HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1983-9-19 . .. RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 .4~ ' ..- .. '. Job !,oc::,ticm: I ?JoLt _K~n /In.~'\ ~ N \ '1DO~'l'J~ () uOilo2l) AsaesGor.: .'.!~ StJJdi:J"':sict1: Ta::!.ot C'..mer,T'Y1 ,\ p ~ m lQJJ. l});jtQ.r :.,~~~~ n n n n '1~.l Pr.or.e: Zip' q1W;'7 Describe frork: . ?ccei," .. Lo/r;J/J ~(- * , 0o\JJJL wu.tQX' ~0~ ~UD Addi ticn Remodel ,~!ob~ le .":fame Date of Applicaticn Vatue 4- . (cC1)'CO Sigr.ed.d IIJOJ Date: q- p.7)_ :) Con~rac:or8 Add.-es3 Lise. Ii ~~..:~ ~ k~\~~ .l\;0~() ~. -.'J\r\Fl.DU"'L-J - "- t Electrical Ne::har.ic~l Const~~ction Cender Phol1{: j Li8lf -0l{7~' J j J E;:pircs ch5~S ,c,ryl/Uq It io the responGibili~y of the pe~t hoLder eo see that al! inspections are made at the proper =imc~ that ~ch =ddres8 is rea2a~~e jl-om eM street, arui that ths pCJ"'rtrit card is Loca.ted at the f1'Ol1t of the property. .3ui~i~4 Lr;vi=io~ ap~ro~ed FLan sr~ZZ. reMain on tr. SUiZding ;it~ at all times. PROC~Du,r?E fOR INSPECTION RS'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state ~ou.r City desigr.:J.ted ,job ntm:be1", job adi!'c88, type of in:1pec-;icn 1"sques'f;cd a:"".d w.':en you :.;iH be ready for ir.spccti.on, Contrac'tCr8 :)1' 01....ne:'8 ncne end phone n:..:~bc::r. Requ~S:B recei<;ed betcrB 7:00 <.:':': :..'ilZ. be rrnae the same deb re.quest:s made afta 7:00 a:n tJizt be made t.J..o6 nat :.JOrkin.; da:j. ~~mJi~p1 T~~~~~ti~~ O SITE IN~P::C:!O;'!: ~o be rrrzde alter ucavat~on, .?ut pM.cr t: se: up of forms. 0, U!lD~,9SLAB '?!l':.fBI:IC. EL~C':'PIC:.!. ~ j~!ECHA:lrCA[': ';'0 be made before c.ny lJOrk is ':OVCl'ed. o F'OOT!:lG 1 FOU."-!DAT1C.'I: To be .7Cce after :renches ~B e:cavat~d ar~ fcrms are el'ected# but prior to pcurir.g ccncre~. U;'.'DSRGROU~.rD ?!.UM3ING. SE~TR, ;.t.1Z'E'R, DRADIAGE: To ce ~e pMol' 'to ti/..- U"..g tl'enc;...e.s. D o U!lDEHPLOCR p!Sij,'tSD'C ,~ N!C.f{ANIC:..L: To be r.:cu:e pr-r~r ;;{) ::n.nail.=t~on of floor insuZ.c:t:ion 0:" d8cki,..g. P1ST AND 3EAM: To be r.:adc p1"':..or to installation of ]1001' insl.OZat:ior. or dscki~. D o ROUGH ?'!.iF.fB!:!G, F:r.S!:TR!CAE. ~ .',fECl- ANICAL: No ~~k is ;0 be ao<;e~ea ur.~iL thcs~ ~~~oe.a:ior.s h=o~ ceer. made c:r.d ::ppnve.:. FI.~F:P!.ACE: ?!>ior to pZa:i,..g facing mc:~eriais ;l1".d ".?€fore frcr.ti.ng inspec- tior:. o D FP.A"~ING: Nus: be req-",e:;ted at;el' CPPl'ou.;;! of rough plur..i;ing# aZec:r>i- cal & mechani.=aL. Al! '!'Ooling bracr~nq & chimn;;ys# et.::. r.r..tsr:: be corrroZat:cd. :'10 ~r_i.:. is t:o be C07'I- . csa"led unti l this inspec:icn. ;...as 'b.~n: made and approved. Your City. Desiqr.a.ted Job Nwnbco Is: D INSULATIONIVAPO.r? HARRIER I,'JS?~CTION: To be made after aLZ. insul.::.twn w.a required vapor bCl.2'Tiers aI'e in place Cut before any lath, gypuum boa:rd or wzz. coveri71fJ is .::pplied, and before any i,..culatwn ~s concealed. '63?n3Cf 'DEt.'OLITIOH OR :..'OV!; 3UILDIiiCS =:J Sani :ar'd se-.Jer ::ap?ec ::::t p~op&rt"'$. lir:.e :=J Septi~ ~k 7~&d ~.d filZ.ed uith ;~~e~ ---, Final - ;{,her: above ite~s are c~~let;;d ~ and ~hen d~Z.~tior. is complete or st~~=- ture moved and pl'~ses cleaned up. Mobi!.e . HC.7:es ~ 3Z.ockir.g and Set-up :=J Plumbing connections s~er and wa~er ~ Electrical Ccnr:ection - Blocki1"~, se=-u; --1 and pZwnbing c~r:ections r.r...:.st =e c:p;>1'::V2C oe;ora request:ng eZec:~~cal ir.s?ec:io~ .=J Accessol'"",i Bui 7.d~ng ] fi~l - Aft;;r ;'~~r.es, skil't~~~, dec~$J etc. are c~~e~;;d. o AZZ project: cor.di;ions. JUC.': cS ~he ~ns:aL~~~on of s=~eet :rees, :~~Zaz~~n of the required tandsccpi"'.q, -o:-:c., must .:..e satislied before <;;-.8 3UIL~r:,'C .-='I:!AL zen !Je r~q-...Qst=d. [] fI:/AL p!.U.\1JnlC D Fl:I;.!. 1'.,rE:HA:IICAL o PINAL ::2::::::1C:"L :=:J o PINAL EUIl.DI:'IG:T1:e F~nc.t 5u.il.ding Ins?e~=ion .~st oe requeGted ::..:"":e:o :;r.0l Final ?~ur.;binq Elec~ri.::al, and Uecha~~c::.Z Ir.spectionG Juwe been made and approved. .A':i: NA:JaCLZS AND CLEANCUTS .'!UST BE .4CC~SS:3LE. .4;;..liJST:~~:l'!' :0 3E' :.~1CE' ::'!' .~'O ::ST ':'0 CI':''! D DRY"..IALL nlSP~CTII):'I: To be .~e aj"ter a LL dr-~!Xll.l is in place, but prior to c:ny :apirtg. o ~MSONP.Y: Steel location# bona beamG# grouting 01' verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. ;;oODST07E:: After installation is CC:rrplBt~d. ,.,. o D CURE & APPRCACF! AF.r:oN: After> forms are er8()~ed out ?rior to pcu~;ng .::on.::rete. SIDE:WALX & DRIT.'Ei/A?: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-r..x;y~ to be made aftBr aZ! exca- vatir.g cc::mplete & fom work & ~ub. baS9 .xter:al in ?Za~e. o D ~: wr.2r: cxrpl.;te -- ?roVidB gates or movab~e aecticns through P.U.E. o 10-.,. , or" 2 I JOB NO. ' , !Z~a: 'Lot Sq. F~. II:, jf ::t ~,jf}eT'l1q::. .. of .::..0I"':.e3 I.. ... Z :J . h'" l.o..a ...r..g... I:opo~hy I ~"":'\, .:-..:.c I~~:~ l~cc2 i I ;.1r:'Cl"~ I. I ...C::C3S':"~1 I I I I S.D.C. I 7'OT..g- V AI.l./E 1.5 = i:....::~:.lC) II';~."1 ,','0. I !'L-:ures l?e8idzntia~ (1 bath) I Sc:nitar-/ Sr..Jel' I let!?!' L'illo.A li). if I ITE.\/ j .'I?es. Sa. Bui ldi.,..g Permi t Stata Surcharge TotaL ~.a:-ge3 PL:Jmbil".g Perr.:i. t Stats Surc:r.a.rge Total C1u::!'oes .VitJJ/E--t.md Ctl'C".At:3 f'-:a. r.....!"........:/ Se.r'Jtce I l.tlE.\f ~...::c:e?I'T)'S E:=haust Hoad. I Vent F=n i . I iI~odstc...,e I 10 '_ I_BC".a""'...:J 5t01''::16 ,\!c'intmt...."7..:!09 P~t: C'ur';C".A; S!actrical Permit St.=.te Sur~hara6 Tota.l O.crC8S Perrrr;t !3su.=TlCa .'1e::r.anic::.L Pet'T1'ff.:: State Sur::hcra€ l',.,~,~l cra!""uur Z;iCRDACH.\!E:!T DZ:;03tt TO~l1l C'''.c1'7CS Sldf/!JJaL~ I :el"'..:e , i Et.ec:ri.cal ~el ! '. : .\{Obi:.a nams ~ t raTA!. :..NCU:lT CUE:" 1:10. i I I I I :iO., I SOLA6cCES S CC~.,4.::;a/"!c:,o Gr-::-u:;: LeT:,:?! Ir.:erotc1" Corne:' Panit.andl~ Ci4l-d~-saa X ,'alue I I j I JO 1../0 .4D I() I f..1O FEE CEAR:JE I' /0,0.0 .(j{) I(n. tlO C.~Z:GZ :'r":;O CHAR:S c2D, So P,=.qa 2 . L-COC"" R EQ.- T.~'pe/Cor.st: E€Croor.:s: :nera:.J Sources Heat ';later' (1",'1":;:;1' Range :'-:'1'60 lace ';Iaod:;t;ot;e tot Faces - II II II II /I P. G, INo!'t"h lEas,:; ISOIOth IWest SetbaCKS Hotise .. r ~aaae I I Access. F2es Building Value & Permit " . '" I I T:.r::B I I I I I I I This pe~t ia granted on the express aondition that the said.construa~ion shalZ. in all respects. aonform to the Ordinance ~dopted by the ~~t~ of SDMngfield. -:.r:dwi.";na :One Zon";na Crd-:.nar.ae. !'tJaulc.ti.l~a t;:e CCr:S~!":l-=:~~cn ~ ua~ of bu-:.:dings.~and.m~y be~suspended or r~uoked at any ti~e ~~~r: 1)io- u:tion oj any ?r~visior.s of said OrdirAnces. , I Plan Check Pee: ICat.: Paid: IR~aeiPt II: S"'J"ed: Plumbing Permit No person shall aona~~ct. instal!. a!ter or ahange ~r:y r~W or e--isting plumbing or drainage system in ~hole or in part. unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license. except tr.at a pe.:-son rr.a:,; do pZur.:bing work to p1'opert;~ which .is owned, leased or operated by the appt.i- oant. ; I I ,,' .J I , ' Electrical Permit Where State !.aLJ requires tr.at the electl"";cal. work be dene ~y an E1.e::tl"ical Contractor. ths eLectricaL portion of thia pe'!'m'it shaLL roOt be valid u1':!til the label has been signed by the El.ectr>i.caZ. ~o"tra.ctor. , I I I I I I I I I , Mechanical Permit Pl.ar. ~::amner ua-;;e I HAVE: CAREFULlY ~XA.'a:l~D th.s conrp!.eted appl~cat:ion for ;,e~;:, end do hereby cert~f'y thct an i~j"o:'r:".a.tio" hel'eon is true and ccrl'cct. and I f.uother cer<;i,fy that any ar.d an I.<:ork per.ro'MIed shall be do:":e in aC:::;Jl'- danae ~th the Ordinances of the City of Springfi~Z.d. and ch& r~~s of tr.a State of 01'e~::m pzrt".::i"in~ to the work deseribad herein. c:nd tr.at ,VO DCCrJ- FANCY ~~lZ be ma~e of any st~cture without parmissio~ of the 3uiZding Di- vision. r fu.1''ther certify th~t; o;o:ly :!ontractors ar.d ~l.:;yee8 wr.o c;;rg in c~Z.iance wi:h CRS 101.05& wilL be used on this projact I, I I j . /~gr.3lLIA~ 1l/e 3 Date , '.L{)M~ # 31#1 ~H-,.( -r1~ 'fLllff~f4L- D~ 2,7335 A380 North Shas ta Lp. Eugene,Oregon. 97405 ABA-5A72 ~?o;,AL -rD~ ~9/16/83 -rt=:.L~~ 747-7194 Dave & Karen Doster, 1264 Kenray, Springfield SOPl -1eL--r+ }<1k1~\J>..L..s ~ He> 1-'1 e. s 'PF--o-pos €. S --rb t=lJI<.N I ~H p.. LL- LA'B:?t<-... ---['0 GoHPLc..-"'-t::. 111-E.. 'POLLov../IN6 : Tnc::::t'~l h~t;nn nf 1. panol C'......l~,... hrd' l.7~tOl'" 'ij'o;t-om (" l .oT'''~ .;.........1......:1.... ? Miller & Sun 4x8 black chrome collectors, 1-120 gal. State stora~e tank land drain back module, 1 Grundfos UP 2664 pump,l independent energy C-lOO I differential controller. 2 isolation valves. 1_ -:r,,<::().J].Q-~pH."r ~auie. 1- Hiller by-pass yalve, 1 tempering yalve, all copper >," pipe, 3/4" Imcoa flex pipe insulation wrapped with U.V. inhibitor tape where exposed to sun ~4.600.CX Soft Tech Homes offers 2 year warranty on all c~.....v"ents & labor. 15 year warranty on C-lOO controller - deduct ~90. if C-30 controller is I used. L(';~ Wa'.\lllA- ,.;,\\ pqj PrlL\l,d..o.J. tJ~n.. ~t~, MM.~~- ~ot u:>dlN -h:.v..v l~"\ k \..N\.duc:&J ALL. WO~ --fb ~ 'P::~'U=:. IN '" 1"Fto~eSSIa-lN- ~. N..L. t.-f-V'.H4~SWIl..J,.. f.:€. Ul,6,1l-6W />if 2dro 'f\..L)S W>cT"ef4Al-S ~~. 'P1"--{M~: 1't> ~ ~ ~y ~ A'Jl.S"r' ~ 1ttE.- MCNT1+ v~S ~WI~ ~1'=:IC:P. ~ '1 /1~/e3 ~y~M~ k::c..E.~E- -f.. ~~_ ~ 'f... --ft-t9 ~&-o~ --:. -. . . . . . . . . . . . . '. ..' VICTOR ATIVEH -- i I , , , , ,I I, , ~ I , ' , .1 . Department of Energy . LABOR & INDUSTRIES BUILDING, ROOM 102, SALEM, OREGON 97310 PHONE 378-4040 Solar Tax Credit Dealer's Certification Form The Department of Energy has reviewed your dealer's application and determined that you qualify for the Dealer System Certification. Your customers may submit the Notice of Installation application form for the tax credit. You may proceed with installation as long as you notify the Department within 30 days. . You are responsible for installing the system in accordance with your dealer's application and the Department's rules. If you change your components or procedures you should amend your application with us by sending a letter describing your changes. You should also file the usual .solar tax credit preliminary application form for any exceptions due to shading, system configuration, etc. The Department does not make any warranty, express or implied. concerning the construction, operation, installation or any other characteristic or feature of this system. The Department approval is only for purposes of obtaining the Oregon Tax Credit. Dealer name: Soft Tech Homes Address: 492 E. 13th, #107 Eugene, OR 97401 Builder's Board Number: 27335 ~j-S /?,f' 5 4~ uu~epresentatlve (signed) Approva 1 is 1 imi ted to the fo 11 owi ng systems and components: Solar domestic hot water, drainback configuration Panels: Miller & Sun Controller: Independent Energy Pump: Grundfos Tank: State Drainback System: State Sizing per Miller & Sun tables. 33007-19(4/82) , JGM:gdt/32201/08/12/83