HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/22/1999 Work Session ....., . MINUTES OF THE WORK S~SSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1999 The City of Springfield met in work session in the Jesse Maine Room, 22~ Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, November 22, 1999, at 5:00 p.m., with Mayor Maine presiding. i I I i ATTENDANCE I ! Present were Mayor Maine and Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Leike~, Lundberg, and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Administrative Aide Shari Higgins, Development Services Director Susarl Daluddung, Senior Management Analyst Cynthia Pappas, Planning Supervisor Mel Oberst, Planner II Mark Metzger, Community and Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis, Public Works Director Dan Brown, Senior Management Analyst Len Goodwin, Manag~ment Analyst Eileen Stein, Traffic Engineer Brian Barnett, and Environmental Services Manager Susie Smith. I I Guests: Roy Orr, Kay Bryant, Steve Cooney, Tom Draggoo, Tom Costabile, Dan Egan, and Mark Pangborn. i I i 1. Jasper Natron Specific Development Plan Traffic Update. . I I Planner III Mark Metzger and Traffic Engineer Brian Barnett presented the staff report. They provided an update on the Jasper Natron Road Extension (JRE) Project, plus the Jasper-Natron Plan. Mr. Metzger explained the JRE project was initiated by Lane County in response to congestion issues in the 57th/58th Street corridor and the desire to provid~ more direct access from Jasper Road to Hwy. 126 at Main Street. Mr. Metzger spoke about ~he public involvement process to-date. ! I Mr. Metzger reviewed the site feasibility analysis completed on Jasper Natron Preferred Alternative A. He reviewed the wetlands area and said the county is curr~ntly packaging a wetlands delineation proposal for state review. The landowners are cooperative and trying to expedite the process. Mr. Metzger showed where industrial zoning is/cOl!tld be and how property owners are also working with staff and the Eugene/Springfield Metro Pa~nership on the JRE. I I Mr. Metzger said Springfield staff and Lane County staffs are currently Working on access management. He said the traffic impact analysis is a viable alternative i~ response to congestion . . I issues. Mr. Metzger explained traffic levels that fit now with the numbefrs provided by the county. He said the analysis conducted pointed out the need for three intersections on the JRE I between Mt. Vernon and Jasper Roads to serve the traffic load of future development, yet the county would like to reduce the number to two. Specific traffic movemehts and safety issues were discussed. I i Councilor Simmons asked if the city had received approval from the Public Utility Commission I (PUC) for the crossing on the haul road, right-of-ways. Community and ~Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis said the crossings are existing and as long as t~ey are permanent, then the PUC would not ask for a closing in .the future. Councilor Simmons a~ked if there had been an~ discussions on acquiring the haul road tq help off-load traffic from t~e third proposed intersection. ' ~ I . ....... , . i Springfield City Council Work Session - 11/22/99 Page 2 . Mr. Metzger said there were discussions early on in the conceptual process with Weyerhaeuser and it was determined they would not make the road available, as they pl~n to use it for over- width and over-length product in their future. ; Mr. Metzger said Lane County is asking for Springfield's vision regard ink the project. Mayor Maine and City Manager Mike Kelly are scheduled to meet with county sbff in early December and the discussion of the JRE project is timely to discus now. i i Mayor Maine asked about the on-going maintenance once the JRE is constructed and if it had been determined as a city facility or a county facility. She said the city is; looking for the best long-term solution for the growth of the area. ' I Mr. Metzger explained the different types of state, district, and local high~ays. He spoke of the separation needed to distinguish between streets and bypasses. There was a lengthy discussion of the need for either two or three intersections. Development Services Director Susan Daluddung spoke of the decision from the Roads Advisory Committee, specifically regarding three intersections. She felt this was not an unsolvable problem at this pdint in the project. I , Councilor Fitch said she favored three signals in the JRE. She said city staff has been very instrumental in getting donations of right-of-way and praised their efforts. I . Councilor Hatfield agreed with three signals, but felt two signals would ~e better than not I constructing the project. i I Mayor Maine said she invited Lee Beyer from the Eugene/Springfield M6tro Partnership to be present for the discussion topic. Mr. Beyer said the industrial realignmerit makes good sense for I future growth. When the project was originally conceptualized, a highway was proposed that would serve the area for the next 50 years. Mr. Beyer said the three intersections make sense, but felt the city should be sensitive to Lane County's sense of building a local street versus a highway. ! 2. Springfield Renaissance Update and Action on McKenzie Theatre. , I I Senior Management Analyst Cynthia Pappas introduced members of the Springfield Renaissance I Development Corporation (SRDC) present: Roy Orr, Kay Bryant, Steve Cooney, Tom Draggoo, Tom Costabile, Dan Egan, Mark Pangborn, Tammy Fitch and herself. . Mr. Orr explained the mission ofthe SRDC, using a brief slide show. The major focus for redevelopment is currently in the downtown area, but he said it is not thelonly area of town where the future focus would continue. Mr. Orr provided information on the history of SRDC and shared future visions of the downtown area, including: a walking bridge, a transportation hub, a trolley route, etc., which have all been included in the downtown donceptual plan. I Mr. Orr said the downtown vision is to promote development that focuse~ on key themes, including: return to the river; embracing Springfield's natural and historipal assets; mix-used development; an 18-hour city; and environmentally sensitive development along the Millrace. I I I I I I As an organization, the SRDC's vision is to: \ .- Springfield City Council Work Session - 11/22/99 Page 3 . Promote development that focuses attention on, harmonizes with and pres!erves the natural beauty of Springfield's rivers, millrace, and other environmental features;r Create an attractive climate for the growth of a diverse and attractive mix :of business and housing that contributes to the aesthetic value and welcomes visitors and residents to enjoy downtown, especially after hours and on weekends; ; I Encourage the location of a high quality civic and government center that~ offers a meeting place for major events, convenient services, and a source of positive communitr identity and pride; I I Explore opportunities for providing arts, entertainment, recreation, and education amenities that would create a sense of Springfield as a destination; and Facilitate the creation of transportation hub that would make visiting Sprihgfield a pleasant and convenient experience. Mr. Orr said the critical design elements are: A downtown that is alive after five Environmental sensitivity to our natural resources Reconnection to the river and millrace Pedestrian friendly/human scale . Authenti~ to Springfield's community identity (not a theme-park approach) . Mr. Orr and Kay Bryant explained the McKenzie Theatre Project: Public/Private funding mix Business Plan development stage Active interest from potential users Ms. Bryant spoke regarding the McKenzie Theatre renovation project. She said in the last few months there has been much interest in the SRDC. They are an opportunistic group, who has formed a proposal for the McKenzie Theatre to be used as a Performing Arts Center. Ms. Bryant said there is a lot of interest in the community from performing arts groups who need a location. She said there is no committed funds to-date, but a lot of community intetest, with much attention shifting towards grant writing and fund raising. . Ms. Bryant said there is other interest from a local organization to purchase the property. The SRDC members are hoping to use the committed city funding to begin nJgotiations. Mr. Orr said the timing is good for this project, as the group is finalizing their bu~iness plan. Dan Egan spoke regarding the McKenzie Theater project specifically. Hl shared community organizations with interest in using the building. Mr. Egan also spoke abbut the SRDC, their commitment to the project, and to Springfield's downtown revitalization.! Councilor Ballew asked ifthe SRDC had a sense of on-going building Jd property maintenance I costs, staffing, etc. beyond just the purchase and renovation. Ms. Bryantlsaid discussions would continue on those issues, but currently there is interest from three or four: functioning operational groups that could run the business in the long-term (after the purchase an1d renovations were concluded). i ! \ ,('\ Springfield City Council Work Session - 11/22/99 Page 4 . Councilor Hatfield said he supported the funding once a business plan was developed. He said it is a good project that would bring people downtown after hours. i I Councilor Lundberg said she was very pleased with the plans and is inter~sted in seeing community members involved in developing the business plan. She shar~d concern over the city funding portion, but agreed to review in the future after the plan was completed. I Councilor Simmons said he was impressed with the concept, but question~d who should purchase the property/building, the SRDC or the city. He said the group bhould move quickly towards the purchase. I I , Tom Costabile believes as both a business person and SRDC member thai this project can I succeed, and should be purchased through the SRDC. I I Mayor Maine suggested using the $50,000 budgeted funding as a match tb help the SRDC with fundraising efforts and other private funding sources. She felt the group irould succeed, but it I makes a good business decision to use a match mechanism. ! Mr. Costabile said the SRDC would return to the council with a business plan and alternatives based on numbers. Councilor Fitch suggested allowing the SRDC 45 day~ to complete the plan. . I I Mr. Kelly suggested the council release a small portion of the $50,000 to apply towards an I option with a 90-day timeframe and give the SRDC time to complete the business plan. By consensus, council agreed to the suggestion. Steve Cooney clarified the small portion to be released by the city would be $10,000, or less. : ! Mayor Maine thanked the SRDC for doing a good job of keeping the city!informed. She asked that the SRDC keep Mr. Kelly informed on the negotiations and future is~ues associated with the property/building purchase. i I TheLane Transit District Joy Ride information was presented. Please RS,YP by November 29, to Shari Higgins, if interested. I ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins I aureen Maine, Mayor ATTEST: ~. . City Recorder