HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/20/1999 Work Session . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1999 The city of Springfield council met in work session in the Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, September 20, 1999, at 6:00 p.m., with Mayor Maine presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Maine, Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Leiken, Lundberg and Simmons. . Also present were Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, Senior '. Management Analyst Rosie Pryor, City Recorder Julie Wilson and members of the staff. 1. Arts Commission Application Review. Librarian Barbara Thompson presented the staff report on this issue. One position is currently open on the Arts Commission, due to the resignation of Paul Bourgault who has moved out of the city. His position is due to expire on December 31, 2001. Dian Wood has applied for the position. The Arts Commission recommends that Dian Wood be appointed to the Arts Commission, with a term to expire December 31, 2001. . The Arts Commission believes Ms. Wood is well qualified to serve. She meets the residence requirement that members have a business or residence within the 97477, 97478, or 97482 zip code areas. As an artist and involved Springfield citizen, she possesses expertis~ that would benefit the Arts Commission. Ms." Wood attended an Arts Commission meeting on September 13. Ms. Wood submitted her application one-day after the deadline, September 2, because that was the day she was informed of the position and encouraged to apply by an Arts Commission member. The Arts Commission views her application very favorably, and hopes that this will not affect her eligibility to be selected for membership. Volunteers on the Arts Commission provide professional services to the city. The council reviewed the application ofDian Wood. By consensus, council will appoint Dian Wood to the Arts Commission, with a term expiration date of December 31, 2001. 2. Police Planning Task Force Application Review. Police Chief Jerry Smith presented the staff report on this issue. There is one existing vacancy on the Police Planning Task Force for a business representative. Four candidates have applied for the vacant position. . Except for task force member Wilson whose term is expiring, candidates were interviewed by a subcommittee of the Police Planning Task Force on Wednesday, September 8, 1999. The task force recommends that the incumbent Sean Wilson be reappointed to a second term as Work Session Minutes September 20, 1999 Page 2 . business representative, as allowed by the Police Planning Task Force Bylaws, with a term expiring July 31, 2001. The task force further recommends that Steve Singleton be appointed to the next available at-large position, either by resignation or term expiration of an existing member, and that Donald Moloney and Chris Pettit be appointed to the next available business representative position, either by resignation or term expiration of existing members. By consensus, council agreed to reappoint Sean Wilson to a second term as business representative, with a term expiring July 31, 2001. The council also agreed to appoint Steve Singleton to the next available at-large position, either by resignation or term expiration of an existing member, and that Donald Moloney and Cris Pettit be appointed to the next available business representative positions, either by resignatiqn or term expiration of existing members. 3. Roundabout Task Force Application Review. Traffic Engineer Brian Barnett presented the staff report on this issue. The Mayor and Council have authorized the creation of a citizen advisory task force to help plan a traffic roundabout facility at the intersection of 58th and Thurston Road. The task force may also be used for further work on roundabout implementation as the concept is further pursued in Springfield. In response to the advertisement period, three applications have been received for three openings. . In the June 14 work session, staff made a presentation on traffic roundabouts. The presentation discussed the characteristics of modern roundabouts, how they differ from traditional traffic circles, and the reasons they are being more frequently considered by traffic engineering professions in this country. In short, the primary reasons include 1) greater safety; 2) shorter traffic delays; 3) lower cost; and 4) aesthetic design. In response to the presentation, council expressed an interest in considering a pilot project roundabout. Staff suggested the intersection of 58th and Thurston Road as one where traffic levels merit consideration of a signal, but where a roundabout could potentially better serve the intersection. Council directed staff to explore a pilot project for this intersection and authorized the creation of an advisory task force for this purpose. The task force will assist staff with the development of concepts for the roundabout and will help in developing a public outreach and education program regarding the pilot project specifically, and roundabouts in general. The task force is expected to complete its work over a six-month period, through a series of four or five meetings. The first meeting is expected to be in October. The task force will submit its recommendations to the Planning Commissions and the city council. . All of the applicants met the stated preference of people who use the intersection or are otherwise familiar with or interested in how a roundabout can best serve local and through traffic in the area. Staff recommends all three applicants be appointed to the task force. In addition to these citizen members, liaisons from the Council, Planning Commissions, School District, Willamalane, L TD and the Springfield Chamber of Commerce are being identified for the task force. Work Session Minutes September 20, 1999 Page 3 . By council consensus, Stephen Morelock, Sue Esau and Daniel Leavitt would be appointed to the Roundabout Task Force. 4. Review Springfield Chamber of Commerce Nominees to Replace Springfield Business Representatives on the Lane Workforce Partnership Board. Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis presented the staff report on this issue. The Lane Workforce Partnership requests Springfield fill vacancies for two business representatives on the Board of Directors. City Council needs to review the applications and agree on appointing the selected applicants for ratification. The Lane Workforce Partnership recently formed with the merger of the Southern Willamette Private Industry Council and the Lane Regional Work force Committee. The partnership requested nominees from the Springfield Chamber of Commerce to fill vacancies of the Springfield business representative for the positions vacated by Cindy Murdoch and Ruthie Heikkila. Federal regulations guiding the Partnership require the City of Springfield appoint from a list of business nominees made by the Chamber of commerce. . The Springfield Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Executive Board approved these nominations to be appointed by the Springfield City Council from the list of nominees to fill terms ending 12/31/02. The Chamber's list also included Kris Redmond (Springfield Chamber of Commerce). The Lane Workforce Partnership is charged with directing the operation of local employment and training programs funded under the Job Training Partnership Act. Lane Workforce Partnership serves annually over 5,000 Lane County residents and about 450 businesses. It has an annual budget of over $8 million. Federal regulations require the city seek nominations from general-purpose business organizations (the Springfield Chamber in our case) for business appointments. The appointees must be business owners or managers in Springfield, but need not be city residents. The other two private sector Springfield representatives are Noreen Franz-Hovis (Sony Disc Manufacturing) and Annie Sakaguchi (SASS, Inc.lMcDonald' s of Springfield/Oakridge). By council consensus, James Craft and Stephanie Davies were appointed as Springfield business representatives to serve on the Lane Workforce Partnership Board with terms expiring on 12/31/02. 5. TransPlan Review and Update / BRT Review and Update. Traffic Engineer Brian Barnett and Planning Manager Greg Mott were available to answer questions regarding this issue. Council was provided with a letter dated September 17, 1999, from Hillary Wylie, LTD Board President, regarding the BRT project. . Council discussed the staff report and recommendations regarding TransPlan in preparation for the September 29 Joint Elected Officials (JEO) public hearing. Work Session Minutes September 20, 1999 Page 4 . There are several Trans Plan policies, which have been the subject of Council discussion and interest in the past, and there are current issues which staff brought to the council's attention before the JEO meeting. The Council was provided with a letter from LTD Board of Director President, Hillary Wylie. Mayor Maine said that a previous goal of the Springfield council was to ensure that the project was being done for the purpose of reducing congestion since that was perceived to be the upcoming transportation and mobility problem in the future. It is the will of the council to improve transportation. Councilor Leiken said he understood the concept ofBRT, which was to serve two purposes. One purpose is to reduce congestion. When he saw one concept/goal noted of increasing transit market share, he had concerns. He said this changes things and said we are almost back to square one. He discussed the light rail concept and reduction of traffic congestion. He supported city staff recommendations because of his concept of what the intent ofBRT is, which is reducing congestion. . Mayor Maine clarified market share versus transit mode share. She said L TD provided a explanation of this in a referenced letter. She also discussed the need to look at our entire transportation system and the overall goals and impacts. She was also hopeful that more clarification would be received regarding outcomes and what we can expect regarding the entire transportation system. Councilor Simmons discussed integration with the Trans Plan and the need for legitimate data. He said there are assumptions in Trans Plan that are fallacious. They do not speak to the reality of the market place in the year 2015. He said we have to have a clear picture of what this entire thing looks like. He discussed the reduction of congestion, transit shares, cost factors, time lines, and the opportunity to have the highest and best use of some public properties and some public corridors to meet the transportation needs of 20 15. He said we could do it but we have to have some quantifiable facts. Councilor Fitch explained that during the last BRT Steering Committee meeting, ODOT made it clear that they were not expecting all the answers right now but many would be answered throughout the process and Environmental Assessment. Some would have to be specifically studied to geHhe answers. Councilor Fitch said if you look at BRT from a metropolitan and regional perspective, it is a good concept. What has been a struggle on the Steering Committee is how to make it measurable so that we can see, throughout the study, if it is working. She said she thought we were working through a lot of the issues and she commended both LTDand City staff for their efforts related to this project. She said staff has put many hours working together to try and find some of the answers and said this has been seen in the downtown segment. She said we still have a way to go, the need to find the right option, and how to test this project to make sure it will work for everyone. . Work Session Minutes September 20, 1999 Page 5 . Councilor Lundberg discussed the BRT concept. She discussed dedicated lanes along with other issues of concern. She said ridership was the bottom line. She said issues brought up by the Road Advisory Group need to be considered. Brian Barnett answered questions from council. Councilor Lundberg discussed building a lane on South A Street. It was explained that this would be covered under staff recommendation number one, which is to accept LTD's . proposal for the downtown segment. Councilor Simmons discussed ridership issues and if there was something that could be done to show how the community accepts the concept and build upon that factor. He was uncomfortable about missing elements and referenced the database. He said he thought the transit ridership might be higher than predicted. If Trans Plan would be used in planning, we need to have a good solid base to see where we are going. He said it would show what we are going to get out of this. He again said the data was not available. He was'not supportive of Trans Plan at this time. He said there were significant flaws in it. He said staff has worked hard and put much effort into this and recognized that effort. The group discussed the following recommendations regarding Trans Plan: . . Level of service policy. . Clarify Springfield would like flexibility on how it will finance unfunded 0 & M & P, by jurisdiction,. in future implementation of TDM and Nodal Development concept. Other staffrecommendatiOlls related to BRT included support following for BRT pilot project. The group discussed the following: . Accept LTD's proposal for downtown segment. . Link selection of Glenwood option to broader look at transportation and land use in city's Glenwood TGM study. . IfLTD must move forward with EA now, request inclusion of Franklin Boulevard option. Specifics related to BRT included: Direct staff work with LTD and other jurisdictions on BRT policy language which clearly defines desired outcomes for BRT, e.g., less congestion. Other discussion included support following requirements for continued BRT support / BRT must be planned and designed to: . Maintain or improve economic vitality ofBRT project area. . Maintain or improve local street circulation for all modes. . Maintain or improve mobility and decrease delay for all modes. . Be consistent with long range transportation and land use visions for project area. . Thoroughly address technical questions and issues. . . . . Work Session Minutes September 20, 1999 Page 6 . Include city as equal partner in developing BRT, including sharing BRT funding for involved City staff. Councilor Simmons discussed costs associated with development. He said a strategy must be developed to accomplish what we need to do in the future. He said it does cost to build and maintain roads. Planning Manager Greg Mott discussed alternate strategies being identified, implementation of TDMand Nodal Development concept. He said the policy needs to be linked to implementation. He said they are at a point of discussing where implementation may be linked to Trans Plan. He said they may not be able to do so prior to the September 29, 1999 Joint Elected Officials meeting. He said the record would remain open for about one month following the September 29 meeting. Councilor Hatfield discussed Nodal Development concept. Councilor Simmons discussed the wording of the congestion issue and the need to define a baseline. He said if in 2015 BRT is successful, it may reduce congestion in a way that is productive. He said improvements are needed and we support transit improvements so we are not just creating a huge problem out there. Councilor Lundberg said she did not support the dedicated lane if that is the proposal. Mr. Barnett said there would be techniques to identify the lane as a special lane or some combination such as paint, texture, etc. Councilor Lundberg again stated she did not support this at this time. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:04 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Julie Wilson Maureen M. Maine Mayor Attest: .... ~ GX_Ul5\l'-J J Ie Wtlson CIty Recorder