HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03 Walking and Biking Safety Improvements AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 4/3/2017 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Emma Newman Staff Phone No: 541.726.4585 Estimated Time: 15 minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: WALKING AND BIKING SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT ACTION REQUESTED: Receive update on STP-U Walking and Biking Safety Improvements Project ISSUE STATEMENT: The Walking and Biking Safety Improvements Project helps implement the policies and projects adopted by City Council in the Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan, which prioritizes safety for all modes of transportation. ATTACHMENTS: ATT1 CBM Walking and Biking Safety Improvements ATT2 STP-U Walking and Biking Safety Improvements Prioritized List ATT3 Project Profiles - Aerial Views ATT4 Walk-Bike Vicinity Map DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City of Springfield applied for and received federal MPO discretionary transportation FY18 funds totaling $840,000 ($650,000 federal, $190,000 local match) for Walking and Biking Safety Improvements through the Surface Transportation Planning Urban program. Staff has developed a prioritized list of projects to construct. The process used to develop the list and additional project background is further explained in ATT1 and the prioritized list is included in ATT2. ATT2 STP-U Walking and Biking Safety Improvements Prioritized List shows in green the projects that are expected to be fully funded and completed as well as a list of extra projects in orange that will be pursued if funding permits or green projects need to be substituted. ATT3 Project Profiles shows the project locations. Next Steps: The grant will be converted from federal dollars to state dollars through the fund-exchange process with ODOT in order to use the money most cost effectively. Staff plans to develop and implement a communications and public involvement plan and start project development in order to be able to construct the projects in 2018. Please contact Emma Newman, Senior Transportation Planner (541-726-4585) for more information. M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield Date: 4/3/2017 To: Gino Grimaldi COUNCIL From: Anette Spickard, DPW Director Emma Newman, Senior Transportation Planner BRIEFING Subject: Walking and Biking Safety Improvements Project MEMORANDUM ISSUE: The Walking and Biking Safety Improvements Project helps implement the policies and projects adopted by City Council in the Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan, which prioritizes safety for all modes of transportation. COUNCIL GOALS/ MANDATE: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities BACKGROUND: This project is a step in implementing the policies and projects adopted by City Council in the Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan and directly aligns with many of the City Council goals. The project aligns with several Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects and a new standalone CIP project has been incorporated into the draft CIP. The goal of the Safety Improvements project is to address priority safety needs on the bicycle and pedestrian network in Springfield on City facilities and to help make walking and biking safer and more accessible to everyone of all ages and abilities. Staff developed a potential project list for consideration by compiling projects from the Transportation System Plan, Safe Routes to School Action Plans, and Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee recommendations. Then the list was prioritized based on the criteria below and input from City Staff, BPAC, and Springfield Public Schools’ Safe Routes to School. The projects include bike network connectivity (i.e. bike lanes), pedestrian network connectivity (i.e. sidewalks), bicycle and pedestrian crossing treatments (i.e. rapid flashing beacon), and lighting improvements. Prioritization Criteria Does the project focus on safety and help complete the walking and biking networks in Springfield along key routes? Timeliness – can the project be delivered in 2018 to meet the funding timeline? City Jurisdiction – is the project within the City’s jurisdiction? (Some projects are priorities, but were not prioritized due to the facilities being County or ODOT owned) Ease of delivery – can we realistically deliver the project with the available funding, timeline, and capacity? Is the project a top priority based on Staff, BPAC, and Safe Routes to School feedback? Are the priority projects geographically dispersed throughout Springfield? Click here for an interactive map of the projects or see ATT4 Walk-Bike Vicinity Map. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive update on STP-U Walking and Biking Safety Improvements Project. Attachment 1, Page 1 of 1 Project Location Description Plan References Cost Estimate (STP-U funds, $1,000)Prioritization Comments South 32nd St RRFB Relocate crosswalk in front of Agnes Stewart Add RRFB crossing to align with neighborhood accessway by Agnes Stewart Middle School. Would also serve as a connection to/from the Mill Race Path trailhead. Agnes Stewart Middle School SRTS Action Plan $50 Top BPAC priority. Current crosswalk location is not ideal due to turning conflicts, sight visibility, and lack of pedestrian safety refuge island. Student was hit in the crosswalk in 2016 and near misses reported. Timely project due to Mill Race Path opening recently. Thurston Middle School RRFB RRFB at Thurston Middle School crosswalk Add RRFB and curb-extension Thurston Middle School SRTS Action Plan, Supplemental Busing Plan $50 Very high BPAC priority. Consistently requested by school district, school staff, and families in the area. 90% design completed. West D St End of Riverbank Path to Mill St Add bicycle facility signing and striping (consider additional traffic calming) TSP project PB-15, BPAC recommended $70 Very high BPAC priority. 300-500 bikes per day on the path. Economic opportunity to bring more people to downtown Springfield by improving the bike network connection beyond the path to downtown and addressing safety concerns. West D St Path Transition End of Northbank Path at West D St Improve transition from path to street where Northbank / W D St Path ends BPAC recommended, common community complaint $30 Tied to West D St project above. 28th St Sidewalk Centennial Blvd to Main St Fill in sidewalk gaps TSP project US-6, #4, BPAC recommended $285 High BPAC priority. Higher volume and speed (35 mph) street. Two pedestrian in roadway injury crashes along the corridor in 2010. Riverbend Elementary Crosswalk Enhancement Crosswalk on 51st St in front of Riverbend Elementary School Add raised crosswalk with bulb-out to provide traffic calming and increase visibility of students Riverbend Elementary School SRTS Action Plan $40 High BPAC priority. Crossing guards very concerned about safety and want infrastructure support to help keep students safe. Flashing Ball to RRFB conversions Various locations across city, including EWEB Path at 5th, 19th, 31st. Possibly S 42nd and Holly St. Convert standard ball lighting at crossings to RRFB flashers Part of TSP project PB-9 $30 Current standard ball flashers have about a 66% compliance rate. RRFB flashers have 80% or better compliance. South 54th Path Main St to Daisy St Construct a 12-foot wide path from south of Main St to Daisy St, add a few lights Related toTSP project R-41 $100 At least 125-300 total users per day as of Aug 2016 even though no official facility exists yet. Will provide people with direct neighborhood to shopping center alternate route to Main St and provide non-muddy , ADA compliant surface to walk and bike on. Coordination with Virginia-Daisy Bikeway construction will decrease cost. Extends and leverages Virginia-Daisy Bikeway investment. 10th St Bike Lanes Main St to Centennial Blvd Add bike lanes Two Rivers SRTS Action Plan, Major Collector Street Standards $50 Completes network from Main St to Centennial and connects to three school facilities (Two Rivers - Dos Rios Elementary, Brattain Early Learning, and Springfield High School).Includes additional on-street parking utilization evaluation and design concept development. 21st St Centennial Blvd to J St Add one block of bike lanes to complete corridor continuity Bicycle Plan Project #33 $10 Eliminates north-south bike network barrier and fills one block gap in bike network. Includes additional on-street parking utilization evaluation and outreach to property owners.Fund, Plan, and ConstructAIS Attachment 2, Page 1 of 2 Project Location Description Plan References Cost Estimate (STP-U funds, $1,000)Prioritization Comments Riverbank Path Lighting I-5 bridge to D St along Riverbank Path (also referred to as "D St Path") Add path lighting to improve public safety and security of D St path BPAC and bicycle intercept survey identified need, common community request $500 Consistently raised as concern during bicycle intercept survey at D St boat ramp and through BPAC infrastructure conversations. Centennial Blvd 5th, 10th, and 18th intersections Add bicycle facilities through intersections TSP project PB-22, Bicycle Plan project #10 $460 Higher volume and speed (35 mph) street. Thurston Rd/69th RRFB Thurston Rd and 69th St Add a crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon TSP project PB-48, Supplemental Busing Plan $90 Sidewalk ends on northside of street at 69th and it is 40mph. 28th Street Bike Lanes - study Centennial Blvd to Main St Add bike lanes TSP project US-6, Bicycle Plan project #4, BPAC recommended $10 Traffic analysis would evaluate if 28th St could be restriped to include bike lanes in place of the two-way left turn lane and still accommodate freight and automobile traffic as an inexpensive pre-cursor to a complete urban standards project. Higher volume and speed (35 mph) street. Uncomfortable to ride in the same lane with freight and automobile traffic. 5th Street Bike Lanes - study Centennial Blvd to A St Add bike lanes on both sides of 5th St TSP project PB-23, Bicycle Plan project #32 $10 Study would evaluate on-street parking utilization and develop bike lane design concept.Bike lanes end at Broadway just south of Centennial Blvd. One of the few north-south connections from the EWEB path and north Springfield to Downtown. Oakdale/Pheasant Bike Facilities - study Oakdale Street / Pheasant St/et al - Game Farm Road to Gateway Road Add signing and striping for bike facilities TSP project PB-3, Guy Lee SRTS Action Plan $10 Would develop plan to provide all ages and abilities alternative to Harlow Rd bike lanes. Virginia-Daisy Bikeway (funds to complete)Virginia-Daisy from 32nd St to Bob Straub Parkway Bikeway - traffic calming, bike lanes, sharrows, etc.PB-36, R-38 $0 - hopefully won't need funds We do not expect to need to use any of these funds to complete Virginia-Daisy, but would like to write it into the agreement for flexibility. Total List:$1,795 Available:$840 $650 federal, $190 local matchExtra Projects to Pursue if Funding AvailableTSP = Transportation System Plan, SRTS = Safe Routes to School, BPAC = Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee AIS Attachment 2, Page 2 of 2 S 32nd StS 32nd Pl Jasper R d Osage S t Agnes StewartMiddle School Walking & Biking Safety Improvements South 32nd Street RRFB Relocate crosswalk and add rectangular rapid ashing beacon (RRFB) crossing to align with neighborhood accessway by Agnes Stewart Middle School. Will also serve as a connection to/from the Mill Race Path. There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 100 20050FeetGe ographic Infor m a tio n ServicesInformation Te chnology D e p tMar 2017 Mill Race P a t h A c c e s s Accessway AIS Attachment 3, Page 1 of 9 Thurston Rd 64th StF S t Thurston Middle School Walking & Biking Safety Improvements Thurston Middle School RRFB Add rectangular rapid ashing beacon (RRFB) with curb extensions to crossing in front of Thurston Middle School on Thurston Road. There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 100 20050FeetGe ographic Infor m a tio n ServicesInformation Te chnology D e p tMar 2017 AIS Attachment 3, Page 2 of 9 Mill St W C S tKellyBlvd W B StWater St Riverview B l v d Level LnW A S t E S tCity View BlvdSummitIsland Park Walking & Biking Safety Improvements West D Street Improve safety and comfort for people walking and biking from end of Northbank Path to Mill Street (consider adding bicycle facility signing, striping, and/or additional trac calming). There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 260 520130Feet Ge ographic Infor m a tio n ServicesInformation Te chnology D e p tMar 2017 West D St Island Park AccessNorthba n k PathWillamette River Improve transition from path to street where Northbank Path ends 300-500 bicyclists/day use the end of the path AIS Attachment 3, Page 3 of 9 J St G St21st St E St D St Main St A St F St 23rd St22nd StI C St Centennial Blvd 25th St24th St26th St H St Dubens Ln Whitworth I St E St H St 22nd St St D St 23rd St26th St26th StWalking & Biking Safety Improvements 28th Street Sidewalk From Main Street to Centennial Boulevard ll in sidewalk gaps along 28th Street. There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 480 960240Feet Ge ographic Infor m a tio n ServicesInformation Te chnology D e p tMar 2017 28th St Ln AIS Attachment 3, Page 4 of 9 51st St t B St Walking & Biking Safety Improvements Riverbend Elementary Crosswalk Enhancement Add raised crosswalk with curb extensions to provide trac calming and increase visibility of students at crosswalk on 51st St in front of Riverbend Elementary School. There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 100 20050FeetGe ographic Infor m a tio n ServicesInformation Te chnology D e p tMar 2017 C St Riverbend Elementary School AIS Attachment 3, Page 5 of 9 Will amet t e Ri ver 126 Walking & Biking Safety Improvements Flashing Ball to RRFB Conversion Convert standard ball lighting at crossings to rectangular rapid ashing beacons (RRFB) in various locations across the city, including EWEB Path at 5th, 19th, and 31st Street. Possibly include S. 42nd St and Holly St. There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 2,300 4,6001,150 FeetGe ographic Info r m a tio n ServicesInformation Te chnology D e p tMar 2017 42nd & Holly 5th St 19th St 31th St Main StPioneer ParkwayMohawk BlvdEWEB Path AIS Attachment 3, Page 6 of 9 Main S t Daisy S tS 54th St54th St Walking & Biking Safety Improvements South 54th Path From south of Main Street to Daisy Street construct a 12-foot wide path and add a few lights. At least 125-300 users per day even though no ocial facility exists yet There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 250 500125Feet Ge ographic Infor m a tio n ServicesInformation Te chnology D e p tMar 2017 126 AIS Attachment 3, Page 7 of 9 F St E St D St B St C St G St 7th StA St Main St J St 12th StI St Centennial Blvd S A St 8th StModoc St Parker St S 9th StS 8th StS 10th St 8th StJ St 12th StI St 9th St9th StWalking & Biking Safety Improvements 10th Street Bike Lanes Add bike lanes from Main Street to Centennial Boulevard along 10th Street. There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 500 1,000250FeetGe ographic Infor m a tio n ServicesInformation Te chnology D e p tMar 2017 SpringfieldHigh School 10th St AIS Attachment 3, Page 8 of 9 J St 21st St20th Centennial Blvd Maple Elementary School Walking & Biking Safety Improvements 21st Street From Centennial Boulevard to J Street, add one block of bike lanes to complete corridor continuity. There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 100 20050FeetGe ographic Infor m a tio n ServicesInformation Te chnology D e p tMar 2017 Existing Lanes Existing Lanes AIS Attachment 3, Page 9 of 9 Attachment 4: Vicinity Map AIS Attachment 4, Page 1 of 1 M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield Date: 4/3/2017 To: Gino Grimaldi COUNCIL From: Anette Spickard, DPW Director Emma Newman, Senior Transportation Planner BRIEFING Subject: Walking and Biking Safety Improvements Project MEMORANDUM ISSUE: The Walking and Biking Safety Improvements Project helps implement the policies and projects adopted by City Council in the Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan, which prioritizes safety for all modes of transportation. COUNCIL GOALS/ MANDATE: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities BACKGROUND: This project is a step in implementing the policies and projects adopted by City Council in the Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan and directly aligns with many of the City Council goals. The project aligns with several Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects and a new standalone CIP project has been incorporated into the draft CIP. The goal of the Safety Improvements project is to address priority safety needs on the bicycle and pedestrian network in Springfield on City facilities and to help make walking and biking safer and more accessible to everyone of all ages and abilities. Staff developed a potential project list for consideration by compiling projects from the Transportation System Plan, Safe Routes to School Action Plans, and Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee recommendations. Then the list was prioritized based on the criteria below and input from City Staff, BPAC, and Springfield Public Schools’ Safe Routes to School. The projects include bike network connectivity (i.e. bike lanes), pedestrian network connectivity (i.e. sidewalks), bicycle and pedestrian crossing treatments (i.e. rapid flashing beacon), and lighting improvements. Prioritization Criteria Does the project focus on safety and help complete the walking and biking networks in Springfield along key routes? Timeliness – can the project be delivered in 2018 to meet the funding timeline? City Jurisdiction – is the project within the City’s jurisdiction? (Some projects are priorities, but were not prioritized due to the facilities being County or ODOT owned) Ease of delivery – can we realistically deliver the project with the available funding, timeline, and capacity? Is the project a top priority based on Staff, BPAC, and Safe Routes to School feedback? Are the priority projects geographically dispersed throughout Springfield? Click here for an interactive map of the projects or see ATT4 Walk-Bike Vicinity Map. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive update on STP-U Walking and Biking Safety Improvements Project. Attachment 1, Page 1 of 1 Project Location Description Plan References Cost Estimate (STP-U funds, $1,000)Prioritization Comments South 32nd St RRFB Relocate crosswalk in front of Agnes Stewart Add RRFB crossing to align with neighborhood accessway by Agnes Stewart Middle School. Would also serve as a connection to/from the Mill Race Path trailhead. Agnes Stewart Middle School SRTS Action Plan $50 Top BPAC priority. Current crosswalk location is not ideal due to turning conflicts, sight visibility, and lack of pedestrian safety refuge island. Student was hit in the crosswalk in 2016 and near misses reported. Timely project due to Mill Race Path opening recently. Thurston Middle School RRFB RRFB at Thurston Middle School crosswalk Add RRFB and curb-extension Thurston Middle School SRTS Action Plan, Supplemental Busing Plan $50 Very high BPAC priority. Consistently requested by school district, school staff, and families in the area. 90% design completed. West D St End of Riverbank Path to Mill St Add bicycle facility signing and striping (consider additional traffic calming) TSP project PB-15, BPAC recommended $70 Very high BPAC priority. 300-500 bikes per day on the path. Economic opportunity to bring more people to downtown Springfield by improving the bike network connection beyond the path to downtown and addressing safety concerns. West D St Path Transition End of Northbank Path at West D St Improve transition from path to street where Northbank / W D St Path ends BPAC recommended, common community complaint $30 Tied to West D St project above. 28th St Sidewalk Centennial Blvd to Main St Fill in sidewalk gaps TSP project US-6, #4, BPAC recommended $285 High BPAC priority. Higher volume and speed (35 mph) street. Two pedestrian in roadway injury crashes along the corridor in 2010. Riverbend Elementary Crosswalk Enhancement Crosswalk on 51st St in front of Riverbend Elementary School Add raised crosswalk with bulb-out to provide traffic calming and increase visibility of students Riverbend Elementary School SRTS Action Plan $40 High BPAC priority. Crossing guards very concerned about safety and want infrastructure support to help keep students safe. Flashing Ball to RRFB conversions Various locations across city, including EWEB Path at 5th, 19th, 31st. Possibly S 42nd and Holly St. Convert standard ball lighting at crossings to RRFB flashers Part of TSP project PB-9 $30 Current standard ball flashers have about a 66% compliance rate. RRFB flashers have 80% or better compliance. South 54th Path Main St to Daisy St Construct a 12-foot wide path from south of Main St to Daisy St, add a few lights Related toTSP project R-41 $100 At least 125-300 total users per day as of Aug 2016 even though no official facility exists yet. Will provide people with direct neighborhood to shopping center alternate route to Main St and provide non-muddy , ADA compliant surface to walk and bike on. Coordination with Virginia-Daisy Bikeway construction will decrease cost. Extends and leverages Virginia-Daisy Bikeway investment. 10th St Bike Lanes Main St to Centennial Blvd Add bike lanes Two Rivers SRTS Action Plan, Major Collector Street Standards $50 Completes network from Main St to Centennial and connects to three school facilities (Two Rivers - Dos Rios Elementary, Brattain Early Learning, and Springfield High School).Includes additional on-street parking utilization evaluation and design concept development. 21st St Centennial Blvd to J St Add one block of bike lanes to complete corridor continuity Bicycle Plan Project #33 $10 Eliminates north-south bike network barrier and fills one block gap in bike network. Includes additional on-street parking utilization evaluation and outreach to property owners.Fund, Plan, and ConstructAIS Attachment 2, Page 1 of 2 Project Location Description Plan References Cost Estimate (STP-U funds, $1,000)Prioritization Comments Riverbank Path Lighting I-5 bridge to D St along Riverbank Path (also referred to as "D St Path") Add path lighting to improve public safety and security of D St path BPAC and bicycle intercept survey identified need, common community request $500 Consistently raised as concern during bicycle intercept survey at D St boat ramp and through BPAC infrastructure conversations. Centennial Blvd 5th, 10th, and 18th intersections Add bicycle facilities through intersections TSP project PB-22, Bicycle Plan project #10 $460 Higher volume and speed (35 mph) street. Thurston Rd/69th RRFB Thurston Rd and 69th St Add a crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon TSP project PB-48, Supplemental Busing Plan $90 Sidewalk ends on northside of street at 69th and it is 40mph. 28th Street Bike Lanes - study Centennial Blvd to Main St Add bike lanes TSP project US-6, Bicycle Plan project #4, BPAC recommended $10 Traffic analysis would evaluate if 28th St could be restriped to include bike lanes in place of the two-way left turn lane and still accommodate freight and automobile traffic as an inexpensive pre-cursor to a complete urban standards project. Higher volume and speed (35 mph) street. Uncomfortable to ride in the same lane with freight and automobile traffic. 5th Street Bike Lanes - study Centennial Blvd to A St Add bike lanes on both sides of 5th St TSP project PB-23, Bicycle Plan project #32 $10 Study would evaluate on-street parking utilization and develop bike lane design concept.Bike lanes end at Broadway just south of Centennial Blvd. One of the few north-south connections from the EWEB path and north Springfield to Downtown. Oakdale/Pheasant Bike Facilities - study Oakdale Street / Pheasant St/et al - Game Farm Road to Gateway Road Add signing and striping for bike facilities TSP project PB-3, Guy Lee SRTS Action Plan $10 Would develop plan to provide all ages and abilities alternative to Harlow Rd bike lanes. Virginia-Daisy Bikeway (funds to complete)Virginia-Daisy from 32nd St to Bob Straub Parkway Bikeway - traffic calming, bike lanes, sharrows, etc.PB-36, R-38 $0 - hopefully won't need funds We do not expect to need to use any of these funds to complete Virginia-Daisy, but would like to write it into the agreement for flexibility. Total List:$1,795 Available:$840 $650 federal, $190 local matchExtra Projects to Pursue if Funding AvailableTSP = Transportation System Plan, SRTS = Safe Routes to School, BPAC = Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee AIS Attachment 2, Page 2 of 2 S 32nd StS 32nd Pl Jasper R d Osage S t Agnes StewartMiddle School Walking & Biking Safety Improvements South 32nd Street RRFB Relocate crosswalk and add rectangular rapid ashing beacon (RRFB) crossing to align with neighborhood accessway by Agnes Stewart Middle School. Will also serve as a connection to/from the Mill Race Path. There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 100 20050FeetGe ographic Infor m a tio n ServicesInformation Te chnology D e p tMar 2017 Mill Race P a t h A c c e s s Accessway AIS Attachment 3, Page 1 of 9 Thurston Rd 64th StF S t Thurston Middle School Walking & Biking Safety Improvements Thurston Middle School RRFB Add rectangular rapid ashing beacon (RRFB) with curb extensions to crossing in front of Thurston Middle School on Thurston Road. There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 100 20050FeetGe ographic Infor m a tio n ServicesInformation Te chnology D e p tMar 2017 AIS Attachment 3, Page 2 of 9 Mill St W C S tKellyBlvd W B StWater St Riverview B l v d Level LnW A S t E S tCity View BlvdSummitIsland Park Walking & Biking Safety Improvements West D Street Improve safety and comfort for people walking and biking from end of Northbank Path to Mill Street (consider adding bicycle facility signing, striping, and/or additional trac calming). There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 260 520130Feet Ge ographic Infor m a tio n ServicesInformation Te chnology D e p tMar 2017 West D St Island Park AccessNorthba n k PathWillamette River Improve transition from path to street where Northbank Path ends 300-500 bicyclists/day use the end of the path AIS Attachment 3, Page 3 of 9 J St G St21st St E St D St Main St A St F St 23rd St22nd StI C St Centennial Blvd 25th St24th St26th St H St Dubens Ln Whitworth I St E St H St 22nd St St D St 23rd St26th St26th StWalking & Biking Safety Improvements 28th Street Sidewalk From Main Street to Centennial Boulevard ll in sidewalk gaps along 28th Street. There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 480 960240Feet Ge ographic Infor m a tio n ServicesInformation Te chnology D e p tMar 2017 28th St Ln AIS Attachment 3, Page 4 of 9 51st St t B St Walking & Biking Safety Improvements Riverbend Elementary Crosswalk Enhancement Add raised crosswalk with curb extensions to provide trac calming and increase visibility of students at crosswalk on 51st St in front of Riverbend Elementary School. There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 100 20050FeetGe ographic Infor m a tio n ServicesInformation Te chnology D e p tMar 2017 C St Riverbend Elementary School AIS Attachment 3, Page 5 of 9 Will amet t e Ri ver 126 Walking & Biking Safety Improvements Flashing Ball to RRFB Conversion Convert standard ball lighting at crossings to rectangular rapid ashing beacons (RRFB) in various locations across the city, including EWEB Path at 5th, 19th, and 31st Street. Possibly include S. 42nd St and Holly St. There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 2,300 4,6001,150 FeetGe ographic Info r m a tio n ServicesInformation Te chnology D e p tMar 2017 42nd & Holly 5th St 19th St 31th St Main StPioneer ParkwayMohawk BlvdEWEB Path AIS Attachment 3, Page 6 of 9 Main S t Daisy S tS 54th St54th St Walking & Biking Safety Improvements South 54th Path From south of Main Street to Daisy Street construct a 12-foot wide path and add a few lights. At least 125-300 users per day even though no ocial facility exists yet There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 250 500125Feet Ge ographic Infor m a tio n ServicesInformation Te chnology D e p tMar 2017 126 AIS Attachment 3, Page 7 of 9 F St E St D St B St C St G St 7th StA St Main St J St 12th StI St Centennial Blvd S A St 8th StModoc St Parker St S 9th StS 8th StS 10th St 8th StJ St 12th StI St 9th St9th StWalking & Biking Safety Improvements 10th Street Bike Lanes Add bike lanes from Main Street to Centennial Boulevard along 10th Street. There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 500 1,000250FeetGe ographic Infor m a tio n ServicesInformation Te chnology D e p tMar 2017 SpringfieldHigh School 10th St AIS Attachment 3, Page 8 of 9 J St 21st St20th Centennial Blvd Maple Elementary School Walking & Biking Safety Improvements 21st Street From Centennial Boulevard to J Street, add one block of bike lanes to complete corridor continuity. There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 100 20050FeetGe ographic Infor m a tio n ServicesInformation Te chnology D e p tMar 2017 Existing Lanes Existing Lanes AIS Attachment 3, Page 9 of 9 Attachment 4: Vicinity Map AIS Attachment 4, Page 1 of 1