HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1998-1-8 ,.~- -"-"-:~'~:-:'~"'-"'~'7'~"'~':"-"'.:-:-::-:-~"'7 ......-.. -. . ~:.:;:.::..,(+l,.;:'.;~.d{:.::... .. ....., : -~.. '".,' '. . .' ',' .. :~r:i,:'..,' SPRINQFIELD /7d . '," . .,. . ... <~ ~>;;~.~ : '. . ltted~o\aa tho folloWing 'r' . <~.. '. :. :'. The following project as OU,bm ~",i"" land. """ " ,'~.:::~L..: . ..~ '. . \ .' zohillQ. e.nd.d0\3~ not requ ra St-'-- T'" ,;~t/::::7ft~o~;~i-9'r-7;';4t.fij7'~7~~iR1;;" \. 0- { :' ~~~,f~:;~;AP~~~TIC1OH . :.. ~....~~,~~, H' ..,t.::-"' ;~~~~'~I~(~~ .,: ' ':~"".~.' ~'-'>'.' '-"::,~~{,:~1~.,~_;;- :."Nk;r\ .... O~CB"'-i,!:g&7'2\B6~37UBST59,,'~1!r~~.J}rY\' -:--; C~t:y; ~~~:.If',~~:':':." " :.:. ':"'" :." l-t - "'J',,~,,:'::'\:.':''i~r...'~ . ~.; ...., r....., ,.', ," ",''''..t ~. ~ ~'.~ "~' . '1-;' ':"'....;...:~ ~'....nsture - - . :~ ";>'~<#lil;~t!~.'f::' ;~. :IS.,..; '.' "'. ., A\!."lV'.:,,,,: "'" ~. COIIPLETE '. PEE S........u:..B. BBLOV .lti1~;LOC4t'I~FfINSTALLATIOH .' "', '.:. . . ,.. :,:. 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"'1.", ";';_'~""g.~~~l,..=c:;' '_..:' ."<.........1,.,: ., ~~~... .9~J~.......-:....:. :"qy,.,..""", ." ~: . .:, :.~tJ.t .~ ;:~?-':";~:':i:.t-r-:;i-tIX~-W:.:k;:~~~..},~.i:: ..~. ../T.:::',~.:.\~~"\:;/<:~\' ":;{~. . ~~~'~~,!;I.i%",;%[':'.U"j'K.~';:'~L";i'" . : . C..' Tellporary.."services~or!,Feeders ,!['>7.:,.:,::;.I""!;',.'. ~itr",(iciDti!\~NUiIM!r;;':;":~~i;L?4 e.... ... Installation; "Alteiadoo'.or Bdocat1oo': <;.:I".~:g~~~~t.i~;~J;:F f..:~(~~~'-(.:l).~ ~.'.::'.~;~."~;'I,:,......r.~.;.' ;.:j.';\~;:J. .. . . ". ~ . .'. .~...., :.:. '}-.<~f~:'~~:\'2,.;Ji.t~...:.~: :b;. .: .' '. ". -":." ',. -" ':." : ~li!(~;li)t~~~~~~~~~""-9'i%/?7''' . 200~ upS- -orhes~'f;'i\~:~'U:;;p ..$.40:00 .:~ ",:j~;~;;:':'~"'\"~,'it\;';"'ii;i?i.!<!;I''::)C<:'' .. 201" ups: to 4ooHI.;,' $55;00 . 5' . ~'of~'sifpj'" 'i~ici8D . ."Over.401 : to: 600\\ .. "'.\.. $80.00.. ... :~e;,':r''','P'.~'',oJ.l(~tt\jJii(i? {~"~i'Vy . .:' Over 600' amps'~ or; jVo.us see 'wBW.,. above >~:. ':':'\ .. . '.' ~::'<'''':': ':~'i":Y . .'. 'r . ..,::! ." .' "':""''''\':'-'''. ~/; C",,': .... .'u;.:,:/ . D. Branch Ci cuits " Ovners'iHaae ~~"'~/h.c< '~-:'+$;(~~V:~:'~,':-'- ,.' ......... Add.t~~\:.:p,~S?- .Ah~~ .' ""''''i. \. . 'I ']. ."~. .' ',~ ": .~. Cit)t~;p.2 Jg;il,p~~ii~\'7Y0~%b '::\~t~~:(;~~~i;' ~#€;:~~,'(~.:;: . TbeHriSt~atfon',is'~belng):ude on propertY:I~OvDtvhiChjis~not!intended fO;r,li~~~!,~t~~1f~~Jf~gIi:,:~i'; Ovner.i'~1iDatUre: .'. -.. "~~~k:;;#L..-~. . , - - DAt'Ii".' a.k.4!( ....uUJr .,: LI ( 1~1 RP.w.....'.rBY: (~J//o ) Nev, Alteration or.,Extension. Per Panel . .' One Circuit' .:. "::"" '; Bach Addi tiona!. :':1>, ' Circuit'~or v1th'~ice or .Feeder Perllli t :,; .' . . ~: ,'. S'35.oo S 2.00' -; . E. Miscellaneous (Servtce/feeder not.included) -Bach installadon.;-. '., '. . ..' Pump 'or 'irdgadon~'.::; .,.$;40;00:'" Sign/Outline. Ligbtin,a- :' $ 40.00',. Lillited Energy/Res) '.' $:20:00> Limited Energy/~~ $ 36.00., SUBTOTAL OF ~OVE. jBfye(51{/b,- 5% State .Surcharge. $'~ .' t:J'Ji- . 3% 'Administrative Fee . i. . TOTAL I~) ?leI 5. ,., ....'.....:.:. ." ,"\' , . . "...~. . . '-'"'.' .'~OF;~' ;,;~"~.i:~, ,:. .2'k / h~ ':), .,..1.... .' . . ."The following proleet as submitted t)as tho following . . '. :. zoning, end doos not require sP"2ific land uso . .' .'; approval. \ '. . . ..... flv ' . .' ~. . . , ' .. ," 0 :' ~". :~,,:,,),;;- 4L~:' . . 22S:~..~... .......-...:. ,-.:)ri~6t.~~ s.....OU&.u>&J), OREGO~..,9747'.,," V'\rY\ ....""DCrIONREQUES1'i.<:"~lll6A(tHJlgnoturel \ . OFFICEs '726-3759:'~;"':':;. :";,,,f;... . . ;, .'~~ . ~TION~F IN~ALLATION ,. ,:,q.:r!7!![. Sfl!!YIr1'udUY <~ ~. ."~' 1, :,''1 .. .'I.:.::~": ~~!:~\:''i;~'~ .' 'Ji~~o~79~7.;' --.U; ":J.~~~' .~..,':;O.;.;i.i?~{0:, lOOO.sq.ft. ~i.~.ie~s~.' U'J~ . . ..,~. ". Each addi tional. 500 . . '.. .j .,' .,...,...... ,sq. ft orporHon/.:,~::' PeE1lits' are no . t'rwf~f~bie' ~d expire . thereof '''::'".::J.. ./~' if vork.is',n'ot started.vlthin'180 days Each Hanuf'd.Home.or of' issuance or H. votlt~is~siJspended for Hodular 'Dvelling~: 180 days. >,:":\~,\'ASi~~:" \0 ~rVice or F~::t;,~.:,. . 2. . ~~~":-,.AcroR ~~'gcx.i.lONLY 'lov <~B. Serv~ces or ~eeclers~: " :." . ..... .,~ ....,.~;."':..~;;'!.~'''':~I::~' ~0'" \)\~ o~'fio. Installation; .iAlterations Electrical. contractor.&27'4" ,_~0\\.O\' or Relocation:"?:~':~'... , w. <.a:" i'l ' "h" .....:. ,..c.o;;' \'fio.0 ",Il' ~''> ",'0 . . "",,c, Address' .' '.;: ('::':;":;\0g.:;:C'l ~~\0,,~~ p'<.,~\0~0 2oo;amps or.leS~"ii~~: .:. $.50.ooA' . .. . ':"\9"':;,,'6o~YJ.~'fio.o'" ~~,. 0'"'' ~'fio.o \o~Ol'amps to.: 400.: UPS: $'i60~00: . City' .' i<<=-~:'J~~~: 'f\.;s.~~<\\0"'..",\0\0~W;l>~ 401 amlls to'. 6oo.\~' $100.00' , 1>-\'~,~..'.~y0.,.r::>v'i\;;,v~'~0'~"'Sl't\0~. 601 amps to lOOO;Mps $130,00.... Supervis~r;..Li~~~~~~lo'O". ~o_\'i~.\."'~ .Over 1000 amps/.vol~. $300.oo.!> .'. . . <.: '.;' )~~'$.-~'(:-.~ ~~~'C0'(\'v ~0~v'rJ!t/J" 'Reconnect on.lY;,~\i'.?h:. ,;., $ 40.~00 Expi.rationID~te,;<)O;,...i{0"''i'0;.;:.,,0,.'2><l .' '.',."i.:;']!J.di,j .,... :: ':l..:".."..: ".". ",.\. \""::'O<::i~~\~~~'o.~""'0~\" C. Temporary Servi,c~':or":Feeders "'o",:q,.\i':: Constr Contr,'. N.~mber.~'O~ 001; Installation'.i!A~.te~tionor Relocation Expiration ~';:t~<..'::,:::1i~?j.~:~:::~<;:::': 200 amps"ori;;:~~f:::il:':.l&J $ 40.06.:.' I .'. <~:"'" .i} !,1'~;.';,;.,;. .' . 201 amps to'4oo)a.p.j, $ 55~00:. Signature of"Superv1s~IBlectrician Over 401 to '6oo:'ups'" . $80.00. . . ....... :: .'\ c,.;,........./;.\;' ;:,.)~,::'.:;.'.,... Over 600 amps"oi:- 'l00u':vo~ts see "B" above " .." . '.', >#f~':"'~' ~',::::;:'~', ,". . .' -. "': .' '. O?.V-. I d .' D. Branch Circuiis~\\,,~~~~ ~~O\ ," OvnersName ~4-...v" ~~ \~~: €.'f,.'?\?'<- o.1oJI\\ \'0 '" ..t? ,,\O\Nev,~\~~~q{W'08~\EXt,~on Per Panel Address ?;?~){ .r.//Vro/v'S-;': c.1?€.'?\ N\)~?.' O~~\) . . . '. \\-\\:!l'a~qi~~J tIS f>.~f>.~~'" $' 35.00 City ?-..d~A'j.l :,:'f,~,l:I~~, .7~~~':::~ N\Bic~".~~.~lt'lon~~ir '~':~"'. . , ..,....,.. ,_()!>lrtul, t, p~'vi thIservice OVHER INSTALLATION',,''':'; . v or .FeeCler Permit,,::.,' $ 2.OQ.' A," , 'J " ,I,' '- '. . ":~~;~'~'t~:-.{~:...,' ~\.\ .:,;.:.':.'..~ '. . The installation is'lbeing/ude on E. Hiscellaneous.(Service/feeder not included) property 'IoV!!. .vhi~.lis:,no.t. intended -Each installation ,;::,:,.; . for sale.'lease:or',renf.~:;.<'... PUlIporirrigatioii'~;'::c"o , $ 40.00:. . ...... ..~.' ': .:":T~,.~:;",. Sign/Outline L1gbd~.. $'40:00' Ovners Signature:', .'. Limited Energy/Res'!.:,;:: . $. 20.00 . - .,~ P-~- ~ .~ 5. :=~ ~;r:~~;-, . .~~OO:,l/O:'_ DATB:~ ~cJ. D'CfI:;: " 5% State Surcharge,' . . ~ . .' ;) .....-. At>~n 'f: l.u. 0/,",,.k . 3% Administrative Fee -'T.Jod./,' . ,: 7.() _............., 'BY: f JI utn TOTAL i' <t:~) r7~ to . ',' . .' ::;;:~i(~aA09~r~ ". ":"-'l:,~!._~~rtt~~:: :.... . ...,...., COMPLETE FEE S............E BELOV 3.. . A. . .' '.:~~,:.}-.' . Nev Residential-Single or Hulti-Family per::dvelling unit. ,Service Included fl';!';:" .<, "':".,' . . ..F_.: .'"..'....Items ;. . "", '"'( "j"I.":;':" Cost ~. sum $ 85.00. $ 15.00 . $ 40;00. ... ~";:'~\:':~::;:'::~'~..' , ... ,,~.,