HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments ENG 1/4/2008 :~,:1PQA'(ii .: ENGINEERING & SURVEYING. INC. January 4, 2008 J ames Donovan CIty of Spnngfield Planmng Dept 225 5th Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 Dear JIm, ThIS letter is m regards to a mmor land partItIon for Mark and Linda Sebnng approved as Spnngfield Journal No. SUB 2004-00011. The final partItlOn plat assocIated wIth the aforemenhoned tentatIve approval was subffiltted and revIewed under PRE2006-00040 on Apnl 10, 2006. After receIVmg and addressing the reVIew comments from the CIty and county surveyors offices I submItted signed mylars to the CIty surveyors office for final processmg pnor to recordmg m the officIal records of Lane County. Upon reVIew ofthese final mylars the CIty surveyor suspended the processmg of the final plat because pnvate easements for overhead power lInes servmg the structures on the property WhICh cross the newly created parcels dId not appear on the final mylars. Dunng the processmg of the tentatIve partItIon the owner had been m contact with the offiCIals at the Spnngfield UtIlIty Board and, m the mterest of cost efficIency, theIr mtent was to remove the overhead power lmes and relocate them underground at the tIme the structure on Parcell was Improved as a smgle famIly resIdence Easements for these future underground power lmes were provIded on the final plat. Addmg the addItIonal pnvate easements for the eXIsting overhead power Imes reqmred me to amend the final plat and owner's declaratlOn and reprint the final mylars. In the mterim between the submIttal of the firsti;p1ylars and the productIon of the amended mylars, the owner left the country to partiCIpate m some mISSIonary work WIth his church causmg hIm to be unavaIlable to SIgn the newly amended mylars. Because of my assumptlOn that the hme frame for the validIty of final plat approvals was the same between the vanous municIpalItIes wlthm WhICh I work, I dId not realIze the tIme frame for recordmg of the final plat had lapsed between the tIme the owner left for hIS mlSSlOn work and when he returned. Upon ills return, I was then able to resubmIt the amended final plat WIth the exception ofreceivmg an affidaVIt of consent from the owner's lender, WhICh IS m process WIth the lendmg agency, the final plat documents are complete Pendmg a final reVIew of the plat by the CIty surveyor we are prepared to create mylars ofthe final partItion plat for the owner's SIgnature and ultImate recording m offiCIal records. WIth thIS letter I am seekmg your understandmg that both the owner and I were attemptmg to proceed WIth the completlOn of the final plat m a tImely manner and were not actmg negligently when we were not able to record the final plat documents wlthm the allotted tIme frame. Rather, It was an unfortunate combmatIon of the fact that the owner was out of the country coupled WIth my Ignorance of the vanatlOns m the length of tIme permItted m dIfferent communitIes to secure the recordmg of the final plat that resulted m the applIcant exceedmg the tIme frame reqmred for the recording of the final plat assocIated WIth a land use applIcatlOn processed through the CIty of Spnngfield. Our hope IS that WIth the reasoning proVIded m thIS letter you could see your way clear to allow the contmuatIon of the final plat process WIthout requmng us to start over again WIth the tentatIve approval process. Thank-you for your conslderatlOn m tills request and please do not hesItate to contact me If you have any questlOns or reqmre addItional mformation m order for you to amve at a deterrmnatlOn. Respectfull y ,--)~Ar ~ Jonathan A Oakes oL~~ r-~ of I / RL og'. .~ CIVIL / ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 0 SURVEYING POBOX 2527 EUGENE, OR 97402-0152 990 OBlE ST 541/485-4505FAX 541/485-5624 W'Vr/W POAGE NET