HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Encroachment 1998-9-24 226 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OREGON B7477 ENGINEERING DIVISION OFFICE TELEPHONE (503) 728-3753 ,~ ENCROACHMENT PERMIT NUMBER: PERMIT NUMBER: q [3 / I { (39' INSPECTION liNE SEE INSPECTIONS ON BACK SIDE ' APPLICATION DATE: C) - z.. q. - 9 ~ " DATE ISSUED: 9 -2-4 - 98 ,LOCATION OF WORK APPLICANT SITE ADDRESS: Willamalane Park & Recreation District ,PHONE 726-4335 .TAX MAP: TAX LOT: 17033414 11600 Kelly & West D St, Island Park CITY: Soringfie ld 'STATE: Oregon , ZIP: 97477 SUBDIVISION: OWNER: Willamalane Park & Recreation District ,PHONE: ADDRESS: 200 South Mill St, ,CITY: Soringfield STATE: OR ~ONTRACTOR: Alco Construction ADDRESS: 669 N, 53rd. Springfield CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION NO: 112174 . EXPIRATION,DATE: PROJECT SUPERVISOR: Ha I Gausman (wi llama lane) 726-4335 ZIP: 97477 PHONE: 746-3119 REQUESTED PERMITS: "'PECTIOHS REOI..,O. o ENCROACHMENT PERMIT NO: ...............................11 VAlD FOR SIXTY 1801 DAYS PROM DATI 0' CllUANCI a CUT STREET Q BORE a OTHER n a DUST CONTROL (TYPE OF CONTROU a CONSTRUCTION. STORAGe. STAGING n ao~~ n o ASPHALT DEPOSiT.....,..........................,......,..............................,..,.....,..........,....,........... TVPF n.E..S.EtIIRITV I1EPOSIT a Bl.ANKET SURETY BONO Q SURIITY BOND Q CASH / CHECK ~URB CUT PERMIT NO: ................:... FT. 58' 0 IN!Utflt!'nnN. CURB , "'PROACH .vnR FORMS ARlIR!CTID BUT P'RJOR TO POUR1HO COHCRfTE. . VALIlFOR lOOIl4Y1Fl1OM DATlDFISSUANC!. a SECON'o DRIVEWAY lSEE SEPARATEAPI'lJCATlONl !Xl SIDEWALK PERMIT NO: .................... FT. 58 I n VAle flOR 180 DAVS fROM DATI 0' mSUANCL Q NEW el REMOVE / REPAIR Q PAVE PLANT STRIP a'SETBACK IXl CURBSIOE a LENGTH 1N~H''''T,n",. It\O!WALK I DRIVEWAY FOR AU CONClllTl PAVINQ 'NITHIN'TH( STRm IUGHT 0' WAY, TO BE MAD! AFTER AU.lXCAVATlHQ IS COMP\.ITI. AND fORM 'NOM AND IUB-BASI MATlRIAL II IN PUCI. o SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION PERMIT:................n VALID FOR lUXTY llOJ DAYS FROM OAT! 01' ISSUANCe . 0 TO STUB 0 MAIN UNE lEASEMENT-R/Wl a OTHER o STORM SEWER CONNECTION PERMIT: ....................n VAUD PeA Il.XTY 180J DAYa MOM DATI 01' ISSUANCI a CATCH BASIN / 8UBBUR Q STUB a MAINUNE PROO~ n~ I...""RANCF. .500,000 MINIMUM , a ArrACHEO a REOUIREO AMOUNT PHONE: 726-4335 API'UCA TIDN FU I Dfl'OS/T ACCOUNT NOI o 6'0.00 I 0$ Ot 0$ 0$ Ot o $10.00H.16/FT. o .10.00:+-..15/FT. a $5.00/, a, $5.00 I DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: TOTAL DUE:-. TOTAL DUE WITH PERMIT t , -19'~ PERIOD OF USE OR TIME OF CONSTRUCTION: , Q PLANS (TWO SETS) ATTACHED AREA: lENGTH: 58', TYPE OF WORK: CUT: OTHER: replace curb cut with curb EXISTING SURFACE MATERIAL: concrete BACK~llL MATERIAL TO BE UTILIZED: SURFACE REPLACEMeNT MATERIALS TO BE UTILIZED: TYPE OF DUST CONTROL TO BE UTI~IZED: NAME OF OTHER UTiliTIES IF THIS IS A JOINT PROJECT: WARNING DEVICES TO BE UTiliZED: Advlnc. .lgNng and INOrk Ion. .ptotlctJon to blln compll.ncl with Chi Manu.; on ";niiorm TrlUlo Control Davlcu CMUTeDI. Reoiace existing curb cut and driveway apron with sidewilk and curb to reduce FROM DATE: TO DATE: 8' sidewalk 9/21 ,wIDTH: DEPTH: TIME: , TIME: HEIGHT: BORE: . BACKFILL MATERIAL: Concrete DESCRIPTION: nointR of pntrv into Island Park .. WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH CHAPTER X ARTICLE Ii OF THE CITY CODE. CONTRACTOR TO COMPL V WITH MUTCD . REVlS.oNS 8/241l1& fORM , 11 e ' , I. . PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS I SPECIINSTRUCTlONS: ' a RESTORAnON WORK SHALL BE IN CONF ANCE WITH EXISnNG CITY CODES AND IWbMPUANCE WITH CURRENT STANDARD SPECIFICAnONS, EXCEPT AS OTED BELOW. 001 Backmt With.' mlnUl rock. - 019 Mlnumum 4' cl..r.nc..t .ny point. .wlng..w.y. . . . 002 Comp.ct .v.ry t8'IooII d.pth. :; -020 Con"!'.t. minimum 4' depth, 3.000p.I, .. 003 R.quIlII comp.ctlon with. .tlll rolll... 021 Trtnch to b. "T' out. '~ 004 A.C. to match tha grt.t.. or .>datlng d.pthor 4', : 022, Nlld. 8t.l. / CountY p.rmlt. . 008 AU cut. 1I.I.d lor Iln.llnap.ctlon. :; ~ 023 !lo .bov. ground .noloalng. In .Id.wllk or h.ndlelp ramp.. . 008, T.mpCrtry Plloh m.y b. ulld .t tho .nd 0' tho dlY. . 024 Dllmond cut A.C./Conorlt. vllul boxlI 10 oradl. ... ~007 Slonlng .nd Zoni prollctlen to oomply wllh MUTCD " 028 F...h OIl.IOn. / Oradld. ~ 008 Cut con crIll only en .co.. Ilnll 0, cold lolnl.. ':: '028 Comply with Am..leln. with Dlllbllllll. Act. ; :;P08 SId.w.lkt .nd drIVew.y. mln. 3.000p.L 027 Concrell al.b.. 72hra. curlnO tlm.. 4800p.1. - 010 Curbing mln 3.800pal / No p.tchwork 1... th.n 3'. ~ 028 Concr.t. .I.b. rtqulralolnt ...1 m.t.ri.I, "- ':; 011 M..t min. rtqulram.nll on ...,. cut.. Spld. cod.. 029 Driv.way rtqulrt. dow.l. .v.ry 18'. " 012 Rlltort pl.nlld,...... Spld. eed. 208.3.05 030 Submlllrtlllo control pl.n prior to exe'.ltlon. " 013 Spec. 10 80ra / J.ck / No ....C. CIlt.. _ 031 Nollfy Tralllo Dlvlllon b,'ora uc,vIlIpn. " 014 MlehonlClI comp.ctlnO rtqvlrtd. " 032 COrt drill main IInl. Ins.rt tll, 2% mln, orld., 015 No pllchwork .Uowed. " 933 MUll comply with th. provl.lon. 01 ORS 787.541 to 787.871. ~ 018 . Lat.ral CIrtI to hlv, centrol d.nalty flU. " 343 8' Clrcul.. hol.JH2D-V.c. 017 Cut. to be polymlrized crIck ...lld for IInlllnsplctlon...1 . ,018 Mlnlnurn 2' c""hld rock.' mlnUl. .. . ,-.. " Comments: . YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CALL THE LANE UTILITIES' COORDINATING COUNCIL'S "ONE CALL NUMBER" 1-800-332-2344 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING INSPECTIONS: . e:r'CURB CUT AND SIDEWALK INSPEcnONS CALL 728.3789 (RECORDER) STATE YOUR DESIGINATED CITY JOB NUMBERJPERMIT NUMBER. JOB ADDRESS. TYPE OF INSPECTION REQUESTED, AND WHEN YOU WILL BE READY FOR INSPECTION. CONTRACTOR'S OR OWNER'S NAME AND PHONE NUMBER. REQUESTS RECEIVED BEFORE 7:00 A.M. WILL BE MADE THE SAME DAY, REQUESTS AFTER 7:00 A.M. WILL BE MADE THE NEXT WORKING DAY. INSPECTIONS ARE TO BE CALLED IN AFTER EXCAVATIONS ARE MADE AND FORM WO~K IS IN PLACE BUT PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE. Q SANITARY SEWER. STORM SEWER, ENCROACHMENT PERMIT AND OTHER INSPECTIONS CALL CITY MAINTENANCE AT 728.3781. / SIGNATURE: AMOUNT RECEIVED: RECEIPT NO: .~~o oc.. ,I- DATE PAID: RECEIVED 8Y: 9-24--95 By slgneture. I etete end egree~ thet 1 heve cerefully exemlned the completed eppllcetlon end do hereby certify thet elllnlormetion herein Is true end correct. end further certlfy thet eny end ell work performed shell be done In accordence WIth the Ordinences 01 the , City of Springfield, appllceble Ity Stenderd epeclflcetlons end Drewlngshend the lews of the Stete of Ore.ll.on perteining to the work described herein. I further certlfy thet only contrectors end employees w 0 ere In compllence with ORS 701.056 will be used on this . proJect.,' ' The City mey Inepect tha work elte described In this permit et :eny time during e one year period following the re'ceipt t1y the City 01 notice of. completion of the deecribed work end epeclfv. et the Clty's eole deaereaslon. eny edditlonel restoretion work required to . returnth, elte to a etanderd accepteble to the City. THe permltte, will be notllled In writlng of eny work required end will heve thirty '. d,ys1301 from the defe of the notice to Complete the work. Work not completed et the enCl of the thirty deys'will be performed by the City end the cos18 wll be billed to tile permittee. I furthor egree to eneure thet ell required Inspections ere requllsted at the proper time. thet project eddress Is reedeble from the etreet. end the epproved eet 01 plens will remeln on the elte et ell times during conslructlon. Sl9~sture p ~ . Dste ~ - 2.t1 - 9 g VALIDATION: o TRAFFIC REVIEWED BY: Er ENGINEEfllNG REVIEWED BY: , 0 MAINTE~ANCE: o PERMIT ISSUED BY: ~;z.6b , ,~At:?'7h , ~ ~R 1: DATE: DATE: 9- "Z.Lf- -9rS , DATE: DATE: C:?:... 24-'~ : FOR SIDEWALK AND CURB CUT PERMITS PLACE A COPY (COMPLETED) IN PERMfT DRA WER, INSPECTION: :, INSPECTION: , WORK IN PROGRESS AT T1ME OF COMPLETION: ELEVENTH MONTH: DEPOSIT RETURNED: DATE: DATE: DATE: DAT~: DATE: DATE: ,- . ' ..... .. . .. ... ..... . . City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street ~pringfield, OR 37477 (503) 726-3753 Transaction number 031513 September 24, 1938 9:22 AM Received from: WILLAMALANE Cont,rad/O..n : Addr'ess: 200 SOUTH MILL STREET City: SPRINGFIELD St: OR lip: 37477 -BIJi lding- ',Job t: 381183 , ,Descr'iption CIJrbcut -Engineering/Publ ic Wor.ks Description PrOj. Mise 'Encroachment P - --.: Fee 10.00 Fee 80.00 Total: Anlt Received: CheCK t: 20844 30.00 30.00 Check ThanK y,ou, George W. o f ' ; ~ \ \ \ ,/V ',"' ~\ -/;^, ~ LX. V----t ' %:1C\1 X(-- , \ ~' \ VILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREA TIDN DISTRICT D STREET/BALLEW PROPERTY ~ SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS 8/19/98 ReMove drivewo.y o.pron .eplo.ce with curb o.nd ~idewo.lk to City Specs, (Sto.ndo.rd Dro.wing 3-1 Curbside Sidewo.lk) Mo. tch existing sidewo.lk joint po. ttern, 0. vero.ge spo.cing 5' intervo.ls, Repo.ir o.ny do.Mo.ge to street o.s 0. resul t of construction, _rill o.nd pin existing concre o.nd tie toge r with ~ reinforce e t in ) new con r. .te, '-6' tl'\ . \~) Reinforc 0 crete with Welded , F o.bric 10 go.uge 6x6 or #4 rebo.r 2' on center, / ,.., f "';"""," ....J .01- . . . '" ~ IIIIl P,C, COHCRrn SlO{WAUC 3000' ntUl STREMGTN, 6 SACIC 1/11 / l. t ..... ~ 'lfLlLJ:" 2 ,. PAVElltMT ,.' ....',.,~.. .. . ........--..., .,.'. . ~ / L04W " ~ ,. ..'.:.~A.'J'..'.~,:':':,.. '.. '7" ,'. .,.., ..,.' .~ .of "~~<' ....: <<: .... =~ ~::~TEO t W~f ..,... " ~ '1/2'- ~ 'CR', ROCK SUBGIiJ,OE I- . C,R, IlAW.ST 10 BE PLlCEO b"~~9RST un CURBSIDE SIDEW~LK CONCRETE STRENGTH FIELD STRENGTH LAB STRENGTH 3500 PSI < '4025 PSI 3000 PSI 3450 PSI ~'1 " SLOPE ./ ~. P.C, WIN, Pl.fik STRIP CJRBS: ~~o, n[LD STR[H:;~H 6.3 SiCK .,X . ."... . :"~.....;'.-.". ..." t tc,R, WIN, VAPlBlE SLOP( .... , ..' "',',.' :...~....~:.: '.' I . : \ / PiV[WENT Jr~ / {LU'[PACl[O J 6'~ lOiW r .,MllIUW ,':'.".'" ",,'.: ,"..\ "",.1 ~ It., / mw COWP!Cl{O SUBGRiDE SETBACK SIDEWALK , .; , NO .evltD DA,e ''1' - CITY Of SPRINGfIELD DEPT. OF PUBUC WORKS = nnlI $l7lI%l' SPRDlCFllUJ. OR. V74T7 TYPICAL SIDEWALK CROSS SECTIONS STAHlWlD DRA WlNC 3-1 3 ~ , . . CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND CURB SPECIFICATIONS 8(26/98 PART 1. GENERAL 1.01 WORK COVERED BY THIS CONTRACT A, Work under this contract includes, but is not limited to, the installation of concrete sidewalk and curb, 1,02 PROTECTION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS A. The contractor shall erect and maintain suitable barriers to protect the concrete from pedestrian traffic or other detrimental trespass until no damage will result from traffic, If necessary, the contractor shall provide security guards, Concrete damaged as a result of detrimental trespass shall be replaced or repaired at the direction ofWillamalane's project manager at no cost to the owner, B. Please notify Owner of any anticipated damage to existing improvements before starting work, 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Protection Use all means necessary to protect job materials during and after installation, B, Replacement In event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacement necessary to the approval of Owner, C. Delivery and Storage Deliver all materials to the job site only as needed for construction, Willamalane is not responsible for thefts or vandalism. PART 2. PRODUCTS 2,01 CRUSHED ROCK A, Mechanically crushed, dense graded, fragments of rock, maximum size 3/4 inch in diameter. Graded in accordance with ASTM C136 with no more than 10 percent passing a No, 200 sieve, free of organic material and other deleterious substances. 2,02 CONCRETE 4 . . CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND CURB SPECIFICA nONS 8/26/98 A. Mixed in accordance with ASTM C94; 3500 psi at 28 days; use aggregate that will allow for matching of existing concrete finish; minimum five sacks of concrete per cubic yard; maximum slump of 3 inches. 2,03 WELDED WIRE FABRIC A. ASTM A185 plain type; in flat sheets; uncoated; 10 gauge wire; 6" x 6" size. 2,04 REINFORCING STEEL A, ASTM 615, Grade 60 billet-steel deformed bars; No, 4, 1/2" diameter, uncoated finish, 2,05 EXPANSION JOINT FlLLER A. Asphalt impregnated felt; 1/2" thickness, PART 3. EXEClITTON ~. 3,01 GENERAL A. Furnish all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to complete work shown on the drawings and as specified herein. ' B. Inspections Inspect existing conditions before starting work, Commencing with work denotes acceptance of existing conditions, C, Notify Owner prior to the installation of any concrete so that formwork and base rock installation maybe inspected, 3,02 EXCAVATION A, Minor adjustments to the subgrade are a part of the work of this Contract. B. Excavated materials, if any, may be stockpiled and used as backfill after the sidewalk is installed, 5 ., ~ . . . CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND CURB SPECIFICA nONS 8f26/98 3,03 CONCRETE PAVING A. Base at Concrete Walks, Install and compact to 90% of Standard Proctor, minimum 2" depth, 3/4" minus crushed rock, B, Concrete Walks Install 4" thick concrete paving. Slope concrete approximately 1/4" per foot toward the curb. Concrete surface to match existing concrete, C. Reinforcing Reinforce concrete paving with welded wire fabric or rebar 2' on center, Drill and pin into existing slab, D, Expansion Joints Install 'expansion joints where new concrete abuts existing concrete to remain and where shown on drawings (approximately 15 feet on center), E, Score Joints , . Install approximately five feet apart in concrete walks, Score to a depth of 3/4", and remove all trowel marks. 3,04 CLEANING AND REPAIR A. Take precautions to minimize the amount of concrete splashed, Clean all concrete residue off all other surfaces B. Repair or remove and replace damaged or improperly graded or finished slabs as directed, C. Upon completion of work remove all debris and surplus materials from site, Leave area clean, 6