HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-1-24 t ; '.." ~ "JOB 'ADDRESS TRS, TL POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE ('''7 367 Hayden Br~dge Hayv.' Spfd, Oregon CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # 17-03-26.2.1 # 3300 SubdiVISion na tcl ~21-80 "Ov This permit for the referenced property IS hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed Violation can result In revocation of this permit, citation under provIsions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law Appllcant/ Address Owner/ Address Contractor/ Address Contractor's OS # Jerry Carlin, 1266 North 7th Spfd, Oregon 97477 Ralph Hunley, same as Job address same as applicant 000024600 Total Construction Value $31,631.00 Telephone f~ 1.. 59,7 Telephone Telephone / ' "'-.Instruction approved by this permit Water Supply PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION- tbacks Interior property fines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation , Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PE RM ITS/I NSPECTION DIVISION Rainbow Add family room (bath add) @ 576 sq ft; enlarge bedroom @ 180 sq it; garage @ 528 sq ft and covered porch @ 84 sq ft; Structures now on property: dwell~ng and carport # Bedrooms 3 # Plumbing Fixtures 5 # Employees na Zoning RA Partitioning # Minimum required structural setbacks, from side exterior na, interior property lines Special Instructions none na Parcel # centerline of road, front 5' ,rear property line na Parcel Size 45', centerline of road, 5' For information call 687.4394, Carol 113 x 385 Site Inspection # na Installation specifications na gal mln septic tank capacity, -naluleal-feet of-dYalnffeldreqUlreo,-max depth of tfeHlcnes-fia.=- ~=# ~~ -~ ~-~~=~~ ~~ ~=~~ SpeCial Instructions .J.vlainta~n setbacks between SDS and all construction. Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Dralnfleld 10' 10' 10' 100' 687-3953between 8 00.9 00 am, For information call Ruth Bryant Type of Construction 5-N Group R-3 Fire Zone 3 Use ClaSSification Instructions See reverse side of perm~t for requ~red called ~nspect~ons. 01-24-80 For plans information call 687-3767 between 8 00 a m and 9 00 am, Jim Lamb For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8 00 a m and 5 00 p m Directions to Site 367 Hayden Br~dge Way, Harlow Road, Spfd, Oregon DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By Roger L. HcGuclun/lky ) Date Issued C55.13 8FD/ADD bne county @ / , '1 I, \ 1 'r . f , ~ ..::i ~"l j It IJ U ... ---r (. ," \ ~ ' r r' , :: !J j 1~jDO DATC 011680 -/HI, SF'FD. 9/477 l ur [lL!( , 11" J " NO UNlr~ 001 NU S10RIE~ 1 NO PLDGS 001 iW rf UNt! ~UST VnLUArlON rE~ DAY~ ~76 J~.7~ 20304 180 ~5.~5 ~J45 8~ 3_:0 j10 '')26 ~l. 05 4672 LrlNF. rOUN fY DFf"T rt-1v r4C I r-:r Cl: r .'j tirJr'llLANT C('J!-<l IN . JF~(r\:YOIUNIXY' {~11)[)1\ i~(A, N. 'I jl rtrL II: i ('Oj26:~ 1 O.~JOO SU~{\ r V ,~ , NEW ~LDG TYPE U~l k NO ~URMJ 03 t;nDE APF-'I NO AC {lON DCSCr-<TPT I UN DP rAMJLYRM AnD ~F' rNLA~~l BLDRUOM 'ElF' Lovr PL D f'tH:CH Il!-' GAI~A(;E RF' r Ii"' ni-' r't. t1i: 0 I l! U ~;ur..: '-'CK L r; 1.?1110 kE:l-'R Nfl. ,- LX TlHd: S NO. cm~i'n:;:c rOI"(8 MH"I-ltIN r CfH r- Et S fA rr SUf,C!-IAI"':(,t f'Lt,N rHFCI< r rc, 5 \' lr- 0 CPl wee I'LAN r- L1: v f-1DIm t f' 1 td( CN BY Cf'llJ cm1r'U:ll:::p ftY Hi-tL ,r: 'I' J . ~ J ;....r.......- ,'" !' . '" , .31631 1 3:-:) ~ ot) => U; , ()O [~~r,,11 ..:: 2'5.00 4"/ ..:) <\ \~:) !! 1111 ,.. .' . r..~oiz: 7'7' . (/0 (' () () (' \} (l (' ENVH 1 en fi L I--[[)I)( ;'43. .52 CK ".C, .- /- , J~ \ 1\ I )~, ~^ I r ~ I. U ,,/ I" e~( ~t - ~- L," L _ /.. .--'t.1 1_ ,t' '- ~ , , ~\'f\ \\\~ Job Add";' "3 (, 7 )fA] veN KI'~' tJ~. c-.ty~;".r f >/-',-c U' rcwMMp~ R$0ge" SElCh;m;. la,l( l:ot I 7 - 0 ~- 0t-,. ~~~O $ub4iviHon l 0 _ Lot ~ltlck . Appllcatlon for~:r .:--.... ,"1r ? ~.::-bj (9&,..-l"ve""..S) R.Q~b )~oo.d}_f1~ Structures now on the property ~I';f 1"-2 - {Ct~:~"! ~&tf-e 4,~ Ccu/"'" _ ProP()$e4' us~ of prope-rty ~ ~Re-I,> ld~'lit}a 1 L I CtllMlerda T L I Industria: 1 L I fl:ub l k Affldavlt I, j ~~R.V\ Cc"-~\ ~rv , hereby certlfy that thlS lnformatlon lS true and accurate -\ (ple~s~ p;rint) If thlS appllcatlon lS for an agrlcultural bUlldlng lt wlll be used for purposes allowed by the State BUlldlng Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zonlng) and for no other purpose I have the followlng legal lnterest In the property _ owner of record, contract purchaser, lessee, holder of an excluslVe optlOn to purchase, ,/ duly authorlZed..:o act fib the. o'1Je'!., who 1S knowledgeable of th,ls~pllcatlOn j' . Slgnature/Address i//~AL::... I:J (" IA N.)-7< ~fi" ,(tJ J r.~'6'lc . (!J~e. (ZlP) c; 7t1 ) 7 Tit<ephone ? 't 7-5'c;?i or ~ate .T~t'v, /h - (a, f"o When permlt lS rea y notlfy <<Appllcant CI Owner ~ontractor ~ CI mall ~ phone Owner 1etLl p l.-. ~ 01. ""(-<, ~ "7 HA-, ~N g :"'6&.'l. eAJA--l (ZlP) 9 ')C,()"7 Phone'tf7-6,1 b I Contractor ::r....JV~ rr;t",;),'.'" CorJsJ/ ).)(....i. N. 1-""SP' (zlP)~?l('71 r Phone2-4-7~_<' C; 7L Contractor's OSR# i.)..t2J:::J.I'1d 4-1coO Plumb1ng by -:JAc/< I:!J/A"J/-e-l P (Vf'lll't ["tV~ DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE If Commerc la 1 ff of $wri$l # of employees # of ~nits ./ Resldentlal * o-f be-d.......... _~ ~AcRcR;'h ll'^et...f) Sas: l,VExlstlng, BP # ~~ SI test holes read~ I~I Proposed, SI # DFPARThENT OF ENVIRONr1ENTAL r1ANAGEMENT PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 Apph;:at1tll'l D 8 L0.~ if.\""7 0 A~$'9Red Numb~r$ Fe~ Cod~ Oe$Crilltion $14. Ft. or l,f" i t # 01 Si~s. Ccl$t Valuat10n Fee d~- $ '?l~~.tQ $ $ .~~ ~~5 $ a a 0 $ $ 5 ft1.ing: 1bt~re$ at $ '8>.(JO each $ Sewer/water con4. at $ each $ Subtotal $ 4% State surcharge $ Plans check fee $ Change of Occupancy $ TOTAL $ Z~3Z AOp r=-AMlL'-Jr?,,^--(~ad.d.) r:r~ \1A e.c-?~ ~ "?-.o e61M.... / hAI7AC.,5 '0 ( ~ PO\'"C.L rl C~sh - . CI C~~d, 1# Rece1ved by ~, ~,b~ 'nrrs'tlng ~ Water Supply Proposed Year Installed PERMIT PROCESSING Zone R-A Part # Parcel # Pa rce 1 Slze 113')1. 385 M1n1mum setbacks <t, front 4FJ1 , <t, slde , lnt ~J , rear y./ ...., Comments To be typed on perm1t ,........ d:; J-Y~~()O By l 0/'\ at j CP&I Type 'f7^-) Group ~~ Flre Zone ~ Use C1asslflcatlon ~~)i To be typed on permlt For plans 1nformat1on call Dlrect10ns to slte ~0 7 (area ln~pector) H-t'I '1 J ~ "" ~ Jt : of ~~ ~ f} r) -501/'" :JjJA.....{q: , CP&I set(s) r \J Date WPC set(s) RequHed .--J ;: _ By _K; Ii{ ~ Jf~"": Date ~one 1-1-.:>1;- J IJ(..J R nOtcR . I /.-'2/-130 I-I SIFO Plans to /~I Ij:('WPC CI P1 annl ng CI Publ1C Works CI E1evatlOn CI n/a CI Address I~I Facll1ty Perm1t L-/ Env1ronmental Health Hold Sllp to PCC Date Completed Da te to PCC , , FOR INFOR~~TION about progress of'your app1lcatlon call C74-171 Permlt Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) '~ " :, Dr DD?TIIENT OF ENV I Ror1:~EIHAL ~1ANAGEi~ENT I PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OPEGON 97401 " AppllcatlOn ~Q ~ l(\ -- l~\ -~t}{J Job Address ~ 0-7 li~! beN Kt ~e t;J;'/tj r Clty ~Ii/'Jf {~r;/ ',JWf" h ?c:ngt;., Sect'u'l, lay Lot '/'- (/()~_V e(;..,. 2...\ ~~ I JollJrl1vl'l _,n l. _ Lot Block I,. Appllcatlon for ~. -~_'\-d.-?-.f~..,!.,t!:= ~'~.J (Ot.-hv......S \ Ro.Jrn(l'io_L)~ od.\dLI':+~~"Y'\ Scructures now on tne property ..s:':/V(> j..p - ,fcpq,I./ ffpt-rJ-e 4^'0 C,,( ,r~r I ,-\,,-.: .l V - -.} -' Llu~osed use o' property /~/,Res'dentlal L/ LomrnerC1al L/ Industnal -r- ,~ '\fFldavlt I, _...L~f{.K\,1 ~e.C:_~__r________________' hereby certlfy that thlS 1nformatlOn lS true and accurate -i (~lease I->r nt) If thlS 3opllcatlu'] 1~ f)( ,n aql1cult.u'al ~ulldlng It ;111 be used for purposes allowed by the State BUlld1ng Code and 1_'1ne County Cod" i hooter ]Il (7orlI1Q) a'ld 'Ol no orfwr purpose I have the followlng legal lnterest In the property owner at record, contrart pUlchaser, lessee, holder of an exclus1ve optlon to purchase, ---/du1y author'lLed to .:.ct fl}-1he ovwer, \1110 15 kllO.~lpdgejble of thl, dOlJllcatlOn f" / S-;gna-ture/Addre5s -1 P'AAA/I ('-....u f-.~ I:J (". Ii'" IV ~ 7< -SPI' II tV r (: ;'$-r;" . c7(i'~. (ZlP) Cj 79) 7 1 Te.lepho'ne~-:i 'f '7 - ;- 9'? ~. - or J ~ate 3/""v" / IJ - r, 1) 0 When penmt lS ready notlfy I~!./'Appllcant CI Owner Q/(Contractor Qy C/ mall -e'("phone Owner 1C'tt(j:)L.\.-tlA.v(-rtn .s,(<I7 HA-c.ll?-et'v l~y'o(r..cN"1'''(ZlP) ?')C()) Phone7q7-~(5"1 Contractor r....r'ft..'\ t",.,.'"J,'tv CorJ_~L /,)7,.f.r. I;J, t-~~OI---(zl~)~71.f'71 Phone 7~7...5.. '7 77 Contractor's OSR# '(...h,,,;~) d 4- I" () 0 -. Pl umblng by -rAck J!.tL-\ I"J/-e '-1 P ( 14'.....1 (, :r00\ . - .., 1-.\ " \ f " ( f i ~- ," ,~ , " ~ ]-,- '! Asslgned Numbers LI PubllC DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE If Commerclal # of stones # of employees Resldentlal ,,()f bedrooms ,<, / f'ln AJJ:'h LM/SLt) SI test hole~ readyt ", Fee Code OescrlPtlOn r- ADO ~AAAll "-) 'l?AA- (ea*",- ~....) pi." A '(?('..,p ~~y)ffhAA.. / hAIr?AC-.g U r ~VvLCL Pov-d- C/ Cash C/ [nec.k # Recelved by ~, ~ ~lN\ b~~, " ~ E'X'rst, n 9 J , , .- , , L Water Supply Proposed Year Installed PERMIT PROCE~SING Zone P...A It, front , It, S lde Pa rt # ~I Mlnlmum setbacks Comments To be typed on perrlll t WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ~ ,- I # of unlts ." SOS /j;Axlstlng, BP # ili MCOrd.- /~/ Proposed, SI # Sq Ft or Unlt # of Sltes Coct Valuatlon Fee 5mn .tf(())~~.~ : \ ". rtO~:s.~ ~ $ F) ~.?-.~ $ -~4 (~~ 70-""" V TotQ]"..valuatle $ _ _ $ 5 Plumblng flxtures at $ S .a-Oeach $ Sewer/water conn at $ each $ Subtota 1 $ 410 Stat.e surcharge $ Plans check fee $ Change of Occupancy $ TOTAL $ 243.32 Parcel # 'i;3,< .;3'05 ~, , rear J , lnt Parcel SlZe ~I , - ,-.. By _ l C/I OL .J Da te . 1-11O-XO (/ ,( .. '-'" " InstallatlOn speclflcatlOns gal tank, T.O be tfPed on perml t ~II/\A tl ~ ~'\ ~ ,1 M..l ('-f1V\-~ '\'.!h_(l_~~ , .JA:~~ BY7~~~.J't, 'J I (' I I _" I1v ,"-''I ...... e1 , set(s) -, J""oate' set(s) Requlred 'L t , " Dlrect10ns to slte Telephone ~ ~) J.t~ VI J -f',..I ~'" of o.,~ I Plans to CP&I WPC 1- C/ SIFO - ./ / /....CP&I -=- ./ L .j,;'v/PC C/ Plannlng C/ PubllC Works () Elevatlon C/ n/a C/ Address C/ Faclll ty Perml t () Envlronmental Health !:.~ ,ii'" I/r. ~ -J'L- ~c_ <, l, FOR INFOm~TION about progre~s of your appllcatlon call ~ fltL I . \ ~..., 't,.~ \;'j.J:\,...1!'" #' , " 'l.l jIlA Y....." ... I- ~" . _":T tl, ~ 't --'- .... .~^ fn Jf dranrfleld1 max ~deP.th' of trenchej ,Q~ JlJI):A 0 ~ 4)..,0 fvvu...e~ (C'L ~ f I _ Ij/?/BO \ Hold Sllp to PCC Da te Completed Da te to PCC ..- jll Permlt Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) 1 " . !I l , " ... ........h1.. ~ "fo:. l ~~"';.I.'"';\, ;/,".l;!.., ./!. _ ., -:....), ,...>1,.... l'h i.... _ "" ..~ "-... -E"~ - f) I , J I- I L'l (('. (Y) ~ PORCH _~-,-~.-7 , I I I I /: 1 I :;.< i _or) i --- 'k----- - - -, I I ''I C '-IV! ~ r- ~ ':-)(1 ':-_ ," - I GjA Rf,G L --~ P t..., ~- ll~) - I -- ~ ~ y- , \ \ , I I.. I I -$---- ',) I; ) " - - - - 3b7 1/-::<.1 - 011 Ex 1 3- r \ \, , HF\'rL~EN I I ~.s' - Cy, '. - o J - I ~l ill (Y) B J.E. I U Pi ''1''' II , r. I " I J 1,\ ~ j . ").- j I i \ 1 () n.,.,: v-J \\ "I I. ~ -hk y( i / I t I, 1\ J"" CJSt~~ '}" " ~~\<.. \000 '!:)r ; ~ ( -;, .- -.,~L..~: ,\j~~ \ \ \, \\ ~ :- 4 L' ~ \ \ , \ ~ ,\ , , \ ...~, S;- _ ~, \ \ '\ "A G D 1 T ION S .]' , \ \ \ - , - '\ \ u::, t;' ~-.--- - --- - r\~1_--, _\4' ' I , \ ~ --, "' , . r" [ ~ 8' i \_... --~, "'- ~ G O. E.. E. ^ 0. -;- , '\l ~ ,\ (\U,-[ , .J L' .t':: 1 'I f.:.. ----- '\ "'- -, "'NEvV P~R":'ri I.. 'r\ Cr, f 2L':";, \1 ___ Qj- I B~ID~r~_ V.J t\ Y ; . : ~'.. ~. ",." < /~~ ~ " l " 4' # SITE INSPECTION ""0"0 .I ;1'/0""'"0"0 / / OH' Z -t,. -}l", 1 N""TD'~ REMARKS _ LI- .42~4 ~'~ J.<"'-, OJ::. 2-1.,-,~~~ FOUNDATION INSPECTION ./ ApPROVED I VI DISAPPROVED I I DATE 2..-1 S""-l?o INSPECTOR ~ R'~""...cJ - .~~,:-~. -~E~i ~/~..P ~~ .~i-~ - _€a{~ ~;.~~ ~;__j .~:~~~' '2,.- J; - Be:; ~ t::- FR~MING INSPECTION ApPROVED I V( DISAPPROVED I I DATE.3- !.IJ-9u INSPECTOR ~ "" REMARKS c:./- ~_.~_ _.... .. .~ I/r"" - 0 ~ ,4-. ('""..,.., - r'" ~ _"7 - ~ ~ LA1H OR SHEET~ INSPECTION ApPROVED I ~ I DISAPPROVED I I DATE,.,3-/e./-J??; INSPECTOR~ ~ REMARKS FINAL INSPECTI~ ApPROVED I ~I DISAPPROVED I I DATE_ d- t1-8't:1 I NSPECTOR ~ ~ J~ t/-2-8~ ~ REMARKS GJ- CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY REAOY TO ISSUE I I NOT READY TO ISSUE I I DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS o ." jl~~.i 1 t' 7\1" +)-,-- --- --- I I !:,! - CY I .~ 10 ! I 1- ILl '(l If) I 7~ IU, )t L I / \. ,nIl 4~ I I ll" (jn{\,..J ~ I , ~ ~ III1II J\~ - -, .n - l~~~~ ," Tht-l\<" \o;t ~ . ,,_ J, ,\j~~ \ \ \\ \\,3 -4 L.'~ " \ \ \, \ ~ ' \ '. '( \-~'.5-'_ , , ~I' \\\, A~DITIONS '. Cl' \ \ \ , ~ \ _\ \ \ \ , - et.' \ ' c- ,-~ -,-L~ _m_ ------1 \ ~~-T I I, 1\ \ \ r ---'r,",,~'" .. f \ \ I , 8' \.--- ~ - --.-_J "'- ~ I DC-Eo_ C,:) r fJ()k(r1 _~-L~-P'" P u..,T I 0 -'I ..'- /' (1 I ,- f) ,-- --- - " &_----- -- \ ' " , ~ J f" ~ IL)G~, N E. 'N q A R fo.(', L -..... Ex Cl7"I'l~ t-\ o u-..... [ .. -----. .-".- ,,- \ -----~- I - '",- NE,v\' V ~~.: rt " (. 'C'y'E.R - I \ - I o \' ) \ \ , \ \ 2~3> ExJ3T D;;' I " ~ \ ~.- -- . ,--- - ---EB-- I -ft) .--- " - I J ~ I 0" '. 3b7 ri f~, '( 0 E- N BRID~E. Vi t-\ Y . . : I 01 I I - I I.t 11 (0' \'( ) I I I I I I (' ,- I j LANE COUNTY, OREGO!" I' DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL NAGEMENT ,\ ~(Q) [gl [gl ~ ~lrO (Q) IN! li\!l (Q)lrO ~ Ie CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTION DIV JOBADDRESS 3b -r l!,4<?OEJ.) 8/)~ /Jly TO (1A/J.L/A! C/>J(/~r: ~ .. " NOTE@ h1~TAL ~#E.,q.n ~L4SJ..l/AJG AE6(U1/l.€.t:> A-Aov'~A~L- E.or)~ ~/J.-/2A-~ nl'!:JoA!.S. W /yS rA-t..-L C-OIJA/cLn::)Jt2. /r'3E 7'7UE.E1V' PO,> r "" ~ ~ ~E..A--I< l2EG~ ~ F ~) t/llP~1<. I!JA-R.R IE.~ ""- l.JAJ OEB-.i=~~ J IUSO L,,4 T/oA./ /<.,~ r (J . DATE 3-Uo BLDG PERMIT {'2/-l?' 0 .:rV-SOLA-T10~JJ -r- O~YJUAtA--cJK ~ ~EI<.-.. - C55 73 RE-iNS~ECiiDDN RE~UDREICl Phone 687-4065 IFOR APPROVAL INSPECTOR 9r-d~ ..., ~ -~B ADDR ESS: ,/ "..' . TRS, TL:' POST THIS PE'RMIT ,ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE' \, ,;" \ ~:~ \ '.'~ \ '. .:~ ,x, \...~'.1 '~. ~1. ~;~ .~~ ~~~ . ':'f] '~ .:tj ::"~ ! ' '!. .' CONSTRUCTION PERM'IT # . ~(, . u;...{j, Ul-~)tl v/ 39.1 tUa1dti.~ 'D1t'iitge ~~aj() e S~fdl} O%e~~. l1-fl:$=2P..2...J. , "33.~O. Subd'ivisio'ri~. . ..' ~'a ., . .' .. . .) . This p~rrTiit for the referenced property is herebyaPFGv.$'.do . .Setpacksand.other 'conditions of approval iTiustbestrictly observed, Violation can result in,revocation of this.permit, dtatior7l under pr'ovisions of Lane County:s Infraction 'Ordiriance,.imd/or'other remedie~ allowed by la'w. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/ Address: Contractor's OS # J~'i.7Y!'1 ~1:'l.tn" U~tl l:foi:~!l 1~ S~fdj} €l.~~ 4)1~" . ?..:.'%ipn nt!a.tey.s ~"l ,ijS' job ad~' . " 1.a~ <<6 ~p~~t . 'QO~'124000 Total Construction Value:$,U,.631QJiO Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: ~~ ~ ': -',1' . . .' . . . . .t,;onstr:~ctlo'n approved by this permit: Water Supply::'. . aaa~ ArM. f~y ~ (b$.~h add) .~ jiG $,-\1; f~~ fl~ge !t~e~ \"J :tOO sq ',tift! ~t"~f:!e t~ $23. \$~ft .fAnd' ~.~portt~t ~ & .~ let; toltrmewr,ee \11OW .:flD. ,pl"OVllUrtytf~'l'.eJ. ~.'?""fN: ,~~ t-;niltpert . # Bedrooms: ':$ #Plumbing Fixtures: .5 "';!~ , .:,:~' .~ ""';\: 1 . .,~: ;~~;, ;", ~ t. :~ -~9: ';r~ .J ~ ,~'~ J~ , .';;'~ :;~ ~ ::!!~ . '~~ :~ ;"'o)j :::~.~~ "~ :.'jj ;jw , ~:'~ \ti 1 .:,~~ t'~ # Employees: ~i PLANNING DIVISION. . Zoning:., M Partitioning # .ne. . Parcel # J< '. ;"'. . p-A_56~' ,:).~i~ir4;'um;:r~quired str~ctur~1 s~tb.~~ks, fr,:~91: centerline of road, fr~n't: . "( t3-- fb 7-'~ " ;.. Side extenor: ~; Intenor prqperty lilies: st ;rear property line: ( . Special Instructions: CMlm& M Parcel Size: 4S.; centerline of road, 5t U3 ~ 3&.5 \. For information call 687~4394, ~1 WATER POLLUTION' . Site Inspection # M Installation specifications: toa gal. min. septic tank capacity; CONTROL DIVISION . 'fiB-lineal feet of c;lrainfield,r;equir::ed; max. depth of trenches: M .' .":., _. 'Special'lnstructions:~'>Jtn1;aiW setJ:~st~h${.~~ '~D~ ad <lU ~a~et.1ma.. .etbacks Interior property- li~es Edge of road right-of~way . ....Building foundation Wells~ other watersources . Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' CONSTRUCTION PE RM ITS/I NSPECTIQN DIVISION Directions to Site: Date Issued: C55.13 Drainfield 10' 10' .10' 100i 6~7~3.5i~3between 8:00.9:00 a.m., ~th Br/<:mt For information call . Type of ConsVuction: 5--N Group: a-:,j Fire Zone: J Use Classification: I nstructions: See ll.~\rlll:l!'fJG af.d~ Of ~"'1t fin 'It'~uirsd ea11ed 1wJpee.tJ.onllQ [in; I A'JJjj For plans information call 63j-31~1 be~weer;1:8:QO a:m. and 9:'00 a.m., ji;,~ 14:!l49 For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687.4065 between 8:00a.m. and 5:00 p.m. ''''. ,~:.I.~~;J":- ~, ", bne county r.~1-~4-8{) 36'1 l!ay&ea, ~:ia;l6:$ Way J) ~i'Lw ~'l)S1)fd~ 01t~~ ~~. 1... i1h..-.s~k1n/~ . .,,,,,~ >,_....: 'I ii~ ~ ,: ~,:'F.l:...;;.:1;"'~~:.~:::-,~.~~.,.i...;....'l:~~':-....>-...;,3...~..';:..s:~.;, By: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL,MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING. 125 EAST 8TH AYEN~E, E~GENE, OREGO~. B7401 ,,/~__,~'_':::'~'-~'\''';''<.-':'_':" "'.s. :_~""""-,"'..t."'__':l~~/'t--,,,G..J.-;."",.;-'"'>',~\ .._;.Y'-...... . .~,~?>~ -'.:'" ~~J""~__~ ~ '. :-..;.;;.:..:-';' "'~1_,1t....._ ." ...~!.:,.. 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