HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-11-12 ....,-'-.~.._...........,....~. .......... -'.~,~'.-"---,"-...:;;....-...I-..'-----_. ...;.._~_....'~_.'~. ..._.~",:,.."-_'.._..~..:...;...:-_...._ . ,'.'-. '--_ _ .u'-~''''~~''_' ~::"--'~'-':"'_~':"'~'~'",,"'~~"---~'''''''''''''''' .--. , -- RESIDENTIAL .~ CO~BINATION/APPLICATIO~IT ~FlE~ .P1'# :57tLJ~~ CIrl 0." SPRIilGFIELD 225 1:'OIrI'H S'i'H S:-:~EET SPRJ.'ICFIE!.D, OREC.(H/ 97477 aui1.di:!'.g DitJisio~ 726-J753 Buildi ng permi t 4% Plumbing permit 4% Electrical permit 4% Mechanical permit 4% $ 20,00 .BO 35,00 1.40 15,00 ,60 18,00 ,72 $ 91. 52 Job Location: 550 I ~k~onpn loon SlJbdiu{sion: 5th Addition Laksoneri Looo , Lot #22, Block 1 :4.883SS0rs Uap , 17-02-35-23 Ta:r: Lot # 5200 a.msr Mr. & Mrs, Randall Goodrich Addrsas 550 Laksonen Loop City Spri nqfi e 1 d. OR Phone # Zip 97477 TNsczoi.1:e Work n NrJ n Addi tio" !;l .~emods t Family room and bath Value: $2,000.00 Autu:ai ic:.ct!antmtJ C07!traC1:Ors !lame Adc!rsss Lt.'soil Ezpir.s Phone # Cen.,rat. n~vi p~ ~ Ilh I pn Koft Ptumbing Alert PI umbi no PO--RDx RR4. Snfn_ IQ.2.fl1 Ph-147? !t.CtMcct Greq's Electric Uacha1:i.cct. Ccnstru--ticn Lander Owner REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsibility of the permit holder to se~ th3t all i~pections are made at the proper readable frcm the street. and tha<;: the pe:-mit card is located at the front of the property. . All manholes and eleanouts are to be adjusted .at no cost to the City SITE IUsPtCTICN: To be made after excavation. but prior to set U? of- fon"'..s. time, that each address is o o FIREPLACE: Prior to placing materials and before freing don. facing n inspeo-LlJ WOQOSTOVES: After installation! 1s completed. o UNDERSLAB PLUKBINt;.... EU:CTP.ICAL 6. MECHANICAL: ;0 be IIIade before any work is covered. CJ FRAMING: Hus't be reques'ted after 0 approval of rough plumbing. electt'i- c:al 6. mechanical. All roofing, bracing 6. chim:l.eys, etc. must be campleted. No work is to be con- 0 cealed until this inspectio~ has been made and -'r~.,-j. CURB & APPROACH APRON: Af1:er forms are erec'ted but prior to pouring concrete. Q FOOTING & FOUtlDATION: To be made after trenches are e::cavated and forms ar~ erect~d. but prier to pouring concrete. UNDERGR9VND PLUMBING. SEWER, WATER. DRAWAGC: To be made prior. to fU- ling trenches. w INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insula't ion and required vapor barriers are in place but before any la'th. gypsum board or wall covering is applied. and bef_.._U any insula'tion is concealed. SIDEWALK 6. DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within s'treet right- .of-way, to: be r::ade after all exca- vating complete & form work 6. sub- base materi.ll in place. CJ GJ UtlDtRFLOOR ptm{BING ~ MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of floor insul.1't ion or decking. OTHER INSPECTIONS: may be required in accordance with Building Code, to be indica.tlY.! in ;:l.a~ or by no- tice from Building Inspector. GJ POST 6. BEAM: 1'0 be c:ade prior to installation of fl~or insylation or decking. GJ DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be mde after all drywall is in place. but prior to any taping. . Q ROUCH PLUMB!NGt ELECTRICAL t MECP.- ANCI~L: No ~ork is 'to be covered until these inspections have been made and approved. o MASONRY: Steel location. bond be3IllS. grouting cr vert:icals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2l+tS. GJ FINAL PLUMBING All project conditions, such as 'the installation of street trees. coaplction of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. [J Q FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requestod after the Final Plumbing Eleceic:a.l, :!Jld Mechanical Inspections have ~een made a::1d approved. F!NA~ eLECTRICAL No occupancy of the premises c~n be made until the Final Building Inspection has been made and approved. anC a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS B~~ ISSUED BY THE BUILDI~~ DIVI- SION ~~D POSTED ON THE PR~ISES. ~ FINAL MECHANICAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REOUEST: Call 726-3769 (rec~rder}state your City designated job number, job address. type or inspection reques~ed and when you will be ready for inspec- tion. Contractors or Owners name and phone n~~ers. Requests received before 7:00 8.m. will-be made the sa~e d"y. requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made the next working day. YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JDB Nt!11~ER IS, 810792 ?age 1 of 2 -:;~;-~;~:.~~;,,:~::3r~1?;;'~~~;J~~~I'::ft~,;:.~~~~s:BlG:~~~i-~f2_;~:;,.~:~ ~';}~iff~~r~~1.~~~sE[~-:-~::.~.~7.4h::~~;~{;~~:~tT.~;~~~~)g{fr~~J~~F:~#~~~.I I - _,_".,..___c~.,___._ .-,__,,-~._~-'o'-_"""'" ~__.~~. O''-~' I JOB' mmnER I ZONE 8107Q2 . OCCUPANCY (,ROUP R3 TYPE/COT<STTl.lJCTION V~N BEDROO!-!S R 1 Lot, Squ4J'e !'tf!' 8625 ~_ o~ L;~t ~o!)6.,.ed ~ :'!l 0; S..ones TotaL HBif!ht 1 S TO'i'of!ra:p~y Leve I .(0,,: ~tff. '.!tr1" -- GarC:{J6 .: caz-;or~ .: A::ct:::so:-y r r lfat~B \. Sq:- Ftg. ISq" !'.g, Isq, Ftfl' isa.. F~a. !,g~t CItar-:1BS StAtlt S'n>t!n/TTVIR TOTAL CII.4RGOS IS!lstem- Ollvllt.ormtme C;..a:raB 11.5 r'Vabe NA IND. I I 1 , i I P"i:turtls Water SlIMJic. S':1m.tar'!1 Sr.JBl" SUBTOT.4L State Surcharge TOTAL CHARGES I INQ, i I ? I' L I FEE Sa. Footaae !l11llJ or ,~-:t:B1'UJionICiroeui: '!' ........... ....~' Cqo:8~c:ion SU!!TOTAL Stl'%e~ Suzoc~. TOTAL CHARr:ES /../0. I I I I I I ',"EE: r;>,~n~R .. rn'U'S Erhauet Hood Vsnt Fan flood Stove/HoatB1' I Permit issue SUBTOTAL State 5w'chal"t1e TO'!'AL CHA'WES ..,,,It'''';'.'J.. ;""',_,",.,"0 . "';-';':' .':...,~; .' -':"'_<.":0. ..;..:. ..:.,. , . _.~:,,::_...._......;-:.i...:._._~,,...,;_::r-........c'"'~_..;-7..~.,;.<;..:.,--"-~-.... - I . ?.:l.ge , I NI'!-!BF.:S .! L.cor; il REFERENCE Lot Type Setbaok. X Interiol" I Lot Faces: ~ast Corner I P. L. I HatLSe Pcrn.handZOINor+;h Othgr I Eas t I South I West I I I, -I I , El;,erqy I :f1t: u.e-; I io'atazo Heater I .~ar.ae I Pool. , So:.~'~e3 I 5' i j5' I 41j' I~, FEES (Arap~: ACCfJSa, ':U' Hl' /'lj' Ix 1 . .=--:'N:::..c.~a :y'oci S;~"Ja ,:)0.':'::' BUILDING VALtfE/PER!1IT :~ I I ,:,uuu'Uf 20,00 ,80 . '!h:r.',s pcrr.ri.t is grantgd on the e:pr,ss c~ndi:.;on t:ha.t the said construCtion ohatz, in alZ re8=Bct~~ cantor::': ~ ths O!'diMr.C1SS adopted by the Ci.;'1 0"; Sp!..:.n.gf"ield, inct:u:iin.g the Zoning Ordirurnce~ re~~urt-:.ng ;.;'.JI! con- stro.u:tion and USB of lr.lil.di"3s, anti.wray ~B 8"~spBr.dsci . or reo Joked a~ any time upon t1ioZati.;n ol an:-' previ- sUms of Raid :Jrdinancss. . I -~--, I i I PLan Chock Fe. $6,00 11-10-81 B~761U I I I j ?(Uln !Jate Paid Rccflipt 1# . , PLUI.fBING l'ERMI'!' FEE CHARGE: 10.00 No PWStm shaLT. construct, inst::ztz., a:Z~Qr or ch.t:mgs cmy ne:.1 or er;s'ting plumbintl or ~:.nage sys':etn in whole or in part~ untsS8 BUch psrso~ is ;he :egaZ poSS9SSOfI of a valid pZ:mer's Zic,r.se, 9ZCg~t that a person may do plumbing t..'Ork to prc,?er~ w?:::.ch is 0Lmad, Lsas.d o:t' opSl"t1.ted by tho ~Ec=t, 10 on ~'i nn IIn "Jt:; /In ELECTRICAL !'E:RMI'!' I CHARGE I I 15,00 , I I I I I I 1 ~ O(l I I .60 i I 1'i /iO I NECIiA.UC.4L P!:RMI'!' CH.4!/GE: Whsre State Laz.' requir.s that the s:sc1::'i.Cc.Z tJOr>k be done by an. EttlctM.cal C.,ntractor>~ tt!tl .ZBo~caZ. par- t:i<m of this p.mt ehaL t not be va!i.d :"'t~! t;hs ~- bot has bsen 3ignsd by the ::LBotric:.::i. Contrc.:1-:or. Th.& E1.eomoaZ Saf.ty ~ does not rsqu-!:rs ::: ?s~son to obtain a licsns. as an '3leotriC'".:.::n ar.:!./or elBC- mea! 00l1~.;or to make CUI et..sct~caT. -!:ns;.:Zl.a:tion on propBl'ty whioh i. ownad by himBe,,' Ol' a .~..wor of his inmedia'tll f'amiZy which is not -:.r.-:an:ied :~;r saLe. lease or rant. 10r 'i.OO 10,00 1R no 7? 1R 7? E!lCROACHNENT ISe~ty asposit ISt<>rage I Maincnmu:s j Parmit I TOT:tL AHOU!/T DUE I c-~l'b.zut I Sidawa1k I Fimca l:leatrieal Labsl I 'tOTAL ANOU!lT DUE 11-/2 - YI :;; P Data '" I HAVE C.4REE'UUY E,'WIINEO ths ocmp1.sted appLication fol' permit, and da ~ hfll'aby asrtif,y that aU inJ.........._...':On Mr>6on is trua and aorr60t~ ~ I , . /'u:t'thel' ol1l't'fy that any and aLL wol'k pCl'fomed shaLL be do1l8 in aceo"," I dcnoe wtih tho Ordinances of tho City of Spl'i"flfiel.d.. and tho LoJJ. of ths I . State of CJ-rcgon pB1'toining t<> tho work ds.ol'ibed hB1'Bin, and that NO OC- ~ CUPANCY will be mads of any str>.lcture without p6rmisai.on of the Building ,; : DifJiaion. I f'.aotltero certify that only ~ontractol"S and emplcYBes lJlto are _ in ccnrpliance with ORS 701.0SS will be used on ~his pr'Oject. '-::.... ._:~'.:;7~:-7.::'::~;:.:~..:~.\~Z;:., .,3:: .~~=:r:::~' .:~::~~~~(:~:7";"'.:-:::.~:}~:~D?' (,~i.~,~r:~ :Z~. :~~;-:.:~D~S-~-;:~.=':~:?.::'~:_:-;S-.~.~~.::~-~_:-?:~~:.. .:.: :'.'~:::~':~;~;.~~ ::.:?J::'f::Z:.<<.i,i:;Tr-?7b;:?'~ $91,52 H ,.onF,JI I//IP.I.// ~ Building Division approved pl.a.11 shall rB1l'a:tin 01'1 times. va~e the Sui l.dirtg Si te at all.