.66 feet East of
the Northwest comer of said claim; thence South parallel to the West line of said claim
1216.76 feet to the North line of the right-of-way of the McKenzie Highway; thence
South 890 44' 00" East along said highway 173.06 feet; thence North 00 18' 21" East
305.89 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence South 890 56' 36" West 10.00 feet;
thence along the arc of a 18.00 foot radius curve to the left, the chord of which bears
South 490 40' 3r' west 23.27 feet, a distance of 25.30 feet; thence North 890 54' 50"
West 23.00 feet; thence North 0005' 10" East 47.77 feet; thence North 890 54' 20" West
119.74 feet; thence North 00 18' OS" East 26.80 feet; thence South 890 54' 20" East
138.24 feet; thence South 470 47' 18" East 43.47 feet; thence South 00 18' 21" West
30.30 feet to the True Point of Beginning in Lane County, Oregon.
Date Received:
APR 1 7 2008
Original submittal
I '
- -\
If,.l UNTENNIAL BLVD. · SPRIN(.r!J I f) OR ')7.111
r 0 BOX 911 · ~PRINGn[lD, OR '17477
PHONE: 541 741 19111
fAX .41 741061')
I' () BOX 10211 . HJ(.fNI:, Ol~ '/744(1
I'1I0Nf .41 hll7 ')7'14
I AX .41 (,11711'124
1.;1,1(1 fit Iro b COlnO,lI1Y
I i'111 IN...l !I{f\N( '1- "I RVI( J <., · t <.,( IH l\N ( I O<.,IN( I~
AprIl 7, 2008
aUI Oldel No LI 1-47155
Krush & As:,>oclatcs
607 Highway 99 Not th
Eugene, Oregon 97402
Attn Aaron
Estl matcd PI em IU m f 01
~200 00
~ 1 00 00
~ 3 00 O(J
Dear Aaron
We arc r)]epared to I:'>:'>UC OlllCqUCSt and on rceoldll1g 01 thc applOpllatc document<,. d policy OJ
pollclcs as appltccl for. WIth covcragcs a~ Indlcatcd. hascd on tIllS pJCllmln;IIY.Icpolt
~ ' " .
Showmg fec slmplc title .IS1'Or Api II 2, 200X, at X O() a III , vc"tod In
SubJcct only to thc c;..ecptJ()n~ shown hCI Clll and to thc tCIIll", condltloll" :lI1d cxceptlon"
contamcd III thc policy /<-1IIi1 No liability IS assullled llnlll a lull PICl11lUlll hil" hecn p,lId
Date Received:
APR 1 7 2008
Original Submittal
fl ,\
_ .. ~.~..14 ~ .j;......
':. ," ~ '::)~
, "
" 'H'>J ()III( 1l11~INI:S<YOIlI'lt\i\ /11.11 '\\f.l~ ,'1., ';'.
!' IVWI\o I'VP' ,~('i:(:I\I,"I\i1ill;~" 11I1I '; .'".
'/ "
.. '
E LT - 471 55
Page 2
1 Taxes or a~sessments whIch ale not ~hown as eXI~tll1g llen<, hy the leUlld<, oj al1\ 1.1\lllg
authonty that levIes taxes or a~<;essments Oil leal propelty 01 hy the Pllbl1c 1eund<, Pl(ICCcdlllg"
by a public agency whIch may n~<;lIlt In tdxe~ 01 a<,se<',)lllent~. 01 notlce<, of <,lIch ploccedlllg<,
whethel 01 not shown by the Ic(old~ of ~uch agency 01 hy the public leUlld~.
2 Facts, nghts, IIltere~ts or clalm~ whIch ale not ~hown by the public lecold<, hut whIch lould
be ascertallled by an lIl~pectlOn of the Idnd 01 by makll1g 1I1qUllY ofrel~on') In po')')e<,<,lon
3 Easements, or claIms of easement, not ~hown by the publiC lecords. le')ervdt,lon') 01
e'{ceptlons 111 patents or 111 Acts authon7111g the Is'suance theleor, "vatel Ilghh. elallll" (ll title to
4 Any cncloachmcnt (orexlst1l1g IlllplOvclllenh located on thc sub,ectlal1d onto adloJ\lJ\lg
land or or eXlstl11g Improvements located on adloll1lng land onto the ~uhJect land),
encumbrance, vIOlatIon. vallatlon. or adver~e cIrcumstance afTectlllg the tItle that would he
chsclosed by an acclIl ate and complete lanel surveyor the suhJect !and
5 Any lien, or nght to a lien, 101 sel vices. lahOl, nlatenal. eqlllplllel1t I ental 0" WOI kel <,
compensatIon herctol()le 01 heleafter fUII1I<,hcd, Impo~ed by law dnd not <,110\\'11 by (he publIC
, '
6 Easement Agreement, gl'anted to LJ S West, 1I1cludll1g thc fclms <lIld p,ovl~lon<, thelcol, '2Y
IIlstlument Rccolded Septcinbcl X. 1999. ReceptIon No ()9-0776X3, Olficlal RccOlcl<, oil ane
County,Orcgon (Arfects Palce1 1)'
7 Improvcment Agrccmcdt and Appltcatton 1'01' Sewcl I-lookup. 1I1c1udlng the telm<, dnd
provIsIons thcreof, bctwecn G Stephan .Joklllcn and Tell L Jok1l1en. and the CIty ol
Spnngfield, by IIlstl umynt RecOlclecl Deccmbel }O. 2004, Receptloli No 2004-09()O(l' 1"lne
County Oregon RecOI d" f'
8 Deed on\ u~t. IIlcludl11g thc terms and PlovlslOns thereol, executed by Ci Stephell loklnen
and Tcn ,L .Jokll1en, as tenants by the entlJety, as GlantOl(s), to FIdelIty Nat)()nal 1111e d<'
Tlustee, Ic)!" the benefit or Houschold fInance COIpOI<ltlon II, as I1cnclicI<lIY. Datcd Iklelllhel
27, 2005, Rccolded Dcccmbel ]0,2005, Reccptlon No 2005-1 0345X. Ollillal IrccOl d<, oj Ldnc
County, Oregon, gIven to secure paymenl or a Note I(H $254,023 R J
Date Received:
APR 11 2008
Page 3
\ ,:
9 Dced of Trust, IIlclucllllg thc tClm') and pIOVI~lon~ thClcol, executed by 'I en L Joklncn and
G Stephan Joklllen, wlfc and hu~band, d<; (~lantOl(~), to Iwelglecn Land Iltle Compdn)'. d<.,
Trustee, for the benefit of Brandt FlIlanclal Scrvlees. Jnc, as Bcncflclary, Datcd Malch 29.
2006. Recorded March 30, 2006, ReccptlOn No 2006-021710, Orticlal Records of LlIlc
County, Oregon, gIven to s,ecure paymcnt ofa Notc for $33.731 91
10 Deed of Trust, lI1cludni.g the tel ms and PIOVISlOns thercof, cxecuted by rell L Joklllen. a<.,
Glantor(s), to Evergreen Land TItle Company, as TI ustce, for thc bcnclit of Spnllglield/I ,ugenc
HabItat for Humamty, as BcncJiclary, Dated Junc 15,2007, Recolded June 15, 2007 I~cccptl()n
No 2007-041021, Officml Records of Lane County. Orcgon. given to <.,ecul e paymcnt of a
Note for $3.075 00 '
II Easement for' LandscapeMallltenance.lIlcludlllg the tel ms and pI OVISlons thel eo I by
II1strument Recorded February 5, 2008, ReccptIon No 2008-00648 L Lane County 01 cgun
RccOl ds '
12 Eascment for Ingress and Egre~s as contallledll1 Bargalll and Sale Deed Recot ded A pI Ii 4.
2008. ReceptIOn No 2008.:.018820, Lane County Oregon RecO! ds
13 ORS 92.012 reqUIres 1;~lat any dIVISIon or an eXls1111g parcells a plllt!tlOn lequlllng
Governmcntal approval' l~it]e InsUlance covctage doe~ n01I1lclude'as<;lIIancc<; thai any lot
conveycdls a legal lot for plannll1g purposes 'I heterore, If the PI()IJO~cd ttallsacllllll II1cludc<., a
dIVISIon of an CXIStlllg p~IICCI. you should cOI1<.,ull WIth the appltc;lbl,e plannIng autholll\ ;1<., to
any I cLJtmcments thcy niaY::have as to thc plOposed 11 an~actlon ,)
NOTE Taxcs, Map NdI1~-02-32-41-00300, Code 11)-00, Accoullt!No I ()67052. 2007-2008.
I t l~ j 1 .~,I I, 1,1, I
$2,~68 5~, p~i~ 111 full ,~,~l",~~~el I) _, :~;j:!, '
I axes; Map No 17-02-J2~4 1 -00305, Code 19-00. Account N(l ~'17()77() I, 2007-200X.
$62 14, pmcllll full (p~Vc~i' 1 ) ~ , : ~,!' ,
Taxes, Map No 17-0~-~2-41-00304. Code 11)-00, Account No' '1:768215.2007-2008.
. . " [."
$2,04447, raid III full (parcel I) ,
I axes, Map No 17-02-]:2-41-00302. Code !9-00. Account No I M5025. 2007-20()X
$ LI 77.52, paid 111 full (I)ti~''ceJ 2)
Taxes, Map No 1 7-02:-3:2-41-00303, Code 19-00. Account No l,6()70(JO.2007-200X.
$41926, paid in ful] (~aIge] 3) i,
NOTE' A JUDGEMENT/LIEN/I3ANKRUP'1 CY SEARCH was done 1'01 the nalllc(<") I LRI L
r i ,; Ij
none were lOUIll ,j:'
'I': \ .1
NOTE' As oj' ArId 2, 200R, thele ale no Ilen~ 101 the Clly or Spllngllcld
Date Received:
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. APR 1 7 2008
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ELT - 47155
Page 4
Very truly YOUlS.
By i~~1\)CO
1:\ ()i /
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KlInberly A. L))tlefsen
Title Department Manager
('C All State Real Estate
Attn Artie Mae Harlow (emaJl m tIClllac(aJhm lows net)
CC All State Rcal Estate
Attn. Chuck I larnson (Fax No 6X7-2327)
CC- Ilabitat for Ilummllty
Attn Don GnlTin
CC Tcn Jok1l1cn
4866 Mam Street Springlield. 01 ('!lOll <)74]x
Date Received:
APR 1 7 2008
Original submittal
ELT - 47155
Page I of I
Legal DeScriptIOn
Begmnmg at a pomt on the North Ime of the ^ W Hamll1ltt DonatIOn Land Chum No lX.
Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the WIIlamette Melldlan. 693 66 feet East of the
Northwest corner of said claim, thence South patallel to the West Ime of ~(lId claIm J 21 () 7()
feet, more or less to the North line of the right-or-way of the McKenzie 1-llglnvay, thcllcc ~outh
89044' 00" East along smd highway 173 415 feet, thence NO! th 1217 ()6 leet. mOl e Of Ie"". to
the North lme of said Claim No 3R, thence West 173 415 fect to the Place o!' Begllllllllg. III
Lane County, Oregon
EXCEPTING THEREFROM a parcel beglllnlllg at a pOlllt bClIlg East 693 66 feet 110m the
Northwest corner of the A W Hammitt DonatIOn Land ClaIm No 38, Towmhlp 17 South.
Range 2 West of the WIIlamette Mencltan, sal(] pomt bClIlg on the NOlth Ime of saId DOllatlon
Land Claim, thence along the North 11Ile. Ea<;t 17342 fcct. thcnce lcavlIlg "ald' North IIIlC
South 753 55 feet, thence West 173 42 feet parallcl to the Said North Ime, thcnce Nor th 753 5)
feet to the Pomt of Begmning, m Lane County, Oregon
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Date Received:
APR 1 7 2008
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Date Received:
APR 1 7 2008
Original Submittal
Map 17-02-32-41
Tax Lot 300, 302,
For Final ?lat Su'bmission/TranSlnittal
For Final Plat Submission/Transmittal
Date Received:
APR 11 2008
Name of Plat:
Original submittal
Meyer Estates
I have checked through submItted documents, and the following have been submItted:
, tMYlar of plat (and bond copy for Plannmg)
r5ij Cl) Consent AffidavIt(s)
rsJ/(l) Origmal SIgned cross Easement
. r2f (1) anginal SIgned Blanket Easement
~:~':<Title Report
- .. A c;py o;;~~~"~1;%::::::::;;;;;= _.
/c.OVE~'VANlS { fLES,ILtLT<O tI.j S
These documents are the only ones the Survey DiVIsion reqUIres for the Final Plat
submIssion and filing.
tJ~ ??ftJc~~
City Instructions: ThIS form IS to accompany the plat and the supportmg documents to the Public Works Department of the
CIty of Spnngfield at the tIme of final plat submIttal The purpose IS pnmanly to notIfy the plannIng office that the Surveymg
DIVISIOn has receIved all the documents It reqUIres for final plat submIttal
County Instructions: ThIS fonn IS to accompany the plat and the supportmg documents to the Lane County Surveyor's
Office at the tIme of final submIttal for recordmg The purpose IS pnmanly to notIfy that office of whIch Items need to be
recorded sllnultaneously wIth the plat, but It also serves to remmd the developer/surveyor that these documents need to be
mcluded m the final submIttal package to the County Surveyor
V \SURVEy\Plat Drawmgs\Cogo'd OIawmg:, & Letters\SubdJVl:'lOns_onplat 808_& review comments\Meyel Estates\Surveymg
Approval doc