HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-11-8 (2) 'j' -.. ~' ~, .;-,"'2.- ?-,:~ ~.f."Jbi3 ADDRESS:' ".UftaVdeflr3f'M~ %1~1 Spfde Or'~CU'i ,CONSTRUCTION PERMIT #,ft.C-3jS6~7Sl }. . ~.. ; TRS, TL: .1 ll'~03~22..4~.~ II 1'00/7103 , ~ubdivision:. . ".'. '," '...:.",,-P . .', . '." " . " " . ._,,'....7'~.:. ' .. ~ ""~i'''-'+'4S. " .".-......".. "This p~rmit' f6r'.~he,refer~nce~p~op~rty. is hereby llin ~J'./ill!~ . ",.Setbacks and~ther co~ditions of approval must '~e strictly ,observed;'~ \iTo'lation:can result m revocation. of this permit, citation under prcWlslons of Lane County's I nfractlon Ordinance, and/or other rl:lmedlesallo\i\led by law., . POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE \ '.... \ .. \ l~. . t , . . . . ,,,,Appf.icant!Address: 'f! .~, . . 'HIt. 11', U~~"I c?'Il' . . ;e-A/..b'iAl.. &'71;.,..-::") . "Owner/Address: thru.stune LeQ'"$~p ~.a;tlf.O. Q <OIllrG"0to ""Vfll;lll \/Ili"QgOO. ;Y/ol!, . C' .t. 't' /Add ~U"fe Lii'l$"$QlB ~ ~ ~f'QSS , . on rac or ress:, _. ~1..;. " ' , "If'.' . 'C~ntracto~'s ~.S. ~ ~~.~r? Total const;u~tiO?, Val~e: $78~OGf)..OO ~;, -:,', r:on~tructiop.,alrp~oved b,>-1.hisperr:nit:' t4edi'~1 'cffi~e lli3~h: ,,' '. ,'. "~' ".\,""~..".', ':.' .~ .."'.,"'" ", ,'::" 'StrwtuiGS '.~on .pt?Cperty,; v~ant .'~~. 'to '~;'r.~~~l.,t'O'ot~'D~;S':~~~ :.::ter Sup~[~;"':" ~'ll~~j"~~k~&;l;'flh~i!~i~ " "," .',' #3eqr'oorl},s:. "li" ,# PIUnlPing,:Fi~tLi'rk~:"l6~ .":~';~.~~~~'prdye~s: 'l" ";' ,\, " , , PLANNING DIVISION, Zoni,ng:' QIP ' 'Partihoni'rlg #alit. . Parcer#'.. ,. ,Par~el Size:oSae.res . Minimum re''luired struCtural seto?cks; from: centerline of road, front:606,; ce6terline ofroad, side ~xteriq\;~' ~a. ,;interior~ropertvlines:: ifipf;rearproperty line: 10'.: , . . . .' .< '\ Special Instructions: lC-7$"'i05: a~pr~dM tG fW(pia~ek~h1p,!wl@Msly II LC....US1.19 SH1''''1S'''H~j OKpeFf~' , NAT"; '. (, ' . 'F. For information call687-4394, ',; ImJ:U"AJ ' . . , ,::~ . T e'ephone:12'",;lS6tV74i"'1226~ Telephone: .... .'. "'Ct .. . . Tel.ephone:.' "~ . , "t... J" . :;~ 1~. ;1:,: iii" ~: ;.',.. ~t;. , ~~. ! . , . r., " . ,. . I WATER POL.LUTIONSitelnspection #. fl.a ".I,nstallatior;1 specifications: 00 CONTROL DIVISION, . ~~ lineal feet of dralnfield required; max. depth of trenches: na ,Speci,a!:ln~truc;,ti-?ns: · COO3tfjCt' to: .syat~' per WP,I/ 21 J"'~~ ~J';t&ifD . ' , ',- " Sl)S ',&~d~"aH ,~tAiO~. .,' , '. ..' ; ',. " ~ ~~tbacks ..,.,.,.<Septi<;:'Tank. Qrainfield' ,:=",:':"':<,~,~, '. ": p'. 'Jt~~;,riQr. prpP~~J'l!'iri~~::~~, :';'~:JD::,,; >', ...' ':10j:; <:,;~~?:,::~::\,::;" " . .' ,:':" . , \"l>g~toJ rood n~ht-ot~V\(gy.~""'.lO. . 2 10". .,;;.;: ," 1, '. ,,' 't't3ijilaihg~fqlJ:n9~tlQji,;;;i.':.:;~;:" ";5:: ",\>:}' 10" '."~,..~\'"!<",, , " ,~.. '" ..,' . ,,' ',. .' . :;'. \Dlells,o"the~'yvatersource'i.', 50~.' 100'. ,For tn;:ormatiol"lc'all.llt~."..:'lMll~'<l. between 8:00 - 9:00;a.m"E!'~\li>h ~~~. -. - . '. . - . ..'- '"' '..-.... _ _ ,. _ _ ..... ~, . ::.. en_ __ ';'_ gal. mi~. septic tank capacity;, setbDCk$baiWDen (- f ( , 1.: ,.;: '" ,: ~~~' ~j.' . ,. CONSTR'U~TtON PE R MI TS/INSPE CTI 0 N. Q'VISION,' . Type Of" Construction: voo@. !nstructlons: Dr.owsU' fl' Y-o ~ .' .. ,.. Group:' 9-~i Fire Zone:, 3 ;:Usq.Classificatian: '.'''.;";,,-. fWtoo i .:~ffl~/tl 'I rilh: . 1:-:'..1:~" l' ,'. . ,For plans infqrmation call ,681-'3167' between 8:00 a.l)1. .?hd9:00 a,m., J1m tamb For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687.4065 between 8:00 a.m. and'.5:00 p.m. i.. \\..,~ 'f, '.. ..~ " f\.;.. ~~ \~ : - " Directions to Site: Ceme? of laura St aad I:lavd-e>> ai'id~6 ~1ay... . ,t ~ne county Date Issued: ll"~~-1' , . , , . DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT' . ;Sy: ~.'II'e' Wb&teilky COURTHOUSE! PUBLIC. SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 . ~ , ,l' C5J>;.}2 - , , .~ " I !'i('il' ' ,1"- ' " ~. ,,:-, . \!iv.:f},! SLAB FLOO~ ., RLUMBING 'GROUNDWORK . ...~~ . App~ovt6 / '/ DISAPPROVED / / DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS: , .r. ,,' ,GAS P1PrNG ,GROtJt'J[},.JO~K ;i<" ",v , , ' ApPROVED. 1 l~ DISAPPRO~ED I~ / DATE f 4- . _' . INSPECTOR REMARKS J"', .:"."~1..~t' , i. ,:. "'.," ROUGH PLUMBING ApPROVED / ~l DISA'PPROVED / / .DATEI:;} -cJ? :.?~SPECTbR ~ 'I .... . . REMARKS ~4:,,~"'J'~AJlti:ii- <!-~, );;;}_:,/,-"?~' .41J.,. ~~ /,;J.. eJ.(;,-r7Yfii- ROUGH GAS PIPING ;~ ApPROVED l '/ 01 SA'PPROVED /, / DATr.:' INSPECTOR. R,EMARKS FI NAL PLUf-.1B t NG ApPROVED .., IYI DISAPPROVED.I / DAT.E '''7''--~-;>J INSPECTOR ,q;JJ- ': . ') . . '. / l._y-:..::~;..1. ,~~ -,b8I<!i!' --t; .~+'7,~.<< - ~ $:-c;J- d ~ 0- 6 ~-;'n 5/-, !-~~H:- RE~fARKS FINAL GAS f!PING ApPROVED / / DISA~PROVED j / DATE INSPECTOR. REMARKS CERH"F I.CATE OF OCCUPANCY " ,~ READY To'lsSUE I I NOT READY TO I,S'SUE I I DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS '.,