HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-1-18 .. RESIDEblJIAl'. " APPLICATIO.ERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location: 7'9 7 LA1~~/'7,.c.;y /~;z:> , A6De8GOr~ Map H r l SubdilJiGion: Tax Lot II Z? on ~;z:? 1/./ /# 7<::7'7 ~~#~..-'<7 LP. ;::;;z:,Pch. Q?'f'. / ll~, . V.-s- #/ ~h/'.:>/-? ,..&'6e p:'~/~ W~ :7~C?A::'77 7 ~,?~- c-c.cc?,- /'4-/V'~///-e... / -/&< l!!5? Value 7sz::2 ~ . Q.mer: Addres3: City: r-l n 1;(1 n NPlJ .1ddi ticm Remodel .'1ob-!- ta lloma Date of Application Contr>actOI'8 ~ GeneraL /'3Jn?i<fZ~ ~ :::::.~:~ ,: ~ Construction Lender 7~ -.::?9'7~ Q7&!'> B Phone: Zip: Describe r"ork: Addresn --~ /3051 Rcce:.pt .'1 . ~ 100\ \ \ \ V \ 1)\ Sior.nd:riQ L~ Data: I-J8"..L.'8l Li:;c. N Expil'CS Phone It is the r8sponoibitity of the permit holder to 8ee that all incrections are made at the propel' timc, that ~C.c11 .::.ddres::J is rea.:a.;:e from the street, and that tho permit card is Located at the f~nt of the property. J.Bui!di!1g Dividor. approved plan ohalZ r'emain on tha Bu.ildill(1 Sit;; at all times. I PROCEDURE FOn INSPECTION RE.QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (pccordp-r) state your' City design.'1ted ,job 11Uh.bcl', job ac6'css, typc of in:;pac;ic'j i 1'cqucstcd an.d lJ.l:en you l.Jill be ready for inspection, Contractors 01" OlJneros ncme end phO/:e nU:71bcl'. Requests J'cce.ived befcJ.t) 7: 00 ,:-:; I iJ..'ill be made the same dc.y, requests made after 7:00 am will b~ TrUde the next :JOl'king day. , _R~~i~P1 Tnn~~2tir.~n O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after , excavation, but prior to set up of forms. 10 UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH,!NICAL: To be made before any : work is .zovcred. 10 FOOTING !J FOUND,1TION: To be ntlde after trenches are excavated and f01"l118 are erected, but prior to pouPing ccncret~. 10 o UNDSRGROUND P[~UMBING/, SEWER. W.1TER, DRAINAGE: To be 11Klde prim' to fit- lil:!) trenchec. UIlDEIlFWOR PW/.fBI,VG & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of 11001' insuLation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To b. made prior to insta1..l.ati.cn of floor insz;lation or decki"ii. \.1").\ ~ \ ROUGH PW.'!BIlIG-<1':[ECTRICAf> f(fIECH-_ _ANIC~l..P No :JOrk 1.8 to be COl,.'epea ur.t1.L these i1wpectior.8 have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to p1.acir.g facing matel'ia~8 and before framing in spec- tior.. FRAr~INr;: Mlst be l'equeDted after> approv.:zt of rough ptwr.bing, alectpi- cal & mechanical. At.! roofing bracing 8 chimneys, etc. trr.lst be comptetcd. No work i8 to be con- cealed untit this i"8pection has 'b€en made G"d appl"Oved. LP o [K] FIrIAL PLUNBl!IG ~G., FINAL MECHANICAL '-lOj FINAL EU:CTHICAL \f/) ill FINAL BUII.DING: The Final Building I"op(1etioll must be requested G./tcr thc Fillal PZwnbinJ ElactricalJ and Machar:.ical InspectiOll:J have been made and approv,d. Your City DeGigr.ated Job NwnbtZr ID: ~c::> ~ O INSULATION/VAPOR B/lRRIER INSPfXT.TON: To bo made after aU in$ul~;ti:m muf. required vapor cappier's are in place but before any lath, gypswn board or LXllZ coual'ing is appliedJ arui beforo any insulation i:; concealed. 1\ rt71 DRYWAU, INSPECTION: Tc be made ~ after' aU drywall. is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steet location, bond beamsJ (TroutilIg or veJ.ticaln i.n accOl"imtce ",iLh fJ, n, C. 5oet1:OIl 24lS. D WOODSTOVE: ccmpleted. After installation is --j I DEUOLITIOl.1 OR ;~:OVE:; BUILDI;!(;S ~ Sani:al'Y :lI.r~ICJ' ::apped ::t P~OP<:1.t:.i lir:a =:=1 Septi.:: tan1-: P;':'7ed and filZi1d with gJ'a:;d I PinaL - {{her: axvG ita:.,s are aC.71pletcd ~ and wlum Jer.lolit.ior: is complete 01" strLi.J- tw'e moved alu!. pr;;:n:;e:; :::leaned up. - Moln:ZI: IIt;ml!l: ::J Blocking and S~t-up ::J PZwnbin.J comlections .- s:;tJep and water ::J Electrical Conr:ection - Btocking, 8et.u; and plwnbing com:cctions rrr....st te appro!;!"i before requeGt:'lIg eZee:ricat i,:spec:io:: ~ Ac:::essor,;: Builc.:.ng --, Pirw.l - Aft;;r ;:,,,rcJ:cs, skirting, deck:JJ ---1 etc. are compla;;;d. D !tALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLF., AD.ruST!fENT TO BE MADE AT 1.'0 (:..lST TO CI'!'Y I Pa{:.;- of :J I ! All. pPo.iect conditions, :Juc.': as the 1..,l1ntallati(m of s:';l'cet tJ'aes. ":O.71p!IJt.~,:m of tnc Pcquirad lan.d..cr.pir:.(fJ otf'!., mu..t be sat.infi.:d bcforl1 tl:a BUILDIllC FI:.1J1L can ba raquestcd. o CURB & APPROACH APRON: After formn are erected but pJ'ior to pouping co~r>c te. o SIDe'WALK & DRD'Erv,1Y: For all con- crete paving witln:n BtrCet right- of-wc.y, to be made after aU exca- vating complete & form work & sub- base material i,1 place. o I'ENCF:: W!un: compl,;te -- Provide gates 01' movable scctions througl: P.U.E. D . ....~... .. L-COG~ JOB NO. SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Type/Cor.at: -I TilDe Zone: OCCU7)ancu G~ WT TYPE Lot Sq. Ftg. % ~f lot C~erag~ ,II of Stories Total Height Topogra?hy lITEM Main \ Gc1'ace . SQ. FTG Carport 1lcccssoru 11IT: ~C TOTAL l'ALUE Is. D.C. Ivc/,uc) 1,5 x Bui lding Permi t Sta te Surchar(lc Total ~ha.:'ge3 !11'EM Fixtures IResidzntial (1 bath) NU, sanita'PlJ SelJer Water I PLumbing Perr.:i t State SUl"cr.arge Total Charaes 11'1'l-.'M I lies. So, I NO. I rta. N~/Extend Circuits I Temporary Service Eleatrical Permit St::.te Surcharqe Total Charces NC. IITSM F'ul"na.ce ETU' S I E:::hau8 t Hood I Vent Fan I Woodsto:.Je *~ ,Z2-::~~ Perrrrit Issuance Mechanical Permi t State Sw'cJu:rac Total CharaeD ENCROACHMENT -- I SeC'".u"itl/ Deposit I Storage I Maintenan.:!8 Permi t Total ChaY'aes I Curbc..'U; I Sidewa lk l.r;oence Electrical Label Mobile Home ITOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' Interior Corner Panharulle Cul-de-sac x Value 2..C;-~~ ..... 1 Lot Faces - I Setbacks I P. L. 'House . Caroge INorth ~ast Sot<th [lent Fees I Acaess. Bedrooms: Enera}l Sour>ces !feat Water Hl?atp.r> Range Fi l'ev lace Wood:;tove Building Value & Permit This peI'rlr'~t ifJ (fronted on the e:cpl'elJB condition that the said constr>uction shall, in all respects, confom to the Ol'dinanco adopted b'y the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Cl'dinance, r>egulating the constr>ucticn and use oj' buildings, and m~y be sUGpended or> revoked at cr.y time upon vio- lation of any p1':Jvivior18 of Gaid Ordinances. I I I.~~"'-':- ).. -75 I ~ r- ~"')_ 75 n;r: CIIA/((,'t,' fEE I, 1 ~'5'~ CHARGE PEE it '). (?O .7) /,)'.751, I 1 1 Cl/ARCE r--=. /1' jPlan Check Fee: Date Paid: IRecdpt N: ~Signed: Plumbing Permit No per>eon Dhall constl'Uct, instalZ, alter 01' change any r~W or> existing plumbing or drainage syste~ in whole 01' in part, unless such person ia the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plumbing work to proper>ty which is owned, leased or opemted by the appli- cant. . Electrical Permit Where State Law requir>os tr.at the eloct1'ical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this pemit shall r~t be valid until the Label has b~en signed by the Electrical ~ontI'actor. -'"1 Mechanical Permit ~e:;:cR7 -~ ,..- .7) ;".7') I 1 7"'7, z-s-I /k~A' p~~ p~~xaJ11'Lnel' - e--r -;;' . I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for pemit, and do hereby cer>tify that all i~fo:>mation hereon is true and corr>cct, and I f'.l.rther cer>tify that any ar.L1 all lJOl'k per>fol'med shall be done in. acaol'~ dance ~th the Or>dinances of the City of spr>ingficld, and th& Ur~8 of the * State of Or>eg:Jn partaining to the wor>k descr>ibcd herein, and that NO OCCU- P/:NCY will be rrade of any structure without pemis3ion of the Building Vi. vision. I fur>ther certify that only contI'actOl'B ar~ e~ployec8 who are in ca~pliance with ens 701.05S will be used on this project /y$-~'5 lJate ~ ~~~ /-/8 - g1 Sign2d /Jate