HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-2-26 dFf."o ;- '.-.- ,.. .". ~...,.....-",.~,- "_' l' Rcce"';pt .Ii /10/ t:) .. RESI~T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 (~55 /Ce>>-OC),c. / I/-O~-3Y- &ci. dJLotH u.k.... J/,/I~c- /..1)-1 48 " Job Location: ASfJBSBOrS Map II Subdivision: CUner>: '/ rlA../".'-t- 54",-r~ Addr.ss: '17yJ.- c.....~.d sf- City: . E "'0<'"'':' ~......... c..&..NP.l . .' n A~ition n Remodel. n .'.fobile Homa 'Date of Application (,'ontractors Gen.ra~ ;:;.1",-,- . is /.k~ nwnbing L /iN W\.u...l :PL_ j,.4Ic I E~.ct"'.ca~ ~r-ti~!~._J a.._.f.:... I M.char.ica~ t"../ r;... ~/_~ < . I . Const!'Uction Lender ~ ei. t. fa 1#/ o.=<.qCY) Phon.: W~-j'/7;'" Zip: t;;;vv/ Describe ~'ork: !?es,ct"",,-,,- s, ,,;::/e. - r~~'0. , )'y ~j oY ~~ . ~~ 1\ b Va~u. (OJ/O DO Address Lisc.# nh... ''''r<.I.J+ .rl-e...... 31.,{fy ~.....:2Sj CAI!..: (.~:;. :1..7.:,-o( ., 003 :o...I..A.-IIJ..t~"..k I?J c'"'" 3fJ tf3 Ie 'Js7o i:~sf- ,tftc. j;r~_ ..lo).."-Ic.J Sigr.ed: CP ~ Dat.: .2.ht.ltfg- Exoircs 'II d"1 tf / JtJ-: 1/fr<r .:1./J-<; Phone 4 f..-.,Nl t.. . ~ I./L. -->-.L.~ ~ '1 Vb-ciln? ) 7"11_ 0001 It is. ths l"ssporuribility of ths permit holds:!" to sse that azz. iMpactions are made at ths proper tim~" that each t:ddr6Bs is readabl6 fl"Om ths stroot, and that the permit ca:t'd is located at the front of the property. *Bui!di'!'I{J Divicion approved plan shaU r>emain on tha Building Sit:; at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REpUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job number, J.ob address, type of in3pec~ien requested ar.d. W.J:en you win be ready for inspection, Contractor>s or Owners name and phone number. Requests received befor>e 7:00 o;n L.'il.Z. be made the same dcy, requests made, after ?:OO am will be made the ncxt :JOrking day. JlggJ;,j.rEfl.Jn.lHZe~t;iQ~U _ U :"1'.1.'/:.' 1MiPI:X.TION: '1'0 be made after e:ccavation, but prior to set up of . forms. I X I : UNDERRLA.B PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & , MECHANICAL: To be made before any . work is ~ovcred. ,-'. rJ<1 noTING & FOUNDATION: To b. nrui. ~ after trenches are e:ccavated and .- . .:'jrms are erected, but prior> to . pouring concrete. I xl, WIDSRGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. W.4TE.'!, . DRAINAGE: To be f7Klde prior to fil- J.ir.g trenches. r71 " UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: lLJ I To be made pr>ior to installation of '. >: floor insulation or decking. [l] POST AND BEAM: To be made pmr to instal.lation of flOOr> insT4lation or , deckiYl{;. ROUGH PLUM8ING, ELECTRTCAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work. is to be covered '.until. these inapections have beer. made and approved. . FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and befor>e f:ranting inspec- tior:. f)(J PRAJ1INC: Must be requeated after l.LJ approval of rough plwr.bing, alectr-i- .cal & mechanieal. All roofing bracing 8 chimneys, et~. nr.J.st be :"completcd. No wrk is to be con- .~....;.:coaled until thio inspection has " ."~ bG~? made and approved. [l] [21 ,"'-'- Your City Desigr.ated Job Nwnba 10: I "I INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: /\. To be made after all insu"k:ti::m ar.d ': - . - required vapor barrior>s are in place " ~ but before any lath, gypl1WTl board or wall covering is applied, and before " , 'fD1Y insulation is concealed. l2J DRYWALL INSPECTION: To bo made after all drywall is in place, . but prior to any taping. . O MASONRY: Stee 1. loaation ~ bo1ui beam3, grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After inatallation is ccmpleted. , I xl CURB & APPROACH APRON: After foms are erected but prior to pouring , ooncrete. .[2] SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Par all con- crete paving within street right- of-t.x:.Y~ to be made after all e:cca- vating ccxrrplete & [om wr>k & sub~ . base material in place. r;;l PENCE: When compl03te -- Provide- ~ gates or movable sections through P.U.E. . ,"", o ~Y; 0 1&/ 2-- DEUOLITION OR l,:OVED BUILDIilCS ~ Sani ta:ry Se'.JBr aappod at ~opcr>~:i 1.ir.e ~ Septie tank. [T.ci.ped and filla~ with gra~Bl :J Final - r{hen above ite:71s are campl6ted ardi when demolition is compl6to or stru~- ture moved and premises aloaned up. 'Nobile Hemes :::J Blocking and Set-~p :::J Plumbing connections -- saJor and Watsr :::J Electrical Connection - Blocking, Bot-up and plumbing connections 77r.J.8t be approv6d , before requesting electricat inspection I :J Pinal - Aftar> porar.es, skirHng~ d6Cks~ I etc. are completed. . I , :::J Accessol".:i Bui~ing " ;', o All project conditions, 3uch as the installation of str>e6t tr>ees, c~~lction of the required landscapir.g, etc. ~ must be satisfied before the BUIWINC FINAL can be l'squsst3d. W FINAL PLUMBING W FINAL MECHANICAL [l] FINAL ELECTRICAL o Q) FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be l'equeoted alter the Final Plwnbing Electl'ical, and Mechar.ical InspectionD hava boon made and appr>ovad. AALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS NUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fENT"TO BE.~JAD~ AT NO COST TO CITY P~gB 1 of 2 I JOB NO. g:-ff"O!fo;;J..SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- _ L-COG~ Zona: LZJ7'? Oc""panc" G./?-""3"-,;'~/ 7'dpe/Cor.st: .4"0 BedJoooms: ~ Lot Sq. Ftg. 7~,5'c. WT TYPE ] Lot Faces - #1S~7d- II Enerqy Sources . T"oe S of 7.ot Coverag. ,? . ..)L It' Setbacks I I Heat ...( "e:> n ertor I P.L. House. Caraqe Access. I I u . "ater> Hp.atp.'f' g of Stories / Corner INorth =- ' I I Range Total Height ~ ~~,,? Panhandle lEast /'1"' /'<,; I I Fireolace ~_..--. ISouth ,,?7' 1,1 Wood:;tove T~hy '-j~"'~ Cul-de-saa 'roo' -r IWest .,:' -- Faes -- I I I I I I 16$~1. l/pZt1? -j , ':3'3'7. - /b.85- ~5~$S" CHARGE I :/.;so I 52.S&> I ";('~-I /o:~1 '20', ---I 115'-1 ~7~)l /'2P-7 b1, I ITEM I NO. FEE I I Res. So. fto. /tY'?'I I I I New/E:rtend Circuits ::?k~a1 I Temporary Seroice I / '" I . I I I I I I lITEM I Main I Ga:toaae I Ca:rool't I Acces80ru . S~.FTG x Value /,cq&/ ~t/O TOTAL VALUE Is.D.c. IvaLUe) 1.5 x BuiLding Permit State 8uI'charge Total Cha.~ges I~EM !NO.j FEE ~._-_.. m~TV.J.. I Residenti,l r2bathJ I I I Sanitary Sewer I I I Water I / I ~~P7 ,(RA',;~J:- - .. Pl:.unbing Perri t State Surcr.arge Total Charaes CHARGE ~ 7.52::> ??-52:::> /b~ Ele~trica 1.. Permit ~. .-::> C/, '9> ~_ SC) . State SUl'cluzrqe Total Cha:rt:es ITEM I Furnace ETU'S . Exhaust Hood I;' FEE I ( I~ ~- IM~ I I I I I I 17.StP I I .~$I I ~.<f:!B> I, I I I I I ! . R.~I ~c:P. ,.5" I <'-t:>1 CHARGE Cc:re '7-Cr 7- ........ Vent Fan I WOodstOiJB Pemt Issuance Mechanica I Permi t Stato Surchara~ Tota l Charar.,: -- ENCROACHMENT'-- Sec-m t1I DsPOsi t Storaae I Maint~e i Permit I I Curb",,; I Sidewalk Total Char>aos /--:z..~ k,9' I Fen::e I Electrical Label t Mobile Home i i I I I I I -;;#f /61$0$3 I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: A Building Value & Permit This permi t is granted on the erpl'ess condition that the sdid construction shall, in all l'espcct8,confo~ to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and uae of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any pr>ovisions of said Ordinances. IP7.0n Check Fee: 2/q.~,r Ivatc Paid: ":l ~:?"-$l1!:5 IR~cdPt #: t'/b/r- S"fI"ed: .::::::::: c.. Plumbing Permit No person ahall. constMtct, instal!, alter or ehange any new or e...---isting plumbing or dr>ain~ge system in whole or in part, unless such per>son is the legal,. possessor oj' a vatid ptumber's ticense, except that a pe:-son rrr:z.y do ptumbing work to property which is owned, teased or operated by the appli- cant. ,. Electrical Permit Where State Lo:LJ requires that the etectricat work be done by an Eleatrical Contractor, the etectrical portion of this permit shaU not be valid until. the Zabel,. has been signed by the Etectz>ical Contractor. Mechanical Permit 4",-~ ~~-"-..s? p~E=ner ( /' . ~-r-~ vate - I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA."'1INED the compteted application for permit, and do hEreby certify that all ir:fo:omation hereon is tJoue and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d an work perfomled shall be done in acaor- dance tJith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the La:..;s of tho State of Oreg.:m pertaining to the wor>k desaM.bed herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY UJill. be rrr:z.de of any Structur2 witJur.tt permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contraators and e:rrpz.,yees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 witt be used on this project I I I ' ~F~ ~f~kct Signed d-Ir. 0 r- .. RESlDtNTIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 I ~ 55 /ttfffJc..l't/ 1/-O~-3L.\- ad. !1cf!LotN u..k<... t!,/f'-<.c- /./)-1 '--18 '-' Job Location: ASDS8DOZOS Map II Subdivision: CUner: '- f:.. j,,",-- -:> ,/ b tl-/Oo'""\...(5" Address: -/7YJ- c.....~...rt .s+ City: 'e "<.~c.""'L.' ~c-- [XMPM n A~ition n Remodel n Uobi.le Home - Date of Application Contractors Genera L r..I,,",-- - is Ik....u- PLumbing LlW w\u-J :PL~ /"..,~ I ELect~caL .~,.-f-I~.Zf'...J ELi.:... I Mechar.ic~L ~ f (,,<" Ik.../,_ c - I . t;'onstruotion Lender ~ J. t-Io Ifr O:~,q(Y) Phone: W:>-J'/7 J,.. Zip: ~7..(v/ Dssoribe flor>k: t?es.,rk4l<'c- - S, ";.j)e.. r'~'0. . Rcce~pt !I /10/ r.) Value 06-:000 ~~~.. ~I~I> yv - r1 ~ 1\ b" . Address Lisc. fI nl.J... '~u",.....+- s+--E......, ;]I,;,{F-y ]..... :Ii] c<;/f..:, G~~ :1.7s-o/ ., ~ 705 :o...~d lk/~ -sJ.. t?! ...... 35' rf3 Co ~S"7 v i? v.d- / tftt;, ,;:~ _ _J.::u.." c.J \ \ \ \ \0\ \- Yb Signed: cP tSuM.. Date: .2.h t,,/,t or Eniree </)n crldJ- 1J&-lr .::l./ff Phone 1./ f,,--.j>)} to . 9 YL -,)-.L2. L '1 YL--..h, 7 ) 7VI_ 0002 It U. ths rssparuri.bil.it;y of ths pel'l'ltit holder to see that all inDpeotions are r.rade at ths propar ti.m&~ that <<:ch .:ddrB88 is readabZe fr'cm the stJ<eet. and tlzat the p""":t card is lccated at the fl'Cmt of the prop.,.ty. -Bui!ding l>i.vi:::ior. approved p7..an shall remain on tha Building Sit\; at all times. PROC~URE FOR INSPECTION R:s:,aUEST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City designated job nurr.ber, job address, type of in3pocticn requested a!"'.d w,l:en you tJilZ be ready for inspection, Contractors or OlJne:-s name and phone number. Requests l'ece~!;sd ceforB 7:00 c:t r...;.ll bs Tmde the same tU:y# l'equests mc.de after 7:00 am Lrill ba made the nczt :.JOrking dtr:J. i D SITE INSPECTION: To bo made after e.rcavation# but priOI' to Set up of fo,""s. :l , rvT UNDERSLAB nUMBING. ELECTRICAL & ~ : MECHANICAL: To be made before any wl'k is covered. . rvl" '.~ING & FO~D~~ION: ;~ be muis L::.J after trenches are e.rcavated and . ~'arms are erected# but prior to " _ pouring con"".t.. ).0 \ Jt:. j. - ! "r",!, UVDSRGROUND PLUMBING; SEWER. w'4TER. /' DRAINAGE: To be nn::ie prior to fil.- .tir.g trenches. . . 'J.J i.7l, UNDEl/FtoOR PLUI.f8ING & MECHANICAL: ~ I To be rnad6 prior to in3taz.z.ation of riI' .' fLool' ins~lation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be mad. pl"ior to instal.lation of floor insulation or decking. .;;t~ - <"1 y).. rYl ~OTJGH PLUMBIlJG. hECrR~CAL t MECH- ~ ANICAL: No work is to be covered " w:ti l. thess inapections haVG beer. ~ made and approved. ' PIRE:PLACE: Prior to placir." faaing materials and befol'e framing inspec- ~' tion. FRAl1ING: Must bs requeoted aftel' approval of rough plwr.bing, electri- .cal & mechanical. All roOfing bracing & chimncys# et.:J. nr..lst be )'corrrplstcd. flo work is to be con- ,...-.. cealed until this inspection has .~ ~6~~ ma4e' and approved. -,...-. :J..~ . [K] FINAL PLUMBIIIG 1~ . rn PINAL MECHANICAL [l] ;j::1L ELECTRICAL ,0 Your City Desigr./lted Job Nwnb62" Io: ... LfI I "I INSULATIO IVAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: /\ To be made after all insula.tian ~~ . .. raquir'Bd vapor barriers errs in place . .' but befors any lath, flYpSW1I board or wll covering is applied, and before . CD'!'y inoulation is concealed. 1\ r7l DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made l.AJ after all drylJall is in place, . but prior to any taping. . 0, MASONRY: Steel location, borut beams, grouting or verticals in accorodance lJi. th U. B. C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: Aft.,. instaLlation is ccmpleted. .'. . ~x CURB & APPROACH APR?N: Aftq:o .forols a:t'e erB:::ted but prz.or to poun.ng ..', _ conarete. t:l a Llq I . _ ril SIDEWALK & DRrrJiWAY: For aU con- ~ crete paving within street right- of-r.x;.y, to be mads after all e.:eca- vating complete & form wor>k & cub- . base 11r2.terial in pla:!e. [K] \ .P'- ~PENCE: Wher. compl;;te -- Pl'ovU:!e. gatss 01" movable sections through P.U.E. ' ,.,'. o ,.- '6-'6 () I (0 2--- DEMOLITION OR gOVE!) BUILDIilGS ~ Sanitary S6'"..)e1' capped at ~opcrto~ lir.e =:J Septi~ tank p-.;r.:p<d and fined L>ith gro,., I Final - r{hen above ite:rts are completed ---1 ar~ when demolitior. is complete or stru:::- ture moved and pr~aes cleaned up. I MobUs Hcme8 =:J BLooking and Set-up =:J Plumbi7lf1 connections -- sauar and rJater ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking# set-up ----l and plumbing connections m".lst 1;s approved , bofor>c requesting electrical. inspection ~ Accesso1"';/ 8ui~ing .:' :";'1.:' I Final. - AftlJr> porer.es, skil'ting, decks# -.J etc. are ccrnpletcd. o All. project conditions, such as the instal.lation of street trees, co.-:rplotion of tits requiroed landscc:pir-f/# etc. # must be satisfied before trA BUILDING FINAL can be rSl(UBstad. \0\ (J) FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be l"oqusotod alter the Final Plumbing Electrical, and Mechar..ical Inspsctiono havo boen made and appl'ovad. AALL MANHClES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE. ADJUST!fE/lT TO BR MADE AT NO COST TO Cr!'Y I P~CR 1 or '- : I JOB NO. Ff'rfO/!O;;LSOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Zona: LZ?7? OCauoonc. GrA 7?-:5'~/'7;>-/ Lot Sq. Ftg. :7 '/S'Z WT TYPE . I Lot Facas - , I S of lot COlJeragc':<~ ..K- Interior I P.L. !i of Stones / Comer North Tota~ Height /.:: ~tf:./? Panhand~e lEast ....,..... Sou th Topography ~-_./A Cu~-de-saa I West I ITEM I NO'1 FEE I Res. Sa. fto. /~'1 I I N6lJ/E:1:tend Circuits :z",~~a;- I Temporary Service I / I I . I I I I I 96.-- I <7.9rl.-( I ~.s-"l, . I I I I I I I;' FEE I { 131"?--1 IMP} I 1 '1 I 1 1 17.S-p .~$ ~.o/~" I I I 1 I -I I I I -;;f /67'$.&3 I lITEM I Main S~.FTG /,(~~ Ljt.JO CarMe Car't)ort Acce880ru TOTAL VAWE S.D.C. (vat-we) 1.5 :r: Building Permit State SuPcharge Tota~ Cha.~ges I ITEM NO. I FEE k.:-.- -" /"7 :?.':.~ ;;S-...L.- I Residsnti,~ az bath) I I Sanitary Sewer 1 / I I Water I / I I ,{7?'/'?/h ,..(RH/~aF- P~:unbing Permi t State 5w'cr.arge Total Charaes Ele:::tl"ical Permit St:::.te Sur:::harqe Total Charces lITEM Purn:2ce BTU'S . I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I WOodstove Permit Issuance Mechanical Pernri t State Surcharae Tatnl Charap.s -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~~ Daoo3it Storage I Maintena1U!B I Parnrit Total Char-aas I Curbau;; I SidmJa ~k / -7..6- t:;9' I Fen::e I Electl'ica 1. Labe l I Mobi ~e Heme I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' 1 I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application fop permit, and do I hereby certify that all info~tion hereon is true and correct, and I ' further cer>tify that any ar.d all. work perfomled shall be done in acaor- I dance with the Ordinances of the city of Springfield, and th;: La'.,;s of tho ~'.. State of Oregon p~r>taining to the work described hel'ein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY win be mde of any structure without pe"",ission of the Building Qi.- /=:r'. ~ I, yvision. I furthel' certify that only contr>actors ar.d e:rrployees who are in ~.; "'5"""~ compLiance with ORS 701.055 win be used on this projeat <"" ~ 1i'1 I I I I I x Value CHARGE "::?C< c>'C" J"6"7 ~ I I '2O'.-=-1 I 115-1 ~ I ~7~1 - 1/2P-7Sf, CHARGE ~ :7.52::> -;:'?-,52=> /b ...-1 ClIARGE h:,.,.-c ~-o.,p 7.~ L-COG~ .... &'. ' Bedrooms: ~ I, Enel'GIJ Sou1"Ces I Heat Access. I . Watel' Hp.atp~ I I Range I I Fil'evlace I I Wood;; tor.,.e II TIlDe T':ipe/Cor.st: A/6'17d- Setbacks House. Cara,ge 2::> r /~/ /'t'r ~7' ",' -- Fees I Building Value & Pe r m i t This permit io granted on the expr>ess condition that the said con8truction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning erdinance, r>egulating the construction and UBe of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at cr:y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. / - Ip~an Check Fee: 2/~~.r Data Paid: ':/ ~:< c:;;:-~ 'Z3 IReceipt #: // b/~ I Signed: ~ L... Plumbing Pe r m i t No per>son shall construct, install, alter or change any new 01' e--isting plumbing or drain1ge systen in whole 01' in part, unless such person is the legal posses80r OJ'' a valid plumber'8 license, except that a person may do plumbing work to pr>operty which is OTJned, leased or operated by the appli- aant. Electrical Permit Where State La:1.u requires tr.at the e lectrica l tJOrk be done by an Eleatrica l Con"tractor, the electl'ical portion of this permit shall r.ot be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit -tp a~ ?~--= Pap' E:r:am1.ner ( /" ' ~-~-&6 uGi;e at?./F A<~e'., 024~kt Dade Signed