HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1992-7-20 SIGN I'mMIT APPLICATION . ~r'nINnFI"'Ln ~ JOB NUMI3En 'Inspection Line: 726-3769 Office: 726-3759 q~()0l5~" ..... 1JG Filth Srrcpl S~rillgliuld, OR 97477 I.OCATION OF PROPOSED WORK: "'187 /</Z-lAsf- wA'I OWNER: D,y, s"?-z J I 0 "3 2- 7..:2..0 Z~'S ~. c;,,(P/Z-~5 TAX lOT: 00 q / 0 ^~S[:.sons M^P: PHONE: q/fe, - Z:z.:3 - o5CJ 0 ADDRESS: CITY: ' 2...60171'" 1 STATE: C-A. V (;.,.J N "( , 5 IZ-G-s, PI: tI RA joJ r ZIP: Qc"oo3 ~',.'..t BUSINESS NAME, FIRM ETC.:'" .~> ._K W"II _X Single Face Freestanding ~ Projecting Roof Marquee * DESCrtlPTION OF PflOPOSED SIGNIS): (pleils" chucl< 'and eomplete all appropriate illforniation) Double Face Billboard Other . Squme Footage: 7,/. i:; 41 Totill Height above Grade: 18' Vertical Dimension of sign or enclosure: ...,' " ., -0 Horizontal Width of sign or enclosure: , , I' ID ..... Dillwilsion frolll Grade S I lu IJOtlC?fl\ of Sinn: . I Electrical Illstallalion: X Yes _ No (If yes additional permit is required) VALUE: 3,?CJO,DO M~It(:ria;l, SiUIl is cunstructed 01: ALv_ I AlUWI .' Pl.-&: X ItfrLA 5. NE.t:>H List ^LL' cxistillu siH~1:lUC [II.ll] nttach a photograph of each sign: (a)'Type Po.t"f-. S,erJ lei Typu t./AL.l,. Sq. Ftg. "ZOO Sq. FIg,. ~1.5 101 Type ,.ifO,<1//AWI' Sq. Fig. '7e Idl Type Sq. Ftg. CONTrIACTOnIlNSTAlI.Efl: e."1~~^,~ S 1-.1 3<. AIA./IJ IN&' . PHONE: 41J5.. 5<;4-10 ADDflESS: /"'2..'0 OA~PATtAt CITy:E:.tA ~ f-,.Jf ~p.. STATE: of?.. ZIP: "'t 7"'f-o 2- s,~~~q~ CONSTIIUCTION CONTflACTOnS nEGISTRA TION NUMIJER: "'2.""01 . EXPIRES: CITY IJUSINESS LICENSE NUMBEfi: .:j 2-D'-J 0 EXPIRES: /0-/--93 Si!)rl Permit Fce: ~,cD OFFICE USE land Use: o21~ Ouad Area: \ (' ,'{\ ') \ l) Code Sectio,,\ '~ :: 1- \<0 ( \''1 ~ ') Approved l3y: Ull>.... ~~O J::....;./ DATE: . ~ .. .~\ - Si~1l DistriCr:-I_._~ ~ {)'{'f\J'(\ Zoninu: (\ ~ nEOUInED INSPECTIONS: Site 10 Iw rll.:l~C prior t~J sigll.placement. Footinn prior to placement of concrete _____ ^ttachment after f;:Jstcnc'rs are insw!led/prior to cover Elcctrict1! prior to energiling x Final completion 01 sign installntion "I-. '-- A(lllitilllla1' Comments all,L1/o( Conditions: By si~lIl<lture, I stat(! and agree, that I hnvc cnrcrully examined the completed api;fiCation and do hereby certify ,that all information herein is' Hue arHI,corrCCI, nll(j I IUfthcr certify that allY and <:111 work performed" shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City 01 . Springfield, [JIIlJ the U,WS 01 the State of Oregon pertaining lD tile work described herein. I further certify Hun only conlractors and ertlployees ~ho arc in compliance with OAS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections me requested at the proper time, thnt project address is rendable from the street. Ihal the permit card is IOC<Hcd at the front or the property, and the approved set of plnns will remain on the site at all times during the installation ..... 01 1110 sigrilsJ. SignatureE;v",G,.i{. S/q/"' U, :r~L Date t:, - i -"12.. V;llid~lli(1I1: Amount f\cceived: 4IJ,l{) <3 n H- D11le Paid: f7 .:to ~~ Received By: H (~ Receipt Number: . . , SIGN PERMIT APpLIcATION TIH~ applicillioll on the reverse side Ill!Cds lO Ile completed entirely. If you arc the sign cOfllractor/insWl!cr, or if you ufe' hiring a COlltrilC1Qr, you. n~cd to make sure that both the City 01 Springfield Business license Number and t~c Registration Number twm tIle Statu of Oregon COllstructiOl~ Contractors Board arc listed on the application along with'the'expiration . unte of CJdl," ,; . .. If the sign you are proposing .is illuminated, an electrical permit application also needs to be completed and signed by either o suporvisinG ulecLrician, limited sign electrical contractor, or II you oro the bUSlrlCSS ownor who also owns tilo bulltJlng In which you are occupying, and you will be performing the electrical installation yourself,. you may sign the electrical application. If, there arc existing wall and/or freestanding sigl)~~ ,n photographls) of each existing sign needs to bo attached to the applicatioll. The size of each existing sign also needs to be listed on the application. PLANS To submit for a sign permit, you need to prepare two complete sets of drawings showing all dimensions, total height, and J plot pl.lIl indiG3tillg where the proposed sign will be located. If you arc installing a freestanding sign which exceeds 20 Icel in 10131 (might, the fOOling detail needs to be prepared and stamped by a registered engineer. After the plan review process is completed. and, il your sigll(sJ is approved. olle set will be returned to you. The approved set of drawings need (u be at t1w site wheil an inspection is requested lor the inspectors reference. INSPECTIONS Oependinu .on your sion(s). you may be required to request one or all of the following inspections during the installation , .' . . " "01 your si911: Site: To be requested <lIter indicating on the lot where the proposed sign will be located but prior to any work being performed lor the installation of the sign. Tllis inspection is required if there is a Question on the location 01 the proposetl sign. FootinO: To be requested after excavation and the forms are installed, but prior to pouring concrete. If there will be electrical conduit placed in the footing, it must also be in place prior to requesting this inspection. ^I\"clllnenl: To bll requested when alllasteners are installed but prior to cover. Electrical: To be requested after the electrical connection to the sign is made, b~t prior to energizing. rin(ll: After all required inspections are conducted and approved and the sign installation is complete. The inspections that are required for your specific siun will be indicated on the application during the plan review process. Failure to r~qucst ANY of tile required inspections could result in sign r~moval in order to inspect the sign at the required intervals 01 work. i\ , TO request :;111 inspection, phone 726.3769. This is tI 24 hour recording. On the recording you will "need to leav~ your City Dcsiuntltcd Job Number; loc<ltion of wherc the sign is bcing installed, the typc of inspection you are req~esting, and whcn you will be rcady for the inspection. All inspections called in to the recorder prior to 7:00 a.m. will be made Jhe samc "~orkinH dilY. (Ill inspllctions phon~d in <lfter 7:00 <l.ITl. will be made the following work day. . If you have any questions regarding the application, required plans or inspections, please fecI free to phone the Building Safely OiviSioil.,n 72G.3759. /" i ., Cily Ill' Spl'ill~licld . HllihJiIl~ Sal'ely Divisillll 225 Fil'lh Sl,'eel SJlrill~lIcld. OR 97477 '. , ,