HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-11-7 . .' POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADQRESS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # 3144-78 " .\ 557 Pheasant Blvd. TRS, TLi7-03-22 n 1900 Subdlvlsion:Game Bird Village Lot 4, Block 1 I'I~?-. / This permit for the referenced property is hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result In revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's I nfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/ Address: Owner/ Address: Contractor/ Address: Contractor's OS # Jack & Neva Baird, 557 Pheasant Blvd. Eugene, Oregon same / / Total Construction Value: $17,417.00 Telephone: 747-6282 Telephone' / Telephone: / C,<;>nstruction approved by thiS permit: , ~ Water Supply' PI1bJj ~ PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks, Interior property lines ge of road rlght.of.way "_"lIlding foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION ~Dlrections to Site: na Date Issued: / 11-07-78, C55.13 Addition at 618 sq ft.; Lower at 100 sq ft.; upper at 518 sq ft; Storage shed at 576 sq ft. Structures now on propertl3~drg~mls~hed to b9P1~fn~~ hoJuse & m.l~I~fk ~ ~ . I l Parcel Size' (OO~ '~\'~\20' '1...;0 , centerline of road, Zonlng:AGT_RA s tba Partitioning # Parcel # Minimum reqUlrefstrutMal setbacks, from. ~~nterline of road, front: 55~a side exterior: ; interior property lines 5" ,rear property line 5' Special InstrtMlons. na For Information call ~87-4394, 8....:..:.:.:.. Keller For Information call between 8:00 - 9-00 a.m., u3;-~~Gl ureg uray, x.~. Type of Construc~ond5tH ti GrouR li~tt1d onF~~v~~~~' aide of p.Yfmft!~sslflcation' 4nstructions:Requ re spec ons a e Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' I gal. min. septic tank capacity; Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' from Site Inspection # . I nstallation specifications lineal feet o~ralnfleld reqUired; max. depth of trenches' na na SpeCial I nstructionst' na uS tall an additional drain line to tbe existing distribution box. Drainline is to be U sloped. Stay 10' the existing drain1ines with additional line. All of the new construction must be 10' from drainllnes. / Addition SFD . 687-3754 For plans information call between 8.00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Roger MacGuckin For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8 00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 BY:Roger MacGuickin/ly bne county @) \ .,. BUILDING PERMH 557' PHEASAUT ~~VD. EOGENrr OREGON address '-'" phone SAt-~E ~-:~,.,-~~-,..:_..~,~..,- "\'::_'._l:,<:~.',-;,-..:tl~ .....~ _~"'W~. r"-...,-..,_.<~..~.l: ,':., , '-.; , "_'. '1"~~.:. . . '" ';v '".; ;., ~ i"", . to,' .~ " .....'" "; ....J....- 'C ' V" i .t:1;:'- ....tIIt' . ,Ii" _ - SUPP\~EMENT N~~;' Q(41)~ ~."", . "OWNER JACK & NEVA SAIfW ',/.')... ~).~~: .) . '.:1',' 'I', ~.; CONTRACTOR address SAME' PROPERTY ADDRESS (i3u'fYding Valuation) Revised( []addition []correction ) Prior ( I' i .J ."''''-~ Bldg. Waste Plumb. Plan R. 3%sur. -. .~ n<#'" SUPPLEMENT TO UPDATE ,EXi $T O~I NF I Ell> I' '-~_~I~.,...... . . <j .... ;..... 311fll-78 phone ) []amt. due []refund - .- { ~ \ . .-. amt.,due~~J -~: , TOTAL amt.pa1~ . - - _.' - '. f} . ;~; ~~:;:~~~~;r~. Signature of Applicant "1 t'fvtl "'_,~. ;/.111 ~ .yt//i Date 1/:".,_- . J........-"' G.Gfii\Yl"'9-79 ' "'. .; i Fee Received By \ ';', " t \ Dkte ,I' t;:; ["]cash' []ch~ck LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL .MANAGEMENT ':",:7~': :~~ _'~:'.'::~. ,'" ..,-. . "I . .' ,.... -'I;" - ' . ,~~. 1 ',}~ -~ . ..f:) ", , . i;~ . ......, ..0: V,' '. ,,' , _~.... ;,l,.,/ ,,' , 'fc:" , ..J,~'ll~i../~~ '-. ,-'-td:;:' , . f - . - ~ l'!~/.- ... ! 't; \. . . n, I' '. ~.: ifl :/~~~..:;', ..'.'.,:."..;' ~~1:) l--b1 -1 # ,," - . .--;{ -:'/.';' .' ~} f/' ,/, I' '. ..".t, . .'" , ' J '.. - : 8 ( - hh {'z FLOOD PLAIN' MANAGEMENT Department of Public Works 125 East 8th Avenue Eugenec,:%'@regon \. .....Ji .... ~ 1+C~ .:. 687-4195 " TO: v-- PERrUT PROCESSING PER~~IT NUMBER ~144'l8 , PLAr~NING PARTITION NUMBER ,;.t.' PUBLIC WORKS SUBDIVISION ... OTHER SITE ADDRESS PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT. YES YES NO ~ NO:., SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA ",; "' ..~ : "!f' r~i'~: /' SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMJ\'TE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTioNS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE WILL BE'REASONABLY SAFE FRDr1 FLOODING. ~10BILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. ' \ SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. t~., " .~ ..'1. :'~f.iJ;/~'~~" , { 1. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR -ELEVATION OF (~1.S.L.) REQUIRED.' 2., MINIMUM FOUNDATION ELEVATION 'OF, (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. 3. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOME WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. 4. SITE LOCATED WITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED. RECOMMENDATIONS: '-. ~ -0 -J I o 1I U" I N 'N I -'. \ \ .' ()J -I ~ x r <:> .-1 DATE /0-10-16> BY G::, ;'101 L J) o o .. l'~',' . . 'I C99-21 Q, ;~'. J7tck (SIT I /J..D 'PhQne ?47-b~g':2. Application If "3/4-4 -7e, for 5"'&/fVlE WORK SHEET Construction Permits & Inspection ~N Type of Construction e.~ - M Group ~ Fire Zone ~ ..-7.~ Use Classification ..T..(L,BF 'T'Yl'ED ON PERMIT ~ / ~-~ c~ ~ '(" [~)''::WlZ:.~~ ALP u~"'" CO ~../P:>f!L -;:;, ~7 ~ Date II A h~ . I ! 74-164 i2.L.tt;~ Signature Application ii. if, (-7R for ~n A~~ WORK SHEET Water Pollution Control SITE FEASIBILITY REPOJtT Site L-J meets State standards; L-J does not meet State standards. SDS INSTALLATION Drainfield Required Maximum Depth of Trenches Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) 7({-~ - d1! Ac' II /~~ 1fO/ , ~ Equal! I Serial L-J Other Distribution System Setback Requirements From: S~ptic Tank Drainfield Interior Property Lines Centerline of Road (Front) Centerline of Road (Side Exterior) Building Foundation Wells, other domestic water supplies except public Stream, lake, ponds :s- /0 ~ I() _(J~ff: .~'v ~~ Z;L - '--&-!7Jl-\. ,~ ~) /()/f~ ~- ~ d<t IJ ~~~,. or.Mft~ ~, . "._ t ~.--' ~ ;:c{,'.~ ~~,~ IJ I - . (/ ~;,-L) A4 ~ ~ Ii <d~d ) ~ ~~:~ -;-;7,~ ~~ ~) ~ ~~ /O/.~. :d7 ,) /0 -/2-71' Date ~j~ Sanl tatfan M74-165 , ~ APPLICATION Al'tllOOlT S A ~k ~ N sV A 6A (k (I, PIIONr. r;Lf 1 - h d 8:A "Dl"[5Ss..~'1--f--1r.w ",Q, A_Y\ -j- I3/;J/f1 __c1Iy_9 P1~..LllP 9?~C)/ ~u (lr DlrrULHT) "/< /1 Jl I'!I(\Nf_ ___ AV"'rH_______~/l(\ (~. _~ ____ __ Clly _,__ ___ .ZIP m"TilACTO. PIIONl t.D'IRf:SS CO~T.ACTO.'S OR! STAH llCDlsr ~,"Il cmtrl.rnll '''"IT TO N'I'LlCAHT/OIJIHR/W'HIIAlNR (eIRCLF l>N[)I~HIR TO 1'l<Il!P. CALL"7~7-b2f?Z- \. "."'DlT USl or PROPIlTY (r..t6enl1el. lyp- of feralna; ro_ ,1.1 or Induolrtol. YOCOM; Hc ) K <(~~ I' ~./ t..X\ ~L .11 Dl~CRIB[ STRUCTURES NOW ON 111 [ PRUPERTY NUn N.' HHlIrTt:Rr~ T~-f--:D=~~~~-{-~)n,ryj&1I sire{; ::::h 0-v rJJ~mt2L sltpA C;:;X/s+nlq__DO aSf, - fY'v~~ sicA:. ,- 1I01[D~n 'LA~S rol Tll1S PRO'Eln (THI~ APPLICATION) ARE._Y add-,' +ifXYl_~ PJXJ:sh'n.Ci hDu-s 'G{) ) 0 -:,\~V'{L~~~f'Jp'~~~.:.~_. u , n'"",,,,-,,,, c.i&6~'~~'_~""~1: "'~ ~'O Rtf] ~ PLOT PLAN Sk.leh (.) .11 ro.d. (b) h'>t.,JHlu or pr",...,ty (r) ...I.tln./prOI,(>1~d ""tidIng. (d) nlltln&/ prop"ud ....... dllpo..l ...... (.) ..lltlna/propo80d ...11. (() ..iorlna/l'ropoud drlw...y. (.l ........nt. (h) dr.ln.......y.. .tu...... cluko. .ny othu pertln.,,! f."uru. If co_relal or tndlAOtrld. .h.... frult.ndln. .1(ln'. p.rkln. ore.. l:iDICAT~ OIMDISlONS ~ ,L2-2.:!-!:jJ f1--~---- - -;-,", I : I 1; -~'-=-~--'-'O;/Jl:I-"'\1 '-j~,'h~r l-u~ _U. -'--.- .:~~ ~~~..- w ~ :II!:'::" , , J /\, ~' " , 'I I?: I \ yt ~,.J.,jh,b I ': ' : ' .. -J" I i - "I.. ~~--\\--- - ~~-;;;;C~'fY1 ~tt!i:.o- rn':---ll" -I r- i~Tt~~' ~,\: '-, ,\ ' J'\ (~ ~- I --' '" , . -r.: .,. ~ . ". c}l I ; i I. : j/-"e. : : ii, . I '~ ': ~ \& I "k-~" I...l.. f ' '/4; ~ ~~ :~l;' ~-;r ; -., - '~'i' ~'f'- :_;:.---l~~ ' --. i -. -1----' - -i~?~1 '( ~r.1 '.1;- - ..~ ~. IuJ 1\ I i'~ 'f.,,'rl,' 'I I ,/or~~ ' , ;:, ;;;i ~ I ~. <J . ,/-y)I.>;, . I 4Ik:7~ Jy~~ . "~: ~: ~ : \ : d~/~~ '~I I \ - ~VJtGedi---1f~E~ I %0J:~: 1'1' : ' ............. 'v.t~#Jl1fJ,' ~---' ~ I'p . ~ ."", I I .--.-..:....-l~;. -'-"C-' tJ.9fjl+"..u.'~'--:-'-l - ..---- "\S"? _~. , .,; . 'f ..': 1'-1 L~/foyn ;-C~ ..: : " .1 ~ L' -" --- : . r- c r , , . I I' ~,~ I -; ~I I I 1-1--,-_. --j-'~",_,-,____ . ~" -I'~-' i I I I I} ( J.I'1 / ; I' I . :: i :: , . 'I 0i~ \ ' I I I' ' / c.J J '.. I I, , I ' . _~ : I I! , I I ~ ::'" ,. "- ~ I J I 4' X '1 D lOOAL lOT ~oIZf PR ACRI.A<lrPO /(lof.43Xl~,J sin 1\~rfCTIl1~ HH 1~':'fS Rfo\UY "l1ll0U or S'~A!.E ClISI'USAL -- .5 tp-l--,'c. ---- -' f~(lroslU IIATrR St'rrl Y WELL srR IN!. snrA" LAn PUlL Ie: X [Irll'ICITY rUKt.ISHID BY '2..VJ[.f: "ATI'RAL (,AS BY r IRE UI STRlcr___I.~ ~ I f..o u V\1tt-.:=_~_}~_- 5ltllHll lil',TU<.T "f::r ~ PlUl1II\r; BY ~f-:L-9- -------------- (DAH) J[) II 12 I) '4 ................................ no Nt)f IJAITf .tlOW THIS llN! ................................ i ~ lQ - :;.. ~ ... I .. ~ ... i ~ i 'r~ ~ ;'" ~ ;:1 ~ ~:J~ ~'l \J ~ ~"J c::( KI ~ ~ ~.~ '\~ IU :\ ("'--~ '- ~- .. ~ ,.t uJ '~ ::J Q It 8 ........ ~ :1 ~ ~ i: ~ i ... ~ .. ~ o ... .. o .. a ... i ~ ~ .~ ~ Il/ORl YOU, APtLlCATIOo.; CAN I[ PROCESSLD YOU HII~T fUf(.~ISH :/ 8I,all FlOT p~~ XLFCAL DESCRIPTIOI' --(IlIMUlSlO~fO) " h-Oi:.- ':I.) __i3?"l).~k .i__J:2-S: G-Clf'n~-& ~d_1J.1.J'/4A-P . /] s -P!CJ---..H-f'd (r/ _ '-_ _ r~ rl-y r.gC~.d _ct t .f2tl' 2....LCf--J. V() _L_ ~c:!L, Lc..~f!.1 v /'IV L 9./) , M ~.:j:f- / '7t2..3;;z. ;;l/,~d~ u..AJl "- BY fli-I Lo+....j;J:!; I q.? D ..:s tc:f- I .::l.. :l-. .i /". S .. J"1 s D,mr~ A fII-&,'i: a Y1I 9- ;;)..fe, -7,f' LANE COUNTY OEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 LANE COUN- )EPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT/ lANAGEMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 o ~vI-7?If_~ Oc.fmpleted FEE PLANNING DIVISION Partitioning Parcel No. Current Zonlng Dpendlng PartitioninQ Required Other, ~,.. 'OLLOT'ON CONT'O: New Site Inspection(s) SDS Construction [] New Number of Bedrooms, COmmerci~Indq.strial - Other W (Q $ $ . of Sites I I I I! I o Repair $ $ . of Employees $ ~ CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AND INSPECTION (See above for . of bedrooms/' of employees) o :~obile Home FEE $ [] q ;f,;::t3Z-~7 Permanent Temporary [] Renewa 1 Struc~~e Sq. Ft. ~Ue:, ~/' &z:lt::) '/ (J() 1/r h.a.u'V I 5'l6'~~..; I ~ ,~~/S76"S;~ Valuation A./7/9 1 Ilk) 37iJ 31 h'? $/7. LlI/} $,A~' trO Ea~h ~ r:ach $ $ $ $ $ 3']/; trO $ --2L~ Total V!lU'lt1on ...3 Plwnb1ng flxtures at Sewer/Water Conn. at ~ ~ 4\ State Surcharge Plans Check Fee Change of Occupancy $ _9~l (,4') $ 3;72- $ .:17, 'i tJ $ TOTAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE $/~Lj,?::L Subtotal Minimum structural setbacks: From centerl1ne ot street: Front . ,.t)7~/ Exterior Si~~.~ From interior lot Ilnes. Slde~ Rear~/ [] Co~'l plans sheet to applicant [J Curb cut to ~UBLIC LANDS 0 Address ~ Mlnimum ElevatJon c=J PUBLIC WORKS [] Facllity PerMlt o ENVIRON'U:NTAL HEALTH applicant $ Cash Chock ..;:l ~C; K" 0 Rec'd byJ../~/ TOTAr. $/~ f/, 6::L AFFIDAVIT: If this permit is for an agr1cultural bU1lding, I hereby declare that this building will be used for agricultural purpose~ dS allowed by zon1ng and/or the State BU1lding Code, and for no other purpose. I further cert1fy that the statements and other lnformat1on submitted on this applicat10n are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal 1nterest in the property: owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purChase;- ___duly authorlzea-Eo act for a person w~has the 1OIlow1ng legal interest: ; or that the owner of record is knowledgeable of thiS application, if I am not the owner I further agree to compl all a~, Pl. able codes relatln; to this permit. ! ~ A Date '1- :J.-C, -- 7 Applicant I s Slgnature )G / .I 'ftLJ, . _ W " THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT, AND DOES NO~ ON'TO'1txL;. ~~ FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROGRESS OF YOUR APPLICATIO~, CALL PERMIT CONTROL, 687-4357 (687-HELP) C74-170 AVERAGE PROCESSING. TIMe / () /1 (J /~ :g ~ ~ lJl !Il '" o t"' H H <: 0.3 n H t"' )- l/) >-i ~ ,~ ,z "-i Z \ .. ~C.\\ \' ~~ ~~ ~t~ '~ . .!J '< " " ~\\ I~~~~ ~ ,M ~ne county (a ...~",,,, LANE COUW OEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT', ~ANAGEMENT -,;.. ,i\~ 125 tl-\::!T 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON ~1401 c=J PLANNING DIVISION Partitioning' Parcel No. Current Zoning /1A,:( J?ft.&~ []pendlng []~:et~ . , reE AveRAGE PROCESSING TIME . I: PartltlonlnQ Required Other I $ ~A'E' 'O'L07'OO COO"OL New Site Inopection(e) 60S Construction [] New [J Repair Number of Bedroomol commerC~~Ind~trial - . of Employees Other ) iJ./ ~ CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AND INSPECTION ~ (See above for t of bedrooms/' of employees) o :~ob11a HOIllQ $. ;&~32-b7 $ , of Sites $ It/II!) /' ~ ~ ~ l:ll V> ." o t< ~ ~ ;) H t"' > V> >'l lj '-lj z '-\Z J I" 'JJ 0J \' ~{::: ~~ rl~ \:\ "- ~~ r~~O ~ ~ g I $ $ n:e o Permanent o Temporary o Renewal Struc}'y~ Sq. Ft. ~~ ~/t>di22:Ja /IN) rP h,AU'V I fi:/f 1/1 ~4, -' J ~ jJC~j..s2U.~,<7J .3 Total v!lu.ltion Plumbing f1xtures at Sewer/Water Conn. ~t Valuation /1r '7/ q /f.R) 37tJ ,51 h 8' sf?~ L.//~ s;:?," t:1"O Ea~h $ r.ach $ S S S s 3''0 o-tJ $J~d-O " v 4\ State Surcharge Plan II Check Fee Change of Occupancy S-2.3l (:4') S .~2A- $ ::27,9 tJ $ TOTAL BUILDING PERMIT fEE $/~U::L /() -;Jo-/i' o "l Subtotal Hinimum structural setbacks: FroIO centerl1ne of street: Front ,~5/ Exter10r Side~ FroIO interior lot lln~s: Slde,~~ Rear~/ [] Comro'l plans sheet to applicant [] Curb cut to ~UBLIC LANDS 0 Address ~ MInimum E:lev"tlon r=J PUBLIC WORKS [] FaC1llty PerMlt Cl ENVIRON'I1;NTAL HEALTH Address ~ .~ applicant l:ll !;; /0-6--717 .-1.. Minimum Elevation I' C"ah Check O;:JcC:; 8'0 R<lc'd bY~~./ $ TOTAl. $ -L2-fI. 6.::L AFFIDAVIT I If thio permit io (or an agricultural building, I hereby declare that this building will be used for agricultural purposes dS allowed by zon1ng and/or the Stale Build1ng Code, and for no other purpose. I further certify that the statements and other informatlon submitted on this appllcatlon are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal lntereot in the property: owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase;- ___duly authorizea-to act for a person wh~has the IOIlow1ng legal int~restl ; or that the owner of record is knowledgeable of th18 :~p~~~:t~~~~1~: I am~ot the owner. I furthe~a~o CO~Pl all a~~abl~:;;9 relatin9 0... q-;;..(, - 70 Applim,'. Si,"^ ,,," ./ / ftLxI _ . ~) 11 -'~_ THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT, AND DOES ':lolttvWo I S ON' TO tslxL~. ~ FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROGRES!j OF YOUR APPLICATIO'l, CALL PERMIT CONTROL, 687-4357 (6117-IIELP) dne county ~ C74-170 '.:: ',.~ 'r'-~ -,: ~-' .;,- k~~" ','c lan'e coonty " - ~ . .'.1,".' J'p'. '., , J ~'. '- - . . '. . :Y'. .; ,~ ~1. ',: . APPLICATION # ~1#"18 .~ , ". "'.., ". l' . ,t ;. . ." .' '. 'JAa-','4;'ll~~ ~"""'.'l' .t.t"".A.f~'.I<C..^ .' .._-'~, Jr. ':"-'/-',1 'K'I'-!ci-c-uJ:;...>j....ll '"7QJ/j,/, . ''fi;::{,:.i.:.~j~::J~.' IA'L' ,?f:;(4t..) I " " . 4 . Zl'p Code The ~~o8Ie'.ap.Pljcation is bei ng~ by the Permit Processing Section for the foll owi ng reasons: ' .' . tl '"fli?VI~~,~". ,Ft.-o.iC.-'.L-.- .~t0 ~,d::XlqJIl._t', ~'t1..-'v.er~- \N'l-\-(C:,t..e...- '. .: .AjA.A~{;~JI ML;f:rrluJfl()~} o:Lu:_ .' ." '.,' rJ.CL'~~~f-y:w+1iq,1 T2D:::f'-I~..Ji1 <S (VI~',M 5~I~LL, l?~ U,":::'~-O 11\)' . ',.. ~p:rZA::f.Jtt'~LL~.t,JZ-, . . , <" "0 C~')t,I~..tr..I--kJ'Av'^~'l~iV\t' o. 4,t t~~.", ItVbl5r~t1Ji!!!:__ :srltL":(vytft,. , . " )"." . I Di vi si on: . C, ~ 'f'" ~ 1\ . Sign at u re : '""j:.I__ " P .t- &i.e.Ji-.i ~, / . I , I ~ /d'~~_,._~ / / <7--. /~ < 1 Division: ' Name Address (0 ~;~~ -:., , , ~'.' . , .' '---"'--"-n~._ :. . I. I Date I ~"I'1,)/~t~ I. I Iq' " .... ,~4Iq~fr' .:,~, .: ~. Si gnature: Date Th.i s' app.Hc~tJ,Qn wi 11 be he,'d Llntil . \ 1- '3- 7 n . . . If the i nformati on ' , require9.abd,ve,}has'notbeenfuDicfshedby thatdat~,your' application wi 11 be cance'lJ.ed. ,Fees pclidfor.waste disposal systems (site tnspectionsand/or applications to install the sep;ti ctank and drainfield) are nonrefundable., Some refund may be made on 'the buildingandpl~mbing portion of your application if cancellation is necessary, , . .In tQ~ event a Planning or some other 'long-term problem exists over which you have' . nocontro:r'we,wi,ll hold the permit until. the oroblem is resolved and we receive word from you as to whether to proceed with PElrrnit issuance or process a cancellation. P~RMIT PROCESS ING SECTION - 687..;4394 '..:'.-. . .' 0- pi' .':, ':le- lane c~nty" LI APPLICATIm~ # ~l#"'18 .~ JAa-~ lJt;UA ~lW t:?57 ~~~~. ~.( k:"ft::.J...J.t:::, ~l . '. Zi P Code Name Address The above application is being held by the Permit Processlng Sectlon for the followlng reasons: o ft2oV1D12- ~~ l'l"Ct0 cr ~')(l~p~ ~~~ W~~ ~LtCV/~~().J O::/(~ D C(Ur"r-t ~~ ~kJ21 ~y~ $~LL aie- U$tW 10 ${A~~ ~~\ " o ~ ~ ~ 0.+\. ~-$ lp...) ";,~ ~ C" P. ~ 14 -P"L I ~ ~",. -- - ,- ,:-" Slgnature: ~ Ltl.....~ Division: Da.te~~ Di vis ion : Si gnature: Date This application \'lill be held until '_ll-3-7P'l _' If the information required above has not been furnished by that~e your application wlll be cancelled. Fees- pard for waste disposal systems (slte inspections and/or appllcatlons to lnstall the septic tank and drainfield) are nonrefundable. Some refund may be made on the building and plumbing portion of your application if cancellation is necessary. In the event a Planning or some other long-term problem exists over which you have no control we will hold the permit until the oroblelll is resolved and we rcu:iV(! word from you as to whether to proceed with permit issL1ance or process a cancellatlOn. PERMIT PROCESSING SECTION - 687-4394 C74-139 , " , . . ,. ., ,::. { .~ '. _:./ ,. .,......',..,' ,'TOTAL', . amt. pal-d-:",amtL":du~'~~ 1>: SEf:e.~p'c;~#3r44"78~~":sign'atu;e'd~ :APPlican~,1)~V6t' O~~-,. :/Eei,~jllJ~1~"'l7 0 ~~':,.", ~~~Rl~9T~~;:7;NS". Fe~'Rec'ejvedl3y!';i~~,;''\ l\'\), ;D'{~'\!:j2~":":I4>~'>';'['l~hick" . ,,', ~ ' .: LANE C.OUNTYDEPARTMENTOF, ENYIRONMENTAt:MANA~EME,NT,:::'~' . ,', \,' , ' , . , '. .'~- ,,~ , , ,..., '.'" ;.' \' ,..,', ~~~~~;t::i~;~~i~~f?~i~~~~i~~i;~L~~t~~5s.J6~ir"~i;it;:~:i~.~~'ii.~\i~i~~~;~~nt~~~t~!,;iiA:~'~;jlli:,~yi~~~~!~~iJf~~:~~4~~~i~i~,ri;f,'j!..%.1;i~~~.~,~~j~~~;i~~.cLAi,..,,~~i:.k~lk~~;A::,:~,:~t~f'c';~'," ~:J~';lg _'i;~,,: ... ..c''?),'~''i7'~('{''J ;'"?'l'~''''!~);L'''~< .8 ~ " . SUPPLEMENT fNpgnn4-n~' ,t,. . JACK 6. NEVA BAt RD OWNER ' . ..' ._, ,r l . BUILDING P.ERMilT . " '-. >:.. 557 PHEASANT BLVD. : EUQHJE OREGON' 3144-78 . . c, \" address SAME , ," phor:)e . '.'..: " -....."l. . . CONTRACTOR address . : 'phol1e' '" PROPERTY; ADDRESS , SAME ,,~ t. l: PriQr'( '. '. Revised C n adc:\ftio'n', . . []correcfi on. Bldg. , Was te, P1I,Jmb ~ Pl an R.. . . '3%sur. " '_....~..i"":'r.--~' . " "" (i3uildingVa,l~ation.) . ) , , . []amt: due "[I~efun'd' . i"" r~~,t'~':'~';:;'iij:-,,\ '": Yr,!" ~. '. Jt ,"\\ ;;::~1" .~\.supp. LE...~.1EN.! 1"0 UPDATE ~',~~""'" '. '. /. ...... <<'EX}STD~I'NFI ElD .. . . . ~.: ,~. . ~'~.' . " )~ I} " . ,'.' ' p /:t " ~ 1- - ., Rece1pt # I () DEPARH1ENT -OF ENVIRONr~ENTAL t1ANAGE1~t.NO J PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE I, ~ EUGENE, OREGON 97401 - ~.~'''('~ ~O~.. ,_~pp 11 c.;'~,lOn Ii " C C-. _ ~',J AS~lgnea~N~~~erSV '. Job Address .e-=:k; 'I 10 h p Ct \." A Y\ + AL 1/ d C1 ty Sl J () ~. 'r\ ~ Townsh1 p, R':ge-, SectlOn! Tax Lot ,-,..., ~ .... ~'2 - I """ ~ - I q f1 ii \ - Subd1v1s1on(i?(h"('\,?j,,;~,.l \/ f:} 1/1 ht;. Lot /1 Block Appl1cat10n ;:~r- ~-~ r.+"C'~ ~Y\ A;".,JA/':" _.. ' Structures now on the-pr~~~rty J-l.-"'I1S~ -;-W "';l . s, h.a.4's:..1 -- f""'........'W. ._ 1- _ Proposed use of property bll Res1dent1al "LI Commerc1al LI Industnal S CL i ~OI (please pnnt) If th1S appl1cat1on lS for an-agr1cultural bU1ld1ng 1t w111 be used for purposes allowed by the State BU11d1ng Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zon1ng) and for no other purpose. I have the follo~lng legal 1nterest 1n the property \J owner of record, contract purchaser, lessee, holder of an exclus1ve opt1on to purchase, ., duly authonzed to act for the owner, who lS knowledgeable of th1S appl1cat1on. } d Slgnature/Address V'l<iAN'J Q~.;ilI..IA_ /?- . ~-.() .?~ry d On ~ A-n+ 1St.:.,Jo, tnCl.E.nf~ (Zlp)Q 7~1J J . I Y T~l~h~n~ fj LI~ ~~ ~r- , r .. -- - Dat~.oq;oa..r-/~ ~ "? '1 When perm1t lS ready not1fy: YJ'I Appllcant XII Owner ~I Contractor Qy I-I mall IN/I phone Owner ':lAc.1t l.ll T'.rJ Nfl/fA &nl/l .R/.I /Jt"..d (Zlp) - Ph~-;;c I}tfr)...I....@~~ Contractor (ZlP) Phone I ....LI Publ1C Affldavlt' d" I, N~,vA. :SU1..Y\ , hereby cert1fy that thlS 1nformat10n lS true and accurate Contractor's OSR# Plumb1ng by DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE If Commerc1al # of stor1es Res1dent1al' # of bedrooms !!l SI test holes ready # of employees # of Unlts SDS I~I EXlst1ng, BP # I~I Proposed, SI # Fee Code Descrl ptlOn Sq Ft. or # of Sltes Unl t Cost ValuatlOn Fee each $ _..-,4ft~#".,..~ -,- $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ~ ,. _ /l ( AHY/;? A S/J...J'l 'L j/ - .. _ (f I /J~~~..IA.-/ J?/'"') l/.:?!: .(/'}~A./ l ----,.-/j -.....rAm'/' tP#n' .f{f'/Li- ~\ \-\\-\.. ,,\p, t/ .. --- , ~ '...., I?!~~. ~~ ~ I I Check # '--.-) ~celVed by \ ~,,'\ "' Total Valuat10n $ Pl umb1 ng f1 xtures at .$ Sewer/water conn. at: $ V ~"V. - "'..,/( " I.t. ,/ / - " each Subtotal 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy TOTAL $.,:J~ h-;P"J ~ .." PERMIT PROCESSING Mln1mum setbacks Zone /J/..4 CL, front .., Part. # Parcel # Parcel SlZe ~?J X / .::2 / I - - , , CL,slde , 1nt. , rear Comments To be typed on perm1t By /[;, ./.~...-/ ... - .. Date /-R-7q' / WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Installat10n spec1f1cat1ons . To be typed on perm1t gal. tank; ft. of dra1nfleld, max. depth of trenches Telephone ~€ ~{>~ 3/'14-) (! By ~ C9-rCU.t if/fI1r' Date. / L C; /7 r; ~ ~.~. I ,. G ,&.l<4 D1rectlons to Slle CI SIFO /-1 CP&I C~ CI Plannlng CI Publ1C Works CI ElevatlOn CI n/a CI Address CI Faclllty Perm1t /~I Env1ronmental Health Plans to CP&I WPC set( s) set( s) Date Reqdl red Y 7 ( I '-\ { '-. Hold Sllp to PCC Date Completed Da te to PCC ,.. I DEPARnlENT OF ENVIRONt1ENTAL t1ANAGEMENT PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ~~ ~Oq . ~ -,. ~ A Receipt '8 Job Address ~~5 '7 f h e- C\--~ A Y\ + .(3L V d . Ci ty ~ €, '() L TQWfiShip, Range, Section. Tax. lot I'{ -- 3 - .{ -:2.. - I - 3 - 11 () 0 Subdivision G3'-@/x,\\"e,.ib i 'Rr\. . V,' ~ I O,J.q 7' t lot LJ. ,Block I AppllcatlOn for .3 ~p-r Ie.; .-. '3'~J =- i3.. ~Y\ ~-<U,."'U Structures now on the property t+O u.S '1. .L' ~ $ h ed -So I tf~~5ec1 use of property: 111 Residential LI COll1Ilerefal {} 'Industriel CI PubHc Affidavlt: I, W0vA- :re.o..JY\ S Ov I fCd , hereby certlfy that thlS informatlOn is true and accurate. (please print) If thlS application lS for an agrlcultural buildlng it will be used for purposes allowed by the State BUllding Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zonlng) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal lnterest ln the property: 'I. owner of record, contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an excluslVe optlOn to purchase; duly autho~d to act for the owner, who lS knowledgeable of thr application. ~{rJ [ Signature/Address -' J14/'t~...r;:)..~ /S;.L,I/'t--j) -6Q~-PLLSAn+ I.Jd~-!..-c~~(ZiQ)q7fal Tele~?J 4'~ h .;L~ &.-. or Date '/ &g - -:; 1 When permit is ready notify: ~ Applicant ~ Owner I-I Contractor ~: ~I mall I~ phone Owner SAe-R.. l{) It! fftVA '\rraV1 .f?aj~d (ZiD) Phone ?tfr;Jt:,at'J-:J- Contractor (ZiD) Phone Contractor's OSR# Plumbing by If Commerclal: # of stories Resldentlal: I of bedrooms ~:.- SI test holes ready DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # of employees , of units 50S: I~I Existlng, BP # I~I Proposed, SI # fe~ Codfl Descriotion Sq. Ft. or , of Sites Uni t ~ Cost Valuation Fee ~ (__/l_.r 'A<...I ~/L/01 AJ,u4 tZ-d~d4' ~rJ L/~ ;jf~/ ~ . u - ~ /J ;I g .~ ) ~ " ~r;H" ----::- ~ \. \-\ \-\ . '\~\ i/ './ ~6~ I I Check ii _ ~ceived bY' ~," ':'.' {,~: c: R SUP PLY . , . .,. "~~c:rD EXISTING .'.\0.J'JvC. YEAR INSTALLED: Total Valuatlon: $ Plumbing fixtures at $ Sewer/water conn. at $ Subtota 1 each each $ s&57~r? ~ . . $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $d5/L?O 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy TOTAL PERMIT PROCESSING Mlnimum setbacks: Zone /J/ ~ 1., fron t Part. # ; 1., side Parcel # Parcel SlZe-.hZJ )<./ ~I lnt. ; rear Comments To be typed on permit CP&I Type To be typed on permlt Group Flre Zone BY~~ Use Classiflcation Date j-R-79 / By Date Phone For plans lnformatlon call (area lnspector) Dlrectlons to slte CI S I FO /~I ~~ ~ '-I Planmng CI Pub llC Works CI Elevatlon I~I n/a CI Address CI Faclllty Permlt CI Envlronmental Health Plans to. CP&I WPC set(s) set(s) Re~ y"- :;ed( / ~ Hold Sllp to PCC Date Completed Da te to PCC C74-171 SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNDWORK ApP'ROVED / V-/ DISAPPROVED / / DATE 1~t;-79 INSPECTOR REMARKS ~ /-..:J-S- 77 tPA- GAS PIPING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED / I DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS ~ .3 -/ f? ~ 71' ~p. Rti- / / ROUGH PLU'" I NG APPROVE! / v7 DISAPPROVED / / DATE S-11-1? INSPECTOR d <:LIC REMARKS I ~ r- ~ ~ sL/,L. '7' /P;t:/- ~r~ _ 4: /t!.. ? 9 /'~d . -.. ROUGH GAS PIPING ApPROVED / / 01 SAPPROVED.I I DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FINAL PLUMBING ApPROVED /~ DISAPPROVED / / DATE 11~-~ INSPECTOR REMARKS FINAL GAS PIPING / I ApPROVED / I DISAPPROVED I I DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE / I NOT READY TO ISSUE / / DATE ~ \ , \ REMARKS iPJV INSPECTOR -1 . . .. ~T;:'.-o: JOB AD;n,RESS: POST THIS PERMIT: ON M;AIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # ~.~t[~ 531 r&C'.ncC'2~51\A2<<> TRS, TL:111-:93-:J:3 [} ;s%.~ ~~ . j.~)- ''l'~,' .' .- sJbdivision:t.. nr. . ') - !~\l.''\r-r " ,I ~.' ~ l.;)Gg~ l~_::) PL.::e t;J:o Dll~.cl 1 . This permit for the referenced property is hereby W"'" 1~ t. Setbacks'a~dother cond~tions of approval must be strictly observed. :'\/iol.ation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under pr6"\1isi~n's'-'6.vf Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law: . .~.' Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: Applicant/ Address: Owner/ Address: Contractor! Address: Contractor's OS # 3~g 8- .o~~D (gf\c:t) I I ~P' !}\1r''-';''Y'~~ m>W~ 11'ZS)C~ Jlj;UG~ {J iJ ~'*-(}~JD2 ! ",. ! Total Construction Value: $LiI ft)CjJJ.1 o~[tI Construction approved by this permit: Water Supply: ~~l7:'...'O_!\~ Ul-'''- ."".....-".~.~. PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation . Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION . PERMITS/INSPECTION. DIVISION Directions to Site: ~ Date Issued: j1 211.4'?=P3 C55-13 . . o (*.2g~~ Q~ 6J1~ c~ 1?~~~' &:rcm:~,.i{d~~, qj. gg:c98 Gf..rJ'3~? of?; $:tl.G C!.:;l $l'.~ ~.~ ';~ ..;"<..-../) ""'> rl<:;"lt! - . n('.J ' ......~;.;.:u~ ~"". D"& ~i!v ~ "-"..s..,. . -nl~~?,""''''' .,..... """":.0....,"..J.r""B"d ~A ~~" .,-"""" I'''~PI'I-~."a.::. ~C.,-~,r> " . n.. E'" I" "' ~~"''''"<J,ld...~ ~u '--"-:';~__~T"':>::"#.' e r00ms~~..:;:,Jl ~ 1.,:#' . l:Jm0Ing~r-;;I.><tur.es:~;.:<?-~'''''''} u r::#.:;mp o~ees_; t2'J ~. ,~~ . . 'I .'-'- . . Parcel Size: ~O"tl. \')~t~\;iO~ 'tt10Q ; centerline of road, Zoning: .~ . Partitioning # Parcel # MinimUlt{~~'u1red2Stffict't'frial setbacks, from: reenterline of road, front: ~ side exterior: ; interior property lines:. ;rear property line: 5>S-G Special Instructions: S'" ,;}:ll' ~ If . For information call 687-4394,' ~"N'7"~ tsa.:n. Jt~ gal. min. septic tank capacity; Site Inspection # . I nstallatioh specifications: lineal feet o"fEElrainfield' required; max. depth of trenches: ro Sp~ciallristructions: . ~ , &'!D~ ffi a32S([;~::.:'l1\ ~;:t'C;[P;.~~ ~ ~b U'JdL-)~3q' ."(i,~~~2#;~~ ~.1l1 ~,5tq}b~1~~.~ ~ 1':>0 .~. o.I1ryt~Jill' .' t3Cctrf m'tt . ~~o ~r~~ ~friDl~2D t-r1f;~ cem8{~~::,7h1l.~:h", t~'L't ell ~ iIC'c? @2C~~~~C':3 a~ t81l~~. grr:::;o &EG;.":"~lj!;':::3,"", . I . . . For information call ~~~ Type of Construction: . Group:. ~~ Fire Zone: ~ .~. Ynstructions:r~~j~':@3li"J~"~~ ~ Jri!&'.ro-di .~ ~~ !JSi!(J)..l!!'Jfl !;'.;Q, :2U:l::) Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10'. '10' 10' 100' between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., ~ ~57~ ~g<l> Use Classification: '. .,.~,-,-")..('l'~'c, ,~l~ .&~~mEi1)) I .' For plans information call ~g~Jll~ .,.,-",:between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a,m., For inspections (see back of thispermit)cq:1I 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. anrce5rE>0 hf7rl.~~\;tl,~ ';, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE; EUGENE, OREGON 97401 B y :t10~ 't;C~;i!1w::a&J!!;y . '_.,,-;7"'-' ~... ..... -,~-~____,...~ .+">-....J.'."'.f"r-'"? -.-.:.-. _~"_.-.ojJ';-,..."",,", ~;..-_ ...:.-.......-".......~:i....,..~";.. .. 0'.'.:.' . . .' " ~. . ,~'. 't. ~:. . bne county Ja .<" ' ~I".. ~,I" ~:.,...,-,--...:.---',--..... TRS, TI )r- 1 ...., ,.. b ~ - ;t.?-. ~ IQo 0 Job Location (Street mile post)$$'1 P~-e'" ~An+-&,;d ~tNtl. ~~. , \ J Subd Ivi slon e-Q)(\(\ 'C.-b t' R. cL U " ) / ct.g ~ Lot 1- - Block I Plat Plan I, d 1t ~ :v 'f ' oil t/O r:J"~ ~ <:.)- \)l~ Q... "- ~~'f; V" ~ ~ ( ~I .t~ ~#l ~ ~I .WJ:-"l ~ ~ ,,- , ...Q ~ ~p. f.<:\,'S "tr\- & \. i - ~ 0 fJ ~' @ 'C:\ ~ ~ -0 l' w n \ ) I- :~ "C3 ~~ lr7 ~\ ~J~ <. ~~ z ";,J. 0 * ~ \ ~~ CIl > C co P) -::: ~ ; <;;0 ::s: "'" Ql :) { ~ ~ ~, ~~ \()~ CIl ~ ~o ~ _~ ~ 0- ~ <X:- < 'I:- f~ ~~-l- ]h -c w~! z ~ Q,-~ IV) "" ~, -: '-'-~? c 'C- ~ .~ US LD~ a.~ =It a. ~'- . (", 0.. <X:~, \Jj co c...> ~ .. ~ FOR SANITARIAN'S USE ONLY. ~ System Approved 0 System Dlsappmved 0 Needs Correction COMMENTS: _.~,I~nature' ~ ~~~ d Date ;/;3b, / - Filler Depth Below Tile FOR INSTALLER'S U,S_E.\ Trench Depth Tank Capacity ~o-o "'~ Manufacturer Measured distance to well from tank @ .~ .~ ~ - ~~,.. ~ .btI ~ ~~ , ~ ~ '\::) ~ l>:> Scale: ~ "N' from dralnfleld ~o 1 ... ~ ! '~ fO~--" ri ~" '- !~ ro r:;-, t ' F-J "I Jl~ "'j ~~~ '~~'J' ~~ ~ Of \~ ~ ,', ""r"/ '" "'"' ~ \ti 10', .. ~ ~.,'<< _~ t~ t .\ '\ ~ "'/ ~q" ~. ... - ("? ~ ~ - ~L ~r~~=i ~ rfl'j . Y;J -' ,.'~ U. _ J '>-.' ,-' j. VA!/. ~ .,.." ," ....\ __ \ _ IA/[/ "#,- "2 '//' ~ . i V - C ~"'t9 -<;:> :i 6- 0');,"',0 /i. . <~ 0 o~ _~__ /) ..-'~""'--(') I ~ c .'" '0,> U' -'" .:; o '0 - R> ~')t.J- >') ~' ' IN~TALLATlON RECO~~'AND CERTIFICATE 0 SATISFACTORY ~~~:L:~ION'~ When signed by the County Sanltanan, this certificate is evidence as per ORS 454.665 of sat- isfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above location. 'fJt.. is .f-!' n ~ ..}Jous~ Return this form to Permit Processing Section, Department of Environmental Management, Public Service Building, 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene 97401 C55-11