HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-2-22 . .. RESIDENTIAL" AFPLIcAi'IO:V/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street S . ...... 0 97 '7~ p~~r~J~eta, regon ~ f BuiZding Division 726-J75J 1::3'?S 1'6~ )J-;J 'J)r"\ . AS3...or..~ * Pl O~ 2.'1 ~L\-' - T=:";t ~J~~L':' ~ C~~w4.v~ :J~R _ L C~lit(7- vg'15f( ~v~ ~...,,) , ~.m: IllY ~' ;j,~ c~~: k~1!..., d 6 If. a . . _ '~~<L I~ n<; ~'i~ r :J.-~-&I( Value 'It;l.3IfD,{)O Job !.ce.::i:m: Sr.Jxli:r;~ic": C'...."7lclZO: n n '/tr" A&!i tic>> ~~sz n.,.,z. ,.GO-=. B ,.~3 Dat~ of .tpplica:icn ':;ol'l:r::::c::ors C""."'Z f!.,<4l~~ PlLanbi".g !ldctr;ccl ,'.fll:har.ic.:l C01t8tT-.Jcti.::n'l Cordero SPRINGFlEl..C - Phone: fn~<. - <; / 1/ c.j 97(/71/ e l , Zi~: Deac1"";oe r{ork: Add..-es3 , <( l../. QMi /If.i -:1.tlA/..L / .~c:e;::::: :: rS0&lf7~ J~/ tfq~ I ~) ju Siqr:ed: Date: k r:f2. r9,(). - f?-L{ Lisc..i; '-/;)9'1:1 E:::;ircs Phone &7?-C/fW ?} jq /8/f . 1: ill ~h. "fIS;;cncibiZ.~:!I of the peT1!rie holdoJr eo see :hae al~ inspections are r:-.ads at: :hi2 prope:r :imc# t}o.at =ceil -::ddres8 is rllil.....:,..-:..!~... from tM "trest. end that the pcnm:t C<D'd is L.x~ted at the frcnt of th8 property. .:ui!di:o-.g .:r;vi=io:-: C?;ro1.'sd F~ sr.-=z,z. rcr.ni'n on troD Eu:.Zdin9 $:.t~ at a.ZZ times. ?_'?OC~!JUPE FOR n:S?E~!alJ RE!;,lZ~:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigr..atlJd job ntD:':'ber" job ad6>CBS" typB of i~psc~icn rzque:H;ed a:O-4 :J,~en HOU :.ri.z,z, ae ready for ir.4pcction, Con'tractcrs or Ol.ms:-s 1'tl:me c:nd phor:e number. Requ~s:s receir:ed bsfcrs 7:00 (:':"; :.'iLL bB rracie e:~ sam. Ceil reques:s .''l/t:::i.e cttc:r 7:00 c:n lJ'ilt ba r.rzde t.'lu3 n:.:t :iJOrk.in; dt:r:i' ~~~i~~~ ~~~-~~ti~~ O SI";'E rl~P!C":!J.'l: ~o be trrlde B::.:-au.::::..:m, .?Llt pncr t: Be: 13rms. o af:er U? of lr.1rJ!::':?Sr.A3 '?:L'''~I'"/C, ~L'EC":!~IC.:!. ~ ,-eCkA:J;':.U,: ';0 De maae bej'or~ WI'K i.s .:ovcred. o F'CO'!'I.'lC ! FOU.7DATIC.'I: To bB !mea. af:Br :rencites cu"s o=ccvat.zd cr.d fC'r:!ls ere erec:.d, but ;riv1" :0 po~r4 c~ncret.. o !J:1~;::::;c.=:arr.,'D ?:'~'M3:::~. 5u::R. ;.1,1:'ER, D.9.A1://.;;2: to!;e t:'IJ.;le prior :0 fi.~- lir.g :rer.c;'.2B. O UllCE;~F~CC.q !'!.V.~~~C ~ :€C':!ANJC~~: 1'0 be rr:aC.8 pri<;r ;c i.n3r.::l.l.:.:t-:;on oj" ["Loor ir.suZae:icn or d.eci<ir.g. O ?'JST ..HID 3E':':.{: To be ~c p"":"",r to ; d:~~~~~~n 0;' l~o:r ~:'Jj ~_:jI..,r't;F ?!.!;~'3!:!C_ A;::~~~::: ~ .'EC::;- ~ ,A,YI~.J.r.:. :/0 :0;:0'. f.'." ~. aot..~;:o'!c: w:.:.:.l. :r:CS4 -:.r.sp~a:t.cr.s ,...::v"! .:;eer. r.r:t::.B :.::1 =??r7'Je:::. o F~:":'rAC':'" :;,......01' ~ ?~r4 ."c::ir~ ~".~~4;-ar.d' bciorfl j"r=r.rir..g i.n8p~e- : FPA~!.'/f;: ,'o!U3: be req-..lJ3:.zd al--:~r ~ Cf'pre:J'::Z of rau~h pl.w:-JJir.g, ,zlJc:1"i- caZ & mecr..:m'i.=a!. AZ! :'"Oal~1t1 br-::.e-:.r.g & cirimncya, Bt.;. .':'rolst !Je CCnTDL~:cd. ,~'o :..tOr< is :0 oe CC1l- . ce<::i.~ tlnt:.l thi.r: insrec:icn has .b€~ mad~ and c??r?ved. " rO'/.U' City, DefJigr.ated Jab Numba' Is: C1ly O INSULATION/VAPOR BA.9RITR INSP=CTIO,l/: To be rr.a.:ie after aH insu.l.::ti.:m .x-.d . 1'c!({u:.red vapor ca!"!""':ers are in place eut" cejore any lath" 'lYPSl.lr.I beard or 1Xl1.l covering is C?pZi.ad" and befor6 any ir..r..llaticn ~8 conceaZed. ~Cloo 7 t.f I !)E.~.'OL;:;'IO.lf OR ,~,'QIT; 3UILDlilGS ..I ! ~ Septi: tank p".i/?.;d tr.'".d fi.LZJ~ uith ;rd:':J~ :::J San.i ta:r.; s.e.;er ::a;;?cc =t ~op-=rr:t' line :J FinaZ - [!hen c:,...-ve ite::-:s are c~1.et€d ~d ~hen d~l~:ior. is campl.ete or s:~~=- ture moved a:n:: pl'c:riaBa :::l.eaned up. I Nobi l.e ilc:r:es O D.r?Y'..IALL nlSP~CTIO!l: Tc be made atter aLL Crj'.JaLZ is in place" but prior to eny taping. . O MASONRY: Steel. beama, grou:ing a.ceorA...ance ~:h 241$. D '..IOOD57'07::: After installation is oc:rrp Let.;d. .... Zocati.on~ bond or vertica Ls in U.B.C. SBation o CURE ~ APPRCACF! A?f:!':)//: Afte:o fOl"!ffs are erecred but prier to pcu:t"":ng .;on.:oret9. SID!:lALi<. & 'RI'.-'r;"tlA?: For aU C07'l- crete paving tJi thin a Cr(Jct right- of-t.:Cy" :0 bc made at-t.zl' alZ e:::ca- vatir.g ccnrpLeta. .& ;-~O~ wrk & ';z,W- base material in plc..:-e. =:J 3locking ar~ S~~-~p =:J Plumbi~ connec:icns s~er and ~~.r ---, Electriccl Conr:ection - Blockir~, set-u? --.J and pLumbin.g cGnI':Qc"tions 11rolSt :8 atJpr::l.'.:i before requ.ea::~r.g 6lec~~cal in.spflc::io:-: ~ AcC'essor:,' 8uiz..=~ng --, Fina.l - .1ft;;r ;:;rcr.es, s1d.rtin.g, decy.s, ~ etc. arQ c~Ze:;;d. D ALL project cor.di:iona, $UC~ cs :he ins=a~Zat-::~n of s:reet :r2~S. ~~~!a:~n o[ the ~q'.,jired Zandsccpir..;, etc., must be satisfi.ed before <:r.fI 3l!Ir.::I:;C Fl:JAL zan bs rZ'tJ.sst.:;d. .:'!:IAL aUI:'DI,'1C: The Final. Euildir.q !r:s?8cticn ,':".":.LSt bs requearea -:.t:er tJ..2 Fi'n.2l P!ur.:cina ~t.ecr:r-i.:;aL, arcd Necita.:-:i.c-:..l. Ir:sp<Jc:i::m.a ;:.avo been made a,.,d cpp:"o;,u:i. , -, r',.,..' ~ .. ,,_l'!.:J.'.:3!::C d:or'l'r..tr,.~ (jIu/.IAL =;z~.~[~ .:=j o o :'ENCE: When compL6te -- Provida gates or ;l1ovab1.e secticns tr.rou.gi: P.U.E. D 'A:~ :.!J...'/EC:'!S I..ND CLSANOUT:; :!US:' 3E ,4CCESSr3c.~. I'", .4Dji.'S?.'~E:lT :0 3~ .'.~1CE :~:' ::0 ::sr ':''J cr:"! of 2 0- I JOB NO, ~i{b'tJ1t.( KL SOLA_CCES S R EQ.- F'i\~\ 'lM ""- \ j.,.-... ............ ('c~J.=c.7!C".J -;'r,:"..i': l.:ct Sq. F,.. I: :;f :c ~.jIJ"~;j= "'" .. of oto,."e. ~c:..\ I :atat E.r;qi:: t:.A. I Topogra;:rry !.c'!' :!?! Ir::ericr Corne:" Panr.a~l~ Cl.i.L-ae-sac I ::E.~t l.s'.r:c x "aLu~ I 1".1:':. I ~.,:::,o'! Q?-J?~ I .~.::r::~'!"-: I 1.-lC~!'~3":"~ I I r-u--lif1:E: r, ~ I 12.. 0<:0 cD I ~T.~~ VAu..'e I I Is.D.c. 1.5 = It,."C''U;CJ I i. , Euildir.g Pe:r:r:it '2.1.\,- I St::t~ Sur=~e ,Q(P I Totcl CI-.a:ogtl3 I '24.'\4- I. II';'!.\! I NO. , FEG CEA.~:;E J I !'i-~.J'es I f Resid271tial (1 bath) I I I I Sar.it.::r,! Sr.Jero I :rete."'" I I . r 1:1'[:.1 f.rtes. Sa. F~a. I NaJ/E-.-tend Circ-.J.i ts I Tempcra::ry Se.roiC8 I I I I 1:'0'1 .-- .L~/ I I' Il~ 01.\:(), c:c::> I 1J(~eW' /' ~, . ,(l'lr ~ I to. CO I . '40 I l{"). u.O '0' I I I I I I I I I Pl:.unb1:ng Perr.:i. t Stat. Su:rc;'~~e T~taZ C1u=':'-:1es ~~t SlLl'o;'.aree ~t.:llO.a",,=es i'i'~.~f f't.c"r'..:%CI1 ?Tf)'S ; "a., I I I I I I I I C!!).i?(;E 'E:.:ht:ust Hood. VQ71t F:::n J ;J!,cdsto"",)e I Permit I:;;su.znca ."'B~;'m1~C=z. Perr.r!t Sta~e Surc~c "'o:-:l C1-cr~&Ji1 r .. --- - '. E:ICRCACH.'!;::.'~ '. I SIIC"..u-;t"J !)2=03i.e I Stor=as 1.~llte7'~~.\? I I I I I I I I I I' . I I I.:~TAL :"'!CU.'''!' cUE,~Lj.1fJ- ~""I I p",..",,:: I I ~?"C1>.t:r''1CS I C'ur';C'..lt; I si.:!e:.JaZ~ I.~~!r!::e I nec::r~.:! ;-:;-')(1'51 ;;':'';4~ , ~ .'Iobi!a l/::r.:s P:~a Z . L-COG~ """'eICA"'.s~' I !ot ,""" - \\~e~\ 0 .. I _4 w_~...1-:3 I ? [,. I ,={ou.SOJ I ';zcoe llie"," I I I \1- \ 'I 3.d...-oo"., fl =.....2'1"7'.1 SC-.A.r~es I :ieat t I ilC.1';2't' _lJp~,,::!'t' I I Ranq2 II II II T~,:a - I Access. I lEes:: /S"'''tn IWest ;:-:,reokC2 ;.tooa..;; :OT,'e i!'~q~ .1 Building Value & Permit This perrrr:.t t.1 arcnt;ed on the express condition :hat ehe said constr'.l.ct;~or. shaZZ, in 'lll r;s?ccts, conform to the Ordinance ::.dopte.:i iiy th6 ~~e'J oj" Springfield, ";nc~ud";na :he :On-:.na Crd-:.nar.r:e, reau~=";r:a the ccr.st!"".l:::~cn :ir.d use of buildi.ngs, '" and m::y be" su..pended or r;vck.u: ~t cr.y :-:..-::e :l;;:'cr. vi.e- Za:ion of any pr~ui3ions or ;:;aid Ordi....ances. " Iplan Cheek Fe" "" I';;'~ Cat. Pa-:.d, ..!J - &, -.$i. 4' IRee.':pt N, p.. (., 2375; IS':~ed, jy, Plumbing Permit (~-"-)-- No pereon DhaH construct, -::ns::al!." a!ter or charuJe c.ny r.etJ cr e-.....stir.g plumaing or drainags system in ~hoZe or in part, ur.less such ~erson is tr~ legal. possessor of a vaUd plumber's License, e:rcept tr.at a pe~scn n:a"d do pl~bin9 work to propert-:I which is or.med, leased 01' operoated ;,y the a;;pZi- ~t. , .. . Electrical Permit. Where Sta~B LaLJ l"equires tr.at ths elect.,...;cal. work be dens o'y an ~le~trica1. Contractor., the electrical. portion of thia permit shalt roOt be valid until. ths Zabel has b~en aigned by the Elecmcal ~ontractor. ~~f ro~ ~\Q~ aeat<\C~_ "2..:-":~ I~OU .~ ~~"CO ~... L~I '''IH....... ' I . \..-~. ~,r;_.,. . I tOo 9/J.~~ l.,- "'/ I . LJGL.- :;i;::J' Mechanical Permit I I I I I I I I I I. " ~ -r:>~h~:\~ll::\. \\ P l.an t.:;am.ner lr.\~-P.<..J I I I r HAVE CA.lfS~~U['LY !XA.'1I:IED t."'.8 comp!.zted application for ?e:'mi:, and de I hereby certif'y that all. i:,:fo~.a.tion hereon is true ar.d carTee:. and I f.trther eer:i.fy that any c.r.d an !.:ork Ferr"orned aha.tl be da:1e in aC'~~r- I dar.ce :.Jitn tha Ol'din.::nces of the City oj" Springfid,d, and ;;h~ {C..;S oj" ti:a . of State of Oref}:Jn psrr:.=in~nf} to the wor.ic described herein, end =;..at ,va CCCy- PL'lCl :Jin be :rr:zde of c:ny 3t:-uC't'.l1'a l.Jithcu.t p:n.,rris3ion :)f the 3uiZding cr;- trision. I fur:her ~erti.f;; tr..:z-; o:-:ty ::on-;ra.~:or8 tZ".d e:':?'L;yee.3 who O'g in ~t~nC'e with CRS 101.05$ wiLL oe used on this prOj2C: k:-.< ~tgr..2a /?~~ :;? /2 2../5 r [ia:a