HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-11-21 . .. RESIDE~AL-" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 I . .'ob c.oc.:zti::m: )\(~ \J) L ~ 0'(\ ~B.GC8DOJ'":: Map N Tc:r: Lot H ~iV::8io": ~eJ~) \ \\0. rf\~ \'j,\\OJ ~, '\.-{) (),0 ~ddre.s: \';)~ \ t\ Y SOf\Q.M.) Phone: tJ ~ity: ,~~, I ~M Zip: C\l4in I ~ =, I "M' ~~ ..... Remodel ~~ .' J: u ~~ I ~q () Value cD~ rYf) ,1ddi tic" ,'fob-i.Ze llom:! Date of Applicaticn :!>nrr<lctor-,\._ ~ '\ .....If'drp''s Li"c, /I Bldl'S. Board ~ener"l ~:"''f....l' Q Ul'f\.('VL I T-)f.,)n r...., I )"t'1'1 !:)( e ~lumbing f'r(\ "-' /'1 NQ rfW\ " '-lechanica - [~~ctri.!;a l~\~ oV ril ~UpeIi"r.11.;;!,.1ILElec t\r~c i[ln-~ ('67f:11 ..c4 /gl'1C)-' Rcae;pt ~ . . Q)0 Siqr.ed: Data: (Jlif1Lr) I ,. It is ths J"SBFDnoibility of the permit hoLder to Boe that all inopectioYlB are made at ehe propB~ tim&~ that Dcch ~eB8 is roadab!e : {rom th. etl"eet, and that the pormit card is located at ths front of the property. .4!1ui!.ding !rivi=ior: approL'ed plan shall remain on th2 Bu-:.lding Sit:: at all times. r:..70CSDUP.E FOn INSPECTION RSQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state youI' city designated job nwr.ber, job address, type of i'13pec~iclI t"C!qt4cstcd ar.d tJ.':en you tJiU be l'eady fol' inspcction, Contractol's or {)mers name and phone nwnbc1'. Requests received befere 7:00 c:.J ...>iU be tmde the same day, ~quests made after 7:00 a'n L1ill ba made the nc.:z:t :JOrki"J day. b'inp.-l rn~~~cth~" SITE INSPECTION: To be rrrldeoafter e.rcav.:ztion, .?ut prior to set up of forms. . . ] 'UNDERSLAB PLllJ.fBING. ELECTRIC,1L 8- ,\!l-:CHA.YICAL: To be made beforliJ any uork is ~ovcred. '1/, City Dcoigr.atcd Job Number II!: r:cr INSULATION/VAPOR BAI/RIER IN~P.~'Z.;';UN: ~ To be made after all insul.:ztion dM-c( . raqui1'6d vapor barriers are in plaoe .. :'. but beforB any lath, gypsum board Ol' u:zll covering is appli.ed~ and beforo any inauZation is concealed. ~YWALL INSPECT!ON: Tc be mad. L.::J ?fter all. dryuall. is in place, but prior to emy taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bond beamo, g~utina 01' verticals in accordance L1ith U.B~C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is completed. J FOOTING ~ FOUND.1TION: To be mad. after tre'lches are e.:z:cavated and forms are erected,J but prior to pou~ng ccncret~. ~ ] SEweR. W:1TE.'l, priOl' to fi l-- UNDSRGROUND PLUM3INC; DRAINAGE: To be 11tJde lir.g trenches. U1JDE,QPLOOR PCU/.aJING & MECHANICAL: Ta be naJe prior to in.ataLlation of floor insulation 01' decking. JI POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms instaLlaticn of f~Zation 01' are created but pl'ior to pouring decking. . ~"""H~AJ .::onal'ete. ~. ~UCll Pf..lJ!!BI!1G ET,ECTR!CA.,1 &EClI~--';' -rr-, SImo:flALK .. DRII'ETIt.Y: For all con- ANICAL: No' k iD to b ~ crete paving within stl'eet right- ,w:tiL these i ti have bee~ of-tx:y,J 'to be made aftet' all e.:z:ca- ~de and approve.:!. vating cdnplete & form 1J01'k & cub- : Fr.r?EPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing ba::e materoial. in plaae. materials and bcfol'e framing inspec- tior.. --;-V-:;, FRAI~Tflr:: l.fuat be 'l'equeDted af~er 0 ~ appl'OvoJL of rough plwr.bina, al.ectroi- , cal & mechaniaal. At? roofing bracing ~ chimncys~ et~. nr~Bt be . completed. No wrk is to be con- ; cealed until. thio inspection has . bee:n maifc ane! appl'Oved.' .- - .. - PENCE: . Wher. cOITlpl&te -- Provide gates 01' movable sectiono throug~ P,U,E, o QO/3'7n I DEMOLITION OR gOVE!i BlJILDIiJGS :::J Sanitary setJeI' ::apped :zt propert;; Zir.e '. .' , , ' ',' ,Illoi '",~l)\'/'~"'''''.'l.';ll l..~ ill, 0' ~ =:J Septi:J tank p-.:v.rp.:d and fiZle~ L1ith gl'c:Jl1l J Final - rth6n ab...""V6 items aro ccmpZetcd and whon demolition is complete 01' struJ- ture moved and pl'~ses ::ll1aned up. MobiZe Hcmes :::J Blocking and Sat-~p :::J Plumbing ~nnect~onB -- s~or and ~:el' :::J Elcct~cal Connection - Blocking, set-u~ and plumbing connections mr~st'be appro~Bd bofol'c requesting elec~roicaZ inspeo:io:: :::J Ac:::essoJ'!,' Builc!:.ng J FiM l - Aft.~ p~l'C~e., etC. are completed. skirting, decks, D All project cond'itions, auch ao tlle i.nstallation of stl'60t tr'ees, '.co.":Tplotion of tiltl requirad landscapir:g, etc., must be satiaficd before the BU/WINe FINAL can be r:zqueotad. r\.~;NAL BUILDINC: Tho Final Buildina Inspcctio~ must ba l'equeDted after' tIle Pinal Plurnbini/ V Electrical., and Mechar:ical Inspect~ono havo been made and approv"d. FIliAL PWII.BlfIG 'AI.f. 1,t,1NflOf.F.S ANn CLF.M~ /111.':7 flF. ACCF.SSrflLF., AD,IUSTW:,'/T TO BE /.L1DF. J.T /:0 C~ST TO CfTY I p",:,' of 2 ~ I JOB NO. lzona: SOLAR ACCESS Occuooncy .: LOT TYPE Interic,. Corner Panhandle cut-de-sac Lot Sq, Ft{;. S 0;/ lot Co;uerag. ,f of Stories Total Height Topography [TEM , I Main I Cc:raCl! Caroort AcceSGOrll TOTAL VAWE IS,D.C, lua'-UCJ 1.5 % I Building Pemt 8ta te surcharge Total Cha:ogea lITEM I Fiz~ure8 IResidential (1 bath) I Sani tary Sewer IND. I I Water plwnbing Psrr.:it State Surcr.arge Tota 1. Charno8 ,I In'''' I Rea. So. 'ta. IN~/E%tend Circuits I Tt,...yv. .... 111 Service , NO,' FEE Ele~t,.ical Permit State Suraharae Total Charqee lITEM va, F'urna.ce ETU' S f:;:haus t Hood. I Vent FlD1 I 1Ims to:JB Permit 13suanc3 Ife~hani.c:z.l Permi t State surcharc€ Total CharesD __ ENCROACHMENT -- I Sec-04ri tv Daoo:Jit I Storage ~ ~ . I Maintenance I Permi t ..!E..!al ChaI1lCB Curb-au ~ ISid_Ik Ff!n~o Electrical Label I Mobi le lIome I I I TOTAL A~fOUNT DUE: 4 H:j.;g>~(lA ,j) (J.~5 . 1&1'15 f 1 1 ~ I I 1 x Value FEE CHARGE CHARGE FEI? CIIARGE 1 i11,Q31 . -;1~ - L-COC-1t REQ.- T,'pe/Co<et: . Lot Faces - 1 Setback. House ICaraqo I AcceoO. BedroomS: Ener I SO:J.rcos .'Ieat Watl!r !I~(Jt~r Raw:;e Fi reI) ~acl! Wood~tot:e Tur-l! I I ,I P.L. North I 11 UJ F.:ast Sou th West -- Faes Building Value & Permit This permit 1.0 granted on the erprecs condition that the said construction shal~, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, inc!uding :he Zonina crdinance, regulati'lg the ccnstru.:ticn and use of buildings, and m::y' be sucpended or revoked at cr.y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. , I' :1 . . ~ IPlan Check Fee: I Date Paid: IRecdpt H: ISig"-ed: ; . Plumbing Permit 1 No percon ohall construct, ins~l?, atter or change any neW cr e::isting plumbing or drainage system in whole "or in part, ur.less such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do ptumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. . -+.: , , .~ . . . Electrical Permi t Where State Lt;rJ.) requires th.at the e~ectrical work be done by an Eleatrica~ Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall ~~t be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. 1 I . l Mechanical Permit l'l-an E;z:am'Lner vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths cOmpleted application for pemit, and do hereby certify that all i:-.fo;omation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any a~.d atz lJOrk p6r!01':ruld shatz bfJ do:'16 in accor- dancd :.n.th the ordinances of the city of sprin{Jfield, and th;; L<r..:s of tha . State of Oreg.:m pertaining to the IIX'rk described herosin, end :hat NO OCCU- PANCY r.n:n bs I1tJde of any structur. without p,mis.ion of the suilding Di- l1i~ion. I [urthoro certify th:::lt o~ly contl"actors ar.d e:nploye~s who are it! complianco with CRS ?Ol.05~ wilL be used on this projsct .%-~~ /1- 2J-9D l\7.tr.