HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-5-7 (2) ./~ . :. .;. POST THIS PERMIT. ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE ,~ ~"'" '. .~\:JOB ADDRESS: 21 Hayden Bridge ~ Springfield, OR '. '. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC-U52-19 - LANE COUNTY: DEPARTMENT OF ENVI RONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OReEGON 9740.1 . TRS, TL:'\ 11..03-22.4~4 TL. 7600<& 7801' . ..' :':' '.;..'.Subdivision:.: .' '" .~. .' .. , '. '," . ' . ,.~-~l.,'. _... .':" '. to, ',_ ~(~.:. "~;'~ ~. '" .:. ,~. '. .\,~.'. . ,.,': . . ~ . ~. ...,.. ..' ._.~. . ','_":'" . . . 'This permi,tfpr, the'~ef.~renqed', Rrop~~ty.:is..he~etiy,.' App":o~~n:~: ;' Sefbac;:k~. a~d 'o~l:Jer ~ondi.lions~of apprpval mu'st'bifs~rldtly:~.~seiv'ed,::''Violati(j'n can'. .' result in revocation of this permit, citation unde(provisiobs of LaneCounty.'s.!'lfradI9nOrdin'al)ce, andjo)',other, rEmJeg.i.es allbwe,ab'Y':lfl~..~'~,":;t, .: . '. - " .. - .' -, ,'..' .... ~. -.; i. . ..,..1. '. . : .t;. ~';t /'APPlica/n~/Address: ,.po~,S~etheh~,H,.,.;, ,J,: ;, . , .", ...":~"", "'\' ',;,:;_'" ,'> :; Owner Address:' . " . George. ia:rson;'190.J;::, 18th'~. Eugene; ORr : ~?40i ~ ,.".'., . .".~ :'Gpnt~ac~OrIAddress:', . . Meili Builders, 10'. Van: Buren, Eugene, OR 9740.1.~ ~ .:, ." :~.:,': 'c,,::' .Contrac~o(s q~:t{,..,. 17.~30:O, ' ", ,..,.,.., . ,.~o.tal }:;on~![u<?Y()n Value: $78',000.;00 -, .,,, ., .,: ." ':'/:, .,' .:..' ',' :''.'''';~';~,,',,: .'.:,~~<'~ '"''''~;''' "i":';~';';'~':':~~'>':"": ~'.:~,: 'A:,',L\'~".:,; ,;"','.",",:";:;;':\ ..., ConstructH~n ar:mr:ove_d:pY,J!n~:p~rml~: ';'..; ".Medical',cl:~ic, ~:I;s~t~ng:struct~J;,~'i'.1)lan"ch.ec~ ,onlj.!, :'.; , " St~ctures,.no.w On px:operty: vB-capt house'.':F...!.!:,..,.:;,,;..':. , ' _ ..; i..",'; r,., t~.: .::i_~,.J).-.'i~ '(-;:'/ ;.'~7::3'-L . .:::~;__ -~:~5r: ~',,:!;..~~.~.,'.,;:.;,.:;,._ .l~'''-''f';'~ ~r'.t.'~-~;;:. ~,;".~ r:'~1-' .fl~ :,',..:-t .'..~:,:.':"",."". .~. .. " Water SJpply:" -:'~;.tbii~.,." 'c, ~,' -<:.:. '<::;#'B~~roon:is:~':-,: WI:' ~;:'#Plur:nbing~Fix:iures,:;., to:, .#l:~p'l~yees:' .,; 1 , '".' ;'~";:":- :",.,,';.":: ':l~;"~".'~~' ":':''';'':''1'':: ,;,":'.':::, r;;; . ,':,','z', ."'.: ," ,. ';"),.'-;-:. ,': :~,'r .'\ , " ..... .. ' ',,, PLANNI,NG OIVISION,.: .Zoning: "RA;.to'ro;. ';il"partjti().~tfi.g~#'. ;.,.tia.:. - . ,:(;'r,' ,)Rar~:eL)t, rni, ...' " '~~~:. Pqrcel Size:' . ~5"acre ..MinimUm requ ired structl,Jralset9ac~s,Jro,r:n:-:c.e!Jt~r.IJr~:2f. ~c>~a.! f~q!1t::ina".c, ,:;.c,enterlirie"of road ,. .' ... "" ,. ; ,: .',.,side'~>.<t~rior':. '. na':;' " "; j il!er;,jo(Rr,6pertyljhe.s: :',~;; r~ar;pro'perty J in,e:, :ri~>' ..,' ... I ':'::';,' '.':! ..,~ .~,~;:",;;:: "$~~'Ci'al'lh~ir.YGti.c~~:~':'!~(,ici7;~~105.:"~~~k5t~d~c,:;~:,~,~:,';::,..,:~,1?:; ~i\ ;'":?t2:'.,).f;~,.4' ". .',:' ," ',. '} ". .,r,~; . 'i='oFiQf6r'ri1~'ti6ri:'c~U 6St.4394>. $luiaxLK~l ~'A;": '.' : "'~ '. , ~' ,...~. '-""-'~'l ~ '''''-'_''~ ::.,:.' ;.. 'r '. ::" ,.T~'ltptl:q~,~~:i~~':c+ .::: ,i.:. < ".',:'l'~""/ T~r~ph'bi'(e ,':'}, '687"::1-"3ti " __.....t _;~,,-_, ~. ..' ,;~ . _... ,. _. '..~ ",.......... . .;':r~lephorie: 485-1417 * , . '?;~.~'~~{,:;,~,~,.:. -~.~ '::: '~iY~;: ..' "'....,~ "or " J ,,~. f <" : '.;'.t ~. . ',,'>11 '-~J ., ,j~". .t"t ~';~L~ .t'::" .. '.I'-"::..~ "'1:1; .t'>:,;, ':-,.~:. r '-~ ,".~"., t :.' .. 'VVATERPoLL,.unON CONT80L.DIVISION,,', Site Inspectjor,1c#' 'l1a: '..\.,'. . ,.Installation:specific~tion~,. na gal. min; septic,tanklcapCli::ity;,:~,.;:.. <" ria: ~llineaJ::feet of'dr.atnfJel<! r~qu.irE!(t;.miP~.. cl~Pth oft~~nc.r~~;.. ,.: ,na ',., "". i . ,'.. >, " . SpeCia,llnstructions:~onnece. to sys'tem1instlalledper BPi/211;..79'. . .. " ',,''-'.. :"'";" ,;, ii\ ' , ,Maintairt:setback~"-and.replacementl area~' Setbacks' SeptiC Tanl<::,..Drainfi"eld . . ::<'. ~:.........>;!' "', ... .' :,'. '. .," 'Interiorprqp~,rWJipe~;" ,':.; ',:,",,1 0'.. .., :. ;j~: J,Q>, '; . ':d e-of i:.oaa,ri' h:t;(>f~wa' t,:.~,,';:tO~>~" ~:.' ;",10',\:" dU~dirig"fb~'hd~i'i6J1'4:... 'I.,. ,~:'r.:'rE?:.'~:~:'.H<':~:~:16',,;~. ..> iI, .. . .... 'Wells; o!b~r;yv,.<:I:t~,t, ~Qur.f~S,.-;., !j0', ;:;'; .J.Q:9.::.',..., . , F~r"~i.?f9rl1'l?ti.ol1'fa-" ,;': ~S7_3962,bet~e~n ~,:OO.~ 9.:00 a,m:"'Greg~'.Gra';~' n-'~"-.F.;,'~,:-,. t:r:......... .....r"".~.. "':~~,"',"".'~ ,"-,',: ~"":,,.-,.. "'_"".-r'~'. ...~,..\~>.," ,t~_. """_'''''' ~,...-e .'~\-',,'\'""......<!L.f;.,,;'~":_' ...-;....-.!t,;\...i.<"~l,I:.. ._,.f:,~. ./.. 'r~'f ::. 9O'N~TRUC:nON ,.~. .... . 'f.yp~of,C.c:>n~thJGtion:' ';5N .~t:rFiGrOIJP;~~:'~,:;Bi .' : lr',!: Fir;~'Zo~e': .3" .. ::'"Use CI~as~ification:': ,'med~cal' clirtic PI; RM II~/J~~BE~GJ.I.Q~.,:;I n~tru,ctlorls::;..,!This ~is_lnot:'a building permitl~: '~..~1>Pl~~.ti~~; .J~r, ,~"i...~p,il~~Il&' PE7~i~:>~~o~~4"...i ~ ',. '. DIVISION-- . be '~ubini~ted, wh,en, .planni~grequirements '.and bui~ding plan correc t; ions. ca~ be cq}lI:Pfet~~,,",: Drawer iI14.,' ; .'V'.:::,; ;~, '.:. .;.~ ",~., , : '.. 'k ...,. '.i;;,' .;' <,' :t~":~';f' t ' . '.. ", , "..'T,:::" '"',,, ';d. ;::-<:~ ,A~;; ~,:;~,t.".:,~.i'~'(",:, '" r ,', ,;;: """"I"~ "Ii;,:,,:,: ':"., ::' ',:,~<:,.,.:' "~, '.. ..'"" ">,".':,,.'~' ;;':" :. ' ';i,:i:"':;~;:f"~ ' . ,Fof plans' i.i;\fprrr~tigr .~~II., '68'7~3767,;\, betw~eri:a:'OO.a"Il1.:a!1'd,WO()' a,:,m;,j;': ,,~.,jim,~~r:;~R...;t;'l',.~:J;~i >~':' .;ri~;':~i t,: iPO'r: i nspections.:("see; badk.:().ht$$1.~~))ca II :68~ -40..6~.bet\!\!ee,n a:,OO' a.;rn. <:In,9 5~.Q9.;(p: r,i1,.,..~" ':~',;, T.', '::; , - :~~"',.,;.: : ;.' ~/ .>i, '.' .. , . ....1 !->- . :..:, , "....l.\_-:).,~.t'--L. ',r-"": ": _ '-:}j.'t--,,;:::. ;....;;~.-: .'~' 'I' .'-~l~'d O:r . -~ti;-,~~ . .-:) ':-;:~ r . ",t!,,- "," ,,~;, ~~ " ; '..... 'orrections t6 Site:" ~'CornE!r of Lau~a" St and Hayd~n' Bridge':Rd " ,.., -'. '. "1; , : ,r, ' . . ,:'L~:i ' .., "e';'~ Date Issued: --, l 05:"07-:79' , ," ',_ , '., .. ,- ' , By: _ - Dav~ White/ljf 'c_" _ /'\"-:', -' ~ ~ ~ _ C5~13 ' ~L6~_ P~~M1T" ~HITE: ?FFI~EC~P;~'W~'TE::UILD1NG "GREE~: PLUM~'~G" CANA~Y: 5AN1TATION-cioL~ENRO~: A'~ ;.~ P~N\ ' __ 'e\-~(Ii':'~J '.' ,'>,:. ":';, ;"CONS!RUCT'ION PERMITS &1.!)I\~P~q~~B~~.i:'!fr:3 ~,h~hH 9;'J!;'l"l~t'(~~)b,(~;t<,g, ,"" .".: "e; 'S,B'.C,:,SEC:30~(d)E?<PIR'ATION::,o,~', y ;" ~" >0." """'",,',' ,'\", <, ....; ~,."'.' "c,': .,,:'~ ..,:' .,:J" '", t' '.__ . "," ,..,'i',':" '. Every permit issued by' th'e Bui'lding 'Official u,nd~~',tne p'r9visi(:m~ of the C;;ode sJila,IJ, e~pire ,?y limita,ti~n ,and 'bere~~ n,y\I~9f!\voLP,~ i~\t.h./l.ti.:Pl'~Ln~:.op~'br~',;, authorized. by.such permit is not commenced Wlthlfl.,120 days from the date of such permit, or I~ the bulldmg or work authorized by such permit IS suspenaed or ""'t, ':~", abandoned forl\a 'pt;lri~)(! of,1-20 dCiYs at ?nv .tlme ~ft~ql")~,yvor~"i~ ~o.mmenclld, Before such wor~ can be recomm~nced.a new permit s~all.be first ol?t.ained to po so aha the fee:therefor shall be 'one.half"tI1e1amouht r~quired for a' hew ~(mit for su"d, work, 'pr6Vi{fe(ffnO"Ielianges 'have been ,made or will be 'mape' irrtre!o'J:iginal,', pl~ ns arid' spe~~ficaii<inSj~r,~pth'wo~k;:arid "ptb~i9~d,fulihe:t, 'd1ats(jc~susp'ension 'Of abCind9nmehthas'n9r~:.<ceeded:one:;ye?r~':, ',; :\:: ':'; /'<r< ;":~'.;" 7':\,;J~">)';' '::,5', s:E3'.c;: SEC,302)e). SUSPENSiON OR REVOCATION/, ,. ,. .; ...., ..';\.,~ ;'. ' "" ;' . ,:.l~t'~~iI9}Og 'Offi~i~I' ~~.~: .in vyrit!ng" sus~end gr revok~ a ,permi!. 'iss.4ed.'up~~.r\p.rovi,~~8ns ~f.}.~~"SOde,!w.~,en'e~,~~'~ge per'~~~l~~i~sde~ iil~for or ~~ th~, 'ba;i'S:~r;; ~, :, , JIlc~rI~Y\ \'1form~tI9n sl!Rpll~, or IfI}ilOlatlon of any ordlnan~e, or,regula,tl?"'(?r an~_ ~Hhe <prOVIsions oNfM;Co,de.6e 1 ~ (Jt,2~~.", 9~.'I~9~ ' , . '.~, :~ ., ,;' , \.1 +, co+> " "}", 1', .,,', . . ' , " .'... I {).>'\ ~ ,'51\)' .,9ns~uJ ',m:rluH.,,,rrsV (J 1, ~ <>.:wbi:ruH ":IIL91-j"'" : \":;"~,f'~'"." ~ . ': , S.B.~, SEC. 304(?) REQUI~ED ;I~SP~CTIO~~ (SA~LED INSP~<(r:.18Jtrl'g\,;~ ~ ,-":"",t':,, ," ,',' ,~, ,r:,,:', ~;", ',', _'~, :"Oclf-R,\ r' , ".~~, "".~,-..,i",;-'-' "" . "The. Building .Official, upon notification,from, the perrilit holder or hiS agent, shall make the tollowing ,i'lspections (allow .Vto 3 worklh~g days), and shall either ." , ' ',' , approye that'pOrtibn'of 'the constr,ud:ibn as completed or ,notify'ttiepermit h'older or his agent wherei n the'sarri'e',fails',to co i'np-IY,\(\I ith. thj~ Code." ,. ..: . ", :' . '. '.'. '. (1) FOUNDAT'ION .INSPECTION:To be!rKcJd~cafi~?~'Jach'es>Jre,eJ(Eavatea~o1ms ef.e€fefl,;.raf.fa st~IJr'.efrUorkIH'M~;t':;i>sTin plac~ Offeq'dired).iAND":BEFi.t:.>:R E'AN~~" ',' I,':,"', ,""CONCRETEISPOUREO'..s'alJodjnJ;;:,r;v':'(J"!9qbi(InO~lOrr,'89":Cuj.3iJ':r.:te' '.',:' ..~._,... ~<-:.. ;-:':: '":''''' ',' . " (2) FRAME ~,Ii,.iSPECTtON:: ",Tci)>EimaclEl ~t.ter!h~,r09f, aJI.,fraining,'fire'bloc,kingqnd,'b'racesarE:l in.placeand all ro~gh.pllJmblng,r:ough elec~rical and'fir,eplac'ei, ' y~ S...,.< '.~,:' ')" ,', 01 cf-lImreys'afld',~en.ts. a.r,e c~mplet~,F,~O, WORK Sl-!,AI:.LoBE .C<?VEREO UN!I,L,TtlIS ,INSPECTION HAS BEEN ,~~RE AI\JO, AP"'r."" , PROVED. There will be no approval fbr'cover'untll the'plumbmg and electncallnspectlons have beer:J'made'aniHpproved, "," .' ".. ". (~.'~~AI,H fi\Jq!ftR W.?X,t,I,BOARD (~H~ET;..~?'CK).).'~I~r~c:;TION\~o,be m,a~: af~er,~a~I)~~~.i8~:~n,d/o~wallboard,'.''',interios.:ana e~t~i;iQr;i~ jr:l;plapr;.butbe~ir:~ .,,',: . 9. =:l..,-,. ~..' ,,;._'" any.pl~st!!r IS apphed or:tn~ w~lIboard Jomtsandffasteners ar:e tapea ?ndflnlshed, ~'I oj, 10\" ", \ ".""\",(' , !' of-,-. (4(FINAI.:,INS,PE€T,IC>N:'To'lJemade. after,.tlilebuffqtng is' compi~te'ANDBEFORE:OCcupANCY:""~::,;', :i..,,:.'; . '1. """,' .... . "~:~.' .'. . ," ':.fl, _' _", "" ,.' _'~'!d!;i.;':"_-.""";'~ ,.'..- ~".,_..,..', ",,':',.:-,-r':'i', t,')"M;:.(' ", '~::'"'~~~",'. _,' . ',;','" ,:~"~;' _ ',' ,:..,'~ OTHER INSPECTIONS: In '~ddition t!:>the callgd! inspectio~s' specified:a'bovlfIihe..Sui'lding Qffi'dil rQa'yjnake'or ;:.~quireanY:bttiefln'sj:>eCtions ohmyc0'nstruc. ,;ti6n:wprk,:to,ascert'ain.compliance with,the 'provisions of this' Code and. other,'laws.vb.~t!~ij'r~(r;!nfo1:~y\~:Oivis'iq:n.'6'fCbQ?tE~ct(oRllperrpits and Inspections, ;' . " ....:" '-'.'_ ',. :'_l'.'-",-~ n:~. .'".. .... -,;," , '" " .:'. ,',,- . '.'~ _ . _'-~'" ."," . ,"', . ,.--.,' - - '\" "",..,~ ., '...... .,- .. .,',. '"., ~.:,: ," :.BL.O<:!<;:W.A.L,~~,~I\I~~~E~tIOI\l:"T6be:' nia~e..after reinfl~rsff)~'is.:\n'pla'ce,qut~b.;to{~.%nYj~qu~t is ~9'{r,ed,:: rh,!~ i,1sg~<<~iqn,:}is.,r,;qLJ!r~~L.foreach b6,n,d ,be~ryt pou'r, Tne.r;e,wlllb,e,..n9 appr.oval iJntil'the plulllbmgandelectncahnspec!,!qns have o~en-made'1anaJC;lpproved;: -., ," ~,'; ,.,.:,.:: .,,:-;..,,~,; .....--',., " , : t,,,' .. ',. . ~qBI:~~":~9ME'INSPECTI<?NS:Ari nspec,tion' i~ reqLIi~ed aft~~th~'n1obile hJ;:n~ i~ c6nneC1e({;qlah'ap~~'6~ed'sew1~'ofjs-ePtiC' ~y,sterlhwr:'seiJ)~c{;'equjrem~n};,; ;. ,~", ,bJoc~jng, f06tinglOt.ffl\'1~tOJl\~1i!.~do.Y>l.J1~, ~~.lrlJ.Q9,jClE~jpl~mgi~~a~ItP.:~~~J1J.fmo'q ,:,:/.,; :..,.';'" ~:?' ':S:::;," ::,.-..:.< " " ,c 1'.': ,: . ' :'", '. ' ',.' "', '''.,f';9.'ii;~n9m~;WCAN''''ONETPR'fJ€E,Ii9:1N6'ItAStrtrHEJ~dINT OF REQUIREOINSP~CTf()NS., .~, ," ,.'. . "'" ' ,'" < !.,.' WILlDOSOATH(S'bWN RisK. ' .;. ';!~ i'), .' .' . ..",. . You' ni'~V mak~your. request for inspections between 8':00 a.m. and ,5:00 ,p.ri(Mbnday'ihro~~I1,F~iday'at'~he Oepa:ttme~t ofEnvi~0;hment~I,M~6a~~m~nt,;, Pu~iiJ'.l:<' Service Building,125 East 8th,Av~nl:le/Eugene 97401', or call '687:4065. .Outlying' are~s; may call the .following:. F lor:enee, 99i3461'~'Oa~tidde'Yf8'2;22"5.8; Cdtt~ge ~\ h'. . ~~ ;, fGrdve 942~4493::'Y' ""'.. .'" , '. " ." . ,: . " ., ., ' .,.. " ,', ".'" .<c','..,. <;:..~\,,:,~, '"i.:!.,;'\o,:<'';iiL' p' .rH~ ~UI LDIN(3PER~~-r~Jsf~E'PbS:rE&;~~NO'~~;R5VE~~P~j(NSSIQ\&STBE;'&ITHEjd~~;~~ 'A-f':ALL'n~e'iDURING R'E~U:~ARWP~~ikIG~~otJ~~:. .. '.,?ltlt}A 'J.B?~b0h?',. '." ":':" ;,.~:'." . ";":'~";'",.':J ..t. ';~;wifER~OLL~~1"I0i'iCbriTROL.'rc;'" ';:';':J\:'D :,,:-i[~'),: . /.;: ..,.,.<'.' .': "'~"<;l.';,I';; :{,<}. .~ . .":--'.:" "0'. ...' ^.' bf.IR; tA).'.;p1;T~.' 'E' :Rt 1:3r.'i4-rO~~lD'!' ,:7:1t.dh'7f:t.iiQf';.'l () :l..d'.IA""ft' j B. :)f~.r. <J6Ln n.1."'0.':.' ~d' .'.1JJ::g1:i9i.f.' ., "',;rr t.~.\.f.l';,;(r'i F,L~;"t R-H.La ,..;:;,' t~;.,aj rl'r''d,' A<:' <iff.:.. .r"',.'". ~..;'S' .,....' ...... '.' ":;d:N1 'V.. 'W', ':". ~;;; ~~'."':; . '.d;")~: ~!'.'''.'._' " , . .",R.-:Ji,., ,., .~. '1~ISIOr:t ,~uUsullac.e an . .. erna<Jve.~w~g~ IS.,. sa.t~l:IaE1'IV"Ster: ..,1,~~~~b1""",,,^,,~3Q, te,rnatlv.,~. ewage a.n " on . ater/car.I'le' .;,.,~, " , ,: ",WjJW~'m~P9rJl?,,'sa .HE'?: 2f;,O'!?=>9~?=O;) ,Hp..l;q:gnJ:bl.J:uu':t;>n!i'3j.Ii9ilr~"!flJp9:f.'~:,n~iI(.l131~....t:9d~o].. ~o'~ej;:.!.~Nd~l,q"9d . . ',:, , .; ..... : ", , y,:A,/'O/':; ". 7 kJig) '(7) .'A per.':;"i!.ls~ued purs~a~~,,~~these~~les ~h~ll-.be.eff~"ti~~fora per,iod, of one year from.the. d~te:'ofi~suai;c~ ,'oI'!:I'.o' :t9'~lB'I(!", . ' . ....' , "'.' ..' ,".7 {<;H'i.(l V Upon' .~9rrli>l~ti ng;thi 'constry~ti.ofl"~for 'wh.i,ch ~~:~rmjt . tl~s,~een,i s~ued'.t,h.e.,:permit. 691~~r shall.. noMy .the mipa.rtmerJt. Th~, 0 epartment stlal.i(nsp~ct , thecoi;lstr,udion to. deterrnine ifiii~1JorTI~lhisWith,the ru Ie!;' contained in'this'divisicin': If. the'ci>f.iftPtlC't'iondoes'complywith such ru les,ttie Oepartmentsha II i"ssue , " 1 .. i.ce~JHiCate'o{ satista.c~or'Y".c:O,~~llh,-O:iiit6')tl~;~rmif.bbld~r,:'lf ,the'20h~~~~~ti6'n:~d'O~~';iP!~~Pki\~i:ih;such~r.u ies,the Dep~rtrT]ei1t shall' n6tifythEl permit holder"~ , , .'..., and shall require sa,tisfactow cor;npletion before iss4in9 the certificate. Failure to meet the requirements for satisfactory co'mpletioh 'within a'reas\?Qable.time'con. ,,',' ",,,,,,,:,,,;~'.stitutesaviolationof(jRS454.605'to454,745'andthisr'ule." ,.....,.' . o', ..,. :,,~"?~:i;~,/i:(:~ ,'".' "', ., ':,,; ''', " ,'. i' ;~,:,' , '" ,OJi>92hl:i~( H"lbYl~H blm ,:12. S"!!IB.J, 10 :I9m:o:). ..;/';, \'.;;:/ "', li"l\9:l.trlH9vta e\"-\U-eo ' "~~',~.f', ," ,', ":, . .t.;''''p' ,~,;. .~,"'.' , 1.., i ~. t,. /;'''. '. ~ , ,< i p' ~"';. r. I>:. . . J ~ , ' t,; ~ .. , <. ". '. . '.' , . " .x. " ,'; ~;::~" ~ ~ . I ... .....'A '. .-t: "~ ~ I,~':' -: .."t \"; - ; , ,. :;,.' ... ; ~~ .... , !',~ \. .; ;,' > " '., V,," . ........... ~..' . . .~ .- .~-.' . "~ . .. ~.. ,," '" .:\j~!:: ~~ ~: '"~~~E~~.~~To~i~~fb~2;~~r~~N~t~'T~~.:~'~j~~A~E~EN~ ,.:., . '/!fJ". .,' ~;; :'" EUGENE,. OREGO~, 97~Ql . - ," ,: '" ~ .. " .' , APi'll \r,t4tin #. ~q .Le -7/:5;;1-~/ ." ,:-.:, ,Ai}t$ij~9.:~9.mR~tM .--:~ : ~..~:'" . ~ . ~ :':; . ;>.-:. .,,;-, . . ....CI~Oi..O:::..,.. .. . ~ ;!i::{;:A:;:_~;,~\\;2r~;') : .... -:, -. ~. ~. ~".., I-I "'CasH"""'" '. , ".~2~.'. ,~,~.;' , . '" ~ate.r. Supply . ,Proposed. ' Year Ins'talJed' : '.ExisUng,: ,: ; '--~- :::,:~'~ :trOT-AL" c. '. ~,".~ :.~- ,...- ~..' . ".. '''. , ~- "~'. ,~ ."., ""';" . . '" :.: - ~ -~.:. :~.. ,'.-. , , rear, , ' . 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I -,>' ~ ~ "....-... -" .. i. ::;-',.......-' .~' . CJl \ .i.~:.~~..'"' ~ ,/~~>:.r~~.:;- /"~~ t?0\) ~.~ GEOr<GE LAR'SON _,,_,~_/C~--" .-"?-" COpy fOWARD TO 2395 LAURA PLbT PLAI ~ ccu;<r'{ CO!\,lM:rSSIONER~11 G StREET . For Hearing On -/ - /:Z. '/,7 'S PR ~ N6 F\ E LD) OR.. 72 C::. -75 bO ATTACHt'iENT "A" ..-=- ....., r~ '/\.,\\ ~~~J I . ,. ';.J . " iLv^'- i !J J' , , . f:/ .. ~'" \ ~"}l t.' h-"\... . 'r-. !~ ''} I . > ~~'-\ LV'~1 . <l 'lr \. J '.I 11 J . . .. ~ , - , ~ . , ., _~.~"-,,.:,,":;"~~_4"~<,~~f-"rr='._',,-,,::--""'"--=""""''',. J f (f~~;" .:,'>:::;"li;"L~..;> :~;=~''''''''~~j-+ ~........~~ I EXISTtNc. WALNOT 2. II CEDAR.. 3 NORWAY SPRUCE 4 ~OBL-E. ~ I R. . 5 E)( IS T\ "-i 6 HEM \...DC K ~ II ~pl r::. 7 HE.~E~PHOTINIA ~ QU I f\J c.J::~ - FORSYTHiA 8 Mu6.C) PI"-.lt:=- 9 JU"'.JI~R. .t " . C"I r-- ;~\.> ! j (." I ..~ . ., " ) liCO ( 1,' . '7 : II II \. 1\ . If '1 I ii '. ~\ . -......../ ',1, .-- " ':\ -_t'ZJ~ '/ ,t<', :-~"' ! , / t":;::'l 1,......''-1 ,r I' 1. t ,i'w\ l(jj , ;( ~l ; I ~----=---l' . i ~Ij" j ! lr ! / .~ ' rl \ . PAR.\(J ~(J5) Staff Repol'tLCPC 5/16178 (LARSON: ZC 78-105) .. -.... ....--..-.... ....... -. -~ ._.... - -- . .-.,.-..---.... --. _..- ....-. - 100 --' ~ ............... . . . __ _ _ _._. ~-.:... --'l",,,,&"I.A."O..:1'~l-l:L'l'Vc)OLl :.:~ ..-.. '. - -'.'--- .-.... .. "'f/'-' , .t"''''I'D.'tr''';:, "'. , ,'. f'( , : ~ ~L OEPART~lENT OF ENV IRONI1ENTAL 11ANAGEi~ENT ; ; 'fl2J.' PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE J ~ / EUGENE, OREGON 97401 . >". ~":1 ~.;- <~'-~:,.:'('" ~'>;..\ ,. - .~~ ". Job Address ~l j.J..? II j &>\." . ~II" ~ rl ,-- .." _".., . I -. lax Lot . '7 _ f"l:::t. _ ,:::i1Q . L1JLt .: :.' '! ,. - . .. tot City ~ V"'\"'{::' I rl '71 J~*" . n.:. Q <7/"J I. Appl ication # . L c .-' I ~~'::;~:17 Ass~gned Numbers ,~." .Townihip, Range, Section, Subdivisio,n. Application for RL...),...~. 0""",,,",,,:+ c_..... MrPA:,...../ rl....~._ , _.___..,..._...7_..... ,'",'-I' '---..,..,-... Structures now on the pr0perty 'l/~'''''''' fA +' LA",. ,_.0 . v _........-...7.. , , :-_";:"_'_ Propos.ed use o( prop'erty; C/ Residential !~/ Commercial Affiaavit: I, I'l", .....c:::;h..o.f.L......^ -...... - "Tple'a'se-print) If this application is.for. an agricultural building it will be used for purposes .allowed by the State Buildin~ Code Bnd Lane County 'Code Chapter 1.0 (zoning)' and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: owner of record; : cOntract purchaser; lessee; .holder of .an exclusive option to purchase; .~ duly authorized to act for the owner, who is knowledgeable of this application. Si~nature/Address (Y:""t"\ ~ n-t't" /I ^" YI'":\-..- A A n,' I 0', ~ I' I ri' n r<:l (zip) '. Telepho-;e ~', -- u-. ...' or - .~~".....-- Date n nl- ~-7C1 --"\r:' ' ./ notify: C/ Applicant C/ Owner ~~0ontractor ,!!1.: () mail /~/""phone J """'~^"" 10.1) C' 1011. )lC ._'""._.... (zlP)O?"U....,1 ,Phone LP7_/.<J--:< ......-. -......~. J ,f .........,........,' ........:......- 1..AI;j'-"-- , ... ...-, --~ '"' .. - - D..: ,,/ "',,,.... '.-ii:. JIf"l I J...... b,,~.. ;:=,.,.; (zip)r,"7I'/...... :;;> Phone L..I.J?~_lt"j 1"7 ~ . -.' ,. ~-..,. .--, -." J ". r........ -:- ......-, ........\Jl. "'~.~.). --:.:;; . ' r .. -- "-'" . . .. , CO[1tractor IS OSR# 1'?t7 ';{A"'\,r, Pl umbl ng by .~ N'I"l. ;..I_+~...... c .~._,I "..0'" . - J .-- - ~ . ~ --, -. rV";." "," -..- J -. ,....,-"""""' . Block #'. """- '>.'1" _.,,,,~'-'J C/ Industrial, ~/ Publ ic . hereby'certify that this information is true and accurate. When permit is ready Owner c.. """.... lA' ~."'" Contractor....M ;?, 'I.; Existing DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE #M employe~ 2 . # of units ~~~.ttM'(S Sq. Pt'9. or , # of Sj,tes .:' .~ ~V'A y:../Ait~p ~~' ~. ~. \.,~l;b.tal Valuation: $ .I/?, Plumbing fixtures at $ \ Sewer/water conn. at $ . \ 4% State surcharge ___p'l'a'ns-c~fee...... ....,.. . \'-' Change of~8Gcupancy ~ " ;y/, Existing, BP # ;, . /~/ Proposed, SI # /... c:.. -,Sl- / / '-7 q /J/1UL~ (....,.-. ,'.. ~ ~ ~~,~ , ,f'Y ;',11'''--.- .~'~-44'~. ~l ,. - - ,~.....- .. If Commercial:' # of stories Residential: of bedrooms SI test holes ready I # Fee . ':-\;;~~~ode.. Descri pt ion " '. J;'. '~'. "", . ,r , :.:.: :"~h1/ dJ./ A ..I' ) .../" h .--./7/:' ./ . o. ~. d -; I -~~'7: __' ~ A 77; /',,-h7;./ --/""::--:'- ~ - /J' -- v '.....- -...... -.... ~ - 1",....1 Unit Cost Valuation Fee r/ Cash i:-/~Cifeck # ..:<t1 L ;- ".-- - Received' by. f."" ~A..A>_~ Water.:s~;p~ g:ft: '/ Propos e'd " Year Installed ...;.;;'. each each . $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $.......... $ $/"-:;:--7" t:;.::;- . - r ,-- -?p ~) ,. -/ ' -. - Subtotal TOTAL ,PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: Zone'~ A-t: R P Part. # s.., t-ron't" . ,...- s.., side Parcel #,-,-__ . ; i nt. . Parcel Size //-1 iJ. / ..... I r rear f \ Comments .5.. f;l f/2AJ..A..IAAU I?~.-I To be type'ct6n-p;;;it '7/J _ '/(/_//')<- ~ A? fiAA-N -"J'P ...,- r ;-- - .. - ,- - 'r/"- - - v - - By ,~,/-..-? __v __..;--=-- .:1f!-T~ ~ATER POLLUTION CONTROL' Date u- ?!6-~@ I - ,.- ,...,.. Installation specifications: gal, tank; ft. of drainfield; max. depth of t!'0nches: " . To be typed on pe~~it' (}rv, ~ pr-l- ~ C ~, .~ ~ ,,~ .~~,,-').\\-..,q. \M[:l ~{n~ tt,;>:t-~ L~ ~-~{QCeft".~ e.N> 0_.... I I te ,//:1,7 ('7? l~ . .-ll_n 0..... O...........,...-~ ._"""'. ,f/ Telephone siteI'"\,... __,.. .....h~.I ,,,. ... "..-1"'\ \...:v' I I~" .........0 ~-- By ~ Oi rect ions' to 'Sd.. '-" \ n.......r{ C/ SIFO C/'CP&I C/ WPC C/ Planning C/ Publ ic Works Plans to: CP&I W~C " set( s') s et '-~) .,~" . Oa te Required J:::/ /~ ~// ;;;" "/,, -- Hold Slip, to pee. Date Comp'J E~ ted' Da te to pee / ~/ Elevation / -/ n/a () Address I -/ Facil ity Permit - ~ / .Environmental Health ,; FOR INFom1ATION about progress of your appl ication call: PermitCon'trol Centet 637-HELP (687,4357) -= .. '" Ii)'; ., ..:: .. ...:.~.. :",,\-..,. . ; .' -.. '. .... ....:~ ..,.:r: '. -' 1:0".';., ......,;. ~. " \. .".',',.:. ..'...}_..... ".;' " ,.t.J.: .' .:....... ~-;>... . c; 'HOLD <',SLIP," lane COUh~Y' ,~ APPLICATION # f,~,...///;-!2.!-77 . t': ';I'.'~'~, ~" ". . . ~~ '1: /"\ (1/7-,,'._ " J. f /1//;/( /" (1'-- N'ame' Address Zip Code , The above application is being held by the Permit Processing Section for the f,ollowjng reaSons: .. , ' . d' d ,'",A~~/V~- tJ-~ ", /J#.:tG e>> . I Di vi s ion: " /) . Si gnature: ",_~ LA!'A41'~./ Date~'- ...;/'7;757' S~;;fr!-;J./1-71 ifHJA/ Cu S ADSM~' r~~y:~~.'" ,,~0 ~~~~~;; Division: . ~. Si gnature : Lf ~'2 7~lJ\ Date This application will be held until If the information -required above has not been furnished by that date your application'will be cancelled. , Fees paid for waste disposal systems (site inspections and/or applications to install' the septi c tank and drainfiel d) are nonrefundable. Some refund may be made on the building and plumbing portion of your application if cancellation is necessary. ':: In the event a Planning or some other long-term problem exists over which you have .,no control we will hold the permit until the problem is resolved and we receive word \from you as to whether to proceed with permit issuance o:r process a cancellation'. 'ft\ .'-; PERMIT PROCESSING SECTION ~ 687-4394 ..-" C74-139 . ? ~~:':..: .'..-.. ,~:.~ - .....\ I--~' - -~ r-~-'--- IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LANE-C~uNTY, UREGOK . . ~ .-.~..- - .~..",.~,: ,~ 1 ) LANE COUNTY ZONING AND LAND USE ) ORDINANCE NO. 687 ) ) ) ) ) IN THE MATTER OF REZONING CERT~IN LAND IN SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, W.M., FROM SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL (RA) DISTRICT TO RESIDENTIAL PROFESSIONAL (RP) DISTRICT (IC 78-105) The Board of County Commissioners of Lane County ordains as follows: Under authority of the applicable sections of ORS Chs 203 and 215 and Chs 10 and 12 of Lane Code, the land described in Exhibit II A" , attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby rezoned from Suburban Residential (RA) District to Residential Professional (RP) District. The property is generally depicted on the attached map. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance, being' enacted by the Board in the exercise of its police power for the purpose of meeting such emergency and for the immediate preservation of the public peace. heaHh, and safety, shall take effect immediately. Enacted this 12th day of July , 1978. J1 .' ;2 J:i .! //;/ .' . . I ",' .. . 1:"1 I ".( , /.- c:::::-:-T, '~/..V(VI ,;bf . ~ ,1 J(', r 71-- ' Chairman, Lane 'County Board df/Commissioners -C41J/~L~( ) 0 dvl~ / ~o~(ng secreta~for ~s Meetfng Uf the Board After public hearing on May 16, 1978, the rezoning cited in the hereinabove ordinance was not approved by the Lane County Planning Commission and is not reco~nended for enactment. " .! APPROVED AS TO FORM DATE (,//1/ r . \Y>' 0:> ,ty 0v1 1.1 ;".A .f(M (I//. ~Si OFFICE OF LEGAL COUNSEL ~\~~ -~-- Secretary, Lane County Planning Commission ~.~ ~ ~. ~ li: lti I , W}1i In the Matter of Rezoning Certain Land in Section 22 Township 17 South, Range 3 West, W.M. from Suburban Residential (RA) District to Residential Professi<:.!\:' j'Qf)) District IC 78-105 ORDINANCE NO. 687 FL/LC-2-8475-10 '- -- _. ... . iL..-& , ,...............~- .......t..-.. .- -- ,.'ii . , :. ~:.""" . '/1.," ,,!...:,,:,~J;