HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Planning Commission PLANNER 1/15/2008 (2) -r MEMORANDUM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE OF HEARING: January 15,2008 PLANNING TO: Springfield Planning commiSSion~ COMMISSION /.#; TRANSMITTAL FROM: Kitti M. Gale, Housing Plannerl (;1'1" MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Zoning Map Amendment: Brethren Community Services ZON2007-00053 ISSUE: The Planning Commission is requested to conduct a public hearing to consider the applicant's request to change the zoning of approximately 1.05 acres ofland located at 1062, 1072, 1082, and 1096 Main Street from the current Community Commercial (CC) zoning to the Metro Plan designation of Mixed-Use Residential (MUR). The subject property is identified on Assessor Map 17-03-35-41 as tax lots 4600, 4700, 4800, and 4900. DISCUSSION: The purpose of the proposed action is to correct an inconsistency between the local zoning designation and the Metro Plan Diagram designation. The existing Community Commercial zoning is not consistent with the Metro Plan Mixed-Use Residential designation, and it is therefore the Director's decision that this application proposal qualifies to be processed as a City-sponsored Zoning Map Amendment-Type III as per department policy established in 2006. Approval for a Zoning Map C;lffiendment proposal requires a demonstration of consistency with applicable Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan Diagram. The Planning Commission is asked to consider the applicant's request and the findings of fact contained herein, and then to: confirm that the proposed MUR zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan Diagram and Metro Plan text; and, that the application of the MUR zone is appropriate in this case. RECOMMENDATION: Upon review of the applicant's request, stafffmds that the proposed Mixed-Use Residential zoning is consistent with the criteria of Springfield Development code Section 5.22-115 Criteria. ACTION REQUESTED: Planning Commission approval of this request by motion and by signature of the Planning Commission Chairperson on the attached Final Order. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Zoning Map Amendment-Type III Staff Report and Map Exhibits Attachment 2: Final Order with attached report and Exhibits A, B, and C C-"~~ f- p;"d'1 .t.- C- I Sf~~~ G~C~t\e.-lauS p U~ll-\ F ekcLu1\. Zoning Map Amendment - Type III Staff Report and Findings Hearln~ Uate: January IS, 2008 (.;ase Number: ZON 2007-00053 Sublect Prooertv: Assessor Map No. 17-03-35-41, TL 4600, 4700, 4800 & 4900 Aoolicant fOwner Attn: Patricia Wright Brethren Community Srvc Spfld Church of Brethren Ion Main Street Sprmgfield, Or 974n Aoolicant's Reoresentative - - - Destin Ferdun Lunabrldge 3575 NE Shaver Portland, OR 97212 Date Submitted: October 17, 2007 REOUEST: The Applicant requests a Zoning Map Amendment-Type III to change the zoning of approximately 1.05 acres of land from Community Commercial (CC) to Mixed-Use Residential (MUR). The land is ,located at 1062 Main Street, Ion Main Street, 1082 Mam Street & 1096 Main Street in Springfield, and Identified on Assessor Map 17-03-35-41 Tax Lots 4600, 4700, 4800 & 4900. The purpose of this proposed action is to correct an mconsistency between the Metro Plan DIagram (Exhibit A) and the local zoning map. The exlstmg CC zoning IS not consistent with the Metro Plan DIagram and the Director has determmed that thiS application qualifies to be processed as a City-sponsored Zoning Map Amendment- Type III, as established by department policy in 2006. The Planning Commission is asked to consider the applicant's request and the findings of fact contained herem, and then to confirm that the proposed zonmg is consistent with the Metro Plan and that the MUR zone designation is appropriate in this case. VICINITY MAP (not to scale) UBJECT PROPERTY 1062, 1072, 1082 & 1096 Main Street (1.05 acres) Alley ri~ht of way E9 NORTH Tax Lots 4900. 4800. 4700 & 4600 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: The subject property is located on the north side of Mam Street, east of I Om Street as shown above and in Exhibit B. The subject property is ATTACHMENT 1 - 1 approximately 1.05 acres, which encompasses four tax lots as identified on Assessor Map 17-03- 35-41 Tax Lots 4600, 4700, 4800 & 4900. The land is currently under one owner, the Springfield Church of the Brethren, doing non-profit business and known as Brethren Community Services (BCS). The property is developed with several structures, which serve the BCS's mission. The property has access from both Main Street and the abutting alley to the north. REVIEW PROCESS: This City sponsored Zonmg Map Amendment-Type 11/ application is a quasi-Judicial zoning map amendment that includes four abutting tax lots owned by the BCS; involves the application of existing policy to a specific factual setting; and, does not require a Metro Plan Diagram amendment. SDC Section 5.22-11 5 (A) states that Quasi-judicial Zoning Map Amendments may be approved by the Planning Commission and that the Planning Commission's decision is the final local decision. This application IS reviewed under Type III procedures listed in SDC Section 5.1-135 and Section 5.22-110. The application was accepted as complete on Oct 17, 2007. Approval of this request would allow development in accordance with the standards of SDC ,Section 3.2-600 Springfield Mixed-Use Zoning Districts. The owner is interested in seeking new redevelopment approval for the subject property, thus the zoning must be made consistent with the Metro Plan Diagram designation prior to site plan approval. There are no maximum residential densities established for MUR districts except those regulated by building heights. Future development of the site will require either a Type II or Type III land-use reView process (Site Plan Review andlor approval of a land division), which shall include notice to surrounding property owners. DISCUSSION: In this report, staff will demonstrate that the proposed MUR zoning is appropriate and consistent with the Metro Plan Diagram (see Exhibit A attached to this report) and that the proposal meets the criteria for approval of quasi-judicial Zoning Map amendments In accordance at Springfield Development Code Section 5.22-115(C). RECOMMENDATION: Upon review of the applicant's request, staff finds that the proposed Mixed-Use Residential zoning is consistent with both the Metro Plan Diagram and the Metro Plan policies and therefore recommends approval of the applicant's request. ZONING OF Sl,JRROUNDING PROPERTIES: Land to the north is currently zoned and developed with Low Density Residential (LDR) uses. Land to the east, south, and the west is currently zoned Community Commercial (CC). Prior to new development of the neighboring properties, those owners will also have to resolve their own plan/zone conflicts. The Metro Plan Diagram designation for the neighboring properties to the east and west is also Mixed-Use Residential (MUR); designation for the neighboring properties to the south is Mixed-Use Commercial (MUC). SDC Section 5.22-1 15 Criteria of Approval - Zoning District Change SDC Section 5.22-115 establishes the criteria to be used in approving zone changes. In consideration of this request, the Planning Commission or Hearings Official shall approve findings, which demonstrate that all of the following applicable criteria have been addressed: 2 ATTACHMENT 1 - 2 SDC Section 5.22-115 C (I) Criterion I: Consistency with a1>Plicable Metro Plan .policies and the Metro Plan Diagram The Metro Plan provIdes the public with general guidelines for individual planning decisions. Reference to supplemental planning documents of a more localized scope, including neighborhood refinement plans, is advisable when applying the Metro Plan to specific parcels of land or individual tax lots (Metro Plan page 1-2, #4). The Metro Plan serves as a general planning framework to be augmented, as needed, by more detailed planning programs in order to meet the specific needs of the various local governments (Metro Plan page 1-2, #8). Finding #1: No refinement plan has been adopted for this specific area. There are no supplemental planning documents of a more localized scope that include the subject property. Finding #2: In this case, the Metro Plan Diagram provides sufficient specificity to apply the Metro Plan to the subject property because ~ identifiable features are shown: teJ. :;LI \:;\:.L Clll~ ~ ~~-~~+';V;L At "the.. e..d. D'f't'Wt. Dowl'\ \-6W'" Rtb'~t.'t,*f{Q~ ~ "i4\ IS nh.~ ~MA.,,, .s~.~su,,~'~''''''''I4) The Metro Plan Diagram clearly indicates Mixed-Use Residential (MUR) plan desIgnation in the area of land east of 10th Street and north of Main Street. The Metro Plan DIagram also establishes the northerly limit of this MUR plan designation area as seen in Exhibit A Finding #3: The M~tro Plan deSignation of the subject property is Mixed-Use Residential (MUR). The applicant's proposed MUR zoning is therefore consistent WIth the Metro Plan designation and the Plan policies. The existing, local, Community Commercial zoning represents a Planlzone conflict that must be corrected prior to further development of the site. The following Metro Plan policies support the applicant's request: Metro Plan Land Su~~ly and Demand Policv A2: Residentially designated land within the UGB should be zoned consistent with the Metro Plan and applicable plans and policies. Metro Plan Land SU~Dlv and Demand Policv A4:. Use annexation, provision of adequate public facilities and services, rezoning, redevelopment, and infill to meet the 20-year projected housing demand. Metro Plan Residential Densltv Policv AI 0: Promote higher residential density inside the urban growth boundary that utilizes existing infrastructure, improves the efficiency of public services and facilities, and conserves rural resource lands outside the urban growth boundary. Metro Plan Residential Densitv Pollcv All: Generally locate higher density residential development near employment or commercial services, in proximity to major transportation systems or within transportation-efficient nodes. Metro Plan Residential Density Policy A12: Coordinate higher density residential development with the provision of adequate infrastructure and services, open space, and other urban amenities. 3 ATTACHMENT 1 - 3 ( Metro Plan Residential Density PolicvA 13: Increase overall residential density in the metropolitan area by creating more opportunities for effectively designed in-fill, redevelopment, and mixed use while considering impacts of increased residential density on historic, existing. and future neighborhoods. Finding #4: Approval of the applicant's request would allow an increase of residential density on the subject property from a maximum of one Unit per commercial development site to unlimited residential unit density, except that which Will be restricted by building height. (The maximum # of residential units will be reviewed at the time of site plan review.) Finding #5: Approval of the applicant's request would create an opportunity for effectively designed in-fill development in accordance with Metro Plan policies that includes both commercial and residential use. Metro Plan Residential Density Policv A 14 states: Review local zoning and development regulations periodically to remove barriers to higher density housing and to make provisions for a full range of housing options. Finding #6: The presence of inconsistent Community Commercial-only (CC) zoning within areas designated Mixed-Use Residential on the Metro Plan limits and restricts redevelopment opportunities through limitation of both residential density and restraints on design. The existing CC zoning creates a restraint on both residential and commercial infill. " Finding #7: Approval of the proposed zone change will create an opportunity to increase the number of residential units permitted and thus increase overall density and additional housing options within the metropolitan area. Metro Plan page III-A-8. Residential Density Policv A 16 states: Allow for the development of zoning districts which allow overlap of the established Metro Plan density ranges to promote housing choice and result in either maintaining or increasing housing density in those distri~. Under no circumstances, shall housing densities be allowed below existing Metro Plan density ranges. Finding #8: The existing Springfield zoning for the subject property presently permits a residential density allocation (one per commercial site) that is lower than local Mixed-Use Residential zoning (minimum of 20 per gross acre). Finding #9: The existing CC zoning is inconsistent with the Metro Plan text. Conclusion # I: Staff finds that the MUR zoning requested by the applicant is consistent with the applicable Metro Plan policies. In addition, the Metro Plan Diagram provides the level of specificity necessary to apply the MUR designation to the subject property. The proposal therefore satIsfies the approval criterion of SDC Section 5.22-115 C (I). SDC Section 5.22-115 C (2) Criterion 2: Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans. Plan District maps. Conceptual Development Plans and functional plans; and Finding #10: There are no Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, or Conceptual Development Plans for the subject property; Metro Plan designations establish the basis for functional plans 4 ATTACHMENT 1 - 4 (transportation, public (acilities, etc.) in the metro area, thus zoning In accordance with the Metro Plan designation shall be consistent with the applicable functional plans. Conclusion #2: Staff finds that the proposal satisfies the approval criterion of SDC Section 5.22- 1 15 C (2). SDC Section 522- 1 15 C (3) Criterion 3: The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, selVices and transportation networks to sU1>Port the use, or these facilities, selVicesj and transportation networks are planned to be provided concurrently with the development of the property. Finding # II: The subject property has approximately 255 feet of frontage on Main, a Major Arterial public street, which is under the jurisdiction of the State of Oregon Highway Department (O.D.O.T.) Finding #12: Main Street is fully improved and the existing transportation systems provide access to the property. Specific access requirements will be addressed through the site plan review process when the applicant submits a redevelopment proposal. Finding #13: The City's Conceptual Street Map shows the current right-of-way and does not propose any future changes. Finding # 14: A public, IS-inch stormwater line is located in Main Street along the frontage of the subject property. An S-inch public sanitary sewer is located in the public alley right-of-way to the north of the subject property. Finding #15: The property is served by Springfield Fire and Life Safety. Specific access to the site for fire and life safety vehicles is currently adequate. Note: Future access for redevelopment will be determined through the site plan review process. Finding #16: The site is served by Springfield School District 19. Finding # 17: The site is within the Willamalane Parks and Recreation District. l Finding #18: Traffic impacts of the proposed rezoning to MUR and future redevelopment proposals will be reviewed at the time of site plan review. Finding #19: Lane Transit District (L TO) reviewed the application and found that the proposed zone change will not affect existing transit service. Finding #20: Solid waste management service is available at the subject property. The City and Sanipac have an exclusive franchise arrangement for garbage service inside the city limits. J Finding #21: The site receives police protection from the City of Springfield that is consistent with service provision throughout the city and with service that is now provided to adjacent properties. Finding #22: Qwest and Comcast currently provide telephone and cable communication service in this area. There are also an array of wireless companies that provide communication , L 5 ATTACHMENT 1 - 5 services. The City has no exclusive franchise arrangements with telecommunication or wireless companies; the field IS competitive and therefore guarantees a wide selection. Conclusion #3: The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services and transportation networks to support the current use; therefore, the proposal satisfies the criterion at SDC ~ection 5.22-115 C3 as described herein. Note: All future public and private improvement requirements and utility connection points will be determined when the applicant submits a site plan review application for redevelopment. SDC Section 5.22-115 C (4) Criterion 4: Legislative Zoning Map amendments that involve a Metro Plan Diagram amendment shall: (a) Meet the approval criteria specified in SDC Section 5.14-100; and (b) Comply with Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-012-0060. where applicable. Finding #23: As described herein the applicant's request meets the approval criteria specified in SDC Section 5.14-1 00. \ Finding #24: This City Sponsored Zoning Map Amendment-Type III application is a Quasi-judicial Zoning Map amendment which affects a single applicant's property; involves the application of existing policy to a specific factual setting; and, does not require a Metro Plan Diagram amendment. Conclusion #4: Staff finds that the proposal satisfies the approval criterion of SDC Section 5.22-1 15 C (2) as described herein. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: SDC Section 5.22-120: The Approval Authority may attach conditions as may be reasonably necessary to allow the Zoning Map amendment to be granted. Conclusion #4;. RECOMMENDATION: Staff finds that the proposed Zoning Map Amendment-Type III is consistent with the criteria of SDC Section 5.22-115 as described herein. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the requested Zoning Map amendment without additional conditions. 6 ATTACHMENT 1 - 6 EXHIBIT A METRO PLAN DIAGRAM MAP ...\~\~L BLVD JTE\~'~~ """'--L- r ..: -},.,.~~~ ~f;-;! " SUBJECT PROPERTY NEAR 10TH & MAIN STREET .----" t:=- C) Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan Plan Diagram (The interpretation and purpose of the PL11l Diagram, and descriptiom of the L11ld uses and >)111OO1s sho\\1l, are contained in cn.'pler II-G.) ,....' Urban Growth Boundary o o o o 1m D ~ LDw Density Residential D Ught Medium "'dustrlal II Agriculture Medium Density Residential ~ Campualndustrlal D Forest land High Density Residential [J University Research D Rural Residential Commercial D Government and Education ~ Rural Commercial Malor Reta. Centero . Parks and Open Space ~ Rurallndustrlal Heavy Industrial D Natural Resource ~ Airport Reserve Special Heavy Industrial D Sand and Gravel "",,-,,,' Metro Plan Boundary /'./ /V RaDroads RIvers and Ponds Overlays: ~ Mixed US<! Area. ~ Nodal Development Area o WlDamette Greenway EXHIBIT B SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP \ ,cl Vicinity map is not to scale . rty . t f 10th Street and includes four tax lots addressed as Subject prope IS eas 0 . 1062 Main Street, 1072 Main Street, 1082 Main Street and 1096 Mam Street I . I . FINAL ORDER BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF SPRING~lliLD, OREGON ZONING MAP AMENDMENT REQUEST CASE NO. ZON2007-00053 FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND FINAL ORDER NATURE OF Tlt~ A,,,~: LICATION Zoning Map amendment from Community Commercial (CC) to Mixed-Use Residential (MUR) for approximately 1.05 acres located north of Main Street and identified on Assessor Map 17-03-35-41 Tax Lots 4600, 4700, 4800, and 4900. 1. On October 10, 2007, the following application for a Zone Map Amendment- Type ill was accepted: Change the zoning of approximately 1.05 acres of land located at 1062, 1072, 1082, and 1096 Main Street in Springfield from Community Commercial to Mixed-Use Residential, Planning Case Number ZON2007-00053; and, 2. The application was submitted and completed in accordance with Section 5.4-105 of the Springfield Develupll.I.ent Code. Timely and sufficient notice of the public hearjng has been provided pursuant to Section 5.2-115 of the Springfield Development code; and, 3. On January 15,2008, a public hearing for the review of the Zoning Map Amendment-Type ill was held before the Springfield Planning Commission. The Development Services Department staff report, which included criteria of approval, findings and recommendations, together with oral and written testimony submitted, has been considered and is part of the record of this proceeding; therefore, CONCLUSION On the basis of this record, it has been concluded that Zone Map Amendment-Type ill ZON2007-00053 is consistent with SDC Section 5.2-115 criteria This general finding is supported by specific findings of fact and conclusions in the attached report Exhibit A. FINAL ORDEI! It is ORDERED by the Planning Commission of Springfield that Planning Case Number 2007-00053, Zone Map Amendment-Type ill application be GRANTED. This ORDER was reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission January 15,2008. Planning Commission Chairperson At TEST AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTACHMENT 2 - 1 I I . II Zoning Map Amendment - Type III Staff Report and Findings Hearln~ Uate: January IS, 2008 c..ase Number: ZON 2007-00053 Sublect t'rooertv: Assessor Map No. 17-03-35-41, TL 4600, 4700, 4800 & 4900 ADDlicant IOwner Attn: Patricia Wright Brethren Community Srvc Spfld Church of Brethren Ion Main Street Springfield, Or 974n ADDlicant's ReDresentative Destin Ferdun Lunabridge 3575 NE Shaver Portland, OR 9n 12 Date Submitted: October 17, 2007 REOUEST: The Applicant requests a Zoning Map Amendment-Type 11/ to change the zoning of approximately 1.05 acres of land from Community Commercial (CC) to Mixed-Use Residential (MUR). The land is located at 1062 Main Street, Ion Mam Street, 1082 Main Street & 1096 Main Street in Springfield, and identified on Assessor Map 17-03-35-41 Tax Lots 4600, 4700, 4800 & 4900. The purpose of this proposed action is to correct an inconsistency between the Metro Plan Diagram (Exhibit A) and the local zoning map. The existing CC zoning is not consistent with the Metro Plan Diagram and the Director has determined that this application qualifies to be processed as a City-sponsored Zoning Map Amendment-Type 11/, as established by department policy in I 2006. The Planning Commission is asked to consider the applicant's request and the findings of fact contained herein, and then to confirm that the proposed zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan and that the MUR zone designation is appropriate in this case. VICINITY MAP (not to scale) UBjECT PROPERTY 1062. 1012. 1082 & 1096 Main Street (1.05 acres) Alley ri~ht of way E9 NORTH Tax Lots 4900. 4800. 4700 & 4600 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: The subject property is located on the north side of Main Street, east of 10th Street as shown above and in Exhibit B. The subject property is ATTACHMENT 2 - 2 , . . approximately 1.05 acres, which encompasses four tax lots as identified on Assessor Map 17-03- 35-41 Tax Lots 4600, 4700, 4800 & 4900. The land is currently under one owner, the Springfield Church of the Brethren, doing non-profit business and known as Brethren Community Services (BCS). The property is developed with several structures, which serve the BCS's mission. The property has access from both Main Street and the abutting alley to the north. REVIEW PR9CESS: This City sponsored Zoning Map Amendment-Type III application is a quasi-judicial zoning map amendment that includes four abutting tax lots owned by the BCS; involves the application of existing policy to a specific factual setting; and, does not require a Metro Plan Diagram amendment. SDC Section 5.22-11 5(A) states that Quasi-judicial Zonmg Map Amendments may be approved by the Planning Commission and that the Planning Commission's deciSion is the final local decision. This application is reviewed under Type III procedures listed in SDC Section 5.1-135 and Section 5.n-11 O. The application was accepted as complete",on Oct , 7, 2007. I Approval of this request would allow development in accordance with the standards of SDC Section 3.2-600 Springfield Mixed-Use Zoning Districts. The owner is interested in seeking new redevelopment approval for the subject property, thus the zoning must be made consistent with the Metro Plan Diagram designation prior to site plan approval. There are no maximum residential densities established for MUR districts except those regulated by building heights. Future development of the site will require either a Type II or Type III land-use review process (Site Plan Review andlor approval of a land division), which shall include notice to surrounding property owners. DISCUSSION: In this report, staff will demonstrate that the proposed MUR zoning is appropriate and consistent with the Metro Plan Diagram (see Exhibit A attached to this report) and that the proposal meets the criteria for approval of quasi-judicial Zoning Map amendments in accordance at Springfield Development Code Section 5.22-11 5(C). RECOMMENDATION: Upon review of the applicant's request, staff finds that the proposed Mixed-Use Residential zoning is consistent with both the Metro Plan Diagram and the Metro Plan policies and therefore recommends approval of the applicant's request. ZONING OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES: Land to the north is currently zoned and developed with Low Density Residential (LOR) uses. Land to the east, south, and the west is currently zoned Community Commercial (Ce). Prior to new development of the neighboring properties, those owners will also have to resolve their own plan/zone conflicts. The Metro Plan Diagram designation for the neighboring properties to the east and west is also Mixed-Use Residential (MUR); designation for the neighboring properties to ttJe south is Mixed-Use Commercial (MUe). SDC Section 5.22-115 Criteria of Approval - Zoning District Change SDC Section 5.22-11 5 establishes the criteria to be used in approving zone changes. In consideration of this request, the Planning Commission or Hearings OffiCIal shall approve findings, which demonstrate that all of the following applicable criteria have been addressed: 2 ATTACHMENT 2 - 3 , . . SDC Section 5.22-115 C (I) Criterion I: Consistency with applicable Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan Diagram The Metro Plan provides the public With general guidelines for individual planning decisions. Reference to supplemental planning documents of a more localized scope, including neighborhood refinement plans, is advisable when applying the Metro Plan to specific parcels of land or individual tax lots (Metro Plan page 1-2, #4). The Metro Plan serves as a general planning framework to be augmented, as needed, by more detailed planning programs in order to meet the specific needs of the various local governments (Metro Plan page 1-2, #8). Finding #1: No refinement plan has been adopted for this specific area. There are no supplemental planning documents of a more localized scope that include the subject property. Finding #2: In this case, the Metro Plan Diagram provides sufficient specificity to apply the Metro Plan to the subject property because two identifiable features are shown: 10th Street and Main Street (See Exhibit A). The Metro Plan DIagram clearly Indicates Mixed-Use Residential (MUR) plan designation in the area of land east of I Oth Street and north of Main Street. The Metro Plan DIagram also establishes the northerly limit of this MUR plan designation area as seen in Exhibit A Finding #3: The Metro Plan designation of the subject property is Mixed-Use Residential (MUR). The applicant's proposed MUR zoning is therefore consistent with the Metro Plan designation and the Plan polides. The existing, local, Community Commercial zoning represents a Planlzone conflict that must be corrected prior to further development of the site. The following Metro Plan policies support the applicant's request Metro Plan Land Suooly and Demand Poliev A2: Residentially designated land within the UGB should be zoned consistent with the Metro Plan and applicable plans and policies. .., Metro Plan Land Suooly and Demand Policy A4: Use annexation, provision of adequate public facilities and services, rezoning, redevelopment, and infill to meet the 20-year projected housing demand. Metro Plan Residential DenSity Policy A I 0: Promote higher residential density inside the urban growth boundary that utilizes existing infrastructure, improves the efficiency of public services and facilities, and conserves rural resource lands outside the urban growth boundary. Metro Plan Residential Density Poliev A II: Generally locate higher density residential development near employment or commercial services, in proximity to major transportation systems or within transportation-efficient nodes. Metro Plan .Residential DenSity Policy A 12: Coordinate higher density residential development with the provision of adequate infrastructure and services, open space, and other urban amenities. 3 ATTACHMENT 2 - 4 Metro Plan Residential Density PolievA.13: Increase overall residential density in the metropolitan area by creating more opportunities for effectively designed in-fill, redevelopment, and mixed use while considering impacts of increased residential density on historic, existing, and future neighborhoods. Finding #4: Approval of the applicant's request would allow an increase of residential density on the subJect property from a maximum of one unit per commercial development site to unlimIted residential unit density, except that which will be restricted by building height. (The maximum # of residentIal units will be reviewed at the time of site plan review.) Finding #5: Approval of the applicant's request would create an opportunity for effectively designed m-fill development in accordance WIth Metro Plan poliCies that includes both commercial and residential use. Metro Plan Residential D~nsi1y Pnllcy A. 14- states: Review local zoning and development regulations periodically to remove barriers to higher density housing and to make provisions for a full range of housing options. Finding #6: The presence of inconsistent Community CommerCial-only (CC) zoning within areas deSignated Mixed-Use Residential on the Metro Plan limits and restricts redevelopment opportunities through limitation of both residentIal density and restraints on design, The existing CC zoning creates a restraint on both residential and commercial mfill. Finding #7: Approval of the proposed zone change will create an opportUnity to increase the number of residential units permitted and thus increase overall density and additional housing optJons within the metropolitan area. Metro Plan page III-A-8-.B.esldential Density Policy AI6 states: Allow for the development of zoning districts which allow overlap of the established Metro Plan density ranges to promote housing choice and result in either maintaining or increasing housing density in those districts. Under no circumstances, shall housing densities be allowed below existing Metro Plan density ranges. Finding #8: The existing Springfield zoning for the subject property presently permits a residential denSity allocation (one per commercial site) that is lower than local Mixed-Use ResidentIal zoning (minimum of 20 per gross acre), Finding #9: The' existing CC zoning IS inconsistent with the Metro Plan text. Conclusion #1.: Staff finds that the MUR zoning requested by the applicant is consistent with the' applicable Metro Plan policies. In addition, the Metro Plan Diagram prOVIdes the level of specificity necessary to apply the MUR designation to the subject property. The proposal therefore satisfies the approval criterion of SDC Section 5.22-115 C (I). SDC SectIon 5.22-115 C (2) Criterion 2: Consistency with a1>Plicable Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, Conceptual Development Plans and functional plans; and Finding #10: There are no Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, or Conceptual Development Plans for the subject property; Metro Plan designations establish the basis for functional plans / -4 ATTACHMENT 2 - 5 .. . (transportation, public facilities, etc.) in the metro area, thus zoning in accordance with the Metro Plan designation shall be consistent with the applicable functional plans. Conclusion #2: Staff finds that the proposal satisfies the approval criterion of SDC Section 5.n-115 C (2). SDC Section 5.22-115 C (3) Criterion 3: The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services and transportation networlcs to su.p.port the use, or these facilities, services; and transportation networlcs are planned to be provided concurrently with the development ' of the property. Finding #11: The subject property has approximately 255 feet of frontage on Main, a Major Arterial public street, which is under the jurisdiction of the State of Oregon Highway Department (O.D.O.T.) Finding #12: Main Street is fully improved and the existmg transportation systems prOVide access to the property. Specific access requirements will be addressed through the site plan review process when the applicant submits a redevelopment proposal. Finding #13: The City's Conceptual Street Map shows the current right-of-way and does not propose any future changes. Finding #14: A public, IS-inch stormwater line is located in Main Street along the frontage of the subject property. An S-inch public sanitary sewer is located in the public alley right-of-way to the north of the subject property. Finding # 15: The property is served by Springfield Fire and Life Safety. Specific access to the site for fire and life safety vehicles is currently adequate. Note: Future access for redevelopment will be determined through the site plan review process. Finding #16: The site is served by Springfield School District 19. Finding #17: The site is within the Willamalane Parks and Recreation District. Finding #18: Traffic impacts of the proposed rezoning to MUR and future redevelopment proposals will be reviev.:ed at the'time of site pla_n review. Finding #19: Lane Transit District (L TD) reviewed the application and found that the proposed zone change will not affect existing transit service. Finding #20: Solid waste management service IS available at the subject property. The City and Sanipac have an exclusive franchise arrangement for garbage service inside the CIty limits. Finding #21: The site receives police protection from the City of Springfield that is consistent with service provision throughout the city and with service that is now prOVided to adjacent properties. Finding #22: Qwest and Comcast currently provide telephone and cable communication service in this area. There are also an array of wireless companies that provide communication 5 ATTACHMENT 2 - 6 . I' . services. The City has no exclusive franchise arrangements with telecommunication or wireless companies; the field is competitive and therefore guarantees a wide selection. Conclusion #3: The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services and transportation networks to support the current use; therefore, the proposal satisfies the criterion at SDC Section 5.22-115 C3 as described herein. Note: All future public and private improvement requirements and utility connection points will be determined when the applicant submits a site plan review application for redevelopment. SDC Section 5.22-115 C (4) Criterion 4: Legislative Zoning Map amendments that involve a Metro Plan Diagram amendment shall: (a) Meet the approval criteria specified in SDC Section 5.14-100; and (b) Comply with Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-012-0060, where applicable. Finding #23: As described herein the applicant's request meets the approval criteria specified in SDC Section 5.14-1 00. Finding #24: This City Sponsored Zonmg Map Amendment-Type III application is a Quasi-judicial Zonmg Map amendment which affects a single applicant's property; involves the application of existmg policy to a specific factual setting; and, does not require a Metro Plan Diagram amendment. Conclusion #4: Staff finds that the proposal satisfies the approval criterion of SDC Section 5.22-115 C (2) as described herein. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: SDC Section 5.22-120: The Approval Authority may attach conditions as may be reasonably necessary to allow the Zoning Map amendment to be granted. Conclusion #4;' RECOMMENDATION: Staff finds that-the proposed Zoning Map Amendment-Type III is consistent with the criteria of SDC Section 5.22-115 as deSCribed herein. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the requested Zoning Map amendment without additional conditions. 6 ATTACHMENT 2 - 7 .. . EXHIBIT A METRO PLAN DIAGRAM MAP ",-\~\p..l BLVD JT E \ "\l p............... """"""'-1-..... f'6- "~/-1 . &.-..!..-J SUBJECT PROPERTY NEAR 10TH & MAIN STREET ---.. -I ~ t::::::.- C) Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan Plan Diagram (lhe imeJpretatiOll and plUpose of the Plan Diagram and descriptions of the land uses and symbols ShO\\11, are contained in Chapter II-G.) /"./ /V RaDroads D LDw Density Residential D Ught Medium "'dustrlal 0 AGriculture D Medium Denolly Residential ~ Campus Industrial D Forest Land D Hgh Denslly Resldantlal [] Unlversltv Resaarch D Rural Residential .. . D Commercial D Government and Education ~ Rural Commercial 1m Malor Reta. Centers . Parks and Open Space ~ Rural Industrial D Heavy Industrial D Natural Resource rg Airport Reserve ~ Special Heavy Industrial D Sand and Gravel ,~".' Urban Growth Boundary ,~"...v" Matro Plan Boundary Rivers and Ponds Ow,hys: ~ Mixed Use Areas 8 Nodal Development Area o ""Oamette Greenway Attachment 2 - 8 ~ .. 11 IV t -"1 bt Vicinity map is not to scale . rty . t of 10th Street and includes four tax lots addressed as Subject ~rope Is1eOa7s2 M. Street 1082 Main Street and 1096 Main Street 1062 Mam Street, am , Attachment 2 - 9 _.. IiII r....,... E~IT C . . ,. 82:)3418 Legal Description PARCEL I. . hg''''''''9 n , pIJ'lIt tlIlie" Is Jta fn' C~C 0' . pot'" thtt Is f4.S7 'HI. SOllt.h 40. 40' Eu& ,,. I po11lt 105.! feet Ion" af "" -$outhwst co....,. ., '.he Paul Brut,'n Donat'." 1aM Ch'. 110. Q. III T..sMp 17 South, Ia",~ 3 Wes\ of t~. V.'1~tt. Mlrld1'fti rvr.n1.., theet EasC 6G feetf IUrt or l.s.. tI th. IICIClUllent "'fell ....lIS tile Sout_1t cora,.. If alack Ra. 0' Itatulns Add 1 t 1 OIl' ,to Sprhlgff e 1 d, LI" Co~"'ty. Oregon, "'fa" IIlIlI ., "Cltlcli thence ''''rU, 191.3 fnf.i t"'"CI West &U feet. IIICIf"t 01" ltss ta I IID'nt ... llartlli Of the hegfnnl", potnt; thence Savtlt 19&.3 flet to the phce If begll1nl",. 'n i.,n, County. Oregan. UCEPTlKG ttlvlff'GII that pOrtion of U. .'1e descr1bel1 prllllhes included 'n \hat certlln deed .....In Paul NidI.,. Ind PetrI HadlQ'. husband and wife. "I'e G..a~rs aIMS tII. 101lIl of Sprlngfl.,d. leS grant't, 1'lghUrtcl 1" Vol\111le 14. Pue 480. of tt1, Certlf1cate of Atgls.tl1"ld lithts. being IftstUllllnt Ko. 8474.17-03-35-41 TL4?00' ILT.UJZ PARCEl. U. Seginning .t I pofat ~ feet tut end zot.9 fHt Harth of 11lO1nt ttaat is 94.57 fast Sautll 4Q. 40' Ellt frail . pofnt J05.2 felt IIor1Jt of till Soutll.st corne.. q' the ,.", 11"an,Sn DolNt1oft Linel C1~f. tfa. &3. fn Township 17 SoatJl. """98 3 't(est of the wtll.lllltte "'r1411n. in L'M COtmt1. OrIgon. Ind ranniAt tMllCe South par.llll vlth tt11 East I1n. of Tentll $treu 201.' flet. IIOr't 01" llu to thl lfart~ HM of Hltll Street tn Sprfllgf1eldL LIftI Coonty, Ontgonj thellce Easte"l, .ICNl9 the North I1nt of Matn Street IU feetl t".nee 'ort" par.llel with tht hst 11ne of TentJl.StnR 210.3' '..t. lIIOf'e 01" IflS. to I flaht 10 feet hst of thl beginning point. "'let ttlence West Q) 'ett to tII. phce dr bet'"n'"g.. EXCEPTING nu!~" tt1at cerUin tract CllnYlftd by Andrw J. Waffl, Iftd Stell. "" Vaffll. tllIshlnd Iftd wff~1 to Cfty Of $prfngfS,1d. a IIInSc1pll C'01'1IO,..t10n. b11nst~nt recorded ~aber ~1. 1940. '11 La", Count.1 0"191n Deed Reco",s. ultdlt" RecanSer'. ltIceptiiln No. .88967017-03-35-41 TL4600' '. PAlctL Jlt. , Stlt"nia, at a paint Oft lbe South Hnt of the .11V runnfng Ent Ift4 West betwo.. Milin Strut Ind .A. Str"t 225 fHt Int ot tile ElSt 11M of Tenth Stl"Mt fn Sp"'ng,,.,d, L1M1 County, Oregon, ind ",nn1ft9 thttIct tlst an the South lint 0' s.td 11,., 7S f..t& thence South parlllel ~th the tlSt llftl of Ttnth St"et. 1&8.00 feet, Nt. or less. to tht HorthlSnt .t Mat" Sr.reet~ ttt.nce Wastt1'l" 011 tIl, flGrth Itne 0' Slid ...tll Strett 7$ plus 'ut. ta I potnt , . euct.1" 225 'fit Ea.l If thl East 11", of luth St,..t 'f uttftded Southlrl1~ thine. Morttr 1".05 f,., .:Jr' or lesl. Ittd ~rllltl with thl hit HIM of ,Tenth Streel to the pllCI of btfinntnt, 'n Lint Cillll\1. 0reIOllol7-03-35-41 TL 4900 PARc&L .Y. , IIg11111'III It I point DIt tJll Sautll 11M of tM .n., "IIII1n9 rllt .. lint bttwa MI'II St"1t IIId .A- Strtd and 3GG tlR E.., .f tit. h.' 'U". of 11Mb Stttet III I'IU.I,,'I Mltttan to S,rtnlfl,'.. in.... CDufttl, W'tgan. It phttM Iftet recorded In '01II1II '. Pa" I, LItle eoune, Oftto" 'lit haordl, ruftntnlJ thIne. tlst 80 f"t; th.. $Gutls ISO f,.t, IIOrI .. lal. to tht 'lorth 11". 0' ""n St....t, ~nc. v.lu,.l.r "0111 the JIo1'th 11111 of Mat" Street to I . point. due Sout" Qf \11, poSnt af _g'Aning; thence Rarth 170 ,..t. 110,.. ar 1151. ~~ t", paint 0' be,'nning. 'It \'Int Coun\1. Orwgon. 17-03-35-41 TL4800 ATTACHMENT 2 -10