HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1998-5-15 r; . / . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ,., Notice of Decision - Limited Land Use - Tentative Partition Date of Letter: Journal Number: 225 FIFTH STREIT SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 May 15, 1998 98-O3-{)8 Owner/ADDllcant: Survevor: * Thomas & Julie Embree , 1610 Kellogg Road Springfield, OR 97477 Skinner & Associates P.O. Box 321 Junction City, OR 97448 Nature of Reauest: The applicant is requesting approval to partition one existing parcel into two. Decision: Tentative Partition Aooroval , with conditions, as of the date of this letter. Other Uses That Mav Be Authorized Bv The DecIsion: None. This decision authorizes the creation of one additional parcel. Future development will be in accordance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) and all applicable permit procedures. Site Information: The subject property is located within the city limits at the intersection of Kellogg Road and Oak Meadows Place, in Springfield. The site is also identified as Tax Lot 917 on Assessor's Map #17-03-34-22. The property is zoned Low Density Residential, consistent with the Metro Plan. An existing residence adjacent to Kellogg Road is to remain. Kellogg Road is improved with paving, and street lights adjacent to the subject site. Oak Meadows Place is a local street under construction. Public sanitary sewer and SUB utilities are located in the right of way along east property line. Written Comments: Applications for Limited Land Use Decisions require the notification of property owners/occupants within 300 feet of the subject property allowing for a 14 day comment period on the application. No letters were received. Criteria of ApDroval: SDC, Article 34, Section 34.050 ststes: .. The DIrector shall approve, approve with conditions or deny the request based on the following criteria: (1) The request as conditioned fully confonns to the requirements of this Code pertaining to lot size and dimensions, the efficient provision of public facilitl'!!s and services, street Improvements and consideration of natural features. Subcrlterla 1a) Lot size and dimensions. Minimum lot size and dimension standards for residential lots are 4500 square feet and 45 feet of frontage when abutting an east- west street. Minimum lot size and dimension standards for residential lots are 5000 square feet and 60 feet of frontage when abutting a north-south street. (Ref: SDC 16.030) The proposed parcels 1 & 2 exceed SDC standards for minimum lot size and dimension within the residential zone because each parcel provides over 60 feet of frontage on an improved city street and each parcel exceeds 6,000 square feet. Minimum setback distances and solar height restrictions of the Springfield Development Code will be applied when development approval for Parcel 2 is sought. 2 SkinnerlErnbree Te~taaartition Journal #98-03-68 . .\' I Subcriterla 1 bl .. ...efficlent Drovlslon of DubUc facilities" Water and Electric. Each parcel must have its own water service in accordance with SDe Section 32.120. The development will receive water service from the Springfield Utility Board (SUBI from lines within the Oak Meadows Place public right of way. Specific details pertaining to water service will be addressed at the time Building Permits are requested. Private easements may be required. Water service facilities will be installed upon the collection of development charges, which are paid directly to SUB. Ken Cerotsky of the SUB Water Department (746-8451) is the contact person for more information. Each parcel must have its own electrical service in accordance with SDe Section 32.120. There is electrical service available from west properly line of Parcel 1. New lateral service to future development will require underground extension in accordance with SDe 32.120(21. Costs of installation can be minimized by planning and coordinating trenching with other utilities. Electrical services will be installed upon the collection of development charges by SUB. Ed Head of SUB Electric (726-2395) is the contact person for more information. Sanitary Sewer. Sanitary sewer must be installed to serve each lot and extended to connect new developments to the existing public sanitary system in accordance with SDe 32.100 (1). A new sanitary sewer line has been constructed within the Oak Meadows Place street right of way. A stub has been provided during construction to the proposed Parcel 2. Connection to the sanitary system will require construction and connection permits from the Public Works Department. Installation of sanitary sewers shall comply with the provisions of this code, the Standard Construction Specifications and Chapter 2 of the City Code. In-lieu of assessment fees are due and will be'collected at the time of connection. Stonn Drainage. The City Engineer has determined the new Oak Meadows Place public storm system is adequate to serve the development site in accordance with SDe Section 32.110(1 I. A drainage plan for the site will be required at the time of further development. Roof run off will be required to connect to street drains via a weep hole in the curb. Subcrlterla 1c) .....street ImDrovements" The development area has frontage on two public rights of way, Kellogg Road and Oak Meadows Place. Construction of Oak Meadows Place to full city standards in front of Parcel 2 is the responsibility of the Oak Breeze Estates subdivision developer and is assumed. Kellogg Road along the frontage of Parcel 1 is not improved to full city standards for street construction. When an applicanfs lot has unimproved street frontage (Kellogg) abutting a fully improved street (Oak MeadOWS Place), the applicant must construct full street improvements or guarantee participation in future street improvements to the unimproved street (ref. SDe 32.020(10)(bl1.). A notarized Improvement Agreement, with a legal description of the frontage involved and a check to cover filing costs at the Lane County Deeds and Records Office, must be submitted with the Partition Plat. A copy of the document is attached. The Transportation Planning Engineer has also requested dedication of a ten- by-ten .clipped comer" dedication on the south east comer of Parcel 1 for vision clearance and traffic safety in accordance with SDe 32.020(10)(al. The dedication can be provided on the partition plat. I ,I . .3 SkinnerlEmbree Tentative Partition Journal #98-03-68 . A driveway curbcut permit from the Public Works Department will be required for Parcel 2 at the time of further development. Coordinating the construction of driveways with the installation of street improvements may reduce construction costs. Finding: The City Engineer has determined that Parcel 1 frontage on Kellogg Road is under-improved publiC street right of way, and that frontage abuts Oak Meadows Place, a fully improved public right of way under construction. The following conditions of approval are applied to guarentee the improvement of abutting public rights of way to full city standards in accordance with the provisions of this code: SDC 32.020(10): 1) The applicant must improve the frontage of Parcel 1 abutting Kellogg Road to full city standards or sign an Improvement Agreement guarenteeing participation in future street projects improving Kellogg Road in accordance with SDC 32.020(10)(b). The agreement must be submitted on city forms and be accompanied by a sUNeyor's description of the frontage involved and a check to cover filing fees at Lane County Deeds and Records. 2)The partition plat must be revised to dedicate a 10' by 10' triangular vision clearance area at the south east comer of parcel 1 in accordance with SDC 32.020(10)(a). Subcriterla 1d) .....natural features" The site is identified as Tax Lot 917 on Lane County Assessor's Map 17-03.32-22. The Metro Plan, the Draft Natural Resources Special Study, the National Wetlands Inventory, the draft Springfield Wetland Inventory Map, and the list of Historic Landmark Sites have been consulted. There are no inventoried natural or historic features on the site. If any artifacts are encountered during construction, there are state laws that could apply, ORS 97.740, ORS 358.905, ORS 390.235. If human remains are discovered during construction it is a Class 'C' felony to proceed under ORS 97.740. Ultimate Finding of Fact: Staff finds Criterion (1) is met because Subcriteria a-d, as conditioned. fully conform to the requirements of this Code pertaining to lot size and dimensions, the efficient provision of public facilities and seNices, street improvements and consideration of natural features. . (2) The zoning Is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and/or the applicable refinement plan diagram. The subject site is zoned Low Density Residential on the City of Springfield Zoning Map, consistent with the Metro Plan Diagram designation. No refinement plan applies to the site. Finding: Staff finds Criterion 2 is met because the City of Springfield Low Density Residential zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan Diagram designation. (3) Development of any 'of the remainder of the property under the same ownership can be accomplished In accordance with the provisions ofthis code. Tax Lot 917 carinot be further divided in accordance with the provisions of this Code. Finding: Staff finds Criterion 3 does not apply because there is no contiguous property under the same ownership left to divide. . 4 SkinnerlErnbree Tentaaartnion Journal #98'{)3-68 . \ (4) Adjacent land can be developed or Is provided access that will allow Its development In accordance with the provisions of this code. Property surrounding the development site is zoned Low Density Residential, has frontage on improved local streets and is already developed. There are no conditions created by this application that prevent development of surrounding property in accordance with the Springfield Development Code. Finding: Staff finds Criterion 4 is met because adjoining property is zoned and developed with access in accordance with the provisions of this code. Conclusion: The Director has determined that the Tentative Partition, as conditioned in accordance with Criteria of Approval 1-4, fully conforms with the requirements of the Springfield Development Code: . Conditions of Aooroval: 1) The applicant must improve the frontage of Parcel 1 abutting Kellogg Road to full city standards prior to plat approval or sign an Improvement Agreement guarenteeing participation in future street projects improving Kellogg Road in accordance with SDC 32. 020(1 O)(b). The agreement must be submitted on city forms and be accompanied by a surveyor's description of the frontage involved and a check to cover filing fees at Lane County Deeds and Records. 2) The partition plat must be revised to dedicate a 10' by10' triangular vision clearence area at the south east comer of parcel 1 in accordance with SDC 32.020(10)(a). What Needs To Be Done?: The applicant will have up to one year to from the date of this letter to meet any attached conditions or Development Code standards and to obtain Final Plat Approval. A separate application and fee of $ 210.00 will be required. The application must be submitted to the Springfield Development Services Department. Upon signature by the City Surveyor and the Planning Manager, the Plat mylar may be submitted to Lane County for recordation. No individual lots may be transferred until the Plat is recorded. and a mvlar coov of the filed oartition returned to the City Survevor. Addltlonallnfonnatlon: The application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and the applicable criteria of approval are available for free inspection and copies are available at a cost of $0.75 for the first page and $0.25 for each additional page at the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. Aooeal: If you wish to appeal this Type II Limited Land Use Tentative Partition Approval decision, you must do so within 10 davs of the date of this letter. Your appeal must be in accordance with SOC, Article 15, Appeals. Appeals must be submitted on a City form and a fee of $250.00 must be paid at the time of submittal. The fee will be returned to the applicant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application. Questions: Please call Jim Donovan in the Planning Division of the Development Services Department at (541) 726-3660 if you have any questions regarding this proces