HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 1/19/2008 BCS HUD 811: Rezone Notic" "'ld Neighborhood Outreach , ,... Page 1 of2 j GALE Kitti From: Destln Ferdun [dferdun@lunabndge com] Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008252 PM To: GALE Klttl Subject: BCS HUD 811 300' radius Kltt Getting the addresses within 300' would be excellent If that IS easy for you to provide, Otherwise I can get It from a title company I believe Destln Ferdun Real Estate Development Consultant Lunabndge 3575 NE Shaver Portland, OR 97212 p,971-998-7156 f 503-284-3422 e dferdun@lunabndQe com W http /Iwww lunabndQe com l From: GALE Klttl [mailto:kgale@ci.spnngfield.or.us] Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 3:19 PM To: Destin Ferdun Subject: RE: Spam: BCS HUD 811: Rezone Notice and Neighborhood Outreach Yesterday, the PlannIng Secretary maIled you a Notice of DecIsion with the attached Final Notice That should work for your funding applications The Secretary also mailed a Notice of Adoption to the state agency DLCD to advise them of our coordination with the Metro Plan designation Your question about "outreach" IS this for the purpose of notlfylng/lnformlng/bnnglng the nelghbors-to-the-tabJe as part of your "public process"? If so, I have a 300' Notice packet of addresses that I can mall to you We drew a circle around your property, with a 300' radius and collected all of the address Washburne Neighborhood Association can be reached by contacting President, John DeLeau, 435 9th Street, Secretary, Jeanre Milton, 822 F Street, or, Don and MaryJo Moloney at 922 B Street From: Destln Ferdun [mallto:dferdun@lunabridge.com] Sent: Fnday, January 18, 2008 2:05 PM To: GALE Krttl Subject: Spam: BCS HUD 811: Rezone Notice and Neighborhood Outreach Klttl Thanks for your help with the Batch Rezone' How does this officially get recorded or announced? I am Just about to submit another funding application which 1/22/2008 BCS HUD 811: Rezone Noticp ~T}d Neighborhood Outreach Page 2 of2 will require proof of appropnate zoning, I can reuse your prevIous letter or attach the notice of change, whichever IS appropnate Also, We Just received predevelopment funding so we are off to the races First step IS starting outreach How would I go about Identifying neighborhood organizations? Or shpuld I be Just notifying persons within a Certain radius (If so do you have a recommend radius) Destln Ferdun Real Estate Development Consultant Lunabndge . . 3575 NE Shaver Portland, OR 97212 P 971-998-7156 f 503-284-3422 e dferdun@lunabndae com W htto I/www lunabndae com ---, 1/22/2008