HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-7-28 Job Location: ASaesool"C ~fap II Subdivision: .h SPRINCFlELC . ~~ ~ ,---;;:'A?VJ/pl/ L, ~n7(>yt Address: 27-)" '/l[ 7/SF r::;-r, CibJ: ~//7ddd-' -if~ -,. 'IV j 70 ~11d'.7C/~.C;;;.~~.: Q/J7r'? cY~~ Addition ;4 ..,."~,, r..e '7 ~_~L' / R""'odell/J7/7;. : c;(. /12 I tv~c,j~' .. . ~; AoW/JeY rIv;1/; OWtlJY'cx:c.cpittl Siqr.ed: . .cb, le Rem. A DI.l::I0 /. . k-. / Data: .Data of Application ""'"7./ /)( / (<t-> Value ~ 7.8Z) .!-l() . ,--' L . ~__ Address GUnOI": ~~, n n n ,,'on1:l'GC1:ors Dtulv.4<. /1 ,"1 II P/-""'e: 74b SroF Zip: CJ7F78 ~ T L. /nUl/nrl General Plumbing ~lectl"ical Nechar:ic,: 1 Constructicm L.ndel" ~. 41rW', ?cce'!tJt ,it ./1 /4-17%/9- /AdJ-~~ (1& ,?-..;l..r~.0 Lise. R ExPires F-r.onc; * o [: is thtt l"esponaibil.ity of thB permit hoLdel" to see that aH irwpeetions are t'i.ads at _:he propel" tims# t,...at ~eh =dd:resB is re~:e . fl"Om the Btl'"eet. and that the permit card is l..xated at the frant of the property. .aui?.di....o{j Diuicio!': appl'"oved plan shell remain or. the Buil.ding Sit,;; at aU tUnss. ?'?OC~!Y,'RE FOR ItlSP2~IOlJ RE"OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccoroe1') state your City .:iesigr..:ned iob nur.;bel'. job aac.:rcss. type of ir.:::pec:icn ;"~au.cs:ca a,,,:d U.':en you wil.l oe reatiy for ir.spcetion# Contl"aC'tcrs or Owners ncme c.r.a p;..one nur.tOcr. RequGs:s rBcei;;ed Galcre 7:00 .:-:: '.'izz. DB made th6: same day, requests made afta' 7:00 a-n LJilZ. b:z made the r..cxt :.JOrkir..; day. ~t>~I"~"'f';.-1_ T"'i.~"'7:+;~:r.,..q I~, SIr'S I:lSp!::,,:rJ:,': To be rrKlde after L..J e.rcavati,:m, but prior tc se: up of fo_. ;-, U/lDERSLAB PT..f.J.'..'lJIllC. ELECTRIC.1L & ~ ,'.!ECH.1.'!IC:.L: ~o be made before any work is .:!oucred. ~ rooT.We ~ FOUND,1TION: To be rrru1e afte~ trenches are excavated and forma are erected# but prior to pour-ir.g C'encret~. WlDmC.rtOU,'/D.P[.Uf-f2INC, SSWER., W.1TE.'i, DRAIllAGE: To be made prior to fil.- lir.g trenches. " Xl ~ UNDEHFLOOR PLUl:BING & MECHANICAL: To bo made prior to inatal.lati07l of f100~ insu~tion or decking. POST AriD BEAM: To be made prior to instaZl.aticn of floor i718z,oZation. or decking. ROUCll PUfHBI!lC_ E['ECT.1?!'CA'!" d MECH- ANICAL: No :Jerk is to bc covered ur.ti Z. these inspections have beer. made and ~pp:roved. FI.'9.EPLACE:. Prior to pl.c.ci.r.g facing material.s and before framing inspec- tior.. "Vl FRAHINC: Must be requeDted after a approval. of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal 'mechanical.. An roOfing bmcing ~ chi.mncys# etc. m'olSt be . compLeted. !lo work is to be C071- .. cealed until thia inspection has ... ~ bs~ made and approved. 21 11 '~ Your Ci:ty Deaigr.ated Job Numba' In: [l] IUSL'[,ATIONIVAPOR E.4RRIE:R !''lSPf:CTIO:,': To be made after aU insut..::tion er.d required uapo~ carriers are in place but cefore any lath, gypswn board or uzZZ aover"ing is applied, and oefore any irwul.ation is concealed. 8005[) I 'DE.':OLITIO:! OR .~:,:n'!'; B!JILDI::QS :=J $ani:a:r'd SB"..Jel" capped :::t p:op::r~:i lir:.s ! I :=J Septi;: tank ET"",?;;d a:ul fil~ad uith ;r:rJ:!L : I Pinal - en,on cleva it..~s are cC::JPletd I ---1 ~~ when .:i~t.itior. is c~Le:e or 8t~~~- 1 twoe moved and premises ::It;.:nea up. Nobi le Hemes ~ Blocking and Sat.~p ~ Plumbing connections -- sttJe1" ar~ ua:s~ ---, Electrical. Connection.. Bl.ocn"=" sst-u; ..-I and plwnbing conr.ections m-..:st !;a CI?P1"ot.'ec ?eforc requesting elec:rical inspec:io~ ~ AccessoT"d BuilC.ing '. ] Final - Aftar pore}:es, skirting, daek8, etc. are cample:cd. D FIliAL PLUI-!BIIIG A'Ll. pro,;ect conditions. Guch as the instaLlation of s:zoeet t:l"ees. c~Zoti.:m of tile required landsccpir.g# etc. # must be satisfied. before tr.s BClILDI!.'C FINAL can be raquescad. , III AJ I~ -:J FI/lAL lfEt:HANICAL @ -FINAL .BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeoted eftel'" the .r;oinal Pl.un:bi7'lJ ELectrical, and J.lecha:r:icaL Inspecc:.o1UJ iuwo been made and approl1aj. FINAL ELECT.UCAL rll DRYWALL nlSPE:CTION: Tc be made . L4J after a'Ll. CryLJa.Ll. is in place# but prior -to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel Location, boiui beam3, grou~in.g or verticaLs in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. I~ I WOOOSTO!fE: After installation is cc11Tplet€d. fK] ~ CURB & APPROACH APRON: Aftezo forms are erected but prior to poUring ooncrete. SIDEWALK & DRIl'EWI.Y: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-LJC.Y# to be mads after aU e:r:ca- vating complete '_form work & eub- base material in p~e. 'ALL I.(ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS lfUST BE ACCESSIBLE, AlJ.lUS7!r::.'l"!' TO !IE f.:1DE t.T /10 r:~ST TO Cr.I I P::,e ! of 2 ( rvl !'ENCE: Wher. complo;.te -- Provide ~ gates 01" movable sectiona through P.U.E. o JOB No.B~OJ SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- p~~," Ok'': . 'L:'COG~ 'Z""o: L 77R. QaCUOa>1C. G~ -;;;> ~M- / ' 7'.;e!'/Cor.st: '. Beao"",s: :3 ! rot Sq. Ftge '7SI1:2 LlJT TYPE I Lot Faces -/!/c:!)/lT.N Enera:J SCT'..l1'Ces ': of lot,COIJerag= -~~b- ---v-- Interior ,I . Setbacks Heat t::~T. _ . -G- . P.L. House caraae, A.ccess. Water' Hp.at",. ~ .I! of Stones --2 Comer INorth /. ~-, I RQrJ!:8 " ~otat Haight Z<I' Panhandte IEnst - ;0;-' I I Fireo!aco ...-.:... ISouth ~I 'I I 1)( Wooaotoce Topography 0 -... ~ cut-ds-sac IWest. I.' I I I This permit is granted' on the e.:z:pres8 condition that the a.did. conDtructiol1 shaLZ~ in all respects, confol'm to the Ordinance adopted by the City of' Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinan.ce, regulating the ccnstructtcn and UDe of buil.dings~ and may be sucpended or revoked at cr.y time upon vic- I I tation of any proviaions of said Ordinances. . 11Lh/ l'hY/JN.J~ /)';>... ~>,' Mi~#I"e:-~~d+) 16z s-u 76. tu~ Tb .c~~ftJ'6)E r/'/ l1~/'JYo, V~ ~~, ,..e. ~- ~O,t> ~F ~ ~. 7</"9. d'S IltJ/3. DS' I, ~#E"" 7Ifi'"/Z:> Iyb.c:>g -" _I ~,,#dE" Pve/5, 7B.?7 :13~7. I .. ... non Check Fee: 14'/7,.. 0 f?' /3. ~81 Vote Pai-d: /"j-/f'"-.f",fJ ",.. LI I, Recdpt H: .J2; t:,c, ?, c:;q ':1-,v. 7'8 ISig>:ed: /!('_ I Plumbing. Permit <}2S?> I 2(p.-1 J1.. ""of> I ~o.-I /~7.S"ol l/. ~e> I UI.~'~ I ~7.~ol I ,5:-/ I ~~-s-~ :2~;C I ~r. 6"1 ' , ::'1'~.'-1 , ;,"bin I x I Value J 173, ~~ &/~.R4;.it>1. ~/;5 I/o C> ~o.-I I~ I I SQ.FTG ! Gerace : Cal"":'cr>t Accessol'"V S.D.C. TOTAL VAWE IlJCl..uc) 1.5 :r Building Permit State Surcharge Totat CIra.""'gea I I '2 I II I",~c I "cte~ ~5C>1 ~~- r:EM IND. FEE CHARGE Pi....-tu:res Heaid:mtiat !%bathJ Sar.f.ta~-! SeweI' Pt~bir.g Pem t State SupC!1o.arge Tcta~.Ch:::.rae8 '7'=-" .=?cs. Sa. fta. ; ./ .,..,... ;:G. I vi ".11't..""": il;:;J/E:tend. Cil'C"'.li ts J'er.rpCl'ary Service / 1 Eleatricat Permit Sta.te Sur:::harae :-';"':'"'. I F~E I . ( I 1 1217.- II I 1 I Cff;.RC~ Total Cr.arces '/"1 :ur,..ace !!TU'5 .:.=haus t Hood. I 6. QIC> I .y..? I ~.--=I L~-Q, 1 I I 3'/.9 I .~ i. 260 I- 3'2 . 7~ I ' C I I I l I' /::?~ ~&> 17,%' ~. eiic> - -:;pI ;tent Fan :/aodsto:J6 Permit I3suanca He::hanic::zl Pezorrrit State Surcharac Total Cha:rQ~D -- EI.'CROACHNENT -- I :<:~.,l'ritll D:mo3it i:oraae ''1intenan.:!r. :crmi t Total Cha1'~cS .':u"bcut 1- Ib' ~3' I I I O'1<i ~ r-) I I ~N;;;:;3~ --~~~ .,// /677.'2.1 I, :ide:.Jatk .'~"::e :lectl'"ical Label ~obi le Hame .;TAL ANOU,"rr DUE:" TUr'e ~. 11 I I 1- I ., , -- Fees -- Building Value & Pe r m i t No percon ehall const1'Uct, ins:alZ, aUeT or change any 1".ew .or> e:isting plumbing or drainage syst~ in ~hole or in part, unless such percon is ther legal possessor> of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe:oson mail de' plumbing work to property which is or.med, leased or operoted by the appi.i- cant. . Electrica I Perm it Where State LaLJ requires tr.at the electzticaL wor;C be done by an Ele~trica.l Contractor, the electricaL portion of this permit shall not be vaLid untiL the label has b~en signed by the Elecr:rical Contractor; Mechanical Permit ..~ ~ner ~ """""} 7-2~8~. L","' , I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all i":':fo:omation hereon is tl'U8 and correct, and I f'.J.rther certify that any ar.d an work performed shaU be do:1e in aceor- dance with the Ol'dirl3nc8s of the City of Springfield, and th~ Ur~D of tha State of O1'eg"n pertainina to the work described here:.n, end t;zat NO OCC!:- PI:NCY !Jill be rrrzde of anyv structure !Jithout parmissio:1 of the 3uiZdinfT rr~- vision. I further> certif~ t~t ~ly contractOl"S ar.d enpl"yees who are in compliance !Jith ORS 701.05S will be used on this projsct ~-- 1(-;2f-rt Sign3d fute