HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-4-25 i~ Rcce~pt " 11-::4.<1.~ " RESIDENTIAL" . . ..- APPLICAT.PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Sp1'ingfieZd. Oregon 97477 'BuiZding Division 726-3753: . . i .rob Location: /4I?? khEl/ ~r Tc:t: Lot # 0/7 ,:?,';:- Ascessors Map # / 7-~"':f. 3'71'-":< ":3 LP7' /B, U~~ /1;/ / A <.F Subdivision: ()Jner: /=;./TU;R€ 71_ ~/}?e-::> Address: / 79:<' c::7::J~g;;yT?.r. Phone: #1?S--:3/:::t!; CitH:~~~~ ?5.7? Zip: <9?ye::5/ , 12L~",.; .,", n Addition' n Remodel n HabiZs Homo : " 'Date of AppLication '~/2-~' Desoribe >>'ork: ,. /6' s;.~~ ~/!-~~~ y .' Contractors General n..~;:q~ Plwribing Electrical ~,!:'Ji4.Rn Mschanicat ,'}:'" '~'.---:"7.'~:~ ConStruction Lender" ;;;/ ;fv.c7u/i'€ .,,' ,. " Value . -:;3~~.-J> ~73 ~~~ Add:ress o -. ,- t}o"1 J/V'l II- I "-; . . I ' . 1, , . ,. .' . Signed: Date: CL,..; cf -') <;" -R'('I I .,' "'1 Lise. II Expires '>-"8'9 Phone o/'~:5"-dt~, :~) 9~~ - ~3'4:? :2 I .' . .V". I' "r'>'!. ~99? c::; e-c7'. JVo<::>.25'A<-7:;>~ ':::;'~e~L<6. ";;l,?-~"''''', ~ .' ,; . ~ ", "." " '€.-~. , I It is ths responsibility 'of the pBrmi.t holder to see that all. inopections are made at ths proper tunc that each .::dd:rS88 1.8 readable from ths 8tre6t~ and that the permit card is' lccated at the ftoont of the property. . I ... "I ..~.:..,:,I....... -Bui!dir:g Diuicion ti:Pprot;ed plan. ;~hall remain on th2' Building Sit;; at all times. , ; PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R~QUEST;CALL 726-3769 (rccoMeP) state YOW' City designated job number~' job a.ddrcss~ type of infJpec~icn. l"equestcd ar.d when you lJiz.z. be ready for inspcction~ Contractors or Owners name and phone number. Requests received before 7:00 <:u.'I r.."'ill be TTrlde the same day~ requests made after ?:OO am LJill be made the next :x>rking.day. .:::.: . . r~City Desigr.ated .rob Nwrrbor IS:~c>/$ Rp.'t't':~P,.<i T':\..I'l,,?t:>f!ttr.J1.R 0: SITE INSPEC'T'.TON: To be nr:zde afteP ezcavation~ but prior.to set up of forms. D : UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & , MECHANICAL: To be made before any , 'IJOrk is aovcred. ' l\/lFOOTING &10UNDmON; ';0 be nruie .)< after t:roenches a1'e excavated and forms al*e erected~ but proior to , pouring ccncret,;;. O ,. UND8RGROUND PLUMBING. STfWER. W.1TE1(, DRAINAGE: To be m::r4e. prior to fil- '.ling t:roenc:hes. 0: UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & ME~~~IC~L: . .. .' To be made prior to inatalZation of fJ.-oor i~suZation or decking., O POST AND BEAM: To be made proio:1- to instal.l.ation of floor insulation or . decking. ..Y 'J-. I v I ROUGH PLUMB.. ING.CP.~f:CTRTCAt). MECH- r ANICAL: No tJOrk 1.S to be covered , , ~w:til thcse inspections have been . "made and approved. .. . " O. FIREPLACE: ,Pr>ior. to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec-' I ,.ticn. .. , ~ . . I ~ I FRANINC: Must be requeDted after approval of rough plwr.bing~ electri- :ool & mechanical. All roofing : bracing & chimru;ys~ eta. 17T'J.st be ':.:eorrrpletcd. No lXlrk is to be con- ~""...:cealed u.ntil this inspection has . ~.:.been made and approved. ..' ': ,.".". ,~.'-' o o [2] o FI/lAL PLUI>fBING FINAL MECHA/lICAL F;t~ ELECTRICAL I~ \5 FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeDted after Electroiaal~ and Mechanical Inspectwrw havo been made and approved. the Final Plumbing t' :., '.' 'I';'" ,.;'. '0 INSULATIONIVAFOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insu latwn ar.d '. . required vapor barriers are in place '.::.: ': ~ but before any lath~ gypswn board or : ::,. r.xzll covering is applied~ and before' . .'. . ~y i~u Zatio,: is canoea led. '. ' '0 DRrwALL INSPECTIO/lJ To be nruie after all drywall is in place~ ; , , but prior to any taping. , '. 0' MASONRY: Steel l.oaation, oona beam3~ grouting or verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 2415. O flOODSTOVE: After instal 1.0, ticn i. completed. , " . . . O CURB &, APPROACH APRON: 'Afts..... fonns are ereated but proior to pouring " con....'Tete. , ~ '0' SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- , crete peeving within street right- , pf-IiJaY~ to be made after all e:r:ca- vating complete & form work & sub- "base material in plaae. ." ~ -...... . -,.,)' ~ O I'E/lCE: When comp lote -- Provide. gates or movable sections through P.U.E. .. ,T, o 'DEMOLITION OR ;',:OVED BUILDINGS . , ~ San1.tary seuer capped at ~op.::rt;oi lir.e I Septi" tank P''''''Ped and fi Hed Jth ;;r<rJel --1. ", I ," :::J Final - fr'hen above iterns are co.'JTPleted . ar~ ~hen demolitior. is campletelor struc- ture moved and premises cl6aned: up. {' ;"_/ Mobile Hcmes =:J Bloaking and Set-"p . ,I ---, Plumbing con.nections sewer aha water --1 ! . ~ Electrical Connection - Btocking~ set-up ---.J and plumbing conr:eations rrr.lst ce approved , before requesting elec:rical inspection " " !", ...., ~,'~L. =:J Accessory Bui~ing :::J Final - Aft;]!' p:J!'cr.es~ etc. are completed. skirting~ decks~ '. , o " A l 1.. project condi tions ~ such as the required landscapir.g~ ctc.~ must be install.oti.on of street trses, oC>"'Plation of tite . (::~.. satisfied before tr.e BUI,LDING FINAL can be requestad., -J'- r.. I Page 1 of 2. 'ALL MA/lHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/lENT TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO CITY I JOB NOorv /t;~ I I Zone: I Lot Sq. Ftg. S of lot COlJerag. g of Stories Total Height T"'r'''';j~ -r-hy 1-. lITEM L:in I Gt::.rtKl8 I Cal'oort IACeeS80l'U I 1 SQ.FTG ?";u> TOTAL' VALUE _ Is.D.c. (Val.ueJ .1.5 :r: Building Permit State Surcharge Total Cha.,.ge. lITEM Fixtures I Re.identia l (1 bath) :'Sani tary Seu>er ( , ' >'. , .-;. -Miter Plumbing Permi t .State Surc1-..apge Tota t Charaes lITEM j Rea. Sa. fta. I NeJ.J/Extend Circuits I Temporary Service I Eleatrical Permit State Suraha.rqe Total Charc;es IITSM I Fur7uice !!TU' S (f Exhauet Hood I-V'~t Pan. I JlOodstove Perrrrit Issuance Mechanical. Permit State Surch.a:rae Pntal C'htnocum -- ENCROACHMENT -- 'I Secur-i'W D300sit I Storage I Maint~e 1 Permit I Total Charq08 Cu:rbaut ~ SideL1a Lk t:enae I Electl'ical Label I Nobile Home I' "- I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' I NO.' I 1 I I ,.. SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- L-codl< j . I 'I 0/'. f)~ I -:('. ~~ I. ,)' '16 .73 r: I 1 1 ! . I ~::?s&> I I I I I --::i!"'2--.<}&> I 1 /. /7 '1-1-( I ;?:l.~.3 l. ' , I , .', I Ocauvanc~ GrOll_ LOT TYPE. Interior COJtner Panhandle Cut-de-sac x Value (P.- ,'1:<CttA - IND. ' I 1 1 I FEE CHARGE I , I I I I I I I 1-. , - NO. FEE CHARGE 7.... 'f/7f4?Il -' FEE C/lARGE I I I I I I I '17. -Z"'J .. """.1..,.11 Lot Faces - Type/Cor.st: . Bedrooms: I Enarqu SO'"o.U"ces I .~"eat Access. I Water Rt?att?Y" I Range I Firep'lace I I Wood,tove 1.1 Tt,oe P.L. North East South ,West 'I Setbacks House' Caraqe -- Pees I ..' I ',' Building Value-&' Per~i.t . ~ . '.. . '..... ~" "-., " ) This permit io gronted on the express condition that the said constructicm shaZl~ in all respects~ conform to the Ondinar~e adopted by the City of Springfie1..d, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and use of bui1..dings, and may be".suspended or.revoked at .c:n.y time upon vic- Zation of any provisions of said'Ordinarices~ .- -- ,- " '. ,- . - /.- . . Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Receipt 1/:' ,Signed: '<9.93 Plumbing Permit No" .person' Dhall ,construct, insta'll, alter -or"..cha!tge', any new or existing plwnbing 01" 'drainage syste:n in iUhole or in part,' Unless such person is the lega'l possessor of a valid plwnber's license, except that a person may do plumbing !Jork to property !Jhich_is owned, leased or. operated b'y the appli- cant. . - - .... . . ',' . ,:'" ....'l .' ','- ~. ":, .:. ,.. ,,' .' (' i. ,/ - Electrical. -Permi t Where State ["en.] requires that the eZectr>icaZ IJOrk be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical p01"ticn of this permit shatt roOt be valid until the tabeZ has been signed by the EZect:ricaZ Contractor, '. Mechanical Perm it ., , , ~ - '-'~ .' .~ . ~~.:/L' ~p-+~ner ~~-17 , ,,/ ~-~-~. Ca"e 1 I. I. I I I 1 I I I I . I /lAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for pernrit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d alZ IJOrk pe1"fozrmed shatt be don.e in accor- dance !dth the Ordinance. of the City of Springfield, and tha La;,;. of tho State of DregDn p8rtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY !JiZZ be rrnde of any structure tJithout parmission of the Building Di- viswn. I further' certify that cmly contractors ar.d e:rrpz",yees who al'6 in compliance with ORB 701.055 will be used on this project , t/ t\jfl? Dbte Signed