HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/02/1999 Work Session . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, AUGUST 2,1999 The city of Springfield council met in work session in the Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, August 2, 199, at 6:00 p.m., with Mayor Maine presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Maine, Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Leiken, Lundberg and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Michael Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Julie Wilson and members of the staff. 1. Glenwood Refinement Plan Amendment Project. City Planner Gary Karp presented the staff report on this issue. Staff is requesting council instruction regarding: 1) proposed solution for non-conforming uses; 2) the proposed amendments to the Springfield Development Code; and 3) the draft Glenwood Refinement Plan. . The city of Eugene and Lane County adopted the Glenwood Refinement Plan (GRP) in July 1990. In December 1998, jurisdiction of Glenwood was transferred to Springfield. With this transfer came a host of tasks identified in the 1998 Glenwood Jurisdictional Study (GJS). The more routine of these tasks included transferring annexed properties to Springfield; rezoning these properties with comparable Springfield zoning districts; and rezoning the urbanizable areas from Eugene to Springfield zoning districts. All of these tasks will be completed by the end of July 1999. A more formidable assignment of the GJS includes the amendment and adoption of the GRP by the city of Springfield and Lane County. This project includes amendments to the SDC, as necessary, to comply with GRP policies, and rezoning Glenwood properties with Springfield zoning districts. This rezoning was placed on a fast track, as mentioned above, to allow the city to process Glenwood land use and building permit applications in a more timely manner. Upon adoption by Springfield and Lane County, the GRP will become the operative plan for Glenwood and the SDC will be its primary means of implementation. The GJS also calls for the re-establishment of the Glenwood Planning Advisory Committee (GPAC), the citizen review group involved in Eugene's adoption of the GRP. In November 1998, the Springfield Committee for Citizen involvement authorized staff to re-establish the GP AC. The 10 member GP AC, including four original members appointed by Eugene in the 1980's, met 8 times between January and April. The GPAC concluded its work by proposing SDC amendments and the draft GRP. The Planning Commission held work sessions on this topic on May 4 and July 7. The staff report briefing memo highlights the charge of the GPAC and proposed amendments to the GRP and SDC. Public hearings for adoption of the GRP are scheduled for September 21, 1999, (Planning Commissions) and November 8, 1999, (City Council/Lane County Board of Commissioners). Public hearings for the adoption of the proposed amendments to the SDC have not been scheduled. . The charge of the Glenwood Planning Advisory Committee (GPAC) was to review proposed amendments to the Glenwood Refinement Plan (GRP) and forward these amendments to the Planning Commission. The proposed amendments to the GRP were not intended to be City of Springfield Work Session Meeting Page 2 . substantive changes, i.e., not to adopt a "new" or "completely updated" GRP. The GPAC examined Eugene's adopted GRP and applicable sections of Eugene Code and the Springfield Development Code (SDC). The draft GRP and SDC amendments include: . . The standard name changes -- "Eugene" to "Springfield," where applicable; "EWEB" to "SUB" (including the statement that SUB will be the ultimate electric and water provider for Glenwood); and "Southern Pacific" to "Union Pacific." . Resolution of inconsistencies caused by changes to ORS since the adoption of the GRP n the change from "mobile homes" to "manufactured dwellings." . Resolution of inconsistencies between Eugene and Springfield Municipal Code regulations concerning street improvement projects, storm drainage improvements and Bancrofting methods. . Resolution of inconsistencies between Eugene and Springfield land use regulations -- Eugene's Site Review Overlay District vs. Springfield's Site Plan Review process, Conditional vs. Discretionary Use approval, types of streets - "principal" vs. "arterial", and Eugene's Historic Preservation Ordinance vs. SDC Article 30. . Establishment of the Greenway Setback Line along the Willamette River within one year of the adoption of the GRP. . Deletion of portions ofthe GRP that no longer apply -- outdated land use data, language pertaining to allowing "mobile homes" on individual lots, reference to the small "mobile home" park at the southwest corner of Nugget Way and the McVay Highway, reference to the "remnant" parcel owned by Lane Transit District along Henderson Avenue that is no longer available as a future park site, reference to the stand of mature fir trees on the west side of McVay Highway that have been cut down, and infrastructure projects that have been completed since the adoption of the GRP - extension of the sanitary sewer line across the Willamette River, the bikeway connector to the Knickerbocker bike bridge, and park policies requiring coordination between Eugene and Willamalane. . Inclusion of TransPlan subject matter such as "nodes" and BRT. . Revision ofthe refinement plan diagram, consistent with the current Metro Plan diagram; . Minor modification to numerous maps in the plan. . Allowance for the continuance of non-conforming commercial/industrial and residential uses by amending SDC Article 5 (based upon the Eugene Code non-conforming use exemption language) and Article 16 to allow additional RV units to move into existing manufactured dwelling parks. . Amending the use lists in SDC Articles 18 and 20 (based on the review of the Eugene Code in order to augment a solution for non-conforming uses). Using the Eugene Code non-conforming use exemption language now lessens the need to add uses to Articles 18 and 20 as part of the solution of the non-conforming use issue. However, having the additional uses in the SDC will reduce application review timelines for both the applicant and staff by avoiding the need for Type III Code interpretations for uses not on the existing use list. Mayor Maine said she appreciated the Planning Commission minutes provided and said that it addressed all the questions she had when she reviewed the document. . Mr. Karp and Mr. Mott answered questions from council. Mr. Karp discussed the changes and what those impacts might be. City of Springfield Work Session Meeting Page 3 . Steve Pardo, member of Glenwood Planning Advisory Committee, provided council with a handout regarding this issue. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Julie Wilson Attest: <;: L\1.0~ ~n City Recorder . . Maureen M. Maine Mayor