HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/10/2000 Work Session . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSlbN MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITYi COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, J~NUARY 10, 2000 I The Springfield City Council met in Work Session at Springfield City Hal,l, Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, on Monday, January 10,2000, at 5:05 p.m. 'Yith Mayor Weathers presiding. I ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Weathers and Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Leiken, Lundberg, and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City M,anager Gino Grimaldi, Administrative Aide Shari Higgins, AIC Development Services Director john Tamulonis, Public Works Director Dan Brown, Senior Management Analyst Len Goodwin, Planner I Sarah Summers, Environmental Services Manager Susie Smith, Maintenance M~nager Ed Black, Planning Supervisor Mel Oberst, and members of staff. Mayor Weathers reminded council ofthe Joint Elected Officials meeting scheduled for January I 19,2000. ' Mayor Weathers announced that the Asian Celebration was looking for a representative of the city to provide opening remarks at the event. Councilor Ballew volunteered and Councilor Hatfield said he might attend also. . 1. Review of Development Services Department Strategic Plan. . I I AIC Development Services Director John Tamulonis was present for the staff report. He said the department plan created was different from recent plans created by the Police Department and the Library, due to the large number of presentations and plan/project adoptions that the Development Services Department shares with the City Council through 0ut each year. The department statement is: To foster lasting community livability involving; and reflecting . Springfield's values, interests and concerns. He said the department focused on internal input, but did solicit use of department surveys and input from the Mayor and c!ity Council. Mr. Tamulonis reviewed the department divisions, including: Community SeIjVices, Planning, Administration, and Community and Economic Development. i Mr. Tamulonis said the plan was created to provide the department with a common direction, a stronger identify, and an alignment of resources. He reviewed the assumptions and impacts and said after each impact and assumption was identified, that both an intern~1 and external review was conducted. Mr. Tamulonis spoke on population trends, increased mibority population, increased value of building permits, zoning, business and employment, dhelopment and construction timelines, and cultural impacts. He then reviewed specific i~sues such as I redevelopment, housing, business and employment, customer issues, Springfield Tomorrow, and partnerships with the Gateway Mall. I Mr. Tamulonis spoke of the next steps in the seven-year plan, including dvaluation of the plan in year three, with alterations as necessary. He said he would meet with developers in the near future to gather a better sense of what changes are driving what occurs in' Springfield. I City of Springfield Work Session - 1/10/00 Page 2 . I I Councilor Ballew spoke about a general business license and her surprise that the city has never I pursued this type of license. Councilor Ballew felt monitoring, not regulating, would be important as the city continues to grow. I I Councilor Leiken felt the city should not pursue a general business licensd at this time, due to existing regulations and the movement towards younger entrepreneurs, wIio would not have regulatory or environmental problems with their technology. I Councilor Simmons said that a business license program would have to pr~vide both a community and city benefit prior to its conception. Councilor Lundberg felt the city should have information on new busines~es ahead oftime and even without regulation, should have tracking and business information or knowledge on record. Councilor Hatfield said he was not opposed to a license, but felt adding arlother workload item to the Development Services Department at this time might not be wise. Phis, without adding substantial department resources and giving the community a larger benefit, he would not be a proponent of it. ' Mayor Weathers felt the license would be a timing issue. When the comiliunity benefits outweigh the negatives, then it will be the correct time to revisit the subje~t. ! . Mr. Kelly said benefits are on a larger scale. When big businesses locate in Springfield, the city would know what a business looked like, what chemicals they store, when they had an inspection, etc. For smaller businesses, it would allow the city to track when a business rents a portion of another building to assist with signage, proper exists, restroom~, etc. The issue might help businesses to meet city regulations prior to locating, thus providing ~ valuable community service. Mr. Tamulonis said a business license would only be a minor tool to assist businesses. \ I ! I 2. Street Fund Long-Term Financial Plan. , Public Works Director Dan Brown was present and provided history of the Street Fund. In the mid-1980's the fund became large enough to fund all major capital programs. He spoke about the County Road Fund and current issues surrounding their funding sour~es. The last session of the Legislative Assembly approved increases to the State gas taxes and ifjthe increases go into effect, the city could expect to receive an additional $280,000 in revenue.! If the voters reject the proposal at the May Election, then there would not be sufficient funds in the Street Fund for its continuation after Fiscal Year 2000-01. I I I Councilor Lundberg asked about DMV licensing funding. Mr. Brown sa~d a portion is dedicated to the State, a portion to county, and a portion to local cities, apportioned I out among all cities in the county. Councilor Simmons feared that funding would run out at so~e point. Mr. Brown agreed and said that prior agreements were made knowing that funding s6urces could be drastically reduced or end in the future. I . City of Springfield Work Session - 1/10/00 Page 3 . I Senior Management Analyst Len Goodwin provided information on what would be presented during the Public Works Department budget. He said steps are occurring now to assist department spending, which could be put into action, if no other changes 6ccur prior to the next fiscal year. Mr. Goodwin showed funding charts to council regarding the ~urrent Street Fund Financial Plan and the proposed Street Fund Financial Plan. He explained the charts, including materials and services costs, which may be high at this point and said the [lUmbers would be continually refined. ; , Mr. Goodwin said the concern is in the revenue coming into the Street Fund. Gas tax revenues are a large portion of the fund. He then reviewed the expenditures by majbr object in the Street Fund. The expenses will keep growing and if the revenue is limited or reduced, the funds will never balance in the future. Mr. Goodwin said much project work is contracted out, but almost all maintenance work is done with internal employees. Mr. Kelly said that many projects are also funded from the System Development Charges Fund, not the Street Fund. I I There was a discussion regarding the reserve amounts provided by Mr. Goodwin, as well as the gas tax receipts. Councilor Hatfield clarified the reserve amounts for FY 2000-01. Mr. Goodwin clarified that the information presented did not assume any increase to out current level of gas I tax revenues. If an increase occurs after the election, then the city may realize an increase in state funding, plus a possible increase coming from Lane County. ! . Councilor Simmons felt the city should change the specifications for the construction of streets by building them to last longer with less maintenance. Councilor Simmoris asked if the city currently receives any funding from the State of Oregon to sweep/clean Main Street. Mr. Brown said the state commits to sweep once per month. If local cities want incr~ased maintenance, it becomes a city function. Councilor Ballew clarified the department would be fine for FY 2000-0 1 ~nd for FY 2001-02, but would continue to have large internal constraints imposed regarding spending. Councilor Fitch clarified that the department would restrict both personal services a~d materials and servIces. . 3. Springfield Drinking Water Protection Overlay District. Planner I Sarah Summers was present for the staff report. Also present ~as Chuck Davis from the Springfield Utility Board (SUB). Ms. Summers began by explaining ~his is the first plan of its type in the State and a requirement of the Department of Land Conservation and Development I (DLCD) to meet the periodic review approval. The plan sets city policy for protection of its drinking water and has been certified by the Department of Environment~1 Quality (DEQ). She said the proposed Drinking Water Protection Overlay District (SpringfielH Development Code (SDC) Article 17) is the major implementation measure of the plan and Jould complete the periodic review requirement. I Ms. Summer said since the plan includes a zone change, that letters would be sent to over 16,000 property owners. She reviewed the travel zones, which each have their o~n regulations and restrictions. Ms. Summers said the plan had a large list of requirements for new uses that need to be included in the SDC, Article 17. She eXplained the development review process. . City of Springfield Work Session - 1/10/00 Page 4 Ms. Summers said Groundwater Protection "Guardians" are currently revi~wing ways to educate the public, including signage as people approach a wellhead area. She then reviewed some of the chemicals and restrictions, as well as Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs). , Councilor Fitch clarified what might trigger an increased use. Ms. Summ~rs said the plan regulates hazardous chemicals and DNAPL use. Councilor Leiken spoke regarding new technology that would allow many businesses to expand production while!using the same level or a lower level ofDNAPLs. ' It was agreed by consensus, to change the wording in Article 17, 1.7 D, tor place in parenthesis, "except for a decrease in usage." Also agreed by council consensus, was ;to change Sections 1.8 and 1.9, where the same language appears. I I , Councilor Simmons asked why SUB was exempt. He felt a public agency should meet the same standard that private businesses must adhere to. Mr. Davis said it is due tb the water treatment process in using chlorine or other same type of chemicals. Council discu~sed whether others who use the same type of chemicals should be exempt also, by possibly listing the use and not the user names. : ! Mr. Leahy felt the overlay, as written, was defensible, as the water agenci~s serve the public and have their best interests in mind. Others may not, such as companies with internal water treatment processes, and they could risk the public water supply if not extremely careful. . Mayor Weathers asked Mr. Davis and Ms. Summers to review the exemphon for the water agencies, which allows them to conduct business with an exemption for other types of chemicals that would not affect the clean water process. Council shared concern over making one agency I exempt when others are not. Council felt it would be better public policYito change the language. ! I I Mr. Leahy proposed working with Planning Supervisor Mel Oberst and ~ssistant City Manager I Gino Grimaldi who had already suggested written changes regarding water agencies. By consensus, council agreed to allow staff the discretion to review the lang4age and make the necessary changes. I Mayor Weathers suggested contacting Ms. Summers with any additional questions or comments , in a timely manner. Ms. Summers said that Sheri Stewart from DEQ called asking for a copy of the plan. Mayor Weathers cautioned staff to communicate in a positive Jay to the property owners. Many may have the need for more information. . I I 4. Continued Discussion of Springfield Water Resources Management I~sues. I Environmental Services Manager Susie Smith, Maintenance Supervisor Ed Black, and Planning Supervisor Mel Oberst were present to continue the discussion on the to~ic of water resources management. Ms. Smith provided a handout titled "Food for thought Qu,bstions." She spoke about the rapid growth in the 1990' s that caused city staff to focus on ne"o/ development. However, some city storm water management regulations and practices have been altered to meet water quality objectives. Ms. Smith provided examples of the regulations. . City of Springfield Work Session - 1/10/00 Page 5 . Ms. Smith said it would be important for council to give staff an idea of tIle level of detailed information and future involvement the council would like to have. Maydr Weathers said the level of information depends on the topic. She suggested keeping it meaningful and at a level that would assist council. She felt distribution should occur through the Cbmmunication Packet. I Councilor Hatfield agreed and felt receiving information via Communication Packets and scheduling future work sessions when a policy decision is necessary would be the most beneficial. He said council should be involved on policy level only. I I Councilor Ballew asked for information to be condensed and a recommended action to be listed on each communication item. Councilor Lundberg suggested categorizing information from each act, as' needed, i.e. Clean I Water Act, Endangered Species Act, etc. ' Councilor Fitch agreed, but asked staff to include the 4-0 rules also. When planning for future I development is an issue, please keep council abreast of the issues and schedule work session . I tIme as necessary. . Councilor Simmons said he preferred a higher level of information and fe'lt council should have information in a timely manner, whenever it applies to the city. Rather t1!.an being reactive, he would like to make sure the city remains proactive. I . Councilor Leiken would like information on the 4-D rule, plus regulation~ or policy changes that affect business. : I Mayor Weathers cautioned staff not to get too far ahead of the curve. She felt the city should not fall behind in setting policy, but cautioned staff not to blaze the trail, as ~e don't have the resources to learn and do it all. We can learn from others and without additional resources the city may have a hard time continuing programs that were created to earlYjin the process. . I Ms. Smith provided information on what staff is doing in comparison to the state and local levels. She said the 4-D rule is very complicated and the city has organizbd into the metro wide Endangered Species Act (ESA) team to learn about the rule. Research and work planning are involved in the team, as well as applying for grants to help fund the edudtional process for all involved. It is clear that this a coordinating group and there are no expectations that the group will lead or be accountable to the Springfield City Council. I I Ms. Smith spoke regarding the 4-D rule and the Salmon Restoration requirements. She explained the EP A considers the erosion of the fish habitat through destrJctiveness of any type a violation. Ms. Smith detailed the implications of not complying with thel act and what types of liability could occur. She spoke ofDNAPL's and the need to review erosion control, anything that flows into rivers, and a mandatory native vegetation fringe. The finJI I 4-0 rule should be published in June and at that point, the city becomes liable. i I I I , I ,. City of Springfield Work Session - 1/10/00 Page 6 . Ms. Smith said programs are now being reviewed that have already participated in a 4-D rule, prior to Springfield. Many communities have had one year of work completed already and Springfield would like to emulate their programs. Councilor Fitch asked if any communities are challenging the 4-D rule. 11r. Black said staff is in the research process currently. Upcoming public hearings will be held and Springfield has an I opportunity to shape the future final rule with input at this point. Ms. Smith said there would be many challenges and comments on both sides of the issue prior to the fina'l rule being published. ! Ms. Smith outlined what types of review and policy decisions would need! to be made prior to June 19,2000. Mayor Weathers said the types of information, which need to be shared, do not need to be packaged all at once, as it may be easier for council to digest t~e information in smaller quantities. I The meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m. I .1 i ADJOURNMENT Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins . ~1A\~~ . Maureen Weathers, Mayor I i ATTEST: .