HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-7-22 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections: 726.3769 Office: 726.3759 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK: ASSESSORS MAP:_/_7-'l /_ LOT' . SPRINCFIELP 11m BLOCK: OWNER' Thnn\S YDu,nt\ ADDRESS: '1011 WsDnm Loop CITY:~ DESCRIBE WORK: JllikJ I 1-Iell:L Thm.p NEW REMODEL STATE: --.!2f< ADDITION DEMOLISH ~ .lOD NlIMOEn.-Zt!S CJ ~r?7" 225 Fifth Street Sprlnglleld, Oregon 97.177 ____ TAX LOT' o z. 5" .!J-€) SUBDIVISION: PHONE: '7%-L4i00 ZIP: q14-7g OTHEIl ~ - "f PHONE ADDRESS CON ST. CONTRACTOIl . EXPIIlES CONTRACTOR'S NAME GENERAl' PLUMBING' MECHANICAL:~ Ict!:)l t:N\I st S1e, D , - Nl..lTleE: ZONING CO~~:THE WUHI\ CONSTn. TYPE: --.- -RMIT SH'AtlJ?6:lWI~. __ 1 HI:> ."- ~ PERMIT ,~ Nv I HEAT SOURCE: _____ ..,. ,,,oIZED u~~s8J~k~IY H!;~T~..m /'IV'I'on ANDONcU .vn nANGE: ___ COMMENCED Qf~:A~A#I.. FOOTACE:..__._ .. '" r"'clnn ANY lOll iH'\ - To request an Inspccllon, you mU5t c~rl 726-3768. Tills Is n 24 hour recording. All Inspection::; requested before 7;00 a,m. will be made tho same working d<lY. Inspection::> requested after 7:00 n.m. wjll be made the following worJ( day, ELECTRICAl' , .... "" QUAD AREA: I . OF BLDGS' OCCY GROUP: . OF STOIlIES: _'_ WATER HEATEn: o Tcmpornry Electric D Site Inspection - To bc mode after excavation, bul prior Lo setting lorl11~. o Underslnb Plumbing/Elcctricnl1 Mechnnlcnl - Prior to cover. o Footing - After trenches arc excavated. o Masonry - Stee[ locatlon, bond beams, grouting. o Foundnllon - After rorms ore erected but prior to concrete . placement. o Underground Plumbing - Prior to filling trench. o Undcrlloor Plumbing I Mcch:micnt - Prior to Insulation or decl<inn. o Post rmd [3o<Jm - Prior to floor Insulation or dccl<lng. o Floor Insulnlion - Prior 10" decking. . ' . . o S.:lnilnry Sewer - rrior to filling trench. o Storm Sewer - Prior to fillino Irench, ", o WiJlcr Llnc -. p'rlor \0 .filling trench. .,.. . o Rough PIUlllbillD - Prior lo cover. I'" .' - OFFICE USE - '. 'LflND'l;JSE: _._____ H OF UNITS: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS 1"5<r':nough Mecl1::lI1/C:l1 - Prior to ~over. ~nOlJuh Eleclric..1 - Prior to ~()vcr. . '. , o ElectricCiI Service - MllSI be ilpprovecl \0 obtflin pCnrlllllent clcclrlcol power. o Flreplacc - Prior to fnclng materla[s and framing Insp. o Framing - Prior to coyer., o Wall/C'clling III suInt ion .- Prior to cover, ...1 ~ o Drywnll Prior 10 13pillg~ o Wood Stove - Afler lnstalln:ion. o Inserl - After fireplace approval and Insla[l<:lllon of unit. o Curbcut & Approuch - Aller forms arc c:reeled but prior 10 pl:lcemcnt of concrete!. o Sidewalk & Drivew:1Y - Aftcr excavation is complete. form:; aneJ su\).bnse lTla~r.:rlill in plile!.). o Fence - WIlen completed. , o ~\troot Trees - When nIl re~ulred trees arc pl.1ntcd. ,- lDtW b-~q 1.,7J:,.C/lX) FLOOD PLAIN: o FirHll Pllllllbing - When all plumbing worl< Is complet.e. ~'ill"l ElcCI~C..1 - \o'Vllcn all , . clec'tdeal wOrl< is cOfllplete, .,.,.' . . . ( f"S7( Fiorll Mcchnnicnl - Wl1en nil ~eCllanjcal worl< 1$ com pie Ie. o Fln;1I Uuilclin{J - When all required in5peellons have been ilpproved and building is completed. DOthcr . . MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o Dlocking and Sel.Up - When nil blocl<lnU Is complete. o Plulllbinu Conncctions - WI1en llOm(~ h:l:,j been connected 10 Willer IIllel sewelr. o Eleclricill COllnccllol1 - WIlcn lJlocldno. :;Cl.Up, iJnd plumbing ln~;pectlon:.; I"we been <JpprovecJ Clnd tile hOllle i::-, connecled (0 the service panet. '-I o Finnl - Arter ull required Inspcctions ore approved and porcl1cs, ~1(jrlin9, dccl<s, and ventIng have been Installed. )' ~I "1 LOI faces lOI Type. Interior' , . lol sq.-Itg. Lot coverage Corner Topography Total 11elght Panhandle Cul.(Je.~(lC BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. X $/SO. FT. Main Garage em port Total v5fuc Qui/ding Permit Fcc Slate Surcllarge Tolal Fcc (A) Setlnel'3 "'-'--_5 THE PHOPOSED WOHI, iN THE. r P.l. ~SE GAR' ACC I '. . HISTORiCAL DiSTHICT. OR ON ---......,--- THE HiSTOHICAl REGISTER? ~- -- . II yes, this applicallon must be signed _~_______ and approved by the Historical Coordinator prior 10 pcrmit issuance. .L___ W .----.- -- ---- APPROVED: VALUE " (e) SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixtures Residential 8~lh(s) Sanltur~: S?vJer: d N' FT. '1---'--- Water Slorm Sewe;- FT. , , " FT. . , Mobile Home ,.,.). - ("':1":" ' Plurnblng Perrnit Stale Surc11aroe Totill Charge (e) MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace M:!:?f/J /lV~ Exhaust Hood Vent Fan N' Wood Stovellnserl/Fireplace 'Unil Dryer Vent Mecllimical Permi I Issuance Slate Surch~lf!Je ,7 J-I'-,4J" Total Perml t (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home Stale Issuance State Surcharge Sidewalk It Curbcut It ~ Dcmollllon ~lalC Surcharge Total Miscellaneous Permil!; (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (exciu,ling cieclricai) (A, B, C, D, and E Combined) FEE '" , ijl .f.; fl.,.:;- I ;", _.,~ \", .. .,'. /J?#t1 , /~dO .Le~p . --I- ~_~ :20. :La ..~d BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT Thi!; permit is grLlnlcd on Ihe cxpress condition that the said conslruction sllafl, in all rc~pcCls, conform 10 the Ordinance adopted by the Cil}' of Springfield. including the Development Code, regulating the conslruction and use or buildings, and m~y be suspended 0-; revoked at any time upon violLllion of any provisions of said;~ordin<?-r)ccs. Plan Check Fcc. OLlIe PiJitl: Receipt Number. Received By: PILlIlS Rcvi(;~Cd--.!3y-'-'---'-- Date Systems Development Charge is due on all undcvelopc:d properties withIn tho City limits which arc being Improved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS -..<.yAtA7 &~/A::'.ns/r cS.. .4'~L//R~ \ ( By signature, I stale and agree, thai I h3;.ve carefully examIned tho completed .llp~rication and do hereby certIfy th<1t all InformatIon hereon I:; truc al1(l correct, and I further cerllfy (hal any and all work performed shall be done' in accordance with tile Ordinances or the City of Springfield, emd the Laws of the Slille of Oregon perlaining to lhe worl< dcscrlbed herein, and t11al NO OCCUPANCY will be made or any structure wllhout permission of the BuildIng Safety Division. I furttwr ccrtify Itlal only contractors and employees who arc in compliancc.with GRS 701.055 will be used on this proj ec I. I furltlcr i'lgree 10 en~ure 1hi'l\ all required inspections arc reque5led althe proper time, that each address Is readable (rom tIle street, that U1C pcrmH card Is located at the fronl of tile property, nnd the ~pproved 5et of plans will remaIn on the sile al all times during constructIon. -cgnalUre _~/J, .~ ~ -: ___ Dale 7/22-1)'~ VAliDATION: ?IJ ~~ ~ DATE PAID -7/2 2-/J' ~ . (( AMOUNT. RECEiVED ~...,,2-0 ---/~ RECEiPT NUMeUl FIECEiVED BY , \