HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-5-7 ~'"':~:ADDR~SS_~' Bay4.D ._ BQa.f::=E:~~';g~"M4'(~~~i~'tiIN~;:A:O:~:ERUCTION PERMit # .. .... U)-~~~. 'p ",; . " . LAN~E' COUNTY DEPARTMENT 'OF 'ENViRO~MENTA.L;: l\ifA.NA(J'ElVn:~NT,125.EAST 8TH' A VENUEiEUGENE,.OHEGON.. 97401 TRS TL' 17..oo~nI>>4.4!L7600& 7801 .' . ". < .... Su.bdjvision:.... .' '., . . . .'.. ., ~ '.- ,.. . - . ., ._ ,..r . - , <" . , - . :,'~~ ,,:~ J{ , ,I, " . ~ .~~ C".: This perhiit for the referenced property is hereby ,,,,,~~!r.....'lr_L.' ...' Setqac:ks and 9therconditio~s 'of approval mustbe strictly observed: Violation can '. result in revocationpf this permit, cit<:ition under provisions of Lane, County's. I nfractio.n Ordinance, and/or'other: remedies allowed pylaw~ . ,".. -;. . ~ . '" . : .' , . . . . . . . ' .' " . ,'." . . . . ,,' . . ...:-., .. '. . .. , ',Appllcant/Address:' Don S1l.~ " . .....' .Owner/Address:'Geoqa Law....1..~.19Q B18d.\.~,'D.R.t '9.7401'," .: ': Contractor"! ACldress:Mel1:1But1das.10 Va Jl!,.....j.~... l1li-.:_ . '7401 . . ;<:. ~~ntrad0r's .OS#. 178300 " Total Cgnstruction V~lue:.. .$78.nGQ.~. ". , ~.~~:';;~..~;"....~ ......... ..',c..'" '~':." ..:~ .,:r.:.....:;-..;,.,!:..,>,,~.l>,.-........._,;.~..::I:'.:':. '-<;:"-~;I.". '. ,:....1".;... ~ ,~~'. ,;,:'. ~"c. h .'_Construction approVed py;this'permit::.' , ~~,~'~iJft"~~..~~';'~,:p12B;,c~ ODlY"", .' g;'~A' . -.' ,,:,', "Stft....l..~,d' ,.Ih':. ..~..~ 'V~ .houtJa~. ,~.' '; . ,,', .' ~,.~~,.~ ."~,'l;. '. , ~..._~.\."..-.,.,~.>.",(:....;;.~.....,..".._: ';'<r~' .:_.-- ",; '\.';_."~_" -.., '_~ '._. .", "'~":.""'" ,," '-"~",.:."~ ~,..1'.,:..,.3.:..,C..'.'...~,'.:~~.:'.:.,.:.;~:" '_.<.".'.~"', ,_'," .. ,~~~~.'.:''':-.'.,,'.'.'' " .....'i....,.,'.:..~. ., _.-- ." ':. ",' '"...:'1',.-, ~l';~,...YVaterSupply. 'PubUc . . :~.~,::' ~~; .)'t}\:';:..'~,:~~/,>. " . ;:#B~d~'o()tns: .:~.,:"':.;. Ply.m,bi~giixtures:,..' 0<..10 .:',#~mploy~e~:: ~.~f~:,:;:':/' ...., .;... .<F .' .:,~: ':":',',., . 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