HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-6-28 . . .,. ,_...."........~.~..... . ...",. ....w.,.". .. RES ID E~T1 A L . . SPRINGFIELD." APPLICATIO"'fl'!PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Bui lding D'ivii)1:on 726-3753 Job Location: \4-~ \ ~ A8GeSDOI'S Map H Subdivision: \(lJ> ~ ~. Tcx Lot H Rcca;f't .f \ 40l '0 'T) . ~6v CUne":~ ~ 1\\ \~ ~ ~O f.\) Address: ?f) r\ \ - \ '{\ Q JOlt 11 J1 Phane--; 4h~ - ~ \ I \ lo CitlJ: Y ~ '"'('-16 A\ Q .I (QxG. Zip: C\ f'\4C'l \ Date of Applicrzticn Cont.ractors . General. C\ i Plumb ing ~\..J._ ~)~'" '\{ 'Li\\. \ '\ I Hechanical I El"ccric'.Jl Superv_;i~~l!g Elec1:r.iclnn fV1 n n n Nr>).l Addition Rcmodcl. ~.fobi lc 1l01.1C Varue (\ 1(10 ~jhm j_",__ Data: .'\J'-/(lT7i IJ .'t"'l~ I~XDires P....onp ^cidrefls Lise. fI llldrs I\oanl R,,'. D INSULA'I'ION/VAPOR HilUun;R nlSPHC'r.TON: To be TOOdc aftcl' all inBulati:m a~:d rcquired vapol' ]xU'l"iel's are in place but before any lath, Oyp::nulI boal'Cl Or LXIZl. eovC1'ill!1 'is applied, a1Ui bej"oro CU1Y in:Julation i:; concealed. ~ffi\ \\."ll-. L.\ \G\r-i.. \ L\;/'Lf7IYU It ia the I'eapOl1Dibiz.i.ty of the permit holder to see .that all .inlJpectiona al'O made at t11e proper tim~~ that each .:ddresD is rcadab!c from the street, and that the pemr1.t card is located at the f)'ont of the propcrty. ~Bu.i!ding lr;vicio~: app!'oJJed plan 3}~ll J'emain on tha lJuiLd'ing SU;;; at all t'imeD. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECf[{ll/ RE:PUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rcco'T'derJ state your City dC8ign..'lted job nwr.ber, job addre8s, type of in3pec~ic" "l'Gqucstcd a~d tJ.1:en you. !Jill be r'cady lo'!' inspection, ContrctetorlJ or Ownera rIl"J11c' and phone ntunbCl'. Requ~8t8 I'6ceiJJed bBfo'l'e '1:00 at r..'ill be madc the same day, 'l'cq1.lcats made aft1:-I' '1:00 a;n /Jill be made the next :.JOI'king day. Yo,," City Dcsig,",tcd Job Numbe,. Is: 8=\,[;\ ~S : 1Jp(['n:~f?r1 TY!F:nJ-"l~t.7:r.Y!': D SITE INSPEC'TION: 'fo be ,oodc after' excavation, but prior tc set up of [oPms. 0, UNDF.RSLAB PLUMBING. ELF.C1'RIC,1l. & . MECHANICAL: To be fooda bej'ol't:'! uny wor'k is covered. O FOOTING ,{ FOUNDATTOtl: To be TOOde after trc'lcheD are excavated and forms ape erectcd~ but priOl' to pouring ccncret~. ~i.JNDSRe.'?OUND PLUMBINC.. SF:l.fF:R, fJ.1TER. ~,DRAINACf:: To be nn.:le prior' to fil- ling trcnche~. 0: UNm:nFf,OOR Pr,llMBING ,v. m:C!lANICAL: ']'0 be made prior to in:Jtallati.on of j1ooro inoulation or decking. POST AND DEAM: To be made pr.ioro to i1lstal.latiol1 of floor immlation 01' deckiru;. RoueFl Pf,W!BTHC. n.F.CrR!G:4!. .t; ,'.fF.CIl- . ANleAL: No :.'ork is to be c:ol.:el'ed .ur.tiZ the:1iJ ilJsp<1ct'io1:S have beer. made a1IlI apPJ'Ove..!. FIREPLACE: Proior to plccir..(J facing mater'ial.s arul before framing inspec- tion. O FRA}.!INr.: Must be l'cquested after appI'ovaZ. of rough pZwr.bing, :!leetl'i- .cal. & mech:mical.. AlZ. roofing bracing t chimneys, et~. nr~ct be :'complctcd. No wrk i:J to be con- ,., cealed until. this inspection has . .... been made and approved. o D D D DRyrJAU, 1l1$PEC1'!UN: Tc be made after aU dl'yuall iu it' place, but prior to eny taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bo~d beam:;, gZ"Ollti110 01' vel'ticals in accordance IJith U.B.C. Section 2415. rJOODSTOVF.': !lftel' instal1.ation '.is ccmpleteti. , V1:.1.IOLIT ION OR .MOVED BUILDINGS ~ Sanita:r'y Be"..JCI' :!apped at pz:.opcrty l.ir.o ~ Septic tank pumpc~ and fille~ with gra~cl ::J Final - rrhen above items ape ccmpleted and when demolition is compl.ete or Bt1'U~- tUI'C moved and pI'~mises :!leaned up. - Nobi le Hemes :=J Blocking and Set-~p :=J Plumbing connections scwer and water --, Electrical Connection - Blocking, sct-llp ~ and plumbing connections nr~st 1:e appJ'oL'ed before requesting elec~rical inspection , , :=J ~c:!es::;oI'Y Building I~ Final - Afta~'p'rche8~ I etc. are cOO/pleted. . . " skirPing, decks, o D D CURB & Al1rlWACII Al'.7DN: After' 10'f'm1J al'e aro[:ted bu t; pl'.ior' to pouring conare te. SIDEr{A[,K ,P, DRIl'Efl.tlY: For all con- crete paving /Jithitl stl'ect right- of-I.JC.Y, to be made after all exca- vating conplete & fOl~ work & ~ub- oo!;e rrc.teroial i~ pla:!e. .' D An pl'Ojr:~t cOlldit1~OIW, mwh aD the i.rmta"lZlltion of stl'cct troes, co.":'1plction of tire r.cquiY'cd land:Jcr:pir.!J, etc., !mlst be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL can bo I't!!<1.ueatcd. D PINM. PLUMBI!JG D FINJ1L MEf:lIANICAL o FINA~ EU'C7'RICA~ i:=J o D !'F:NCE: When co:nplstc Pr'Ovic!e gates or movable scctionD t1lrough P.U.E. o .PINAL BUTLDING: The Pinal Building Inspection must bc requeated aftoI' the Final Plumbing Elcctr'ical, and Meclmr.ical. Inspections hava been made and approved. . .'1, , l'k~'. : D '..1.',,1. ::..l::li('!}.':: /1.'.':! ('!"I.:,1J1!1.11J'i':: .':II.',"/' ,'1/.: :1(:1:1':::":1.'1/,/':, Il/.l.llf::","...!.'.:..I../. 'to .rjf.,. t..'!lr'g /7' NO (':1~:,!, TO rl'."Y I'l""! oj' :~ 'i'ypa/Cor'.flt: . BedJ'o,)ms: F:nal'f1.Il SO<H't1eS !leat Watm' !{(!a tAr Rallge Fircml.ace Wood:;toz;e Tune I I i 1'1 \ 1 I lont?: SOLAR ACCESS OccuvanC/f Gr. REQ.- L-codt I JOB NO. Interior Corner Panhandl.e Cul.-de-Gac I Dot Faces - I Setf~ek[J 1 P. D. 1I00WR r:m'Wle Accc$$. North ~'aGt S014th I/;eet Lot Sq. Ft{;. s ~f lot C"".rage # of Stonos Total. 1!ei.ght Topography WT TYPE Fee8 'IITEM !,.,ain sq.FTG x Val.ue Building Valve & Permit CrJ'"aae Thia pC;Imit i:; granted 011 t11C exprecs condition tl1at the said C'onatl'''uction shaH, in all. respcctD, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Sprin(lfield; incLudin(l the Zonirl!J Crdinance, regulating the C'cl1at1"l1cticn and UDe of buildin(l:;, and m:zy be GUGperuled or revoked at C1:Y time upon vio- lation of a~y prov'iaior.a of aaid Ordina.l1cea. Carport I Acce880rll :1 TOTAG VAGUE Is.D.c. (vat.uc) .1.5% Total Chargo.a 1 I I 1 . I PLan Check I Cate Paid: IReceipt H: \Sig"cd: Fee: I' I 1 I Building Pemt Sta ta Surcharga lITEM I Futures Residential. (1 bat1,) NO. fEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit Sanitar'!/ Sewel' No pel'eoll DI1all. cOrlatruct, inata7.!, alter or change Gny neW cr e:::isting plumbina or drainage oyuta~ in whol.e or in part, unl.ess such perGon io tho legal poaGe~r.or of a valid pl.umber's licenGo, except that a perGon may do plumbing work to property which ia oz.med, leaaed 01' operated by the appli- cant. ~at," ~. _ \1 ~,~. PZwnbing P.rn:it~ II1't.'M I Ros. Sa. ftq. I NQUIExtend Circui ta I Temporary Sel'Vico I . NO.' Pt.'E \~_,OU_ \S.OU I .I).~I L\~. f"lSJ. CRARGe' Electrica I Perm it Stato Surc1+.a.rge . Total Charm~8 Whel"'e State Daw requires tr.at the el.ectrical wol'k be done by an El.e~t}'icaL Contractor, thp. electl'-Lcal portion of thi;; permit ahal.7. not be valid until tM label has b~ell Di(llled by the t;lectl"'ical Contl'actor. Eleatrical Pe~t Stats SUl'CMrllS TotaZ Cha.l"'gGS . IITSM 1 Furnace !!TV'S ExlunUJ t llood NO. FEE ClIARGE Mechanical Permit Vent Fan Woods tOV6 Perrrrit Issuance I j, " Meahanica'Z pe'rmi t State Surchal"OC Total CharaetJ -- ENCROAClIMENT -- Ise~drit~ D3P03it !Stora(/G I Main te11a~e l Permit Plan E.xcmtl1er var;;e Total ChaMCB I IIAVE CAREFULLY f."XAJ.fINED t.1w completed application fo1' permit, and do he1'oby ce1'tify that all ir:fo:matioll h01'eo" is t1'ue and correct, and I fU1'thel' certify that any ar~ aLl work perfor.ned shall be do~6 in accor- dance with the Of"",iinanccs of the City of sp1'ina[icld, and t1u; La:.Js of tha A State of Oregon p:;rtainilt!] to the work described hCl'e:..n, end that NO OCCU- PANCY will. be nr:de of any :;t;l"'UatUl"'2 withou.t paM71isaiml of the Building Di- ",ision. I fw.thm. certify that O:1l.y cont1'actors ar.d e.~pL.,yees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will. be used on this project I Gurbcut I sid_Zk I F'mlae I Electrical I MobUe Home I I l,ab.Z ....:"':4 ~2747.k: 6' -.-?r- t:?? l'roTM. .l'.r()'r-J'i' Date