HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/07/1998 Work Session . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER 7,1998 The city of Springfield council met in work session in the Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, December 7, 1998, at 6:00 p.m., with Council President Shaver presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Councilors Ballew, Beyer, Dahlquist, Leiken, Maine and Shaver. Also present were council elects Simmons, Fitch and Lundberg. Mayor Morrisette was absent. Also present were City Manager Michael Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Senior Management Analyst Rosie Pryor, City Recorder Julie Wilson and members of the staff. 1. City Council Ward 6 Candidate Interviews/Appointment City Manager Mike Kelly introduced this item. Due to the resignation of Councilor Maine, effective January 4, 1999, the Ward 6 Council position is vacant and was chosen to be filled through a recruitment / appointment process. An application period was opened and two applications were received. . In response to council direction, the City Manager's Office initiated the recruitment process for the vacant ,Ward 6 position. The news release and application packet was prepared and available for distribution beginning November 4, 1998. Application packets were due to the City Manager's Office by November 30, 1998. Two applications were received by the closing date. One applicant withdrew on December 1, 1998. The appointee will fill the remainder of Councilor Maine's term, which expires December 31, 2000. As a result of the Charter Amendment adopted by Springfield voters in November 1994, the primary election for Council positions expiring in December 2000, will be held in May 2000. The chosen applicant for the Ward 6 position will be ratified at the Council regular meeting on December 7, 1998. The oath of office will be administered on January 4, 1999. Council interviewed Lyle D. Hatfield. He was asked the following questions: Why do you want to serve as a councilor? Since there are six city council positions, what do you believe are the advantages and disadvantages of collective decision making and shared leadership? . Part of the job of councilor is related to Budget Committee activity. There is a certain amount of funding coming in and a certain amount going out. Many requests are received and it is Work Session Minutes December 7, 1998 Page 2 . difficult to say no. Do you tend to spend as much money as you can or do you try to keep some in reserves. How do you feel about Springfield acquiring jurisdiction of Glen wood and why, What are the primary reasons for your interest in the Ward 6 council position and what unique abilities or experience would you bring to the council. J Council business requires a large time commitment with evening, occasional early morning and noon meetings. Do you have enough time available to make a majority of those meetings. Is your schedule flexible enough to allow you to be able to respond to changing meeting schedules. What is your vision for Springfield. What have you done to further that vision. What would you do as a city councilor to further that vision. What is your opinion of service delivery areas that are under funded in the city of Springfield. What would you propose to improve the areas that you feel are under funded. Mr. Hatfield's experience with commercial banking was mentioned and he was asked what his visions for growth were for Springfield. . Council elects expressed their support for Mr. Hatfield. Mr. Simmons said he was dedicated to the community. He may be more supportive of certain issues than he but that was ok. He said there is a way to meet community needs and Mr. Hatfield would be an excellent addition to the council. Councilor Leiken said he thought with ex-Councilor Burge stepping down and Councilor Shaver's term coming to an end, planning expertise is needed on the council. Mr. Hatfield's expertise on the Planning Commission and position of Commission chairman will be very beneficial to the council. He supported him and said he would be an outstanding councilor. Councilor Ballew thought he would be an excellent addition to the council. Council Elect Tammy Fitch thought he would be a great addition to the council. Council Elect Lundberg was pleased with him and very supportive. Councilor Maine said he would be a nice fit with the council. His knowledge will be helpful to the Council. Councilor Dahlquist said he supported Mr. Hatfield. Councilor Beyer was supportive and said his Planning Commission background is important and will be a benefit to the council. . Councilor Shaver supported Mr. Hatfield. Work Session Minutes December 7, 1998 Page 3 . Following the interview council provided consensus to appoint Mr. Hatfield to the Ward 6 council position, effective January 4, 1999, with a term expiration of December 31, 2000. 2. Historic Commission Interviews/Appointment City Planner Lauren Lezell introduced this item. The Historic Commission has two openings on its seven-member committee, due to the resignation of Mary Farrington in October 1998 and the one position, which was not filled during the September 1998 recruitment period. The council is requested to conduct this interview for a replacement member. The applicant, James Gryte, resides within Springfield's urban growth boundary and has a master's degree in art history. IfMr. Gryte is successfully interviewed, the appointment ratification will occur at council's regular meeting on December 7,1998. The term of service will expire on December 31,2002. Ms. Lezell said the group met on a quarterly basis at this time. Mr. Gryte was asked the following questions: Why are you interested in serving on the Historic Commission. . What skill, knowledge or other interests would you bring to the Historic Commission. When you receive an application requesting modifications, possibly someone not doing what they should be doing. How would you feel about this and how can you at the same time provide room for a win-win outcome. What vision do you have for the Commission. Would you have the time to participate in Historic Commission meetings and activities. How familiar are you with the Springfield area and the Historic District. Mr. Gryte asked about the relationship between the Commission and the Council. Council responded thatthe Comtnission meets annually with the Council and indicated that the Commission serves as an advisory board to the Council. It was also indicated that the council is supportive of the Commission. Councilor Maine explained that the commission is composed with people who have interest and expertise, so it provides a good mix. Following the interview council provided consensus to appoint Mr. Gryte to the Historic Commission. His term of service will expire on December 31,2002. . 3. Budget Committee Interviews/Appointment Work Session Minutes December 7, 1998 Page 4 . Finance Director Bob Duey introduced this item. The Budget Committee has a vacancy in Ward 1 as Christine Lundberg, the newly elected City Councilor, is currently serving as the Ward 1 Budget Committee representative. Her council appointment results in the city's need to appoint a replacement to the Budget Committee. The person appointed would serve a three-year term, which will expire December 31, 2001. Ward 2 has a vacancy due to the resignation of Joseph Mathieu. The person appointed would serve a three-year term, which will expire on December 31, 2001. One application was received for the Ward 1 position, and two applications were received for the Ward 2 position. Council agreed to appoint Elizabeth Beyer to the Ward 1 position. The appointment will be for a three-year term, which will expire on December 31, 2001. Council interviewed Alisa Carrillo and Dan Egan. They were asked the following questions: Why are you interested in serving on the Budget Committee. What is your opinion of service delivery areas that are under funded in the city of Springfield. , What would you propose to improve the areas that you feel are under funded. How does your background benefit you in the area of applying for this committee. . Would you have time to serve on the committee. What do you feel are the most crucial service priorities for Springfield and which municipal services are the least crucial. There are a variety of financing mechanisms availability to the city. What kind of services should be financed with taxes and what services should be financed with fees. How do you . think services should be financed, (Le., user charges, property taxes, special licenses, fees or tax). Do you feel all tax dollars should be expended or should some be saved and / or set aside.. What are your feelings about the two most recent statewide property tax limitation.measures, Ballot Measures 47 and 50. In meeting basic needs, what can we do that is not currently being done for crime prevention and social services. Council discussed the two candidates. . Councilor Maine said she has had a lot of involvement with the Chamber. She said Mr. Egan could bring forward a means of communication and leadership for the business community. She said Alisa Carrillo was also very involved in the community. She supported Dan Egan a little more because she has worked with him and saw him as filling a need for the committee. . . .. to . . . Work Session Minutes December 7, 1998 Page 5 Christine Lundberg said she was aware of Alisa Carrillo's involvement with the community. She said Ms. Carrillo has always had a goal of working with and being a part of the city. She researches information and educates herself well through her involvement. She also has extensive community connections. She said she also worked with and supported Dan Egan. She said it was a difficult decision. Council Elect Tammy Fitch said she supported both candidate, although felt Dan Egan was a bit stronger in experience. There were tough decisions to make and she felt Mr. Egan could do that. Councilor Ballew supported both candidates. Councilor Leiken said both candidates were good candidates, although, he would lean toward Mr. Egan because of his experience. Council Elect Fred Simmons said both candidates were good, although, Alisa Carrillo was bringing a perspective that is missing, that of a mother. She had many people that were within her circle of support. He supported both candidates but said Ms. Carrillo's perspective was needed on the committee. Councilor Beyer said both candidates were good, although she supported Alisa Carrillo. She said she envisioned Ms. Carrillo becoming a councilor in the future. Councilor Dahlquist agreed with comments made by Councilor Beyer. He said the business community will be heard with our without Mr. Egan participating on the committee. He supported appointment of Alisa Carrillo. Councilor Ballew favored Alisa Carrillo, although both candidates were good candidates. Councilor Maine clarified her comments regarding Mr, Egan. She discussed support for Mr. Egan. Councilor Beyer clarified her opinion of what representation Ms. Carrillo would bring forth. Councilor Shaver said he supported both candidates, although, recommended Dan Egan. because of leadership potential. Chistine Lundberg addressed the leadership issue and said Ms. Carrillo had leadership strength and supported her. Tammy Fitch said both candidates were involved in the community. Council agreed to go with the total majority and appoint Ms. Carrillo to the position. It was consensus to support the majority selection of the new 1999 council members. . . . . ." Work Session Minutes December 7, 1998 Page 6 By consensus Alisa Carrillo would be appointed to the Ward 2 position. The appointment will be for a three-year term, which will expire on December 31, 2001. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Julie Wilson ~A~ Maureen M. Maine Mayor 5