HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-6-3 /"7 ;. -0'3 ~ 2- z. '-I. i/ Z I ~ / Wo. Stove Permi~pplicatiori A l'ERMfT CANNOT BE AP'PROVED UNTIL A COpy OF THE MANUFM::URER I S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS IS SUBMITTED to ~-1103 7bv , * NAMEJY\\LtH:LL~ P ~Llnrl.flr5 PHONE14-::}-I02.1 (h'l ~~/f- * ADDRESS FOR INSTALLATIO~Pin Hi<4[rlCh \5R. I.tlo~ CITY'S~In"".(;elcf ~~~J ~ * NAME OF 'NUFACTURER&\\\~-d. LUAPd Ac:;S'oc.. MODEL ~ ~=~...::t:.l :: -:=::=:-== * INSTA~LERt\lY\~\PLm~ - Ll>..AP A<)~c, -:tnc. . ORS ~O..v{/FCTO/..;":u. i r'LI ':: 1 I . CIRCLE THE SKETCH t~OST : ~. r.J:=l ',- CLOSELY RESEMBLING YOUR PROPOSAL t~] ~~~~\J' \ * A. The Unlt is llsted by: DUL IKlICBO DOther (name) 1=-.=-,:::....'- L--:>~ ~J''' (Materlal) ';"-"J' """"I?DICf..-' .../ B. The floor protectlon lS I -?''O lnches thlck. L...J '''> '" '" (' J I ~;ge:::.. 0 ERIC k (llned? c=Jyes ~o) 'I -- , ane . ounty CONSTRUCTI ON: C. (Material) I$fl Masonry * D. The wall protectlon wlll be' Type of chimney: ~ Factory D Other Type of stove pl pe ": IKI Factory (vent connector) D 26ga (or heavler) galv. sht. mtl E. JIMENSIONS: (in inches) ::~. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. " ~" Slde of unit to protected wall 23 (unprotected wall Z ) II' 3 " Rear of Unlt to protected wall /0 (unprotected wall Z ) 8'1 8" 1/ II Floor protectIon at slde of unIt at rear, ln, front lC' Length of wall protect1on at rear of unlt~~ at ~ide c:.4~ Height of wall protectiorl Edge of wall protectIon to nearest door or wIndow /11 7. Air space between wall protection and wall /' // 8. Oi ameter of chimney an'd stove pl pe (vent connector> l.O NOTES: :" , ./~: ~, , " (1) Outslde cambustlon alr l.._reQl~lred for alJ~ueJ ~urnln-.9_'n!;tc111~tlons A 7 Sq lnch (mln area)lclosable vent loc ated w,th,n 24','of the f,replace or appllance on the floor or base of a wall (2) A copy of the approved manufacturer's lnstallatlOn lnstructlons must be on Job slte at the tlme of lnspectlon In- spectlOn cannot be made wlth out these lnstructlOns (3) The 'Approved' plan/appllcatlOn shall be kept on the job slte for use at the t1me of lnspectlon (4) Not all unlts are approved for corner lnstallatlOns or reduced clearances wlth wall protectlon (Refer to manufac- turer's listln.!!) (5) Ii masonry chlmnev 1S to be used, It must bellned (Requlred by Law) EXlsf,ng-flues must De approved by'lnspector Prlor, t9, use~ J.Ou must .DrOY1>iP"illlli fur W ,"soector ' '__ " . (6) IT flreplace lnsert " to be ,nstalled, Verlf,cat,on OT wall hea!!er locat,on ln relatlonshlD Ito breast of flreplace 1S requlred by law (7) Fireplace inserts are not permltted In factory-bullt or pretabrlCated-metal "0" clearance flreplaces. unless speclflcally tested and llsted (8) Flreplace inserts are not permltted in masonry flreplaces wlth existlng heat form type metal flreboxes unless speclflcally tested and listed. (g) Unlisted umts shall be lnstalled in accord with the State Mechanlcal Code. utlllzlng the materials and clearances set forth In Chapter 5 f' " ..... .. C-14-32 By _ ~!l.RflVED AS NOTED Da tp & - '"3 - 8& PERMIT # /08s:-- aCe :E2~MJJ'~ -". , ~ ~ '.. ~ ~ - '. .:' , ~ ., '- , " ~ ~===~ ---"" t= :: .' i 1\\ L_ , I ~\ l --l ' L-- '- -, ,t) I l I I :V../ 1 I . \l. :-rr L:EJ '\.~ , ' ~ \-1 ,,~. IJ IJ ,- , '. I~ L=-. =- = -- t f_~-'---:'-I+ ~-~~ r:r::=:: :: [I :t:. -i LI n f -"""""\ L' . (I I L1 :..: J . ..~J II r"" -.... -t' ~ G:J -~ I .t \ " .v \J 1 \ '=- -:. :"'- \ !==-,==--',~'==='-ld r~I'~ ~lJ~~;~ALLATION DIFFERS ~ FROM THESE EXAMPLES OR IF THE INSTALLATION IS A FIREPLACE INSERT, PROVIDE A PLAN AND ELEVATION DRAWING WITH DIMEN S IONS OF YOUR PROPOSAL. \. " 'c (J /, _t M I ~~,-bJl 3' .~ ~ , ,~ I i----~~ -:~~1\~ : ,-=i_' -::--=J l\ 1 l- ....J... 1 , I I ~l ~ I I ~ ~ ~. -'I' / G:J \\: L .. ~ IJ ~ \\ j ~:=-. =-';- .-.-4~ . ~AND MANAGEMENT DIV. / PUBLIC WORKS D~PT. / 125 E. 8th Ave., Eug. OR 97401 (503)687-4061