HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-1-11 :~_..' "'-''';'''~.''.':'' :......;;.,............-.". ._->-..._.~- ~.. _. --_._~. .,., ~,---:;.._'--'""'.....,~_._... .....- RESIDEN. ~- CO~BINATION/APPLICATION PERMIT ~"aD- ~ . RECEIPr" # ~tfs/J(' crry 0: SPRINGFIELD 2~5 ,':O.rrI'H 5TH S'::~EET SPRJ:IGFIE!.D~ 0REC.o.V 97477 Buildi~4 Divisio~ 726-,753 : \ Job r.oaation: Subdi.rn'sion: 7tftJ L4kStJAIEA/ ).oaf) .4.ssassors Uap II 11-Q1-- 35 - )., ~ Ta::: Lot # () '-1 (J1) ())cocLd-o u L.- ~1o '-CD ~. &10 / Cl.m"r r/ ;t/(1 K f. J/ u ~ t 'I AddrB.B 7ft, JAY? /J/lL15..tJ/ L DO,:) / City 0/J/I';hj.(;eld rrJ/'P. / f J 5.1.dJ - ~1);'t.!c/~/0 Zip Qlcf77 DBScM.bs work >f n, n n NtI'..' Addition iemoda l f. wood 'S-fove Schraeder ()ueeI/J (;I/Yl{ PI Authori,'lect Cit'J Agent E3:pires Phon" # Contracr:Ol"S Nan'" AddrflS8 Usail G~raL Plumbing !LscmcaL , UsaJumiacl I' '. .....J. I 1Io4..-,li\.3;\:'v 7,p,fi, - 9'l/ 6 tJlJ(I k ('_ +I u V's-f: 7X1n lAksofilF-.fi!)oop Ccnstru--tion Landor REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsibility of the p~rmit holder to see th~t a~ ~pections are made at the proper time, that each address is readable frem the street. and that the permit card is located at the front of the propertY. o All manholes and c!eanouts are 'to be adjust~d at no cost to 'the City D SITE IllSPECTICN: To be made after O' FIREPLACE: Prior to placing faCing~. W'oonSTOVES: After installation excavation. but prior to set u? of materials and before fr&!lling inspee- is completed. fon::s. don. o UNDERSLAB PLUMBING,- EUcr!UCJ\L & D MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covered. FRAMING: Must be request'ed after 0 approval of rough plumbing. elec'tri- cal & mechanical. All roofing. bracing & chimneys. etc. must be completed. No work is to be con- 0 cealed. until this inspection has been made and approved. CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms are erected but prior to pour ins concrete. o FOOTING & FOUUDATION: To be made after trenches are e::cavated and forms are erect~d. but prier to pouring concrete. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWERI WATER. 0 DRAW".GI:: To be made prior'to fil- ling trenches. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPl:CTION, To be made a.fter all insulation and required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath. gypsum board or wall covering is applied. and beforeo any inSulation is concealed. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- cre'te paving within street right- ~f-way. te be ~~de a~er all exca- vating complete & form work & sub- base materi31 in place. o o UNDERF'..ooR nUMBING ~ MECHANICAL: To be made prior to ins'tallation of floor insul.n ion or decking. OTHER INSPECTIONS: may be required in accordance with Building Code. to be. indica.te~ in ;:la:"'.5 or by no- tice from Bui1di~g Inspector. o POST & BEAN, installation or decking. To be cade prior to of floor insulation o DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be m3.de after all drywa.ll is in p1.3ce. but prior to any taping. ' o ROUCH PLUHB!NG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANCI~L: Uo work is to be covered until these inspec'tior.s have been made and approved. D MASONRY: Steel loc.stion. bond b83mS. grouting cr verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Sec'tion 2~lS. o FINAL PLUMBING All project conditior.s. such as the installation of street trees. completion ~f the required landscaping. etc.. must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. o o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requestod after the Final Plumbinz Electrical. and Mechanical Inspections have ~een made a~d approved. F!NAL EL~CTRICAL D FINAL MECHAP-ICAL No occupancy of the premises C3n be made until the Final Building Inspection has been made and approved, and a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVI- SION ~'D POSTED ON THE PR~ISES. . PRQCEDUR! fOR INSPECTION REQUEST: ~ll 726-;769-~C~rder)state your City designated j~b number. job address. type of inspec...::.... _ -L-..,..~~~d when you will bo re3dy for ins?ec- tion. Contracto~s or Owners name and phone numbers. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will 'be ~do the sa~e ~y. requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made the next working day. YOUR CITY DESIGNA~ED JOB NUM9ER IS' 'i5'aroJ~ ?i1ge 1 f)f 2 .._:~__',",--;'.:';';: t.;;.~.J,:;;~i;L;.E"f;~~~~:::.~j(2~~~~~~_~~::~2.~~~~~::.S;~~~::;::~:~.r~;'::'~~~~i~.-.!q:S~~~_'~~~:~~1~'1~~~:~~~~f~~![~~~~H~~;;'~~I -.,-....-. . ~.'"'-_.... ~ "-:.----::.;:;" '.. ~. .,.0 ....!...'-'...~ I JOB tllJNEER I ZONE g;;oo/y . I P.J.ge 2 I e I _~:.'!'=:: ~C.;:8 I ;~'o~,; S';~'Ja. ~ 'O_~. I I I I .1 I I I ! OCCUPANCY C:ROUP REFERENCE Nl'!-!BERS TYPE!COl'ST11.lJCnON L-COr, ;; BEDROOMS Lot Square :tg. :~ of Lot CofJ8l'fld #- of Stories ::Ootal Hei.gh~ ':'o,?ograpl-:y Lot Type !ntenol' I [,o~ Corner P. &. Panhandlal!lor-o;h Othgr lEas t I South I West Setbaoks i Ii 1.<0, rt...,~ ~pi't ISq. ltg. ~:ar~Je ISq. Ftg. Car;:c'r': ISq. Ft3. A::08CSO::"!.' ISa. F'~a. Value Faoes: I House i i I FEES I '.iarare, Accas.; I I I i I' I I j I I ''l'1"t I ;,'atel' Heater I .~(]J"'4e ~ ?00Z. El:erqy So:,~'~es BUILDINt; VALUE/PERMIT Thfs pc~t is grcntgd on tiw BZ?l'6dll c:Mi~-::on that the said construction ahaH, in alZ r~8;:Bc:S, oonfo~ :0 the O!'di:-:ar.oes adopted. by the Cf.:'j 0.... SF1..;.ngfiet.d, incL:.uiing tr..e Zoning Ordiruml.u, ref'".J.t.at~ng ~;'.B oon- IItro..lCtf.on !DU'i use of lr.lildings, ::znti ..,ay ';8 8".J.8F,mded or r6".)o~d at any time upon vioZati.;n of an~ previ- sions of said .?rdinanc8B. :: :r: . z . :: . pzmit ~es ,1:it."%=R S,,aof!;'f'1TVrR jfi I ~ I Pl.an Chllck FB' Date Paid Receipt # TOTAL CH.48Grs IS!/stem DllVtll.crment CM:r:/S 1:.5 :: VaZ;~g . I PLUMBING PF:P.MIT NO; fEE CHARGE ~i::tu1"es r/atsr StrMJice S~ni~1 S(fI.}f!JZ' No person shatz. construct, f.Mt::lZ., :::.z~.r or change any netJ or c-;sting p1.ur.tbing or dr=-jrag. 81IS~gm in WkoZIl or ir: part, unZ4ss such perea':';. is -:hQ Zagar. poSB!lSSOr of a valid plumber's Uc.r.sQ~ szcE';t that a person may do plumbing ~'ork to pro;er~ "'r.:.ch is """"d. !oasgd, cr operated by the a;;:!ic=t. I I SUBTOT.4L State SurcJuuoge TOTAL CHARGES I =RICAL PI!i8MIT INO. I I I I F/:I!i CHARGI!i I i I I I I I Vhsrs State LaJ.t r.quirss that ths sZtlct::-icaZ 1JQ1'k be dons by an EZtlctri.ca l C~ntractor.l ei:# . Z,.ot:o"Aa ~ for-- tion af thie pomt ehall not be va,id until t:he la- bal. has bsen aigruzd by the ~z.octric.::~ Cont2--::or. Th& e1..sotM.aaZ Safsty l.4zJ does not ~rlqu~r6 ;: P'::"SGn to obtain a 1.i.censfl as an .9Lsotric-.:::n ar.dl or e ZBa- maa! OO'1tractor to mak. an eLectr-;:oaZ; f.ns:.:!~tion on propeztty ",hich is 'JWMd by himssZj" or a .",:,;J!:IbBr of his immediat. famiZy which is not ~r.tmtd~d .-~:l' sate, leass or l'S"I'lt. Sa. F'aotMs !/lJIJ or !:.":tcnsicm/Cil"!".(it Temo!'al""../ CQ:":st::ouc:ion SUETOTAL Str.z"t9 Suroha:t0f7. TOTAL CIIARr:I!iS HEClfA.UC.4L P!!JIHIT ."10. m CH.4RGI!i i I I I /">. /)(')1 I I : /~-.Cl01 I ./oDI I /~, /~O ~l?'1In~R - 3'1'U'.c; I!izhauBt Hood Vsnt Fan Wood Stove/Heat... I I I SUBTOTAL Stat:a Suraharaa T(1!'AL C:{A.q(;es I 1!i1lCHOACHNE!1T I Seour.: ty aeposi t I Starage l Uaincnancs IPe,.,,;,t I TOT.4!; A!!OU!IT DUE 'tOTAL AMOU!lT DUE I I P/.an -,... Oat. I I HA.... C.4J/EFULLY E:rAMINl!iD tho aomp !.sted app U.cat:ion for pe,..,;. t. and dD ~ hereby o61'tif)l that aH information herllon is trua and aOl'rsot, and I . , ;; further Ol1l't,fY that any and all ""rk parf<71'med 8hall be done'in aceo,... I dance ",tih the Ordinances of the City of Spri"flfie7.d. and the !;aIJe or tho " - State of Oregon pertaining to the ""rk dDscribed herein, and that NO OC- ~ CUPANCY will. be mads of any St1".(CturB without permission of ths Building 1. :; Division. I rotnet- aertif':J that only oontractOl'S and ~t.oYSSB who are _ in oompZ:iance wi:h ORS 701.0SS LJizt. be usf1d on :hia projBct. I ,1! ~'I Il.:!!::.; ;i~~_ ,r.'~, "" / 5. hO ; tim.~Di 1 C'.J.l'o-::!Ut I Sid_!k I Frm.cg I,Zectl'i",,! lAbe! I "':'~" -:'~::;::":::"::~:::;--::?::~:?".:~J::,;,--;';;s:?";:.'.:\::~.'?;:.:'-::7:~:;':~'7;":::::;;~~::'?:..:-~'~,(l~:~-=K::..":.C":,t."':.1o.'~'.'"7;,';.---:I"o~'~"-:7''''''''~"~~!'' '-"",,:,;:--::::"07;"-r_"'~;::fr.-~'"'~_:r'_~.;':"::""-="'""''''~>'''''''~~.'''''',~"!"-:'"'<":--''t''.~......,..'....-_..__"..__,..,