HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-4-18 . .. RESIDENTIAL" Ai'?LICA': ION/PER/1fT 225 North 5th Street Spri~~fietd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-J75J -jo Job !.oc:::i~": N~~/~{e~1 iJl Asassoor3 ,'.I.ap S'u.bdi:r.:.ttcrz: ~ (, ""~VfJ'" k c T;..",dd Add:-tJu: / ~ 1/ jJ. .4. ~"'''-I' C~'y: (, ~Jd. I 'C:..."n02r: R1 n n n '7.,..., SPRINCFIELD ~. ) Tc::: r.o t N ("') ~ CoLI (J L...,."" I Phone: 7'1t.. J.I;?9' Zip: 9?'f? '7 Describe Work: At:!J:~ tiC" ~ R.~8Z. ,'~ob~ le .?~3 Dt:rt~ of ..tpplica:icn ~o":r~c:or8 tt';.c ~)~ "I C~rcz. Plumbir.g ~lolctr.:cc:Z. ,'.fs:har:ic:t CO~tT-.Ic:i~ !.l:'f1liero J' --I Value :: I? () Add....es3 . .=!c.:e:,: :: &.2'1{p I ;Jv ? Siar.ed: Date: ~c;UL '-1- J,{ - ,rcj Lise..' E:;:;ircs Phone // !: U ~h. responDi.bil.i.:y of the permit i1ctdar eo see that an inDPQctioJ18 are mad. at. :hQ proper tim~" tr.at :::::en =.ddres8 is l'e......:.-r...:. ;i-an eM street. an:! that the pcrmi'" :.::'-! .~ ~ ted at tJ:e f1'071t of the property. 4;ui.'!.di.~..g ~I)i.:u,!,: apFrot..'ed"~Z. rcr.ta~n on t ~Zdin? Sit~ at all timss. ?~OC~!)u.~~ ?ljn ;,':S?Et:'!'!~!1 ~lZ..'l)1':CALL 726-3769 (reeo J state yOu:r' City .1esigr..:lted .fob rrur.':bel'~ job a.d.i!oc8s~ type of in.::p6c~icn r!U!Ues~cd c:-.a :J.~en !,ou :.ri.i-(ae ri2' ... ir.3 cc~on~ ccters 01' Ol..'7te:"S n.=ne old pr.or.e nu'!1bcr. Requ.zs,;s 1'ecei:;ed befe1'9 7:00 c:: ~";H be "",ci. the sam. <!g, ~s ."""e ofta' : ~:.n:H b. nede the .u:=t :.;orkin; do:;,'. . / '. Y;"'" City. Deaigr.ated Job IIwnb..,. Ia: J' ~ 0 ~ ~ ALL Fl'ajec: aor.di:iQn8, ~uc~ as :he ~ns~aLta=~cn of street :rees. ~~~Za~t~n o{ :~ ~l'e ..ired :.and3cC?ir-;. ~teq must be.sat~sficd Qejore :;'.8 3L'IL:l.','(; ?!.'1.J.L ::ocn ~e l'ZL(,.ulsr:.::d. .:"!::AL aUI:.[)!::C: The F~nat Suil.ding !r:syec:ion .~t b6 !'eque3r:ed ~l-;ar :ha .:"i'fUt ?!ur.:bin; El.ectri..::al, aJ"d Nechar:~c::.l Ir:s?€c:ion3 ;uwa been mada and approL12d. :J"r."IH:~"1_r;''!f-...~tif':''}''t r~::y.S't:7'!' I:1SP!C":':O.V: To be roods after ~ ~cav.:::t:::~n, ,;ut: pricr tc 8e: u? of J'":1rms. 0, lr.1D=RS:'A.3 ?~r::.f3I.1G. ELEC":.f?1C:.!. ~ ,'tECH,J.:/i,":.J.L: ":.'0 'Ul macie bejol"tl cn.y uoric :'6 .:ovcred. '7 ~~.';C ~ ?OU:!D,1TIC.':: To be roods ~ after :renci1as cr9 a=c~at02d ar.d f~3 ae ereCt02a. aLl e ;ri."r ::0 l\.Ul'ir.g ccncret.."I.i ,<EQ\)\1Z.et> :.1 !r..'~~%'~!r.~\~L~)f6'g~...I~!:.~. ~ DRA,.:.-.i/.t;2: to ae r.n:e pr~ar =0 ,J-'iL- lir..g :rer.c;..es. o W/CERP~CC,1:l pW.~~r::G ~ .'~CEANIC'::': To ~e ..-r:ac:s pri<;l' :0 in3t.:::i.Z-at::o", oj' fZcol' ir.sukticn or ckckir.9' t"JS'!' .J.NO 3~/..:-r: To b6 r::ac:c pr-.:..al" eo t1tB:aL':':::icn olP_ool" instoLa:ior. or dsck:inq . o o .~o~v;;; ?':.~~~r.'.'c^ ~':.~~?!~~!.. ~ .'.f2C."1- AN;~;~: ~o ~~k ia :0 ~c co~e~ec ur.=.::'L :r.es4 ir.s?e,c:icr.s ;....::!J~ ~eer. r.r:cs =r.:i =:;;:n'Je::. Fr:=!E?!.ACE: _~01':C ?l.<:.::i".g fc.::.n,,; mc~eria~.a ar.d bejore j'rcr.rir.g i.n8pee- tier.. o o FP.A.~!.'/f:: ,'.!u:s: be l'ec-.l<l:;;,zd at:.?r C??rc'J~l of rauqh pl~~ir4, ~!€c:ri- cal 4 ~ec;..ani.=:J!.. ALl roo[ir.q b~~r.g & citimnl:.!I:J, ~t.:. .~.lst be ccmv L.a:cd. .'10 'J.::lr< i:J to be CC7I- . csc:?.Qj und L :1:i" insE:-6c:-;C7l ;..a.s .b~en mad~ and appl'O~ed. ~ :::J =:J =:J .=:J F;.~'A:' ?!.UgSr::c 11:;/.[, :.!E:.ttA:,rC),L ?!.'lAL !:.EC':.':rC:'L O 1NSVLATIONIVAPOR BA.rU?I2R INSP!CTION: To be rr:ade after a tz insu l.::t~n w.a . 1"equ~red vapor Ca!T"';ers ar9 in place l:u-e cefore any lath, gypS'".Jr.I bcard or wl.L covering :.s C?pli.ed~ and before any ir..a-.llaticn ~8 conceaLed. O D.r?YO.lALL 1NSP::CTIO~: Tc be made after all. drj'.Ja.l.l is in pZace~ but prior to cmy tapir.g. O HASONRY: Stael Zocation~ bo1td beam:;, grouting or verticaL:J in a.ccc~...ance !Ji:h u. a. C. Section 241~. o tIOODSTOY::: After instaLlation is ac,'1TpLet.d. '"t I D2.'.:OLITIO.1! OR .~:O~; 3UILDliiCS ~ S~i:ar:l se:.;e..... cC??ec .::t ~op.cr~' li!':8 --, 5 . .-,. . " :d "ll ~ '.c .. ...--1 ept1.c ~~ po...'?....... cr.: J:' .;l:a U1...n ;r=r..:a.. ::J Final - mum c.h...-ve ite~s are c~tet€d ~~ ~hen d~eL~:icr. is compLete or struc- ture moved ani pr~~es clsanea up. JI o CUR!J & APPR{)ACP. AP.r:r.JN: After' forms are €rea~e:i out p1"i.or to PCUl"";ng co1C1"et4 . SIDE:/ALt<. & DRnTdAJ: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-wcy, to oe made a;"'t2r all exca- vating acmpleta & f"om /XIri< & ZuD- OaS6 material in place. Mobile .=ic:r.es o o :'!'NC!: Wher. compZ.:e -- ?rovu:e gates or movable secticn.:J through P.U.E. :J 3Locking and S~t-u.p :J PZumbi~ ccnnee:icns s~er and water ---, Electrical Ccnnection - Btockir4, set-u? --1 and plumbing ccn".sctwns trr..:st ~e apprc::.t!. before 1'8ques::il".g 9t..ec=~cal -ir.8?ec=io~ =:J Accessc~' 3uiz..::~ng :J Firr..:zl - l1{to:1" ;:;rcr.es. etc. al'll cC:::?~8-:.d. sk-irti1"4, aeaY~. o o -A..':L .'.!;'::P.t;!.~S I.,vD CLSANO!JTS .'fUS'.': 3E .t"CC~SS:31.E. .J.~Jjlsr:!E:,": :0 3= ".~1CS .'~7 ::0 ::;S7" :? ':I':! I ?~,?2 ! oj" 2 , ',' NO~~~'-I ._~~LA~~ESS REQ.~TY__ ~ -1_.. '___~_Cr.C"J J. #:l:l. ,",-_ \ 7'''~e/C~'''.s''' F'-;"P'a,o."'ry?~ ~ .~ I !oe?ace3 - \ ''(:\t> \ \-\" .:C~. I fi:::~.:!ks &r:~el'1.Cl' I?!.. 1'::0'...3,:) ';::;rc.ae Corne:' I....o:':~ I r U-#!!A Pmi-.c.'1lil<J IEes:-' IsO'..:h IWest: =- \J -~~ ='''''-0'''''3: ~.....2t'':1"'J SO".J.I'~gS ~ ,\~ I I iiea: " - . I .-lccess. j I ;;c.~:rf' .:J::>~~;or" . I Ranqe II II Ii T:J'::'a I I I This pennit i:J gran::ed on the UFr98s condi.tion ::ha:: the said. ~onstrua::~on shaH, in 'llt l'es,;ccts, oonjcrm to the Ordi.nar..ce =tlo~eed oy the :;~:'J of' 1~\'2.<b ~ ~ \("'5~ bOI Spl"';ng:~e/..i~ :,;,,!ud~ng ti:e ::On~ng Crd~nar.ae, r<gu/.c.:~.r.g ,i:e acr.st"'Aa'~an . . =r~ use o! ~u~~dtngs, ar~ m=y b~ au~pended or revckec at cr.y :~~e upon vie. ~ ~:i()."I'Zlhl611,;t\~"~ lat~an oj" any pravi3~or.8 oj" said ?rdir.anaes. ~9..... I I I \~'2.2~ I I I. I JOB ! :.;'9':-': z.oe Sq. .: jf !.1: C';;'IHrc.~:: ., of St.n-;es I- . I " . '- .o..a _.r~r... I T..__. _irA . .. . .. \ I::!.v I".I:~' I~=.. 1.;=="= 1..tceC3a.,~..1 ~ 5'.F:C ~!,.g VA!!..'!: Cut-ae-sac x lalu~ Is.D.c. 1.5 =: 1;.:C..:':(:J Eu.i.Zdi.r.g Fer:r:it S~ta Sur=n~e Tot.:l C1-.a......gu I L.\. =:;> , SG. \L\.~ ~::.w I C;':'J...=::;E I I , I I I tJ,~ I I I I I I I I '1.00 :~ ~1I...'t'\ llr ~\U'~,,' I 2., \. 5Cc I r:'2.\f I!'i...~..res I Re3i.d27;tial (1 be::h) I Sanit=r! 5e-..Jer> I ::.."cte.... I 1,':0., I i I i Pl:Jr.lbing PBm t Stat" Surer~e T~taZ ~<:1e8 I :::r:.J 1.'I:?es. Sa. f~a. I N3IJ/E--::end Cire-J.i ts IT .....w_. -:J Service I - I :iO./ I I I Ete::trieal Per:r.it st.:ts Sur:imoce Total O.c:r-:es In=.'f I~;C'~ :'!U's 1,"0.' '0' I I . , I E::hc:.lst Hoo.: Vent F::n I ;/~stc-Je I Pe~t r3su.:nca .~fI:;--2ni.c=l Pam: Sta~e SU1'~ht::::-~t: "'o-:::l. CJoc:-I;:~!1 I -- 2"iC.='CACH.~.'E:"': -_ .j SeC"J..1"'";t-.J !)z,::o3it I St;or~. 1.~n:e7".!:r..:'-'! Ipc..~: Tc":":! w..ar"1cs J~.;C".l: fSide..,'aL< i :~"'..=e 1- '- ':r..€C~j'"'4..c.:!~ Z-..:.:;€l , ~ .\{OCi!d ;;~s I-H~\ \ C Y k"EE :"~l"At :"~.'CU."":' cu:::. :.:.::.J._::'GG I I ~.~ C!!Ai?C! I I~,~ I I L-COG~ .~i.reo~c=e ;/ooa;; :o!.J'e (n ~f!~t! Building Value & Permit I. IPlan Check. ICa:. Pai.d: IR.a=~pt #: IS::g,:.d: Fee: '<1 . <?= Plumbing Permit No person shall construct" i.nstaZ!., a~ter or change cny r,$W cr e--i.s:ir.g plumbing o~ drainage system ~n ~hole or in part, ur.Z2SS suah person is tr~ tggal possessor ot a valid pLumber's tiCBnSS, e:ccspt t;r.at a [J6:rS071 rr.a."J do plumbing work to propert:':f which is 0tIJn<<!, z.sased or operated by the appt.i- cant. .' , I . Electrical Perm it Where State LaJM requires tr.at the eLecmcaL work be acne by an S1.e!:tM.caL Con.troetorJ the electricaL portion of this permit shaLL roOt bB vaLid w:til th8 LabeL has been ai.gnBd by the ElectricaL ~ontrc:ctor. I I I I. I I , I I I I I I I. f Mechanical Permit ~ ~:.P HJ6)J, ~~:~ lJ ~ I r . I I J I HAVE CABEFULLY EXA.'!I.'leD t.":2 conrpL~titd appLication for ?~!"mi.:J and de hereby certify that aLL i..",:fa~.ation hsrson is true an:i correa:J ::n.:i I f'.l1'ther cer-:ify that any ar.d aU :.:ark Ferfo~ed shaLL be dc:--.s in ac~o~- dancs :vi:h t:hit Ordin::mces af :;'.8 City of' Sprirrgfic!.d, and :h: !.<::.;S of tr.3 State of Oreg~n p.:r-:.=ininq tv the war,", desCT"'";bcd here--;n, er.d ~;..a: .vo QCC;J- F.~;'lCY :.JiZZ 02 !rr:lde of any at:"UCt'..U"'8 1Jithou.t p2~sJiorl ..,1' the 3u:.Zding !)-;_ vision. I fur-:her =erti.fy t}o-2t onLy C'ont;ra.::ors ar.d ~7..;Y6e3 r.,.r..o ers ir. ~LianC'8 ~th CBS 701.05& wiLt be usea on this ;rojzat I I. }::);~~.~ ;)t.qr.3a t;1- 7dftt