HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments ENG 12/26/2006 City of Springfield 2nd Review of Sebring Partition cas Journal # SUB2004-00065 Company: Poage Engmeering and Surveying Surveyor Jonathan Oakes RevIewed by Jon Dnscoll (726-3679) PRE-SUBMITTAL RECID DEe 2 6 2006 Comments: These comments are in addition to those from Lane County Surveyor's office. Comments still outstanding from the 1st Review . #7 . #8b (Change the 7.00' reference from "6,8"-perhaps you meant the dIfference between the two reference calls, but no 7' callIs mentIOned m eIther.) . # 10 (Begm @ the SE comer of T L 1400. The 1me runmng south has two wrong beanngs (the measured and record). NeIther are perpendIcular to the centerlme. . FIeld comments #3 (Show/descnbe fence @ NW corner ofParce11 ) Sheet 1 I) Below the two parcels, there is a stray "m" III the mIddle of a I 00' call. 2) Remove the stray line that crosses M Street JUS west of the "M Street" text. Sheet 2 3) Submit a current copy of the title report WIth the mylars. 4) Please provIde a reference to an affidaVIt of consent-as well as a copy of the affidaVIt Itself. 5) Submit a copy of References 11-21. Field Comments: The field crew will bring back results soon, which I will pass on to you. LANE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S OFFICE COMMENTS 1. The subdIvIsion south ofM Street should be "Glen View". 2. Taxes for 2006-2007 have been CertIfied as paid. 3. Fees Due. (payable to "Lane County", two checks please) Recordmg Fees. $61 + Docs? Processmg & Fllmg: $250.00 12/26/2006 Page 1 of 2 C \Documents and Settmgs\hmb0967\Local Settmgs\Temporary Intemet Flles\OLK9C\2-Revlew ofSebnng Partition-wIth County Comments doc Note' When you have completed all comments and correctIOns from the City, County and field check, please delIver a final paper copy along with a current title report. It there are no further corrections you Will be notified and you can pay the Fl11al Plat Fee and drop off the mylars. The mylars Will be internally routed for signatures and once complete you Will be notIfied to come and pIck them up to delIver to the County for fill11g and recording FIVe copIes of the recorded plat must be returned to planmng before bUlldl11g peIIDlts can be Issued. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O DEe 2 6 2006 12/26/2006 Page 2 of2 C \Documents and Settmgs\hmb0967\Local Settmgs\Temporary internet FIles\OLK9C\2-Revlew ofSebnng PartitIOn-wIth County Comments doc