HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/06/1999 Work Session . . . ~' MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1999 The City of Springfield council met in work session in the Jesse Maine Rbom, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, December 6, 1999, at 6:02 p.m. with Mayor Weathers presiding. ' ATTENDANCE I I I Present were Mayor Weathers and Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Leiken, Lundberg and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Senior Management Analyst Rosie Pryor, AIC City Recorder Shari Higgins, Finance Director Bob Duey, Museum Coordinator Kathy Jensen, Management Analyst Eileen Stein, City Engineer Al Peroutka, Planning Manager Greg Mott and members of staff. ! Guests: Tom Schwetz and Lee Shoemaker, Lane County of Governments; Ed Bergeron and Stephano Vigganio, Lane Transit District; Nick Arnis, Oregon Departme~t of Transportation. 1. Budget Committee Interview/Appointment. Finance Director Bob Duey was present. Mayor Weathers said council would visit with the sole applicant, the incumbent, Virginia Lauritsen. Ms. Lauritsen said she had:enjoyed serving and was interested in continuing on the Budget Committee. After a brief discussion, council welcomed Ms. Lauritsen back for a second-term. Council shared that th~y were glad to have her committee experience returning for the upcoming budget process. I The appointment of Virginia Lauritsen was ratified at the regular session;meeting. I Mr. Duey added a February 1 Mid-Year Budget Review meeting had been tentatively scheduled. All council members said the date would work. 2. Museum Committee Application Review/Appointment. I I Museum Coordinator Kathy Jensen was present. She said prior members Estelle McCafferty and Susan Oldham were both re-applying for positions, as they have been off of the committee for one year. Ms. Oldham would fill the role as the Newsletter Editor, and Ms. McCafferty Estelle would serve as registrar. i i The appointments of Estelle McCafferty and Susan Oldham were ratifieq at the regular meeting. Councilor Fitch said the HollyDays event was well planned and attendedl All councilors agreed that it was a good event and gave thanks to Ms. Jensen. 3. System Development Charge (SDC) Advisory Committee ApplicatioN. Review and A . I ppomtments. : I Management Analyst Eileen Stein was present. She reported there were five openings advertised I for and seven applicants. Cfty of Springfield Work Session - 12/6/99 Page 2 . Ms. Stein suggested reviewing the position categories and selecting the preferred applicant for each. Council reviewed the positions of: land developer representative; nqn-property owner/tenant; and three at large positions. Also discussed were the Chamber of Commerce, Homebuilders, Planning Commission and City Council positions. After discussion, the following were chosen: land developer representative - Larry Thorp; non- property owner/tenant - Ghabriel Bryanne; at large - Marylyn Phillips, Judith Macomber, and Rick Satre. I I The appointments of Larry Thorp, Ghabriel Bryanne, Marylyn Phillips, Jqdith Macomber and Rick Satre were ratified at the regular session. . 4. Work Session Discussion on Process Options for the Final Review and Consideration of the Proposed TransPlan Update and Amended TransPlan Element ofthe Metro Plan. Planning Manager Greg Mott presented the staff report. Also present was Tom Schwetz from Lane Council of Governments. Members from the audience presented council with two handouts, one from the Mill Street Bridge Committee, and one from the Friends of Eugene I Board. . Mr. Mott and Mr. Schwetz explained that the Metropolitan Policy Committee (MPC) has requested the full bodies of each adopting agency consider alternative processes to conclude the update of TransPlan. Mr. Mott provided background information on the public input process and testimony that was entered into the record at the joint public hearings held on September 29 and October 20, 1999. I Mr. Mott said the staff from Lane County and the City of Eugene have prepared two options for their elected officials: support of the request from Friends of Eugene (Att~chment 2 of the AIS); or, elected officials review of the draft TransPlan and testimony and making of final decisions without citizen involvement. Mr. Mott preferred the second option, as it ~as with staffs from Lane County and Eugene. There was a discussion of the City of Eugene process and regarding opening the record to allow public input during future work sessions. Mr. Mott said TransPlan would probably be reviewed again in a joint work session at the end of each jurisdictions individual wbrk. Mr. Schwetz spoke about the upcoming MPC meeting and looking at a process for a joint wo~k session to finalize consensus items, which will then be discussed at individual work sessiont I Councilor Hatfield suggested meeting individually in work sessions in eJch jurisdiction and afterward communicating suggested changes from Lane County, Eugene,! and Springfield to other agencies prior to meeting jointly. Councilor Hatfield said he is mote interested in hearing what Eugene's responses to their issues are than in jumping in the middlJ of another jurisdictions Issues. . Mr. Mott said staff is preparing responses to the questions raised by elec~ed officials at the last joint meeting. They fall into six issue categories and he thought they wohld be completed prior I to the end of the year. ' City of Springfield Work Session - 12/6/99 Page 3 . The next City Council work session on TransPlan is scheduled for February 14,2000. Mayor Weathers asked Mr. Mott to notify each jurisdiction of all work session d~tes. I Councilor Ballew asked about leaving the public record open versus not oken. Mr. Mott replied if it is left open, then comments will be responded to by staff and could impact the final process outcome. There is also more lead-time needed for work session preparations when the record is left open. If it is not opened, then the record stands as is to-date. Councilbr Ballew felt the public comment period has already been open for a long time. Mr. Mott s<J,id once the record is officially closed, the information received after the closure cannot be used in the decision I making process. I Councilor Hatfield said it would be important to respond to questions as r~ised, but officials need to discuss the issues and not keep debating public comments. He said he would be looking forward to a chance to review and discuss the issues, then make decisions; I Councilor Simmons asked if Eugene opened the record, what impact would it have on Springfield. Mr. Mott said the issue becomes problematic when all the juhsdictions do not adopt the same process for public comment and review. Also included should be the Lane Transit District (TD) as a partner. Another concern raised was the budget issues associated with the process continuing for a longer period, it impacts workload and stafftimei. Mr. Mott explained it In ight be necessary to engage MPC in a conflict resolution process if the j'urisdictions cannot agree on a reVIew process. . I Mr. Mott said the public hearings had been held and future work sessions:would be conducted to review the staff respon.ses to the public input and elected official questio~s. Mr. Schwetz said the intent would be to review options for changes to the TransPlan in work sessions and bring I back options at a final public hearing. The City of Eugene left the record open to allow the public to comment on the options that staff would present the potential changes. I I Councilor Hatfield suggested discussing the content and a future work session, and deciding whether or not to continue in the process. If only a few conflicts are still present, then delete them to prevent impasse. He said the council should hold a work session! possibly ajoint work session with other agencies, but not to re-open the record at this point in time. Mr. Mott said Eugene a~d Lane County have agreed to re-open their reco1rds during their work sessions to include new options and seek public input to review options. Councilor Leiken said this is an important document. He suggested furth'er review, but not to I open the public comment period for a long period of time. The agencies must move closer to I making final decisions. I Mr. Mott discussed nodel development and how that affects TransPlan options. . Councilor Ballew provided council consensus: to decide in the future on meeting jointly with the other agencies, but to hold a City of Springfield work session, and joint work sessions as needed, and to open the record at future point to align processes with Larle County and Eugene. I i City of Springfield Work Session - 12/6/99 Page 4 . ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins ATTEST: . . ~~.tJJtA.~ Maureen Weathers, Mayor