HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1989-2-20 ---. ---- o- j' - . . -I-r . - . U. ,p,~ . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Planning and Development Department DATE OF LETTER February 20, 1989 APPLICANT Brian Bineham Bineham Construction 1325 Kelly Boulevard Springfield, Oregon 97477 SUBJECT Site Plan Review Meeting of February 14, 1989 for City Journal Number 89-01-19. Type I Site Plan Application for the purpose of constructing a 6,400 square foot retail auto parts store. The property is located on Assessor's Map 17~03~26-42 Tax Lot 00500. The property is within the Q Street Refinement Plan bounaary. . ACTION PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN APPROVAL subject to: Requirements under CRITERIA OF APPROVAL AND STANDARDS.TO BE MET. WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO OBTAIN FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL? 1: Submittal of a Final Site Plan within 90 days of the date of this letter which incorporates all required modifications and applicable conditions. The Final ,S.ite Plan needS to be prepared by a licensed architect, landscape archi tecto or 'engi neer must prepare the Fi na 1 Si te Pl an in accordance wi th Section 31.030(3) of the Springfield Development Code. 2. Sign a Development Agreement which will be prepared by staff upon receipt of the Final Site Plan. FINDINGS OF FACT CRITERIA OF APPROVAL AND STANDARDS TO BE MET Criteria of Approval (SDC Section 31.060) [X] DEMONSTRATED COMPLIANCE'WITH APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF THIS CODE. When the applicable Development Standards below have been met, this application will have demonstrated compliance with the applicable standards of this'Code. ~- . . [X] PARKING AREAS AND INGRESS-EGRESS POINTS HAVE BEEN DESIGNATED SO AS TO FACILITATE TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY, TO AVOID COGNITION AND TO MINIMIZE CURB CUTS ON ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREET. The appl icant proposes only one access to Q Street. The proposed access meets the Standards of Article 32. Q STREET REFINEMENT PLAN POLICIES [X] Poi icy 6. Apply site plan review conditions (Article 31, Springfield Development Coael to commercial development to: 1) improve the appearance of the Q Street area; ana, 21 minimize conflicts with resi denti a llY-desi gnatedareas. The applicant has applied for and received preliminary approval of a site plan. STANDARDS TO BE MET [X] THE DEVELOPMENT MUST CONNECT TO PUBLIC UTILITIES. The proposed development will make connections with storm and sanitary sewer, water and electricity. The location of all water, storm sewer, sanitary sewer and electrical lines shall be shown on the Final Site Plan. There is an existing curb inlet in the right-of-way directly in front of this parcel. All surface drainage shall be tied into the curb inlet. Crossing of Olympic Street is not approved. [X] THE DEVELOPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH THE SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY CODES. The proposed structures wi1l be constructed to conform with adopted building and fire and life safety COdes for construction of this classification of occupancy. [X] PARKING AND CIRCULATION AREAS MUST BE PAVED AND STRIPED, AND WHEEL STOPS MUST BE INSTALLED.. " All parking and circulation areas will be paved, striped and provided wi th wheel stops. . A total of 17 parking spaces need to be installed. 11 standard spaces {9'd8' I; 5 compact spaces can be installed (8'xI6' I; 1 hanaicap space is required. ~ If there will be shared parking between this property and the property to the west it needs to be included on the Final Site Plan. Extruded curb, fencing or other approved materials must be installed to restrict access along the entire east property line. The type of materials to be used need to be indicated and shown on the Final Site Plan. ~, fl' "- ... ../ , . l ! , . [Xl OFF~STREET LOADING STANDARDS The Final Site Plan needS to indicate where the loading area will be located. The Springfield Development Code prohibits backing into the right-of-way, . therefore, we need to verify that the location of the loading area can accommodate vehicles to maneuver in such a manner that they aren't forced to back onto Olympic Street. The minimum area required for commercial loading spaces involving commercial buildings between 5,000 and 20,000 square feet is 250 square feet. The required loading area shall not be less than 10 feet in width by 25 feet in length and shall have an unobstructed height of 14 feet. [Xl CURB CUTS WHICH EXCEED THE STANDARDS OF THIS CODE MUST BE CLOSED AND REPLACED WITH STANDARD CURB AND GUTTER, AND SIDEWALK WHERE NECESSARY. The Final Site Plan needS to show if there will be shared access between this property and the property to the west. The 24' wide driveway shown on the preliminary site plan does meet the minimum standard for commercial driveways. The Transportation Division recommendS a 30' wide driveway. Which ever size driveway you 'choose 5' foot fl ai rs . are requi red to be constructed. The enti re flair must be contained within the property .line. [Xl SIDEWALKS MUST BE INSTALLED WHEN THE SITE ABUTS CURB ,AND GUTTER. A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT MUST BE REQUIRED WHEN THE SITE DOES NOT ABUT CURB AND GUTTER. Installation of a 5 foot sidewalk along the entire frontage of Q Street. [X]. A '5 FOOT WIDE'LANDSCAPE PLANTER STRIP WITH PERMANENT IRRIGATION MUST BE INSTALLED BETWEEN, THE STREET~SIDE PROPERTY LINES AND PARKING AREAS OR STRUCTURES. IF STREET TREES DO NOT EXIST, THEY MUST BE INSTALLED IN THIS PLANTER STRIP. . . Installation irrigation. Site Plan in of a 5 foot setback landscape strip with street A landscape plan shall be submitted as part of accordance with Article 31. trees and the Final A row of evergreen trees need to be installed along the south property line. The minimum size of the trees at the time of planting is 6 feet. [Xl STREET LIGHTS MUST BE INSTALLED. I I I All street lights necessary for this development have been installed. .......' -- . - [X] TRASH RECEPTACLES AND OUTDOOR STORAGE AREAS MUST BE SCREENED. The proposed trash receptacle needS to be shown on the Final Site Plan with approved screening. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS 1. If you purchase additional property to the east a Lot Line Adjustment must be applied for and approved. The additional property, if acquired, will need to be included on the Final Site Plan. 2. The footings for the building cannot extend beyond the property line. Because the preliminary plan shows the west and south building walls on the property line footings need to be considered in this design. 3. A joint use/maintenance agreement needS to be obtained with the property owner to the west and south. The agreement will permit you to access their properties for the purpose of building maintenance. 4. Sign Standards are listed in Article 18 and 36 of the Springfield Development Code. APPEAL PROCEDURE Finality of the Decision. All decisions of the Director are final unless an appeal 1S t1 lea w1tn1n 10 calendar days in accordance with Section 15.020 of the Springfield Development Code. WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE 1. You need to submit a Final Site Plan drawn to scale which shows the adaitional items listed under STANDARDS TO BE MET and ADDITIONAL COMMENTS on your plan. 2. Upon the approval of the Final Site Plan, staff will prepare a Development Agreement which will also have to be signed by the property owner. 3. Once the Final Site Plan is submittea along with the signea Development Agreement the Site Plan Review process will be complete. QUESTIONS Please call Development Code Administrator Greg Mott at 726-3759 if you have any questions regarding this process. PREPARED BY (~t>tiIUtl. d 'iiv. In 01. Cynthia L. Harmon Development Permit Coordinator Copy To: DRC Members " .........