HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-6-4 . .\ POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADDRESS' 26 Hayden Bridge Way, Springfield, Oregon CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC-1424-79 TRS, TL: 17-03-22-4.4 /I 4601 Subdivision: na This permit for the referenced property is hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's I nfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/ Address: Owner/ Address, Contractor/ Address: Contractor's OS # Richard N. Brown, 26 Hayden Bridge Road, Springfield, Oregon 97477 **** same as applicant 1 1 Total Construction Value: 1 Telephone: Telephone' Telephone: 746-5871 1 1 r:onstruction approved by this permit: Water Supply, Public PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks erior property lines ....ge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: Ag building @ 10' x 40", hay and 1 horse. Structures now on property: house and carport. # Bedrooms: na # Plumbing Fixtures: # Employees, na na Zoning: RA Partitioning # na Parcel # na Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: ** side extenor' na ; interior property lines: 5' ;rear property line: 5' Special Instructions ** Front setback is rear ~ of property. Parcel Size ; centerline of road, 3/4 acre For Information call 687-4394, Susan Keller Site Inspection # na Installation specifications: na gal. min. septic tank capacity, na lineal feet of dralnfleld required; max. depth of trenches. na Special Instructions: Reserve a replacement area for the existing drainfield. Do not drive over drainfie1d. Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call 687-3962between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Greg Gray. R.S. Type of Construction: Ag Group: M-3 Fire Zone 3 Use Classification: Ag Instructions: NOTE: J!uumJATION INSPECTION Call for a foundation inspection to verify location of proposed strucure on the site. Location of the structure shall comply with setbacks as noted on permit. This structure may be used for agricultural purposes only, a change of use will require a new building permit. For plans information call 687-3767 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Jim Lamb For Inspections (see back of this permit) call '687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. the on Harlow 1 block bne county - " ~ ~ Issued: ~ " East end of Beltline, right on Game Farm Road, up to harlow Road, left left hand side, White and green 2- story home. By: JSS/lky 06-04-79 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING _ _.125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 \ ~,~ ~ . ( " DEPARHlENT OF ENVIRONHEiHAL r1MAGE:~ErH' PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 "" ) " ......- -" AppllcatlOn for '~.P,.;!.~A .. Structures now on the property -~ Proposed use of property ~I Resldentlal Lot 'f'APd ;:WI) NJII o;/!f' AAJit'f(2 , f &.) fX~ I Block APP11catlo~~ff ~ tc' -- / '-I:t-V-~r. i ();:1~ " As s 1 gned Numbers : . I I I I Job Address .,t~ #c1v4(l~1 flt't.dt12_ U.....1'v Townsh1p, Range, Sectlon, Tax Lot ~! "7 ,,\' f) '.L ~ M Subd1v1slon C1ty 0- f /l /P / tY (j /7"" / cI' CI Commerclal CI Industrlal ~I PubllC Affldavlt. I, Jtu:.tJ~l>d !llI..//",JIJro...A/ , hereby certlfy that thlS lnformatlOn 1S true and accurate (prease pnnt) If th1S appllcatlOn lS for an agrlcultural bUlldlng It 1'1111 be used for purposes"allowed by the State BU1ldlng Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zon1ng) and for no other purpose I have the followlng 'legal lnterest 1n the property. V owner of record, contract purchaser, lessee, holder of an e'xclusl've optlon to purchase, duly authorlzed to act for the owner, who lS knowledgeable of thlS appllcatlon Slgnature/Address ~RA:", L? /};, A~--"......... )l..<< 1k"Jl.r"~J\.>""/ A~" Vl/L!-? ~A~~~{/ (zlpl tJ.'7477 . , . .. .. "- - . . . .. tY v v "tV' c-o::" . Telephone ?g.<.4:-.t";r"J/ or Date .4"'-';1.)- '79 -"" .,,~ - - -' When penTIlt 1S ready notlfy I:!'I Appllcant ~I Owner CI Contractor Qy. f;!'J,mall ~I phone Owner R'iPn...,pd,/J/",!?P>J'JJMJUl.I (ZlP) Phone '~~""5"J~'1 Contractor (ZlP) Phone Contractor's OSR# Plumblng by DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE If Commerclal # of storles Resldentlal: p of bedrooms SI test holes ready # of employees # of Unlts SDS. ~~Exlstlng, BP # I~I Proposed, SI # Fee Code DeSCrlptlOn Sq Ft, or # of Sltes Unlt Coc;t ValuatlOn Fee rl Cash /i;.r1hec k # .., E / t1, '7 Recelved b~./~ / ~~A~~ Total ValuatlOn' $ Plumblng flxtures at $ Sewer/water conn, at $ i I V .' \, each each $ $/ d, pC) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $10, 0-0 u~ I J::3/~LL'J I /17)( '-I/J 4, t1'.~' -J-hiu g..,..: / ~ . if . Subtota 1 Water Supply Proposed Year Installed EX1Stlng 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy ..\'q, , ... ; , I '-'1.\ , TOTAL ').,t Zone R A- Pa rt. # 11. ,.Jront~...-;;1A../ f'z 0-;;( %A7AJ./J.A fA:., (/ Comments :' t1' . ' To be typed on permltg/24h'iJ~../ ~ ft' /cn./Y4'A 1l..__....y~....I u7f ~/YIUt4t. 'I.A..L- 6V I ~"'7~./ /6-,/U-"L /I ,9;~h/1A./ ..R ../ By AAI~.....tJl.-.-tA"" Da k' L~- ,;;J. I -7 '1 WATER POLLUTION t&NTROL ? . . M1nlmum setbacks 11., s lde , lnt, Parce]~'1ze ~/f' flCJ S/~ v' , rear ..5"'"" PERMIT PROCESSING Parcel # Installatlon speclflcatlons To"be L~, ./.,R) u D1rectlons to slte Cfl\";;,....,.- \<n ... " I Plans to CP&I WPC \ L\ rO'itA gal tank, ft. of Jira1nfleld, max. depth of trenches permlt PoA!U.,v-L.- ~ .4p~8<.~~~ L. ~ ~ ~-'~ :~J)-"i;;J;.,l~"1 ., '0-- r .,;;-,/ ,,,-,,e:: ! /~/ /",! -/ -"". I r I' Telephone By 'M~ _ I Da;.e... s;..)..i. 7 r 7.AJ Y) Or ~ he......- L I "l E: ., '~-c rk1 00 (";AAA e ( j 1-:/ r10 I,....rA~C/.) (2.-:;: L5-,P-( 6)1\ \ set(s( , set(s) t;:t CI SIFO - ./ ~rCP&I IJ;.I""~C CI Plann1ng CI Publ1C Works CI Elevat10n Date Requlred Hold Sllp to pec ~,aL.00 \ " 'te . Da te to Completed PCC ~J~q I '-' , r13/ I -, j}tl n/a CI Address CI Fac 111 ty Perm1 t I~I Env1ronmental Health \ l~o c.. l::: J L-c IF...r' }i-A rJ I? 5, 0 l:. <~Ole"'Y ne~?'- FOR INFOm~TgON about progress of your appl1cat10n call W)A'(~t '-4 G~?-~,.J 2-. Perm1t Control Center 687,HELP (687-4357) ~ ~I Name ~ Application It l~dJ/- 79 'p~ for WORK SHEET Construction Permits & Inspection IX 0 Type of Construction M- ~ Group 23 Fire Zone /X~ Use Classification jJ(){6: b;;f{~u~k 0Q?~ O~ 1'lX8 ftQf fl/A.fJ -1'Orflt6 0UIL17lrllq -t:td~-S'P(~(:1(),R'~ (1lZ~~~.J 1/eRMI1 (./o?~. ..DLBF 'T'YPED ON PErolIT: Un1~: ~t/(O~LJJJ.j01u11QJ)- ~ jY vOUJJ2k11QJJ U\)c~?G01(O^) /f0 v@t}Ll,O(/MiQrd ot1Jk~ .1ZRaf(?~~V ,~{'Rl)C1U1? t ()N "fjd1~_/) \16.. vOuk1/O^) o~ 1Jdt' ,5{'R()(1U R t ~kl'klLL, voMjI-1S \!J1ilX ~~W12;ru16 .kfJ tJ(Y(fjV 0,,-1 ?G RM ),1: -ilt/6 ,j-lR I)C{QRr?M.k~ 11~ U'J~rJ fo1L_~u()L1l2jiJ(v '90<<170")66 O~) l/~, [x rAt tr tJ G) 6 D)/ uh 8 l~)\ IA/ t\~Q\) \iZ(: ,A Jj 0 W B\}\L,17I~\(1 'VttZ~ \1. Date ~- -~/- 2!l 74-164 d~/ .', 7 ~Zure ~~ (~/' '/ /f~-/ /~ddre;s J;.& /f,A'IdulI Bp.e-~..L LV.1'{ /OWI'l'!iMP; R~ng~t StlCtiC-Ot Tax l.ot !!;. "J '2.. LJ '-! $ubdivHHm DEPARTt1ENT OF ENVIRONr~ENTAL r1ANAGE:~ENT PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ~ City )~.f' .l-MQ .n-e/ d" ----r ' . #' Appl iC<lt-l-ol'l # tC -- / lf2,t.t-.l'1 f?)It~ I{ ASS-l'ljl'led Nt..m;"",.s. AppllcatlOn for <iYO'cl.f~ .<?Jed ,;,.,. /I..l't r Structures now on the property flNfpO$ad: U$~ o-f prope-rty~ /l'f Re-sidentja.1 Affldavlt I, /(1c.l~Jtq:.. Nr-BJtowl<( (plei1;se: print.) If thlS appllcatlon lS for an agrlcultural bUlldlng lt wlll be used for purposes allowed by the State BUlldlng Code and Lane_ C~nty Code Cnapter 10 (zonlng) and for no other purpose. I have the followlng legal lnterest ln the property. ~ owne~ of record, contract purchaser, lessee, holder of an excluslve optlon to purchase; duly authorlzed to a~t for the owner, who lS knowledgeable of thlS appllcatlon. , _ Slgnature/Address -I?~.P /;;; /J.,4~~A .~'Y~~ .tf~.L~ ~+d (ZlP) tJf7'-177 Telephone '7'tb-~<F7J or _ Date 1)-".21- 79 When perffilt lS ready notify. /~APpll'c;nt - C/ Owner C/ 'Contractor Qy: /~ mall C/ phon~ Owner RJeJuz,..ti. Alrl?/l~J..LNJ (ZlP) Phone ?y{; - 5' F7/ Contractor (ZlP) Phone Lot h 1'>1- g e . 'I ~o / Bltltk C/ Ci.i~,.\j.., .::1al C/ IMustt'ia1 C/ llQbi it' , hereby certlfy that thlS lnformatlon lS true and accurate. Contractor's OSR# Plumblng by If Commercla]' I of s~~i~. . Resldentlal' H of bed\~ SI test holes ready DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # of employees iI of untts SDS; ~xlstlng, BP # I~I Proposed, SI # . Fee COd-e Oescdpttnn Sq. tt. OJ' # of Sitts Unit .cost ValuatlOn Fee TOTAL $ $/(.1, t70 $ $ $ each $ each $ $ $ '$ $ $/0. t:H:? ~I r~, /1J)('-IfJ ~ t;t-4J ~ C7 rl C,sh i~~k #. ",.3/~? ~celved bY~~~ ~.'./ Total Valuatlon. $ Pl~in, fi~ture$ at $ $eWer/water ~on~. at $ Subtotal Water Supply Proposed Year Ins ta 11 ed EXlstlng 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy zone'p A- Part. # Parcel # Parcel SlZf:! o/f' 1/-" ~' ront~ 'l"z iJ;(' , 'i., slde , lnt...s-~ ;' rear- ...s-.;' \.. L- l/ . :%1~/?A_...!'''''' ,_ Comments t; To be typed on/ermlt 81M.MJ" ./ #-tL1l-1-l~...-e--~~/(.J ~ ~~/J?'Ut.4I- ~ 6t? *~ ,~Ih<~A'...?BY AU~ Dat~ ,S--;;l/-7q CP&I Type r" Group Flre Zone Use Classlflcatlon To be typed on permlt PERMIT PROCESSING Mlnlmum setbacks ~ u~~ A . ~_~f) -r By ~ ~ -~ "'/1 Date :;--~f-?'7 -For plans lnformatlon call (area lnspector) 0 r /' /f ,Phone () ~ I Dl ):.ect lOns to s 1 te ~I\~ z.v n 01- ,~~"""-.t.--I lId E:) ~r, ! A-""l (, 60 GAAA.. e. \-~AA_ Rp; U10 no l-1'~o/ ,I (20. '~p..f 0)1\\ ~l-00 \ I-/SIFO Plans to CP&I set(s( . Date Hold Sllp '~te - ~ Date to - WPC set(s) Requlred to PCC Completed PCC ~I I~C CI Pl ann] ng CI Pub11C Works I~I E1evatlon ~n/a C/ Address I~I FaClllty Permlt Z--/ Envlronmental Health -$l-,~Cj \ ~ C LC } L'CF ~ It A-l\J 9 51 0 2:.- ~le"7 (.:!4!\~ . FOR INFORt-1ATIO about progress of your, appllcatlOn- call C74-171 -lJJ(t('l~ '--4 Gv.z-r~J Z Permlt Control Center 687,HELP (687~4357) '-- , '-- , ,. ~ lJ APPLICANT BROWN, R[CHARD N SUBDIVISION NEW BLDG TYPE NR USE R NO DDRMS 00 NO UNITS CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ fT E{P BP SF' I~P SF' BF' DATE 05217t:1 142479 lAtLOr 1703224404601 LOT BLl< 001 NO STORIES NO BLDGS 001 UNIT COST VALUATION FE~ DAYS 1 , - --~ ." ~ PL NO. r-- LX'Y URES ' NO. CONNE.CTOf~S . 4.00 Er~CH ". MECH tiECHAN1CfltL FfE: SUI~: ~T{~ n:: SURCHAr~G[ 4% PCK f"L(=tN CHECK FEE 0% EtP LC 14247Y A(;'l 14 X I}O SIFO CPL WPC PLAN ELEV ADDR FP COMf~LE'TED HY ENVH rcn AL FEE*~ 0 10.00 0 0 ~) 0 (;) I? 0 1'1 10 10.00 Cl< ~I ; " ~'~ " , l TRS, 'XL. Plat Plan Subdivision Lot ~ 2.2. '" J..[ Block V~t>1 ..-./ tJ f3.err J.-tNv ~51 t/lt - ~ --- ' -, ,~ ~ l h~\ " ""~ t \ ~\~ ~' ~ ~ "I, fJN ~Q11 "t7.f1~ vfj r lY;.p .,.... ~ ~ ~ Vic;inity Map "'\ I- ,;;r ~74-150 Job Location Permit il Permit if Permit if / / , , / /' ! I ~/,/' ./ , /' / " I (, {I ., I ., I: '\ \. \\ " " \ \ \ ", '" ~-;:::---- J ~'- .... . ~ Id I , ' .. ~- 1 ........ -- - ---- ____i- L" ~ ,- ~ ~ l)j ~ ~ ~ ... ~ \ --. (Address) It!: Jh'td~d For For For ._i _ --__ ........" '''-.'' ,/~ \, tf/l/ 4?- , 9,,#/'/N"'1h/d' For For For 14' /,-t 'If I Permit il Permit il Permit if " --' '-. "-.. " " ! ! ll' 6 I 11 ~ ~'~ I '~~.j~ ~o --f L tt; '^ '1& ( .... '.01-1 ::t / ---- -,--~ - -- ~~' '-_. 1br .\ lfv'1e- --, -- - /;e /If C.e.- ~ '~.' ~ r ~~ /' ZCP / ~ \l \ ~ J ~ i"Z "" \:::-. I ____ ' ~~..~ . . t~~q~ ~ y i7" '" ~ ';"' l .....- f( !. 'i> <'--D ' " I)- /9~/ \ } l?/71 716;P1"'fl w~tkefl Or.e9cPA/ \~l _\ ( . \ ,....- ,.-- - ---- ..-- :c\ ----- , ----\ ---- 01 r-. : r~ : \ ....