HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-4-28 ,..-'1 ""....-.., Reeeopt ,~ II if I '1 .. RESI~T1AL" APPLIC;1tbN jPERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieLd, Oregon 97477 BuiLding Division 726-3753 . /1'10 ~~}I (U-f____ '- J r! T= Lot # . Job Loca.tion: ASGeS80I"S Map # Subdivision: ()me": CY;;l~ A~ess: II L(o ~r, C.ty: ~,j 1/ tl1___ / V n rxl n n Ne'J,l Addi ticn Remodel .'.fobi Le Home Date of Application C:ontl'actOl'B ~ Genera 1. PZumbing Electrical f.fechar.ica 1. Construction Lender Phone: 7 t/ 1- :;?-'?:>J> tY' Zip: 9"7o/71? Describe fl'ork; Value Address e:;OO . I JISV 9)")- Sigr.ed: ~;/~ / Date: ' t/-~-W Lise. # Exvires Phone It is the z-6spono;.bitity of the permit holder to see that al.l. inDpections a:re made at the proper tim~~ that each .:ddrSS3 is r>eadabZe from ths street, and that the permit card is located at the !rant of the property. *BuiZding Division approved p~,~haZl remain on the Building Sits at all times. PROCEDURE FOR ,rNSPECTION RE'QUEST:CALL 726-~7..69 (rccordsl'J state your City designated job nw::bsl', job address, type of inspec-;icn requested ar.d when you. will. be ready for ir..spection, Contractors or Owners name and phone number. Requests received befere 7:00 a':f :.."iZ1. be made the same day, roequests made after 7:00 am viZ1. ba ~de the next :JOrking day. " " Y;"'" City Deeigr.ated Job /Iwnb€I' Is: 2lf 0 36 b .~nv}~~n T~R~p'~~in~R O. SITE INSPECTION: To be ~de after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. O ,pNDERS~AB PLUMBING. E~ECTRrCAL & . MECHM'IICAL: To be made before any , work is aovared. o FOOTING & FOUND,1TION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pou~ng ccncret~. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER, W.1TE,lr, DRAINAGE: To be rrrute prior to fil- ,l ir.g trenches. o D. UNDERFWOR PLU/.fBING & /.fECHANICA~: To be made prior to instaZlation of j100r insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of ftoor insulation or dseking . ROUGH PLUHBIlJG. ELECTRICAr. A MF.CH- ANICAL: No work is to be c01..'ered ~w:tiZ. these inspections have beer. made and approved. . FIREPLACE~ Prior to pla.cir.g facing materiaZs and before framing inspec- tior... O FRAMING: Must be reque8ted after approval of rou.gh plwr.bing, electri- cal & mechaniaal. All roofing bracing & chimneys, etc, nr~st be ;'completcd, No work is to be con- ",...,cealed until this inspection has : be:~n made and approt.'ed. o o o O INSU~ATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTIOI/: To be made after all insulati:m w.d " rcquiroed vapor barriers are in place . . but before any lath, gypswn board or u:z:lZ oovering is applied, and before . any inou7.ation is concealed. O pRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU dPywall is in place, , but prior to any taping. . O MASONRY: Steel location, bo7ui beams, grouting or verticals in accordance wi th U. B. C. Section 2415, rll WOODSTOVE: After installation is p completed, o "2.,).- CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte:" foms are ereoted but prior to pouring concrete, . DElfOLITION OR ;~tOVED aUILDIilGS ~ Sanitary se'-,er oapped at ~op~r~:J' lir:e :J Septio tank pU,'i:ped and fille~ with gra~e7. :J Final - r\'hen above ite::ls a:re ccmpl9ted and when demolitior. is complete or stru.~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. Nobile Hcmes =:J Btocking and Set-up =:J Plumbing connections .- scwer and water ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up --.J and plumbing connections rrr~st 1;e approved . before requesting electrical inspectio~ =:J Accessol"':)" Building :J Final - Afto:r p:Jrcr.es, sk";rting, decks, etc. are camplet~d, o All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, c~~lotion of the required landsccpir.g, etc., must be satisfiod before the BUILDING FINAL can be raquestad, o FIliAL PLUMBIllG o FINA~ /.fECHANICA~ o FINA~ E~ECTRICA~ o o FINAL BUILDING: The Pinal Building Inspection must bo requ.eated alter the Final Plumbina Electrical, and Mechar.ical Inspectio7t8 havo been made and approved. o SIDEWALK & DRIl'EWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-fiX:.Y, to be made after all exca- vating ccmplete & fol":':! work & sub- . base material in pZa:1e. O PENCE: Wher.. compl~te -- Provide. gates or movable sections through P,U,E. ' o I II of 2 I ItALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fENT TO BE Mli.DE AT NO CaST TO CITY I Page 1 I JOB NO,M6366 I Zone: Lot Sq, Ftg, s ~f lot C.:werage 11 of Stories Total Height Topography SOLAR ACCESS Occuvancl/ G~ LOT TYPE Interior> Corner i lITEM I Main I Gc:raaB 'I Caroort I AccBsBoru SQ,FTG X VaZue TOTAL VAWE Is,D,c. (vc(.,uc) 1.5 x Building Pe:rnrit State Surcha:rge Total Cha..~ge. lITEM I NO, I FEE I F1.:rtuzoes I I I Residential (1 bath) 1 I Sanitary Sewer 1 1 Water I 1 I I Plwnbing Pe:rnri t State Surcr.arge Total Chal'aes lITEM ' NO'1 FEE I Res. Sa. fta. I NetJ/Extend Cil'cui ts I I Temporary Seroice I I 1 Eleatrical Permit State Surcha1"Qe Total Charc;es ITEM I NO. FEE Furnace ETU' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I I Jloodstove I 1 1 Perrrrit Issuance Mechanical Peromi t State surcha:rae TD1:n.l Charon8 -- E/lCROACHMENT -- I SeC'.,lritl./ DetXJ3it I Storage I Maintena~e I Permit Total ChaNcs Cla>bcut I SideLJa lk I Fe7l::!e I Electrical Label Mobile Home 1- J.-~ I .7C;;-' I 1/~.75' . 1 I I I I I, Panhandle Cul-de-sac CHARGE I I I I I I I 1 I I I CHARGE CHARGE I IS'. c:JV I I I I I 11 IS"'.. 75 I TOTAL AMOU/IT DUE:' flags':';; ~ I i I I I I I j REQ,- L-COG~ East Sou th ,West Feea TypeICor~t: ~ I I Enerau Sources I I Heat Access. I I Water Hp.atp.p I Range Firep loce I Woodatove I T:.r06 Bedrooms: I Lot Faces - I Setback. I P. L, House Carage North Building Value & Permit This permit is gro.n.ted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ozodinance, regulating the censtrru.ctien and use of buildings, and may be suspended 01' l'BVoked at eny time upon vie-, tation of any provisions of said Ordinances, I I, I I I I ' Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Rec:;ipt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit I I I I I , ' No person shall constrru.ct, instaL?, aLter 01' change any new Or' e=isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe:oson may do plumbing LJol'k to propel'ty which is otJned, leased or operoted by the appli- cant, Electrical Permit Whel'e State LaJ,) l'equil'es t;..at the elect1'ical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shalZ r~t be valid until the label has been signed by the Electztical Contractor, I I, Mechanical Permit Plan Exam'/..ner vate I HA VE CAREFULLY EXAl.JINED ths completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all info::omation hereon is true and COlTcct, and I f'.lrther certify that any ar.d all work pel'fol"med shall be done in accor- dance "nth the Ordinance. of the city of Springfidd, and the [,a;,;. of tho State of Oregon partaining to the work desc1'ibcd herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be rmde of any structura withou.t permission of the Building Di- vision. I further' CB1'tify that o:1ly contractors ar.d e:rrpl.7yees who are in campliance with ORE 701.055 will be used on this project I I f I I I . e ~ d/lrkL t/-d-?-FY Date Signed