HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 12/26/2007 1P'+1tr GUARD PUBLISHING COMPANY (n?;ot)(.rtt7o-~O POBOX 10188 PHONE (541) 485-1234 L Wf, \ ~(Ptfq EUGENE, OREGON 97440 eg~ 3064280 Notice PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NUMBER: ZON2007 -00053 APPLICANT: Spnngfield Church of the Brethren APPllCAT IV" I I r~ ZODlng Map Amendment NATURE OF THE APPLICATION. Zone Change from Community CommercIal (CCI In UI.~rl_"... I ResIdential (MUR) c AUTHORIZED USES: Uses In the MIXed-use Residen- tIal dlstnct are regulated by Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) SectIOn 3.2-610 and 3.2-620 APPLICABLE CRITERIA SDC Seellon 5.22-115 C, (1) Consistency wrth apphcable Metro Plan pohcles and the Metro Plan dIagram; (2) ConsIstency wrth apphcable RetIrement Plan, Plan Dlstnct Maps, Conceptual Development Plans and func- tional plans, (3) The properly IS presently proVide wrth adequate pubhc facllrtles, services, and transportatJon networlls to sup- port the use, or these faclhtles, services, and transportatJon net. worlls are planned to be pro- Vided concurrently wrth the de. velopment of the properly; (4) legislative Zoning Map amend- ments that Involve a Metro Plan Diagram amendment shall (a) Meet the approval cntena specI- fied In Section 5.14-100 of thiS Code; and (b) Comply wrth Or- egon AdmlDlstratJve Rule (OAR) 6660-012-0060, where apphcable. SUBJECT PROPERTY lOCATIONS 1062; 1072;~ and, 1096 MaIO Street, Spnngfield, Oregon on Assessor Map 17-03-35-41 Tl 4600, 4700; 48000, and 4900. , DATE, TIME, PLACE, AND LOCATION OFTHE HEARING. January 15, 2008, at 7 pOlIO City Hall Council Chambers lo- cated at 225 f"1fth Street, Spnng- field, Oregon. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The apphcatJon, all documents t2: and eVidence submrtted by or on behalf of the apphcant, and the apphcatJon crrteria are available _______ for IOspectlon at City Hall at no ~ cost and copies are proVided at a , reasonable cost. Seven days prior to the heanng a copy of the staff a to befor me thiS December 31 2007 report will be available for reo , view and COP!es,_ n_ ~ Legal Notice Advertising CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT BRENDA JONES 225 N 5TH SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 # AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, } ss COUNTY OF LANE, } I, Kelly Gant , being first duly affirmed, depose and say that I am the AdvertiSing Manager, or hiS principal clerk, of The Register-Guard, a newspaper of general circulation as defined In ORS 193 010 and 193 020; published at Eugene In the aforesaid county and state; that the Notice of Public Meeting/Hearing printed copy of which IS hereto annexed, was published In the entire Issue of said newspaper for one successive and consecutive Day(s) In the follOWing Issues: December 26, 2007 I Subscribed anCl afflr ~ Iz.. -A l J~S hY~ Notary Public of Oregon My commiSSion expires: July 24, 2010 Account #: INVOICE Case' Amt Due: 1000218 3064280 Case No. ZON2007-00053 $179.10 ~ ,l;RNT ACT P~I6UN Houslnjj''Plilnner, J(lttl Gale, at phone number 726-3632. Send wrrtten testimony to the Plan. DIng CommiSSion c/o Develop- ment Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Spnngfield, Oregon 97477, or attend the hearing and state your views The hearing will be conducted In accordance With SDC Section 5.2-100 FAilURE TO RAISE ISSUE Failure to raIse an Issue at the Maring, In person, or by letter, or failure to prOVide statements or eVidence, which IS suffiCient to afford the deCISion maker an op' portUnlty to respond to the Issue, precludes appeal to the land Use Board of Appeals on that Issue. No 3064280 - December 26, 2007 OFFICIAL SEAL BABS FORD NOTARY PUBUC-OREGON COMMISSION NO 407232 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 24,2010